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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Rogue » Wed Oct 17, 2018 7:51 am

The Voice
The Voice is the national digital newsplatform of the trigunian federation
December 8th 4470
Trigunian cyber group "blackout" reportedly spreading fake news and using social media trolls to influence Kazulian elections
The cyber hack group may have been directed by the trigunian president to launch fake news initiatives and social media trolls to promote the agenda of the NPC party

In the Era of the internet and social media the digital threat has never been more present. According to former members of the "blackout" cyber group their group had been asked by senior trigunian officials to launch a big fake news and troll campaign on social media and self made websites in Kazulia to "support the ideology of the NPC party and establish a divide in Kazulian society"

Many see these actions as an attempt by the trigunian government to undermine the kazulian democracy from within and destablize its institutions.

If this fake news and troll campaign does have effect in the end we could see a dark era awakening in Kazulia, if the NPC eventually does come to power in the country the result could be catastrophic

Said a Kazulian political commentator.
If this "attack" on the Kazulian democracy will actually have an effect on its election outcomes remains to be seen, what is known is that the campaign still continues as it is hard to stop for kazulian authorities and the NPC supporters in Kazulia heavily feed from and use the fake news delivered by Blackout.

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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Rogue » Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:27 am

The Voice
The Voice is the national digital newsplatform of the trigunian federation
December 11th 4470
Radar systems to be replaced, modernization program in full swing
The current early warning radar systems will be replaced by newer models with quick reaction times and a larger range

As the modernization program in full swing many equipment is either being modified or replaced. The early warning radar systems are one such piece of equipment being replaced entirely. The defense ministry has put its own people on designing a new, modern radar system that could possibly warn trigunian authorities in case of a nuclear or conventional launch in the direction of Trigunia.

The new system called the "Yuravitovo A1" radar system will be designed and constructed in cohesion with the new surface to air missile systems currently under development. By developing software that can work together the defense ministry hopes to create a system in which the radar detects threats and the STA missile system can quickly neutralize it if needed.

The new radar will have a larger range then its predecessor and shall include a quicker reaction time as well, the new system will be approximately 0.7 seconds faster then its predecessor which is a strong advantage and could mean the difference between interception or destruction.

Defense minister Gerasim Pavlovich told reporters that around 4 of these Yuravitovo A1 radar systems will be constructed and distributed accros the countries regions.
It is expected that the project will complete simultaneously or with minor delay to the "blackbear" missile system.

An early drawing of the Yuravitovo A1 system likely to change
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Rogue » Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:49 am

The Voice
The Voice is the national digital newsplatform of the trigunian federation
June 15th 4473
First "Blackbear" prototypes tested in Yuravitovo
The Blackbear surface to air missile systems is currently being tested and is getting the name "SMDS I1"

It was late in the afternoon when the trigunian defense minister in a big ceremony revealed the first set of 3 "Blackbear" surface to air missile systems which will officially be called the SMDS I1 system.
In a grand demonstration the army showed the range and other capabilities of the new system and proudly demonstrated a launch of one of the missiles which went high into the sky and exploded when the army self destructed it before impacting to the ground.

Defense experts were impressed by the range of the new system but were suspicious of the apparent technical errors that were encountered during the test including a error in which the range adjustment system did not function and had to be reset taking over 4 hours which would be fatal during a important encounter.

It is clear that the SMDS I1 needs work and the defense ministry has stated that it will work for 2 more years into fixing the issues of the system before producing the first final models.

the first 3 prototypes of the new SMDS I1 missile system
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Rogue » Sun Oct 28, 2018 2:50 pm

The Voice
The Voice is the national digital newsplatform of the trigunian federation
July 11th 4476
Modernizations complete, SMDS I1 and Yuravitovo A1 systems in place
Years of massive investment and some difficulties have resulted in the modernization of the armed forces being complete

9 years after initial start of the armed forces modernization program it has finally concluded. The new SMDS I1 Surface to Air missile system and the Yuravitovo A1 radar system are both ready and are being deployed at this moment with around 30 SMDS systems and 4 Yuravitovo A1 radar systems being constructed.

The entire naval fleet has also undergone repairs and the ships radar system have been replaced with a scaled down version of the Yuravitovo A1
In addition to this the cruisers in the fleet will receive improved missiles and submarine detection equipment attached to the radar system.

Now with the repairs and modernizations of the current force done the government is already looking into the expansion of the airfleet which had seen no major expansion in decades.
The government released a statement expressing their desire for the purchase of 35 new Su-57 fighter Jets, 22 MiG-35 multirole fighters, 30 Su-25 CAS airplane and 4 new Tu-22M supersonic strategic and maritime bombers.

The total costs for this major expansion of the airfleet are unknown as of yet but estimates range from 50 billion to 200 billion.
The government didnt specify a timeframe in which they wanted this expansion to be complete.

The Akula-class nuclear powered attack submarine of the trigunian fleet being tested after repairs
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Rogue » Sun Oct 28, 2018 3:24 pm

The Voice
The Voice is the national digital newsplatform of the trigunian federation
August 18th 4476
Trigunian cybergroup "blackout" expands fake news activities to Dorvik and Lourenne
In an attempt to further destablize the political situations in NC countries the cyber group "blackout" has been spotted spreading fake news in Dorvik and Lourenne

It started in Kazulia when the group known as Blackout began spreading fake news through the different social media platforms in Kazulia.
In an effort to undermine the Kazulian democracy the group made and spread fake news that benefited the extreme right wing party called the NPC.
The result of this was a NPC victory in the elections of Kazulia and the struggle to keep them out of government. While many politicians and diplomats condemned Trigunia for its alledged involvement in the Blackout activities president Petrovich denied any involvement and even pushed back saying that the result of Blackout activities could have been "avoided" if politicians in Kazulia had more affection from their population.

If the politicians in Kazulia did a good job their population would have listened to them. they clearly didnt and the Kazulian population has shown its distrust to the old guard. We congratulate the NPC with their electoral victory in the country

Said Petrovich.

But now people on the internet have encountered what they believe are more Blackout news articles. In Dorvik some social media users saw messages that were clearly fake and managed to find the source of the website it was listed on. The website was registered in Trigunia.
These articles clearly favoured the communist parties of Dorvik and played directly into their electoral agenda.

In Lourenne several media posts about supposed crashes on the financial market and attacks by anti immigrant protesters were found. These played into the agenda of the Free Liberals in the country. The website where the posts were listed on could also be traced back to Trigunia.

The Trigunian government refused to comment after being asked for a response.
If it is indeed Blackout influencing the political environment in more NC states this could mean a growing problem for the Alliance as they will have to find a way to fend of extremism in their states.

Trigunian authorities refused to comment on the recent accusations of their directive for blackout actvities (picture: Trigunian government seat)
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Rogue » Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:17 am

The Voice
The Voice is the national digital newsplatform of the trigunian federation
January 5th 4477
President Petrovich visits Vanuku to discuss deepening ties
President Petrovich visited the Vanukak Prefect this week to discuss deepening ties between the two nations and discuss the threat of the NC

In an effort to find allies on Terra president Petrovich arrived in Vanuku earlier this week to meet with the Vanukan prefect. During this state visit Petrovich will tour the Vanukan capital, discuss deepening trade and military ties and discuss the threat the NC poses to the two countries.

It is of the utmost importance that our two nations stand side by side to combat the agression of the NC and their interventionist ways. No country should subject themselves to the will of a unlawfull organization that spreads its influence through military conflict and threats. Vanuku and Trigunia will stand at the forefront of the fight for sovereignty and freedom from the agressive NC

Said Petrovich during a press conference in Wiel where he stood side by side with the Vanukan Prefect who confirmed the presidents statements.

After travelling Wiel and visiting places like the National Museum and a shooting range Petrovich and Eksandr Salyzr retreated into the Prefects office and talked for several hours before Petrovich returned to his hotel (which was heavily guarded) and a day later flew back to Trigunia.

According to officials the two countries will work on several bilateral trade agreements to strengthen eachothers economies and they will be looking into ways to establish a yearly naval training exercise. This state visit marks a new chapter in Trigunian-Vanukan relations and is seen as the start of the Trigunian quest in searching for allies to oppose the NC.

The President also commented on the early elections proposed in Trigunia by his own party.

We have lost a great number of seats following the dissolution of the communist party and therefor our people deserve to have their vote in determining the future of the country, we are confident in the results of these elections

Many see these early elections as a scam as observers have announced that the government is actively involved in influencing the outcome of the elections

President Petrovich during the press conference in Wiel
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Rogue » Mon Oct 29, 2018 1:04 pm

The Voice
The Voice is the national digital newsplatform of the trigunian federation
January 11th 4477
President Petrovich orders the ministry of internal affairs to take downs anti government media
Following the nationalization of most media outlets including our own the president is now looking to increase his benevolent grip on the countries media by banning and taking down the treacherous anti government media

It was some time ago that the Duma passed a reform that put all media outlets and television stations under state control but some private media outlets remained in the federation. Our great president and his party did not have the Duma under the control they needed to actively pursue the nationalization of the media. But after the recent early elections called by the president and his party the people showed their great appreciation for the president, his party and their partners of the Federal Homefront. Giving the NDP alone more then 54% of the seats and granting the president the mandate he needed to actively smoke out the traitors in our society.

Despite international observers calling these elections a facade and accusing our president of election fraud we, the people, know that our president lawfully won the elections. Petrovich immediately ordered the ministry of internal affairs to close several private media outlets and arrest employees and bosses of those outlets. Police could be seen outside several major media outlets accros the capital and some other cities and websites of some of the most popular anti government media companies were taken down in a big internet operation of the police.

Trigunian soldiers at one of the biggest private media outlets in the country ready to shut it down and escorting its employees out by bus

With our president and his party now in control of the media he can finally protect us from falsehoods created by the liberal expansionists of the NC and protect Trigunian interests domestically and abroad.

According to some sources the judicial branch is seeing its own problems this week as a new law that is set to pass soon will force over 50 federal judges out of office by forcing the retirement age down to 60 for federal judges. This would mean that President Petrovich will be able to appoint 50 new federal judges in the upcoming months. International observers have accused the president of undermining the trigunian democracy and judicial integrity on which the president responded:

The people of Trigunia voted overwhelmingly for me and my party because they believe in our firm hand against injustice and liberal expansionism, this government and my party are determined to protect the trigunian state and its people from outside influence and strengthen the state to ensure the trigunian people's safety
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Rogue » Tue Oct 30, 2018 10:04 am

The Voice
The Voice is the national digital newsplatform of the trigunian federation
June 5th 4477
President Petrovich visits Selucia and Kalistan, prepares strong relations with the two countries
After first visiting Vanuku the president visited both Selucia and Kalistan this week with the intention of strengthening relations with both

Some call it the "square of detterence", Trigunia, Vanuku, Selucia and Kalistan. 4 nations that stand for national sovereignty and oppose the NC.
Trigunian President Petrovich visited all nations in the past months. This week he travelled to Selucia and Kalistan.

In Selucia he was greeted by the caesar with whom he talked about the threat of the NC, possible increased trade activity and strengthened diplomatic relations.
During his visit to Selucia Petrovich mentioned the name "square of detterence" for the first time saying "i have talked to mr.Bousaid about the possibility of increased cooperation between our two countries and Vanuku and Kalistan, i will travel to Kalistan later this week in order to discuss the same with president Reiley, these talks were fruitfull and im confident in the future of both economic and diplomatic relations between our countries".

President Petrovich leaving the Caesars office after his visit to Selucia

After visiting Selucia for 2 days Petrovich immediately travelled to Kalistan to meet with Kalistani president Reiley. He discussed the same with him as he did with the caesar of Selucia and Prefect of Vanuku. The two agreed to strengthened trade ties between the two nations as well as increased cooperation diplomatically. During these talks Petrovich again mentioned the square of detterence but this time he seemed more concrete on his idea for these cooperations.

Our four nations, Trigunia, Vanuku, Selucia and Kalistan all oppose the international expansionist agenda of the NC and other organizations and it is in the best interest of al of us to form a square of detterence to mutually oppose the agression that threatenes the sovereignty of our nations. As sovereign nations it is our duty to protect our people. And by cooperating further on trade, diplomacy and military we can assure a strong front of sovereign nations opposing the NC. Trigunia will actively collaborate with all 3 nations in trying to make this relationship work and in making sure that our sovereign land will not be infringed upon by the expansionist agenda of the NC

Said President Petrovich.

As Trigunia alligns itself with countries of mutual interests it becomes clear that the country will not be scared by NC expansion and that it is actively looking for ways to oppose the organization.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Rogue » Tue Oct 30, 2018 11:16 am

The Voice
The Voice is the national digital newsplatform of the trigunian federation
July 11th 4477
Ministry of Defense launches its own cyber department called the Natsional'nyy kiberrazvedochnyy tsentr (NKT)
According to the ministry of Defense cyber security is becoming of greater importance and the ministry, by creating the NKT, is looking for a way to actively respond to those developments

With the controversy surrounding the trigunian hacktivist group Blackout being linked to the trigunian government the Ministry of Defense has announced the creation of its own Cyber department called the National Cyber Intelligence Center (NKT in Rodshya). The NKT will be tasked with monitoring cyber activities within the Federation and acting on actions against the state but the Ministry of Defense made it clear that the new department would, in the future, be able to operate abroad and "act on international threats that could harm the federation"

The NKT will initially have around 3.000 employees and the organization will be led by a director, the first director is Safronov Stepan, a known former officer of the federal army. He will serve as director for as long as possible and can be fired on the presidents discretion.
It will take around 2 years to hire the needed employees and setup operations. After this the NKT will initially be tasked with monitoring and acting on internal cyber threats.

The logo of the new cyber department "NKT"
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Rogue » Tue Oct 30, 2018 11:51 am

The Voice
The Voice is the national digital newsplatform of the trigunian federation
July 20th 4477
Minister of Finance announces plans for "local specialization" program, new tax cuts for starting bussinesses
With the economy slowing down due to major investments in the armed forces the ministry of finance today presented their plans to revitalize the Trigunian economy to pre-expansion numbers

With the growthrate slowing down and the deficit growing following major expansions, repairs and modernizations of the armed forces the ministry of finance and economy was under a lot of pressure to turn the tide and at least stabilize the situation of the federal economy. Today they hope to have done just that, in a press conference the minister of finance and economy, Radoslav Tarasovich, presented his plans for the economy.

Minister of Finance and Economy Radoslav Tarasovich during the press conference

He explained the new ministerial policy of "local specialization". This policy/program will divert more authority concerning the economy to local Domain governments. The local governments can for example determine quota's, the amount of regulation in their domain and they will be able to adjust more tax brackets and institute their own economic laws. The Minister explained that by doing this the federal government hopes that local domain governments can better adjust their economies to the local conditions of their domain. This means that all domains can specialize their economy to their own needs and this will hopefully result in growth for the overall federal economy.

In addition to this local specialization program minister Tarasovich also announced a new tax exemption law that he is looking to pass in the Duma fairly soon. This proposal called the "New Beginning Tax Reform (NBTR)" will grant tax cuts and exemptions to people starting their own bussiness. These cuts and exemptions will be implemented in the hope that more people will start their own bussiness and diversify the Trigunian economy.

The Ministry also declared its intention of reducing the deficit. More concrete plans for this reduction will be revealed later this year.
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