Second active accounts

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Second active accounts

Postby jamescfm » Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:33 pm

A couple of years ago, Moderation piloted a scheme which allowed certain players to operate second active accounts. Initially, this was limited to members of the RP Team and it was then opened up for any player to make an application for an authorised second active account. I took part in the scheme and honestly, it was fantastic for me because it allowed me to develop the role-play of another nation (Aldegar in my case) without losing all the work I had put into developing the one I was already in at the time (Kalistan). The scheme was eventually stopped, essentially because people weren't taking it very seriously. From my point of view, this seems like bad apples ruining the fun for everyone (though I can see why Moderation took the decision that they did at the time). With all of that said, I'd like to enquire whether Moderation would consider opening this opportunity up again and how other players, particularly those who were involved in the original run, would feel about this.
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Re: Second active accounts

Postby Auditorii » Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:47 pm

I think that’s the problem overall with Particracy, you have a group that wants to do more, wants to be involved but the majority doesn’t want that because they believe that they deserve more. I was a distant fan of a second account because it definitely allowed things to potentially happen more naturally and allowed those active players to be involved. For someone like me who gets bored easily, I’d be ideal.

I’d support such an adventure but I’d make the argument it’s better to fit people to the role in place of fitting the role to people. I’d also support a much more focused task on implementing new laws, finding people willing to really push for RP on the GRC and go from there.
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Re: Second active accounts

Postby Zongxian » Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:54 pm

I've long been supportive of allowed second accounts. There should certainly be limitations so that not everyone can multi but I don't know that restrictions should go any further than just simply limiting a second account to those players who have shown evidence of contributing to role-play and have a good record in relation to community conduct. While I have a long history with my current party and there is a lot of cultural RP and nation development still to be done where I am, it gets easily gets boring, especially when I think of the player RP I engaged in in Indrala. In my own scenario, a second account truly opens opportunity to both continue lengthy work on Dankuk while actually doing true Particracy RP in an active place like Indrala or elsewhere.
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Re: Second active accounts

Postby Sisyphus » Wed Nov 07, 2018 5:26 pm

I absolutely agree with this, James and join you in encouraging Moderation to seriously consider reinstating a second account option. I was there a couple of years ago and remember benefitting from being able to stay long-term in Baltusia while playing in a couple of other countries, which kept me stimulated.

However, I would also suggest limitations... possibly obvious ones. For instance, there should be some ground rules based around interactions between the two countries the same player is in to prevent subjective bias and there must be a certain amount of time and RP a player must put in in order to qualify for a second account (can't remember if this was in place last time?).

Finally, it would be worth asking the Mods of the time to comment here on this forum thread regarding what led them to the decision of stopping this initiative - that will help us shape a better policy this time around.
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Re: Second active accounts

Postby Zongxian » Wed Nov 07, 2018 6:18 pm

Sisyphus wrote:However, I would also suggest limitations... possibly obvious ones. For instance, there should be some ground rules based around interactions between the two countries the same player is in to prevent subjective bias and there must be a certain amount of time and RP a player must put in in order to qualify for a second account (can't remember if this was in place last time?).

I think this is an important point and it is one that could safeguard against raiding and/or targeted efforts to force certain international dynamics. I don't think it is completely straightforward though, as to what should be forbidden or inappropriate, beyond the most obvious acts. I don't know what is the best approach on that issue; even with just one account, I have a lot of overlapping RP that connects with Indrala and for me a second account in Indrala probably wouldn't change much of the current reality (myself RPing Indralan entities, Wu RPing Dranian entities) even if I was RPing support for Dranian relations/investment/etc. But I think a big piece in this is the role of other players in the game and collective consent to RP; so I think maybe that is something which could have a role in decisions to permit or deny second accounts.
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Re: Second active accounts

Postby Wu Han » Wed Nov 07, 2018 11:55 pm

I agree 150% with reinstating multi-accounts for proven active and dedicated role-players. As previously stated, obviously there need to be some limitations. However, the opportunity to essentially double the reach of active and strong players to rejuvenate and strengthen RP in inactive countries, while maintaining their own independently strong RP in another place is one which I think we should take, given the small size of the game's player base to begin with (and even smaller roleplaying base).

There have been multiple times where I have wanted to produce RP in an inactive country, but have not wanted to leave the country I have spend a year developing.

As our community discusses Political Protocols and the like, I think allowing dedicated players the ability to create a second account would be an elegant solution to an obvious and counter-productive problem.
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Re: Second active accounts

Postby lewiselder1 » Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:52 am

I support this idea, and James’ views on it. There should be a private request system; players who are active RPers of good character should be allowed to do so. I believe they should be encouraged to join nations with less RP but denied in very active nations.

There should be some kind of complaints system for abuses of power but players should be allowed to co-ordinate multiple nations to help along with international events if properly planned I think.

Basically, big thumbs up, do that.
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Re: Second active accounts

Postby cm9777 » Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:23 am

I think we can certainly consider this although I think it would be best to make said decision when we are clear about Lewis’s replacement.

We would also need to investigate that old system (run by Reddy and Aquinas I believe) and the issues that arose leading it to be closed down. In reference to this it might be helpful if one of the two or both could give us a rundown and their thoughts on it.
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Re: Second active accounts

Postby Reddy » Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:24 am

I think my statement at the end of the old program will serve well to show what led to the scrapping of the program. I laid down Moderation's reason in some detail. I have to say that a number of things have changed since eg a smaller player community, more Mods and I think the current/future Moderation team should certainly consider restoring this program.
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Re: Second active accounts

Postby Luis1p » Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:32 am

I'd love to see this happen. It could work done if we have the right parameters for it and it is managed closely.

Not only will it let players expand their RP, but give the game a more "alive" vibe.

I support. :mrgreen:
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