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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Fri Nov 09, 2018 4:23 pm

Tropica two most important projects will need financial aid to be completed.

From Johnston, in Baltusia, Mark Edwards said that in order to achieve energetic independence, tropica will need to complete two projects with renewable energies that will require the aid of others nations.

We have ambitions. We want our country to achieve energetic independence, horever, it will only possible to do that if we use renewable energies.
the Kamehameha Solar project will an important photo-voltaic energy station, Covering around 50 km2, it should have a capacity of 1575 MWh, That should help generate us more then 4400 GWh. That will cover around 40% of our consumption.
East Sea Wind Project is also a major project, it compromise 5 Offshore wind farm projects, with a capacity of 600 MWh, each of them will cost us around 2 or 3 billion to build. In Total, these wind farms will have a capacity of 3000 MWh, which should generate around 8400 GWh. These projects the most important to ever have been considered in Tropica. And I strongly believe that we will need to complete them.
Mark Edwards
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sat Nov 10, 2018 7:42 pm

Mark Edward announce development for Tropica Energetic independence

1 February 4483

The Prime Minister was Speaking in front the Pontesians Press, to announce that the governments Tropica and Pontesi has agreed to a deal. Pontesi will give Tropica 11 Billion PON a year, for 4 years. A sum that translate to 640 Millions LOD. In exchange, Tropica will send an experience Medical team to Pontesi, in order to help develop their healthcare system who has been serious ! Dismantled and has to be build back from nothing. We are talking about going from 100 Millions to 100 Billions.
More info here : ... lid=586349 (budget of Pontesi) and ... lid=586348 (Energy deal with Tropica)

It totally blew my ears when I discovered that a third world nation, like Tropica. AN under developed economy spend more money on healthcare then Pontesi. Obviously in Pontesi, the Healthcare system is Completely private, without any funding from the government. Our team should arrive there in around 5 months. And to be frank, I am quite certain there will be a cultural shock. And, yes, we have agreed to share any medical discovery our nation might do, with Pontesi, and right now, I believe our nation can make one soon.

Yes, I believe I can fairly announce, that Tropica being energetic independent is not a dream. We are tired of importing Coal energy from Temania. We need to develop our own energy structure. We have 2 major projects, the The East Sea Wind Project will cost around, 2.376 Billion LOD, while the Kamehameha Solar project, will cost around 1.280 Billion LOD construct. for a total of 3.657 Billion LOD. IN fact, due to the falling prices in the Renewable energies, its possible we could think about doing another energy project, and actually increase our energy generation.
Mark Edwards. Prime Minister of Tropica

The other political parties commented on this deal

Tropica will be 100% green energy, Good for us
Myria Goodwill, Leader of the Green Association
For once, Mr Erward is working for our country, we are hoping he will the same interests in the developing the economy of the regions.
Murambe Opiu, Tribe Union Leader
A nice deal, nice decision. Obviously we are going to struggle a bit if we send experienced medics to Pontesi, but our healthcare personal should manage.
Whiro Rata, Leader of the Native Satanailist Alliance
I,m a bit shocked to see that Tropica will share any discovery with a foreign government, but so be it.
Marianna Caru, leader of the Tropican Science Party
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sat Nov 10, 2018 8:30 pm

Prime Minister annoyed at Baltusia Refusal

Mark Edwards carefully went to Lodamun and Kalistan, in order to avoid setting Foot in Baltusia. He said he was annoyed at Baltusia's president refusal of their requests for Foreign aids.

We said we needed 2 Billion LOD, and we asked for 360 millions LOD, way less then our deal with Pontesi. But Baltusia President still refused our aid. That's very sad to see that a nation like can't even afford 360 million, when they are sitting on a 24 061 437 796 BLD, which worth around 2 billion in LOD. Unused. The Pontesian government agreed to gave us 3.7576 billion LOD. We though Baltusia could afford something like this, but guess we were wrong.
Mark Edwards
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Mon Nov 19, 2018 12:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sun Nov 11, 2018 8:47 pm

Mark Edwards announce deal with Aldegar State Bank

on September 4483, Tropica received 11 billion PON in international Aid from the pontesian government, in total, the government will receive around 3,7576 billion LOD in foreign aids from Pontesi, in order to complete their energy projects.

Mark Edward also announce they contract a 1 Billion LOD loan from the state Bank of Aldegar in order to build a 2nd Solar project , that will prove around 1000 MW, having a annual output of around 2700 GW, The Tropican government has agreed to give back 30 % of the dividants generates by the this 2nd solar project to the state bank of Aldegar. furthermore, the Tropican will repay 1.2 billion LOD, in 12 years. After 6 years they buy half of the shares that belong to the Aldegan State Banks, and after 12, Tropica will buy back the remaining shares.

We are still thinking about energy project that we could build. We have contacted Cpower, a Energy firm that has build 5 Offshore wind farm near Lodamun Coast, I can say that I will not stopped working until my nation is free from foreign energy, as well as free of fossil electricity. We are still in discussion with other countries.
Mark Edwards
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:49 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Tue Nov 13, 2018 8:43 pm

Mark Edwards announce deal with Lodamun

Mark Edwards, the prime minister announce that 2.5 Billion LOD will be used to construct the Offshore Windmills. that will leave 1.2 Billion LOD for the construction of the Solar Protect, plus another Solar Project linked with a load of 1 Billion LOD to the state Bank of Aldegar. In a press conference in Sulari (Kalistan) He confirmed a deal with a Lodamun company, Cpower.

it is fortunate that we where to contact a company with adequate experience in the development of offshore Wind-farms. If everything goes well, we might have enough money to construct a 6th Installation.
I'm here today, because i want to confirm that our country is recruiting skilled engineers, from countries like Lodamun or Baltusia, we want to recruit people who know how solar and wind industries work. Their experience could prove invaluable in building and maintaining our wind or our solar stations.

While I am here, I will point that Baltusia is a not country where freedom of religion seem to be important, its a country where only Hosianism seem tolerated, and I fear that might be what the Luthoran Assemblee want to do. To ban all occult practices, for me it mean to ban all practice that are in contradiction with their religious book. For me, this mean Baltusia found a way to ban homosexuality and I don't think its acceptable. The general law say that homosexuality, but with the adoption of this law, if we say homosexuality is an occult practice, we may have found a way to outlaw it by the backdoor.

While I am it, I would like to praise Noumounde for legalizing homosexuality. I know its something very hard, since there is always, in every countries, people who believe sex between members of the same sex to be immoral, but that's not a reason to criminalize it.

Mark Edwards Prime Minister to Tropica.

Bill Graham, Leader of the Luthoran say they are not like Baltusia.

In an answer to Prime minister Mark Edwards, the leader of the Luthoran Assemble also called the bill ridiculous. He say that the interpretation the Hosian Democrats made of the Katub, where a bit too restrictive and biased

The creator gave us, man and woman as a way to create children. And that is what we are trying to defend here, we are trying to defend the traditional families. We criticize the law that practices that are in contradiction with our creator law are not criminalized in Tropica, Homosexuality, Polygamy, Incest. All these practice tend to hijack a ritual that is supposed to welcome new life in our world, into a game of pleasure, that is what is wrong here. We would never practices deemed as occult, like it was done in Baltusia, we are not like that. Seem like I will have to travel to Baltusia to undo the damage that was done by our incompetent prime minister.

meanwhile, I really hope that Hosians and people faith give us more strength, so that we can stand up to Mark Edwards. we are not going to let him ruin the reputation of our nation.
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:57 am

Special Election, The Tropican government decided to increase the numbers if seats in the national assemble.

Among other news, the Tropican National Assemble shall now Count 237 seats, the decision to increase the numbers was the first unanimous vote ever under the 2nd administration of Mark Edwards, Leader of the communist party. New parties have also pushed the parties in current parliament to adopt this reforms. this also the beginning of the next Tropican Election, the candidate began their campaign

Here are the declarations of the leader of the main parties in Tropica.
It is obvious, that I, Mark Edwards, leader of the communist party, I brought foreign aid to Baltusia, I convinced two nations to help us in making our economy independent, and I vows that if I get a working majority, I will do everything to ensure that humans right are protected around the world. Baltusia may have recently to protect the freedom of religion, but my administration will not fail it.
Mark Edwards.

Vote the greens, it is obvious that Tropica is to be free of fossil only we are pushing the prime minister in a corner, the green are the best
Isabell Matte, leader of the greens

We must fund our ministry of science, it is important that we understand our place in the world, and for that, the development of science is important.
, Marianna Caru, leader of the Tropican Science Party

Hosians, I need your help, we must force Mark Edwards and the communists party to show respect for Hosian Values, for that, we need a strong Luthoran Assemble Representation. Its time we fight back the heathens and guide them on the path of God.
Father Bill Graham

We obviously do not need the Luthoran church to tell us in what god we should believe. Tropicans, I call my follow friends, the tribes to stand up and resist the Luthoran Assemble. We also need to create a church, the satanailist church is compatible with our traditional values, hence I vows to help in the development of the satanailist church in Tropica
Whiro Rata, leader of the Native Satanailist Alliance

Woman, its it time we stand up and protect our right, multiple politician are trying to limit what we can do with our body. And we don't need the state in our vaginas. We must stand up and defend our right
Edwina Cortsfields, Leader of the Feminist league

Guys, I think its important that we support the tourism industry, it is clearly the tourism industry that is driving the rest of Tropica.
Kaitlyn Kopi, leader of the tourism coalition.

The more pirates you elect, the free your internet will be, the more free your media will be. Vote Pirates
Catherine Sato, leader of the pirates.

Men, our values are in perils. We must reply, we must elect as many of the tribes union possible so that we can defend our religion rights, as well as our religious gods
Cynkia Opiu, Leader of the Tribe Union

I ask all animals lovers to vote for us, too many animals are abandoned or mistreat in our beautiful nations. this cannot stand, the animals where placed by the gods, it is our duty to protect them. Vote as many friends of animals as possible.
Mattias Kalio, leader of the friends of animals.

They all got it wrong. What is important is construct our judicial system and fund our police force. You should vote for us, the Justice Syndicate.
Abigail Matthews, leader of the Justice Syndicate

Abortion was legalized in Tropica, day after day, million of children are being killed under the excuse of woman's right, I need the help all concerned citizen, we can stop this slaughter
Sarina Liru, Leader of the Pro-life Guild

Our main preoccupation, should be the liberalization of economy and the defense of human rights. We need to incite the developed nation to invest in Tropica, and we can do that by elected representative of the Liberal Alliance.
Mario Hill, leader of the liberal Club

We remark that cannabis is still illegal in Tropica, we must legalize it, vote for the Marijuana fraternity, we will legalize weed
Alicia Marisson, leader of the Marijuana Fraternity
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:11 pm

Tropica's 3rd General Elections, Mark Edwards keep his job. Rumors about old parties trying to return to the political scene.

The Communist party, The Tribals parties and the Luthoran Assemble all profited from the increase in seats in the national Assemble of Tropica. Also, The Tropican's general elections have concluded with the reelection of Marks Edwards as the prime minister of Tropica. Multiple others parties were able to keep their seats, the pirates alliance had chosen to rename itself the Freedom Alliance, in order to refer to an old Tropican that was known as the Freedom Party of Tropica, The green association also choose to renamed itself : Tropican Green Party. This election also mark the unexpected return of the People's coalition, Who have been an active political party in Tropica. Also, the Justice Syndicate, a newly formed political party was disbanded after they failed to gain a single depute in the national assemble.

Also, there are countless rumors about the reformation of the New Democratic Party or the Labour Party, two Political who used to dominate Tropica's political sphere, before the arrival of Mark's Edwards Communist party.

Here are the Official results of the last elections. The communist was able to negotiate with the NSA, the TGP, the LC, the FL, the PC, the TC, TSP, MF and FoA, in order to present a new government.
Communist Party of Tropica = 40 Seats
Native Satanailist Alliance = 35 Seats
Tribe Union = 31 Seats
Tropican Green Party = 27 Seats
Luthoran Assemble = 25 Seats
Liberal Club = 12 Seats
Feminist league = 13 Seats
People's Coalition = 13 Seats
Freedom Alliance = 12 seats
Tourism Coalition = 11 seats
Tropican Science Party = 10 Seats
Marijuana Fraternity = 2
Friends of animal = 4
Pro-life guild = 2

We were able to get comments from the majors parties leader in Tropica, about the recent elections.

We are happy about the results, We are still in the opposition, but what is more important, is that we got 66 deputes, the Tribes are represented by the two largest parties in Tropica. This mean that Mark Edwards and all politicians have the obligation to respects the rights of the indigenous people. We are going to push for the right of tribes. We want the powers of the Matai's to be restored. Our tribes should be able to govern themselves, without having to ask for Mark Edwards' advice on all their decisions. But generally, we are happy. We have greatly improve, before we had multiple weak clan-based parties, Now we are two strong parties, and we would like to be a single party. Also, yeah, we heard about those parties, but we are not willing to undo the communist system, I will not permit the return of the New Democratic Party.
Cynkia Opiu, leader of the Tribe Union and Daughter of Murambe Opiu, former leader of the Tribe Unions.

We are pleased of the results, because it prove that the tribes are able to make their rights to be respected, and this will allow the construction of the Satanailist Church to proceed Forward, Oral traditions where good, but they are not false proof, it can happen that some random tribes will unknowingly modify the roles of the gods. What we need are written and stable traditions. That's what the Satanailist church allow us.Their main belief is simple, Satanail gave freedom to humanity by defeating the Almighty. It kinda relate how we must fight back against the Luthoran church to protect our religious rights.
Whiro Rata, leader of the Native Satanailist alliance

Quite pleased about the fact, that I was reelected as prime minister. But I am quite worried to see that some non-elected politicians are plotting to undo the communist system that i have engineered. I will not allow the New Democratic Party to return to the political stage. Our country is thriving, because of my work as prime minister and because of the system I've place, without force political parties to talk to each others. We Allowed the Luthoran Assemble, yes, but we are not going to allow an Anti-communist party.
Mark Edwards, leader of the Communist party of Tropica, Prime minister of Tropica

it is good new that the Tropica recognize us as a major party, very good new. that mean we are able to push Mark Edwards into making Tropica fossil energy free. our next big step should the continuous development of green energy, and the complete electrification of the transports
Isabell Matte, leader of the Tropican Green Party

I thanks the people for their Support, and pray that their continue to vote the Luthoran Assemble. We have a job to do as the official opposition, we must force Mark Edwards to respects the values of the traditional families. This election we may not have gained 60 seats, but we have gained an important position in the national assemble. We must be proud of what we have done.
Father Bill Graham, Leader of the Luthoran Assemble.
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Nov 15, 2018 8:48 pm

Mark Edwards incite Tropica to buy more electronic in order to use their expected energy surplus.

According to the latest information, Tropica's energy Project where extremely successful, the construction of 6 Offshore wind farm and 2 Solar stations, saw the nation being able to generate an ouput of 22,300 GWh, while Tropica Consumption is normally of 12,300 GWh, if the projects where finished without any modification, it would Tropica would gain a very surplus of energy. To remedy the solution, Mark Edwards is trying to find way to increase the annual consumption of Tropica. Cynkia Opiu and Whiro Rata, held a con-jointed press conference to ask the Prime Minister to invite foreign business in Baltusia, Saying that the extra energy could very well be used by business who would created jobs for the Tropican peoples

We are not asking you to outlaw communism, far from it. The new business create in Tropica should follow a rule of 33%, 33% of the stock for the union, 33% for investors and 33% for the government. But you should try to bring business in Tropica, we have extra energy we might use to develop our countries. However, we strongly ask you to respect the native population's right as well as their beliefs.
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Nov 15, 2018 10:43 pm

Tropica Discovery Program Suggestion : don't let Poya get your family, Burn your deads.

Yes, you heard correctly. Today we are going to talk about Poya, and how she is linked to cremation rituals. When we presented the Native Tropicans, We did not mention their power. Maxia is the goddess of fire, her power from the depths of the earth, From the Flow of lava, They say she is able to reduce a town to ashes. Safiosina power comes the marines Currents, she is apparently the cause of tsunami. Tukio, the gods of winds is said to be able to devastate multiple town by causing tornado, the Native tropica also say he is responsible of the rain. Arkia's thunder power, capable to cause thunderstorm and heavy damage would come from anger and her desire to protect Micia. However, some gods like Micia are not attributed power, instead the Tropican explain that it is possible that Micia cause flood by sweating too much, as her power is gather water.

Well, the Native Tropica believe that Poya, the goddess of death is trying to come back to life, and to that end, she is collecting power from the deceased bodies. Cinkia Opiu, leader of the Tribe Union has accepted to speak about Poya.

Miss Opiu, can you explain to our auditors, who is poya, and why is she linked to cremations rituals, are you worshiping her.

We don't worship Poya, we fight her. She was and remain an evil goddess, a being who tried to kill the great mother and who choose to kill herself because she could not take the place of Tassia. But even in death, she is jealous of the great mother, she tries to harness power from the body of the departed, and we believe that if ever she collect enough power, she could try to come back to life. That's why we have a practice of burning our dead in Tropica. We will not let her Feed on the corpse of our beloved. that is very dangerous for the entire world. When ever a living dies, when there is pollution, that's where you'll find Poya, trying to harness the power of death, in order to come back to life. That's why it is important that we use the corpses before they are used by her. But, we do no worship her, However I can't assure that there is no cult who worship Poya.

Our party have always been pushing for compulsory cremation, and we will continue to push that reforms. If ever the number of mp who stand in favor of compulsory creation, the others will have no choice to listen to us. We have no need for cemeteries. Those who bury their dead, like the Luthoran church offer a great feast to Poya. Made me wonder if the Hosians made a deal with the goddess of death.
Cinkia Opiu
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:47 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Fri Nov 16, 2018 9:44 pm

some backwoods, third world country, Mark Edwards say Tropicans are insulted.

Mark Edwards was reacting the to a journalist who told him what the Baltusian House minority Whips, Derek Shepard has said in the congress.

This is an insult to our nation, yes we are struggling in the energy department, we have blackouts, but our healthcare is extremely good because its our first priority. We can point that our workers were able to successfully help the reorganization of the Pontesian Healthcare system, that we made an historic breakthrough in the medical field. Baltusians politicians seem to lack respect for our nation. I can't but think this may have an effect on the deal we are trying to seal with Westbrook Solar Energy, for the construction of our 2nd solar project. Multiple parties in tropica may be offended by this remark and if those parties where to have 60 votes, they can block the deal.
Mark Edwards. Prime minister of Tropica.
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Mon Nov 19, 2018 12:47 am, edited 3 times in total.
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