Kaliburg Summit

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Kaliburg Summit

Postby jamescfm » Mon Nov 05, 2018 11:57 am

The Kaliburg Summit is a scheduled summit meeting between representatives from North Seleyan Economic Community members in the capital city of Kalistan. Taking place in April 4481, the topics of discussion will include strategies to increase trade within the group; future expansion plans particularly to include Lourenne, Indrala and New Endralon/Kizenia; technological development and how to utilise it; the importance of sovereignty and concerns about its infringements; and the potential of further military relationships between member states.
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Re: Kaliburg Summit

Postby jamescfm » Wed Nov 07, 2018 1:30 am

International Leaders Arrive in Kaliburg for Important Summit
7th April 4481

Heads of state, foreign ministers, finance ministers and special delegates from across the globe have started arriving in Kalistan today, in advance of a crucial meeting between some of the most influential states in Terra. Representatives from members of the North Seleyan Economic Community are preparing for a summit which will feature all thirteen member states in addition to non-members Lourenne, Indrala and New Endralon/Kizenia. Throughout the four day summit, the leaders will discuss a variety of topics including the promotion of intra-bloc trading and the objectives of the organisation moving forwards.

Officials arrive in Kaliburg in advance of the NSEC Leaders Summit

The Kaliburg Summit marks the first occasion when representatives from every member of the NSEC have met in a single location, despite the international organisation having existed for several centuries. Initially conceived to strengthen economic and cultural ties between Kalistan, Baltusia, Lodamun and Valruzia, the grouping is now intercontinental and represents one of the most economically powerful free trade areas on the globe. In organising the summit, the Kalistani government aims to focus international attention on the Community and highlight its economic potential. At the same time, Foreign Minister Moses Allen is thought to see it as an opportunity to engage with nations which haven't been traditional Kalistani allies such as Dolgava and Rildanor.

Disagreements between the delegations on important matters are already being speculated on, though. In advance of the conference, the Kalistani Defence Minister indicated that he would push for military cooperation between NSEC members but Northern Council members- particularly Baltusia, Keymon and Lourenne- are vehemently opposed to this suggestion. With that said, there is believed to be general agreement that further expansion of the grouping would not only be permissible but desirable as a method of strengthening cooperation.
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Re: Kaliburg Summit

Postby jamescfm » Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:33 am

Delegates Report Positive Beginning to NSEC Summit
9th April 4481

Delegations from sixteen states have concluded their first full day of meetings in Kaliburg as part of the inaugral North Seleyan Economic Community Leaders Summit. In spite of prior speculation that tensions would flare at the conference, reports suggest that the meetings were both good natured and productive. Speaking to the assembled global media this evening, Valruzian Minister of Foreign Affairs Celina Salko said "both the member states and states who have convened here with a view to future membership have recognised that we have an enormous opportunity to make progress on key international questions".

Members of the Mordusian delegation speaking to the press this evening

The most important event on today's agenda was a meeting of foreign ministers and their officials this afternoon. Although little has been revealed about the proceedings officially, it is understood that the focus was on the role of NSEC in a turbulent economic, military and political climate. Nations such as Kalistan and Aldegar are thought to have emphasised the potential that the organisation has in an attempt to "drag" certain other members away from the influence of global military alliance the Northern Council. In the day's only reported major disagreement, the Baltusian Secretary of State Allison Nickersom responded negatively to the suggestion of exchanging aircraft technology between states.

The evening's events were less formally structured, with the opportunity for all attendees to raise issues which they deemed of particular importance at a dinner in the prestigious Carrangus Building. Representatives of candidate states Indrala and Lourenne both focused on the potential opportunities that membership would bring and encouraged existing members not to lose focus of the central objectives of the organisation. Likewise, the Likatonian and Keymonite delegates articulated strategies aimed at directing trade towards fellow members states. The remaining day's events are expected to be more intensive, with a crucial meeting on sovereignty tomorrow.
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Re: Kaliburg Summit

Postby jamescfm » Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:18 am

Tensions Begin to Show at NSEC Summit
10th April 4481

There are reports of a rift broadening between member states of the North Seleyan Economic Community over the contentious issue of military agreements tonight. After a meeting was held involving defence ministers as well as other representatives, several states expressed their distaste that a fundamentally economic organisation was being, in the words of an anonymous diplomat "commandeered for violent ends". The fallout this created is believed to have permeated through the day's main event, on the subject of respecting sovereignty within the context of open trade.

Members of the delegations from Gaduridos and Tukarali pose for a photograph

While all attendees were keen to engage with the subject and there was the opening up of an important discussion on a freedom of movement arrangement within the Seleyan continent, sources reported that a clear tension existed between certain members of the various delegations. The main conflict is believed to be between an anti-military integration bloc spearheaded by Northern Council members Baltusia, Keymon and Lourenne and a pro-integration bloc fundamentally led by Kalistan, who view it as a chance to expand their military influence.

After the day's proceedings had concluded, there were a series of "working teas" which included the chance to sample some of Kalistan's highest quality marijuana (though some delegates are said to have rejected this unique opportunity). Senior members of government from three of the four founding members of the institution- Kalistan, Lodamun and Valruzia- utilised this opportunity to continue discussions which they had been prevented from having earlier in the day. With the subject of joint military exercises firmly on the agenda, negotiations are said to have continued long into the night.
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Re: Kaliburg Summit

Postby jamescfm » Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:34 am

Kaliburg Summit Communiqué Published
11th April 4481

The North Seleyan Economic Community's first official all-member summit has reached a conclusion in the Kalistani capital this evening. Following a particularly strenuous day yesterday, in which the primary topic of discussion was sovereignty and military cooperation, attention was directed to less controversial matters such as pollution, technology and cultural exchange today. The formal ending to the conference was marked by the publication of a joint communiqué addressing a variety of the issues debated in Kaliburg.

Officials from Lourenne and Indrala, both candidates for NSEC membership

Despite reports that the rest of the conference would be disrupted by the disagreements which emerged yesterday, the numerous meetings held today are said to have been fruitful. An assortment of science and technology ministers and specialists worked on the promotion of more effective communication between institutions in different countries and there was debate over the impact of perceived "anti-academic" governments on the ability of scholarly and scientific institutions to operate freely and effectively.

A review of the "cultural exposition" system was presented to representatives as the final official item on the agenda before the public release of a communiqué signed by all of the thirteen current member states. In contrast to initial expectations of ambiguity, it addressed a variety of topics in detail. In particular, it included all nation's committing to promote intra-bloc trading, a reassertion that respect for territorial sovereignty is fundamental to international stability and the unanimous decision that all three attending non-members should continue to pursue membership. International reaction to the Kaliburg Summit will become clear only in the future.
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