
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Corvo Attano » Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:43 pm

Why Malivia’s IT companies love electric vehicles.
September 4443

Excerpt from news reel:

At a time when Malivia’s electronic vehicle (EV) ecosystem is struggling, the one place where it’s getting traction is the country’s billion IT industry.

On July 18, TAFE - Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited said it would supply 10 EVs to IT outsourcing major companies. These EVs will be used inside Hitam corporate campus, where TAFE will supply and install two fast-charging stations.

This comes just months after Malivia’s third-largest IT outsourcing company, Wipro - (Walkaunar Palm Refined Oils Limited), committed to transitioning its global fleets into EVs by 4470. In April this year, the company said it will scale up its use to at least 500 EVs in the next three years and 1,000 by 4450.

This means, in seven years, Wipro alone will be buying around almost 2% the number of EVs annually sold in Malivia right now.

IT and EVs
Several IT firms in Malivia have been using EVs—mostly basic battery-operated carts—to commute within their campuses for long. Now they want to go beyond.

“We recently embarked upon the use of electric vehicles to provide a green alternative for our employees to commute to work,” said Rakumar, executive director for the organization of the corparate campus of Hitam. “We have launched the initiative at our campuses in Rakaya and Kutab, and will expand it across our other locations in Malivia over time.”
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Corvo Attano » Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:15 pm

5 sandalwood smugglers trespass into military area, one shot.
February 5th 4451

Excerpt from news reel:

A 40-year-old sandalwood Hobrazian smuggler was shot at in the leg by Army officials after he and his four accomplices attacked them with axes and iron bars inside the Military Garrison area, north-east Walkaunar, in the early hours of Monday. His associates managed to give officials the slip. Police have filed a case of attempt to murder against the trespassers and his friends who allegedly hurled stones and attacked military officials at 3.20am. Sources said they retaliated when the officials tried to catch them. “Five men, who trespassed into the Army campus, were spotted by a patrolling team headed by Milaran Rano at 2.45am. When the team immediately challenged them, they pelted stones and tried to flee. Even after due warning, they did not surrender, instead assaulted the personnel with axes and iron bars. One official was injured in the melee. The patrol leader then ordered the intruders be fired at below their waist. One trespasser was injured in the left thigh, while the others managed to flee,” officials said.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Corvo Attano » Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:19 pm

Malivian foreign ministry formally asks Istalia and other aggressors and defenders to deescalate the situation.
February 5th 4451

Excerpt from news reel:

The Malivian foreign ministry formally asked the Istalian ambassador to pass to her nation a formal condemnation of the continuously escalating situation in Deltaria. Furthermore Ministry of foreign affairs stated that they are in the process of mediating or at the very least in contact with their Istalian counterparts for a comprehensive solution on the Deltarian question.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Corvo Attano » Sat Sep 15, 2018 5:22 pm

Lawson Comstock Chancellor and President?
February 4455

Excerpt from news reel:

Surprising news from Popular Soviet of Malivia today. Lawson Comstock the Chancellor of Malivia the head of state was appointed the President to be the head of government. What does this mean for Malivia?
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Corvo Attano » Sat Oct 13, 2018 2:46 pm

Malivian Stocks Rebound From 6-Month Low Ahead of Earnings Season
February 4469

Excerpt from news reel:

Malivian stocks rebounded as some investors judged the recent selloff as excessive after the benchmark index closed at a six-month low on Tuesday. “Malivian stocks are rebounding from an oversold zone,” said an economist. “Markets will continue to be volatile in the coming days and will offer great long-term buying opportunities.” Shares of Malivian non-bank finance companies including mortgage lenders advanced after the Central Bank of Malivia on Tuesday tripled its target for buying their loans.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Friedrich » Fri Nov 09, 2018 11:00 am

President Jones: "Malivia will soon prosper again"
[June 4482]

Today, during a brief pressconference, President Jones (UFA) told the invited presscore, that the current HNP-UFA coalition started with their roadmap to change Malivian society. "After a clear win in the April 4481 election, we have listened to the voters which means that the people are fed up with the socialist ideas and chose for change, big changes", Jones said. The Government is granting more space for entrepreneurship, limit the influence of Trade Unions, allow tax reductions, reducing the influence of state on daily life and organising stronger military forces, to safeguard our borders. He was quoted saying that "under his leadership, Malivia will become stronger, more competitive and financial sound!". Furthermore, Jones also reacted on the current unrest on the stock market. He stated that the financial markets need some time to adjust to a new reality. The Minister of Finance has started to introduce a tax scheme which will support the much needed reform of the economy. "I'm confident that investors will be encouraged to trade stocks again after they are faced with the results of this coalition", Jones was heard saying. Unfortunately, the President had no time for questions about rumours that a number of UFA members are discontent with his support for the military "nuclear bill "despite the fact that the UFA calls itself pacifist.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Friedrich » Sun Nov 18, 2018 8:05 am

[December 4486]

During today’s UFA electionrally at Uling Soccerstadium in Kajpur (Walkaunar region), President Lagender, said that his team of Ministers did what was promised to the electorate. “The people wanted a radical shift of policies, ending the socialist rule AND we all, together with the HNP, delivered! Public finances are in order, the economy, wellfare, health care, homeland security and so on are reformed. It was not an easy task but this team managed to implement all these changes: a real wind of change”, the President joked.

“It is up to you now, voters, to let us know if we did enough!”

Party officials were heard to be a bit worried about Lagender’s “speech of confidence”. One said that it sounded a bit arrogant. “Our partyleader seems to have forgotten that there are signs of discontent and opposition within the population”, a senior advisor said.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Plurality Party » Sun Nov 25, 2018 6:28 pm

The President, Chancellor and Foreign Affairs Minister travel to Kazulia to King Hedrik II's funeral
March 4490
Excerpt from news reel:
After the expiration of King Hedrik II, king of Kazulia, politicians from the country expressed their deepest condolences. King Hedrik was a key part of a long ruling dynasty that has governed Kazulia for centuries. The country announced his funeral a few days later. Representatives from all around the world meeted in there to mourn over the death of Hedrik II. The Malivian government sent the President Justin Lambridge, the Chancellor Gerald Lagender and the Foreign Affairs minister Pratiba Vemulkonda to attend the funeral. A variety of nations assisted the event including Istalia, Dorvik, Lourenne, Telamon and many more. Both the UFA and the HNP expressed in Kazulia a perfect behaviour while no official declaration has been made from the Opposition.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Wind of Change » Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:00 pm

Chancellor Mrs. Djanj Zou requests dialogue to all the political parties.

April 4493

" I'm worry about the situation of our country, changes cannot be made in this radical way , we cannot ban public education and then out of the blue ban private education. There should be a middle point but Malivian parties , even mine, seem very closed to dialogue and consensus. It's too disappointing. "

These were Mrs. Djanj Zou words during a meeting with some diplomats in Rakaya.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Plurality Party » Tue Dec 04, 2018 4:37 pm

BREAIING NEWS: Tradegy struck in Malivian school
January 4495
We're horrified to announce a mass school shooting which reports 11 casualties and 4 wounded. Although we don't know the name of the shooter for now, we do know he/she was a student of the affected school. After the news, the political parties have quickly reacted to this carnage. Wind of Change and the United Freedom Association have given their condolences; most notably's the Platform of Citizen Action, which has proposed a series of laws in reaction to the shooting. Meanwhile, the President Govind Nagarkar II made a speech condemning it:

Of course, us and our party are horrified that this event ocurred within our Nation. It's incredible how things can go wrong so quickly. These events happen occasionally, we're fortunate in that at least. [...] We support all of the proposals that the Platform of Citizen Action has brought up, and we call for all parties to approve this measure at least on a temporary period in order to determine if it functions correctly. We propose that National Day of Weapon Control should be celebrated in January 28th from this year on.

We do not condone politicization of these affairs in any way. Today's truly a tragedy.
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