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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Fri Nov 30, 2018 9:04 pm

Adwani Meets with President Wagener of Dorvik
March, 4493

Ussendorf, Miktar - President Eugenie Wagener met with the Governor-General of Vascania, Amandara Adwani, today in a meeting held in the President's secondary home in the suburbs of Ussendorf. The meeting has been planned for some time, but Adwani has recently been busy with social and economical reforms in her home country. Wagener and Adwani discussed issue regarding lifting Dovani nations out of poverty, creating a fairer immigration system, incentivising investment in developing economies and increasing second-language abilities in each country. No official agreement between both parties was signed, but there was a strong sense communicated from both teams that the talks had been 'productive', as one Dorvish staffer said to a Miktar-based newspaper, as well as 'insightful', as a Vascanian staffer told DNS.

Wagener is understood to have told Adwani that the Dorvish government 'unanimously' believes that Dorvik has a role to play in international development, on the side of good. The Dorvish head of state is believed to have came down strongly on the side of a continuing dialogue between Dorvik and nations across the ocean to the west, which she is known to previously called 'a major opportunity for the Dorvish economy'. Adwani, for her part pushed Wagener to commit to a Dorvish government investment in infrastructure development in southern Kalkalistan, which Adwani said would be a net positive for Dorvish businesses manufacturing products in Vascania and the importing them back to be sold in Dorvik. While Wagener didn't commit to a government investment, she is thought to have told her fellow female world leader that Dorvish businesses are 'very eager to invest privately in the development of Vascania'.

Wagener will now go back to her government and cabinet in order to talk about potential deals in investment in the Dovani continent and its nearby continents, especially considering the high number of rapidly developing economies that provide an opportunity for a major return on investment - on the one hand - and the great number of ethnic Dorvish living in the area. On the issue of ethnic Dorvish in Dovani and the general east, Wagner has previously praised Ostland for 'upholding human rights, equal rights and inter-ethnic peace and stability', while simultaneously calling for an 'international protection for the rights of native people to self-determination'. Adwani will likely spin the talks back in Vascania as proof that her government's radical plan of drastically increased healthcare and education spending can be bankrolled by the investment and taxation brought from a growing relationship with the West.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Fri Dec 21, 2018 4:00 pm

Vascania News Alert: L. Sakesh, New Vascanian Governor-General, Goes to Midway

Midway - Fresh off of an electoral victory which saw his right-wing party regain the majority in parliament, L. Sakesh is off to Midway to talk to other leaders in the Third World. Reports suggest that his key points to raise will be about encouraging trade, keeping the peace and promoting unity between all the nations in Vascania.
Last edited by Pragma on Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Fri Dec 28, 2018 7:49 pm

Vascania News Alert: Thriving New Film Industry In Sangora Driving West Crazy!

Sangora, Vanakalam - Cheap, often hilariously low-budget films made in the city of Sangora, Vanakalam, Vascania, are sending film stars in the west crazy! One starlet on the big screen in Artania told Vascania News that she is considering suing the director of "Happy Time 2: The Road Back, Electric Boogaloo" for being a knock-off of the film she starred in: "The Silent Night", a psychological horror flick. She isn't the only one, though, as directors, producers and film stars across the first world are reportedly infuriated by the films - which are drying up the massive Vascanian market.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Tue Jan 01, 2019 5:23 pm

Vascania News Alert: Emperor Satyaketu In "Poor Health"

Thikkonagama, Vanakalam - According to a number of sources, 77-year-old Emperor Satyaketu is in poor health. The Emperor acts as a unifying symbol and a psuedo-religious figure within the nation. The Emperor enjoys high approval ratings, including among doctors, and the nation's entire health services at his disposal if necessary, but he is said to be suffering from an as-of-yet undisclosed disease. Some have suggested the Emperor may have cancer, but this has been denied by the Imperial House physician.

Were the Emperor to sadly pass, the religious and political figures of the nation would collect to elect his successor from among his children. The Emperor has 5 children - four sons and one daughter - but three of them have rejected the idea of being the successor to their father. The two that have not are Princess Surasa and Prince Vama, two twins who are the oldest of Satyaketu's children, though Princess Surasa is older. Prince Vama is widely respected, but Princess Surasa is seen as more pious - which will be an important factor for religious leaders casting their votes.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:40 pm

Vascania News Alert: Emperor Satyaketu Dies After Prolonged Health Problems; Long Live Empress Surasa!

Thikkonagama, Vanakalam - Emperor Satyaketu has died at the age of 90 after more that a decade of severe health problems. He was given less than a year to live by his personal doctors when he was diagnosed with cancer at age 77. The illness was only made public years later. Three-term incumbent Governor-General L. Sakesh made the statement to the public at 9 in the evening on public television, with a 90 second silence held across the country.

His oldest child will now take the throne, Empress Surasa, who is 51. Surasa is regarded as a fierce political operator and deeply pious woman. Some of her opponents have likened her ruthlessness to the historical figure of Lakshmi the Black, who terrorised the people of Kalkalistan during the Vascanian War of Unification. These concerns have only been heightened by her strong interest in "dark magic", as was reported by one anonymous insider. Surasa is a divisive pick, though her outspoken piety and zeal have made her popular in rural parts of the country.

Requiem in pace, Emperor of Vascania, High Priest of the Church of Sundarata, Vatavana Takarana Satyaketu. May the light of the gods lead him to the next life.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Thu Feb 28, 2019 6:58 pm

Vascania News Alert: Empress Surasa Promises "Increased Focus On Living Standards" As New Government Formed

Thikkonagama, Vanakalam - In the imperial speech to commemorate the opening of parliament and the formation of a new centrist government, Empress Surasa - 68 - promised that the crown and the parliament would be taking further measures to reduce poverty and increase living standards in Vascania.

According to recent research, 39% of Vascanians are classed as "poor", and 15% cannot afford essentials on a regular basis. In response to this, the Vascanian welfare state will soon be expanded and fortified, alongside an effort to reduce the costs associated with starting and maintaining a small business.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Mon Mar 18, 2019 7:20 pm

Vascania News Alert: Rising Number of Occultists "Worrying" Says Internal Minister

Thikkonagama, Vanakalam - Prita Kasana, the Minister of Internal Affairs, has said that her department is looking into ways to curve a sharp increase in the number of occultists in Vascania. The officially Sundarata-following nation has strong laws which input the national faith into every corner of public life, but this has not stopped people from combining Sundarata with their own personal forms of worship to daemonic elements.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is "worried by reports of an increase in crime" as a result of the occult behaviour, Kasana has said. Combating this influence will be a matter of "re-education", she added.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Fri Mar 29, 2019 10:13 pm

Vascania News Alert: Train Collision Near Sangora Kills 20

Thikkonagama, Vanakalam - 20 people have been killed and 109 injured as two trains collided in the town of Mahabitharini, less than 30 miles outside of Sangora. The injured are being treated in hospital, while large numbers of mourners have gathered near the site to hold a vigil.

It is believed that a malfunction on the tracks lead to the tracks being changed too late, in a way which sent the two trains directly at each other. Trains near Sangora are some of the last to be modernised in the developing nation. An inquiry will be held soon on how to prevent future tragedies like this.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:34 pm

Vascania News
Bhaporis Feel 'Unappreciated' Says Mohan Shrivara
February 4749

Bhapor City - The recently elected mayor of Bhapor, Mohan Shrivara of the Bhapor Socialist Party, has made clear in recent interviews that he views his city and region as 'ignored' and 'unappreciated' by the federal government. He is a vocal critic of the Governor General Harijen F. and his neoconservative Action Party. Shrivara has proposed a fifteen-step programme to improve state health and infrastructure, including increasing the pay of doctors, nurses and teachers while scrapping tuition fees. He has also suggested that the nation's five most prestigious universities accent ethnic Bhaporis at increased rates.

The Minister for Internal Affairs, Jawahar Kamal, has been criticised as 'bigoted against ethnic minorities' after scrapping redistributive programmes introduced by his Social Democratic Party predecessor. He has also made comments about Bhaporis being 'poor workers' and musing about how, when he was CEO of the nation's largest gas firm, he would deliberately avoid hiring applicants with Bhapori names. He has today come out to attack Shrivara's plans as 'expensive and unrealistic':

If we had the money to invest in Bhaporistan, we already would have done it. This is not a matter of bigotry or apathy, we are completely aware of the economic situation in the region. It is people like those in the Bhapor Socialist Party who have failed to make realistic plans to improve the area.

Bhaporistan has been nicknamed the 'rust in the Imperial crown' due to its severe socio-economic woes. The state of Bhaporistan has the lowest average income in the entire country, having largely lagged behind the economic development of the wider Vascanian Empire. Absolute poverty is at 22%, as opposed to 7% nationally. The birth rate is 5.3, as opposed to a national rate of 3.1, while the infant mortality rate is twice that of the nearest state. Economic mobility is severely limited as well, with only 1.7% of people in the bottom economic quintile reaching the top quintile in their lifetime.

Some Bhaporis, especially those with minority religious beliefs and those who cannot speak Kalam or Rajutti fluently, have openly started to talk about secession. Polls show 17% support for secession, 29% support for the status quo and 51% support for serious reforms. No other state has over 5% support for secession. While still a minority position, the matter is of such concern that even Emperor Manas III has reportedly considered making a public statement against any attempts to upset the imperial status quo.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Fri May 01, 2020 11:35 am

Vascania News
Bhapor Protests Growing At 'Worrying Pace'
June 4749

Bhapor City - Protests have grown quickly in the capital of Bhaporistan, prompting concerned responses from the federal government. In particular, the Minister for Internal Affairs - who is deeply unpopular in the state - has issued a statement that acknowledges the rapid growth in participation. Jawahar Kamal called the acceleration 'worrying' and has now pledged to deploy a regiment of the New Forum Guard - the nation's elite urban environment soldiers - to work alongside police in hopes of forcing a return to normalcy.

The demonstrations broke out last week as a result of mounting anti-status quo sentiment in the city's poorer neighbourhoods, first with only a few hundred participants. This number has now grown to up to 65,000 according to official police estimates, although certain protest organisers have suggested that this is only half of the actual figure. Demands include rent relief and a new clinics in at least five of the least economically developed neighbourhoods of the city. Smaller protests in rural areas and small towns have also occurred, although local police have been quicker to respond with curfews and 'anti-riot' tactics.

Mayor Mohan Shrivara of the Bhapori Socialists has made clear his support for the aims of the protesting groups, while simultaneously noting that a police or federal over-reaction would only make the situation much worse. He has also been adamant that intervention by the New Forum Guard would lead to 'violence that would be difficult to contain' if not handled 'in so expert a manner I doubt the government could perform it'.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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