Utari Mosir

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Re: 日刊新聞 (Daily Newspaper)~ Utari Mosir

Postby Rogue » Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:07 pm

September 4435
Haukism enters 10th year in the DRU and Utari Mosir declares neutrality in the Dovani War

It has been 10 years since the infamous entry of Haukism into the politics of Utari Mosir. President Felgenhauer is now at the age of 68 but still isnt thinking about stepping down.
After the massive deportation of urban people of Utari into the countryside the Felgenhauer regime gained some international condemnation at first however, the condemnation was of small proportions and with the Dovani war raging the regime had an excellent opportunity to deport its urban population.
Now, 10 years after the deportations, the Democratic Republic of Utari is one of the most agricultural nations on Terra. With over 86% of its population being involved in the agricultural sector and over 60% living on the countryside rather then in the cities it is clear that the goal of the regime has mostly been completed and that the Haukist ideology has left its mark on the nation for years to come.

With this transition back to a mostly agricultural society the regime may have even hit a golden opportunity. With the Dovani war raging food supply for the nations at war are not the best they could be. And with Utari Mosir producing a massive amount of agricultural goods they may have the opportunity to become the bread basket of Dovani, at least until the end of the war.
In addition to this "Great Transition" as the regime calls it the DRU government has also officially declared Utari Mosir neutral in the ongoing Dovani War most likely because of the economic opportunities neutrality gives the DRU but also because the war provides the excellent cover for the continued human rights violations of the DRU government.

A field from a Utari farmer, this is the most common sight in the country these days
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Re: Stimme der Republik (Utari Mosir)

Postby jamescfm » Tue Nov 20, 2018 4:30 pm

Ruhl to Step Down After Elections
President makes clear that his role was only temporary and encourages transparent electoral procedures

Wednesday 29th October, 4487

President Jochen Ruhl has made the unexpected decision to stand down from his position. Setting 16th April next year as the official date, he spoke to the nation to announce that he believed that his role, as the leader of what he has always described as a "transitional government" has been fulfilled. Ruhl was appointed as President by the legislature in 4479, following an ultimatum he issued as Chief of Defence to mobilise the armed forces against the sitting President Reinhold Wittgenstein due to what he described as "chronic political instability". Wittgenstein had governed for over a decade following the death of Benedict Felgenhauer.

In the eight years he has led the country, Ruhl has made many important changes to the country's institutions. His first move after taking control was to remove the constitutionally protected status of the Republican Jingoist Alliance and allow the formation of new political parties. The association of the Alliance with the Wittgenstein administration led many key figures to jump ship, primarily to the Restoration and Development Party and the Independent Haukist Movement.

Ruhl's decision to step down has been greeted with guarded optimism by pro-democracy groups in the country and globally. Although he says that elections will be held in January to elect a successor and that he would not be running to improve their legitimacy, there are still many threats to an open democratic process in the country and some worry that whoever is elected will simply be a cover for Ruhl and the military to continue calling the shots behind the scenes. Potential candidates are already being discussed, with Independent Haukist Movement leader Paulina Unterberger the current favourite.
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Re: Stimme der Republik (Utari Mosir)

Postby jamescfm » Sun Nov 25, 2018 10:01 pm

President Announces Adoption of "Unterbergerism"
Independent Haukist Movement begin radical race-based transformation of society following rise to power

Saturday 28th February, 4490

The Independent Haukist Movement, led by President Paulina Unterberger, has announced sweeping changes to the organisation of the economy and society of Utari Mosir under a new ideological approach variously referred to by the party as "the Unterberger Way Forward" and "46th Century Haukism" but known simply as "Unterbergerism" to most outsiders. Based on the Haukist ideology which has been the basis of the country's economic system for over half a century, Unterbergerism has a distinctly racial dimension which makes it distinct from earlier incarnations.
Above: Paulina Unterberger of the Independent Haukist Movement, who was elected President following the decision by interim leader Jochen Ruhl to step down in 4488.

Unterberger and her party have consolidated their position following legislative elections last year in which they won a super-majority in the Representative Assembly. Since then, there have been reports of "purges" of military personnel sympathetic to opposition parties in an attempt to prevent another miltary putsch, which have been the source of persistent political instability in Utari Mosir since the fall of the Emeperor.

In a 20,000-word manifesto titled Unterberger and Haukism for the 46th Century published last month, the Independent Haukist Movement detailed their plans for "radically improving the organisation and efficiency of society". Although it covers a vast array of topics like improving rail links between states and increasing the federal government's role in the agricultural sector, the most controversial section of the document outlines a racial hierarchy for society. According to this theory ethnic Hulstrians are far better administrators due to their superior mental capacity and linguistic simplicity while the country's vast Utari population are utilised more effectively working in agriculture because they lack the advanced skills necessary for other jobs.

In order to properly implement this "newly discovered" theory of race, the President has ordered all ethnic Utari government officials to be removed from their positions immediately. Hulstrians currently employed in the farming sector are encouraged to make applications to work in a government agency or private firm but it is the fate of the nation's other ethnic groups which appears most troubling. Approximately 7% of the population do not belong to either of the these two "races" and the Untergberger manifesto suggests that they should be transferred to special "training camps" to determine how they can most efficiently serve the economy, sparking concern from human rights organisations.
Stimme der Republik is a Dundorfian-language newspaper covering Utari Mosir. While not explicitly banned in the country, it is in wider circulation internationally than domestically.
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Re: Stimme der Republik (Utari Mosir)

Postby jamescfm » Wed Dec 05, 2018 11:19 pm

Systematic Erradication of Kunikata
Horrific scale of treatment of ethnic minorities under Unterberger regime exposed, including nature of so-called "training camps"

Friday 30th October, 4495

Shocking new reports have emerged from inside the so-called "training camps" constructed by the Independent Haukist Movement across Utari Mosir. The camps were set up to "find a role in the economy" for citizens who did not belong to one of the country's two major ethnic groups: Hulstrians and Utaris. Under a radical system of societal organisation called "Unterbergerism", the government has been dividing industries based on race, with Utaris designated as agricultural workers and Hulstrians as administrators.
Above: Crowds of ethnic Kunikata arriving at one of the country's largest camps in Shifuralder, where it is reported that over a thousand people have been murdered

Although concerns have already been raised by international human rights groups about the racial hierarchy, there has been little response from other nations or international bodies such as the World Congress. The latest developments, though, have exposed the scale of the crimes being committed by the Unterberger regime. Three camps in particular have begun a programme of state-mandated mass murder according to accounts from escaped inmates. Mühlberg, Shifuralder and Stralkamp are all home primarily to Kunikata people, the country's largest ethnic minority group, and this has led many to refer to the crimes as a genocide.

Regardless of the terminology used, it is clear that the Unterberger government is enacting policies aimed at the systematic erradication of Utari's minority groups. In addition to the killings, which are primarily carried out by firing squads, conditions at the camps fall well short of the minimum standards for human living. Inmates are made to sleep in large warehouse-style buildings without mattresses and are given poor quality meals that, combined with the harsh manual labour that most are subjected to, has resulted in almost as many deaths as have been formally ordered.

No member of the government has admitted to the murders or even to the true nature of the camps. The only official acknowledgement of their existence came in a presidential speech by Unterberger when she described how "our economy will remain dynamic and flexible with the new skills these people will learn at training camps across the nation". Members of the ethnic minority population who have not been interned have already begun flooding out of the country, many heading for Kunikata-majority Ostland.
Stimme der Republik is a Dundorfian-language newspaper covering Utari Mosir. While not explicitly banned in the country, it is in wider circulation internationally than domestically.
Last edited by jamescfm on Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stimme der Republik (Utari Mosir)

Postby Aquinas » Fri Dec 07, 2018 12:48 am

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Re: Stimme der Republik (Utari Mosir)

Postby jamescfm » Tue Dec 11, 2018 4:51 pm

Government Joins "Dovani Axis" in Face of Sanctions
Utari Mosir signs defence pact with Liore and Suyu Llaqta as international embargoes place Unterberger under pressure

Wednesday 5th August, 4498

The leaders of Suyu Llaqta and Liore travelled to Utari Mosir this week to confirm the details of the Mosirak administration's decision to join a mutual defence alliance between the three states. The move comes as the governing Independent Haukist Movement faces widespread international condemnation and a series of economic sanctions from nations across Terra. As a consequence, the country is on the brink of economic crisis as it struggles to produce or import important industrial goods.
Above: Mosirak President Paulina Unterberger appears calm as she meets with Llaqta and Liori leaders to discuss strengthening their military and economic relationship

Over the past eighteen months, the external pressure on the government of Utari Mosir has grown exponentially and the effects are beginning to show, with the economy taking a nosedive. The intensive focus on agricultural production, facilitated by the Haukist ideology, has prevented famine but the reliance on imports for many manufactured goods, like electronics and automobiles, has seen inflation jump to double figures monthly. While there is anger at the government, the rural nature of the country makes it difficult for any organised protest to properly develop.

The government has not responded directly to the sanctions but officials have repeatedly referred to "anti-democratic, neocolonialist forces" seeking to undermine their power in speeches. In recent months, some observers have identified a military buildup in the country, with many Hulstrians being moved from industrial jobs into the armed forces. The movements may be a response to the veiled threat of a military response from Ostland and Lourenne among others.

Signing up to the so-called "Dovani Axis" defence agreement provides Unterberger's government with two clear regional allies within a continent that is increasingly turned against them. Democratic nations in the region, like Cifutingan and Degalogesa, have sought to present a unified opposition to the rise of radical politics and have been supported by Western nations keen to prevent further conflict in a continent plagued by war for centuries. Since the Matidenas Conference, the Lourennais government has held numerous further bilateral meetings to strengthen the security of those states.
Stimme der Republik is a Dundorfian-language newspaper covering Utari Mosir. While not explicitly banned in the country, it is in wider circulation internationally than domestically.
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Re: Stimme der Republik (Utari Mosir)

Postby jamescfm » Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:09 pm

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Re: Stimme der Republik (Utari Mosir)

Postby jamescfm » Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:10 pm

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Re: Stimme der Republik (Utari Mosir)

Postby jamescfm » Sun Dec 23, 2018 10:43 pm

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