
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Mon Nov 26, 2018 6:03 pm


President Reiley calls for renewed Emphasis on Kalistani Exports
Hints at possible Indralan Summit

Kaliburg, Ananto
February 17, 4491

President Reiley-Carrangus calls for revitalization of Kalistani Economy

"The Kalistani economy has been stagnant for long enough," began President of the Republic Raymond Reiley-Carrangus, as he opened the Kaliburg National Conference on the Dual Economy last month. Initiated by the Socialist Party, conference attendees came from across the various sectors in Kalistan, both public and private, to discuss ways to jumpstart Kalistan's flagging economic conditions. "A lot of this has to do with instability in the National Government. We have just reformed the Prerogative to take this into account, and are looking at what can be done with our neighbors to encourage investment, while protecting Kalistan's vital national interest from the fact of the business cycle."

To this end, the President announced an initiative to work with important consumer electronics manufacturer KalMD and their subsidiary KalMM, as well as other heavy industry players, to see which segments could possibly be more open to foreign investment. "We have some word that there is some interest in both investment and cooperation from Indrala. If we were able to come up with a comprehensive agreement with Indrala, that would form a strong link in the Anantonese Ocean. Kalistan has long thought that Indrala should be a natural partner on a number of levels, and recently, the effort to open to Indrala ended rather dramatically when the Indralan representative lobbied for their nation's interests from the floor of our Assembly. But we are willing to give it another shot: We believe that trade between Kalistan and Indrala could yield potential benefits that we haven't seen since the years immediately following the Recession."

The President also stressed the need to boost the export Market. "Kalistan has always been a net-exporter. We import for the sake of variety, rather than because we need to. But in order to remain prosperous, we do need to export. So diversification and specialization, two competing factors of export driven markets, must be balanced: If Kalistan is going to sell its goods to the world, it should look to what it can produce most efficiently, and compare that to the things our trading partners want. The goal is to build the economy, but not on the back of National Industries. We should also work with the Private Sector, and foreign countries who are interested in profiting from a very lucrative market, but who are not interested in extending imperialist control over our country. An "all of the above" strategy in developing new export ties and expanding existing ones should be pursued."

To accomplish this, the Finance Minister is expected to put out new taxation and spending bills for consideration in the Assembly, which prioritize economic development for the purpose of export, military modernization, and protection of basic social services. The President has not announced any date, nor confirmed any agreement for any Indralan visit: He reiterated that point at the conference.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Nov 28, 2018 4:18 am


Foreign Minister Allen announces steps toward new relationship with Kazulia
"Burying old hatchets might be profitable", say venerable statesman

Kaliburg, Ananto
November 17, 4491

Moses Allen announces possible Kazulian Overture

"The Free Trade agreement is the first step," said Foreign Minister Moses Allen at a luncheon for the Foreign Service operators last week in Kaliburg. "We'll finally put to bed a nearly century old dispute over our national sovereignty, and set up a whole new sector in Kalistan's burgeoning electronics market. Burying old hatchets might just be extremely profitable for Kalistan."

The Foreign Minister was referring to a series of initiatives coming from the Office of the President of the Republic which would open Kalistani markets to their old adversaries in the Kazulian Kingdom. "Now that they have abandoned the Northern Council and appear to be rolling back their expansionist foreign policy, their moves are easing pressures in the Northern Anantonese. Their Foreign Minister said his government was willing to work with Kalistan on resolving disputes over military shipping in the [Ananto] Strait. Meanwhile, we also have the makings of a steel deal which will allow KalNaFerCo to expand foundry operations into Kazulia, and will open a market for KalMoCo, while creating opportunities for Kazulian interests to expand into the electronics manufacturing markets in Suldanor."

The news was met by enthusiasm from both the foreign policy community and the business community. The Kalsie Index was up 3% on the news, with investors flooding KMD and KNF with cash: KMD stocks rose 4% to 4.82 and KNF rose by 3.5% to 6.123. Both industries stand to gain from any deals with Kazulia. The Investment community privately expressed their hopes that any deals concluded in the near term are merely the first in a series of ties between the two former rivals.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Nov 28, 2018 4:58 am


Venture Capitalist DelGrosso looks to expand into Casinos
Seeks outside investment to turn Odufaray into Gambling haven

Gendaris, Odufaray
November 21, 4491

Odufaray investor Jorge DelGrosso seeks to build casinos

Looking to Kalistan's generous gambling laws, Kalistani businessman and speculator Jorge DelGrosso seeks to expand into the Casino industry.

"This is an untapped market," says DelGrosso, who is widely considered one of the most successful investors in Kalistan. "I mean, Kalistan allows people to set up home casinos, but hey, thousands want to play against a house that has some serious dough re mi behind it. You know what I mean?"

DelGrosso is betting on the casino industry. "We've run some test houses across Odufaray, and there is definitely an appetite for high stakes gaming in Kalistan. Over the last three years, our firm has seen net profits increase over 65% and it has allowed us to expand into Neveras and Vrassa. It's good for the local economy, and it's good for those seeking to have a night out and maybe win a few rubles."

But to open a high stakes casino, DelGrosso admits, more capital is required. "We have pretty liberal gaming laws in Kalistan, but the law also requires us to have a fairly significant amount of cash in the cage to back all of our own markers. Right now, my firm, Nova Gaming Holdings could in theory cover half a night's loss in a big joint, but that won't be enough to keep the lights on if we get hit bad in a day. So naturally, I'm looking for partners. And naturally, I'm not looking for small-time partners. No meat and potatoes crowd here. I need big fish with big vision."

Ultimately, DelGrosso wants to turn Gendaris into a gaming center for the region. "Tourist money is fantastic. We want to build a massive new casino and resort to take advantage of the beautiful weather and scenery of my hometown. Along with the casino, of course, we would need to expand the airport to turn it into an international stop, buy up a lot of land, build a horse track, put a lot of people to work, you know- basically revitalize the entire area. But money follows money. If we put in this initial capital outlay, along with the resort, we would expect other interests to follow, and I can see, within 20 years, Gendaris becoming a full on tourist town. A real gaming haven, if you like."

A mega casino such as DelGrosso envisions, would be the first of its kind in Kalistan. DelGrosso said he is looking for investors at the moment, but hopes to begin building within the next five years. He said he hopes to see all manner of casino games, parimutuel gambling, and sports book gambling. He also plans to host boxing matches, as well as shows from well known national touring acts. "It will be an entertainment center par excellence!" said DelGrosso. "Stay tuned!"
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Nov 28, 2018 4:02 pm


Kalistani Economy shifts into 5th Gear
"Political stability" credited by President

Kaliburg, Ananto
February 10, 4492

Kalistan-Keymonese joint venture "Paradise Bay Resort" is one of many new ventures begun as political stability sets in

President of the Republic Raymond Reiley-Carrangus's new Administration is underway, and the Kalistani economy is booming. Kalistan has recent diplomatic and economic successes which President Reiley attributes to a new era of political stability. "We are proud of our fully functioning multi-Party system, which is a dramatic shift from the clamped down era of Single Party rule, and the chaotic mess of the 4480s. The 90s are dawning and promise to be a decade of new beginnings in Kalistan."

Within the last year, the Government has announced openings with the Kingdom of Kazulia, and now a major casino construction project with Keymon is underway. Kalistani investor Jorge DelGrosso has concluded talks with Keymonese investors Ananstos to begin the construction of the Paradise Bay Resort, in Gendaris, Odufaray. The property overlooks the Ananto Straits, and when completed, will include a new airport expansion, horse track, full service casino, 3000 room four-star hotel, convention center, and auditorium. Construction of the casino and resort is expected to be completed by late 4493, and the casino will be expected to open on for the New Year celebration in 4494. The total cost of the project is expected to come in at just under 875 million KRB, with Anastos covering just over 425 million KRB and DelGrosso's Nova Holdings supplying about 445 million KRB.

Diplomatically, Kalistan received the Prime Minister of Kazulia, who visited earlier this month. Representatives of the two rival governments talked peace and prosperity, aiming at improving relations. Foreign Minister Moses Allen said of the meeting, "We welcomed the visit from Skalm after decades of outright hostility and antagonism. Kalistan quite clearly shares mutual interests with Kazulia, especially with regard to local and hemispheric stability. This first step is a very welcomed development, as Kalistan sits at the crucial crossroads of Terra: nearly half of the world's shipping passes within 500 nautical Miles of Ananto. Both north-south traffic and traffic from those vectors crosses water that Kalistan has traditionally claimed as sovereign territory. While we have no intention of disrupting these important sea routes, it is an excellent development that the main Northern Dovani power is finally recognizing our legitimate desire to protect our vital national industries and our sovereignty from external threats. Ideally, we would like to see a complete demilitarization of the Ananto Straits that is recognized by all nations, but working with Kazulia on this matter is a major step in that direction."

Foreign Minister Allen also discussed convergence on labor rights between the two nations, as well as opportunities for free trade and economic cooperation. "We talked about technology transfers and working with Kazulia to expand their manufacturing base. KalNaFerCo looks to expand north and open a new foundry, which would greatly expand steel production in Northern Dovani and put the company in an excellent position to begin to influence markets in Keris. In addition, Kalistani Motors looks to begin producing automobiles in Kazulia to increase sales in both Dovani and Keris. In exchange, Kazulia also discussed with us the possibility of bringing next generation semiconductor production into the Republic, which would allow us to expand our already established consumer electronics base into personal computers, as well as other, possibly wearable technology. Any deals along these lines would make KMD one of the world's foremost producers of consumer electronics and greatly boost Kalistan's economy." The Minister was quick to add that the exchange was designed to be as mutually beneficial to both nations as possible, and the Free Trade agreement will be an important first step.

Finally, President Reiley welcomed developments in Lodamun which would allow construction to finally be completed that connects the transportation infrastructures of the two neighbors. Kalistan and Lodamun had long been connected by secondary roads, air and sea only, due to an ancient unresolved disagreement over the terms of the Northern Seleyan Train Company, but have since closely cooperated on security issues, even being joined by Lodamun in the Ananto Strait Conflict. The President of the Republic has requested that the Finance Minister propose a spending bill which allows for the final linkup of both road and rail over the Jah River at Addisjah. A road and rail link between Addisjah/Port Swedes and Lodamese port city Newport would increase commerce between the two nations dramatically, as well as lead to new potential for economic integration in North Seleya.

The President intends to make a statement on the death of the Lourennaise Monarch, King Herbert, as well as the Kanjor expropriation later this week.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Nov 28, 2018 5:34 pm


Foreign Minister demands Compensation from Kanjor
Threatens retaliatory sanctions on the Canrillaise Federation

Kaliburg, Ananto
February 20, 4492

Foreign Minister Allen discusses possible sanctions against Kanjor

Within the last year, The Communist dominated government of Kanjor has nationalized Kalistani economic investments within Kanjor. The value lost to Kalistani Investors is significant, and some say, could top 65 million KRB. The Foreign Minister of Kalistan sat down with The Republic to talk a little about what the Government of Kalistan will do about the expropriation of Kalistani Assets.

K(alistani) R(epublic): Kanjor's government expropriated a significant amount of Kalistani national assets last year. What is the Government's position on this?

M(oses) A(llen): The President's position, and the Policy of the Foreign Affairs Ministry is that the expropriation was well within the rights of the Government of Kanjor, and we do not mean to diminish the rights of a sovereign state to nationalize foreign owned property. But the model Kalistan has used has been nationalization with compensation. We seek to ensure that our investors do not make investments which will fail due to the nationalist policies of a foreign Government. If the contracts that our investors signed will not be protected by a nationalist Government, we have less of an incentive to invest in Kanjor.

KR: What sort of compensation model did the Foreign Minister have in mind?

MA: What Kalistan has done when we nationalized, and what we have recently proposed to Kazulia, was that if a country is going to nationalize, they should pay the value of the expropriated assets in the form of 10 year bonds, to the holders of the paper. In our case, Kalistan can directly compensate Kalistani investors, and then the Kanjor bonds would be issued to the Government of Kalistan. This scheme would certainly restore faith in the efforts of the Government of Kanjor to regain control of their national economy, and would ensure that our investors won't take a beating. After all, just as Kanjor's interests lie in developing the Kanjor economy, our interests lie in developing and protecting our economy.

KR: And if they balk at compensation?

MA: We will get our money one way or another. The Socialist Party is going to put forward a resolution to ensure that our investors are made whole, and we will include a provision in the resolution which will ensure that punitive measures against Kanjor's interests are taken if they opt not to compensate us. We are aware of Kanjori deposits in our bank which can be confiscated to make up a portion of the compensation, and in addition, we sell Kanjor oil. Cutting off sales of oil and other Kalistani exports to them will allow us to redirect those sales to other nations, and when enough economic damage has been done to Kanjor through an embargo to make up for the loss, we'll talk to them about reopening trade. One way or another, this will not be a net gain of 65 million Kalistani Rubles to Kanjor. Our goal is to ensure that it is a net gain of zero to both sides, however we accomplish this.

KR: Is this how much Kalistani investment has been confiscated?

MA: One estimate has it at around 65 million, while we have seen figures that put it upwards of 100 million, though we think those estimates are quite liberal. The value of Kalistani investments in Kanjor is difficult to know for sure, due to the many ways that investments are spread around and broken up and reformed these days. But we are confident that Kanjor wants to avoid any sort of punitive measures, and we also wish to amicably resolve the matter, while still conceding to their right to expropriate.

KR: Thank you Comrade Minister.

MA: Have a good day.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Dec 05, 2018 3:36 pm


Queen Catherine to be welcomed in Kalistan
Meanwhile, President works on National Parks Project

Kaliburg, Ananto
August 7, 4495

President Reiley works with Kalistani Filmaker Jorge Francisco in upcoming project on National Parks

Taking a break from his formal duties as President of the Republic for a short period of time, President of the Republic Raymond Reiley-Carrangus has begun work as an Associate Consultant and Editor for the series of films being shot across Kalistan by Jorge Francisco. The topic of the series of films is Kalistan's Natural Parks. Reiley mentioned that the series will highlight the natural beauty of the Nation, while encouraging people to support and use Kalistan's protected areas. "What most people do not realize," said President Reiley, "is that Kalistan has thousands of square miles of lands which are entirely open to the public. Focused primarily on the Mainland, this complex network of Parks, forests and trails offer outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers alike the opportunity to get away from the cities, to kill their televisions, and to be out in nature."

Reiley said that editing on the series is nearly completed, and then Francisco is expected to go into post production, including providing voice over narrative by veteran actor Gina Smith-Rodriguez, who is usually known as an action star. The series of films are expected to be released in late 4496, and is being funded entirely by the Socialist Party, the conservative-aligned National Conservation Fund, and various environmental, conservation, and sporting associations from around Kalistan. President Reiley has accepted no pay for his work on the films. "It is part of my job, to promote the Nation. And it is my hope that people, even outside Kalistan will see these movies and will desire to come see our countryside."

In other related news, President Reiley re-extended the invitation to Lourenne's Queen, Catherine to visit in Kalistan. "We noted her intention to visit, but unfortunately, the election was going on and last year got away from us. It is possible that (foreign Minister) Moses Allen will fly within the next couple months to Lourenne to begin setting up a formal visit. I'd like to meet the Queen, personally. As we said before, nothing major would be on the agenda, but I think Lourenne has the potential to be one of our great allies, and getting to know the young Head of State is very high on my priority list, and we can do it in full style now that our domestic agenda is clear."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Thu Dec 06, 2018 5:36 am


Moses Allen flies to Eroncourt
Preliminary visit designed to program Court visit to Kalistan

Eroncourt, Lourenne
November 6, 4495

Foreign Minister Moses Allen traveled to Lourenne to begin to prepare for Queen Catherine's Visit

Foreign Minister Moses Allen visited Lourenne last month and met with representatives of the new Lourennais Queen, Catherine. The visit was designed to kick off the process in preparation for the Queens visit in the coming year.

Allen reported that his three day visit to the Lourennaise Capital was very low-key and informal. "I met with my counterpart, Comrade Jean-François Gide, as well as representatives of the Trade Ministry. I was received most warmly, shown around the capital, and had several opportunities to meet with college students and young businessmen and women. Visiting the university campus was the highlight of the trip: There I found Lourennaise youth who were very interested in Kalistan, and I missed no opportunity to invite them to Kalistan in 4496. Many of the young women especially commented on their favorite Kalistani music. To be honest, these young people treated me a bit like a celebrity, and that was more than surprising."

Allen said that the state visit would occur likely within the first half of 4496, and will last at least 5 days, though Allen made clear, that if the Queen should like to stay longer, the President's schedule will remain clear during the Queen's entire visit. "We mentioned that we would like to host the Queen once more at Eveari House, the official mansion which hosts high level visitors from around the world, where Lourenne's royal family stayed on the historic 4436 visit. We'd like to give the queen a chance to tour various places in Kalistan: Kalistan holds great natural beauty, such as the Bong Falls which is Northern Seleya's largest waterfall at almost a half a mile across. The President has made it clear, that he would like this to be a purely social visit. We would like the Queen to be impressed, and Kalistan is pulling out all the stops to make a fantastic impression on the new Monarch."

The Foreign Minister's visit was the first visit by such a high level Kalistani official in almost 60 years, since the Deputy Trade Minister Gina Rivera visited in 4439. Despite having close economic ties since the 50s, Kalistan looks forward to strengthening political and cultural ties with the Kingdom going into the new century.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:11 pm


Eveari House to become setting for Kalistan's newest Soap Opera
"The Decadent Aristocrats" to include cast and crew of hundreds

Eveari, Anato
September 7, 4497

Main Cast of "The Decadent Aristocrats" poses in main "bedchamber of the Empress" for a cast photo

The Eveari House, Kalistan's premier accommodation for visiting dignitaries is about to add another high profile visit to its guest register. Hugo Delgado, one of Kalistan's leading soap opera actors has just inked a deal with KalTV 6 for a two season limited Run series known as "The Decadent Aristocrats". Set in the Imperial period of Kalistan's history, and based in and around Eveari Ananto, this period piece promises lavish costuming, exotic location filming and complex plotlines. The Decadent Aristocrats will also star Catherine Henderson-Bjorksdottir as Empress Dianna, along with a supporting cast promising to number in the hundreds.

The Eveari House is Nationalized property, and usually serves to host high level dignitaries. It was unused last year in preparation for a visit from the Queen of Lourenne. "No, she never showed up," said site manager Terrence Edwards, who is responsible for the upkeep of the historic manor, as well as the engagement of the staff. "We had things all ready for her, but I'm guessing things got busy in her country, so, we lost a bit of money. We're choosing to not see this as a snub. But, when this film production company came around and started asking whether they could use the house to set their series in, allowing The Republic to more than recuperate the loss, we made sure things were done right. It is important that one of the most recognizable pieces of architecture in Kalistan lends its image to something worthwhile."

Though the show will be considered a soap opera, designed for mass consumer tastes, Edwards was quick to note that it will be historically authentic. "The only thing in here which will not be historically authentic are the characters themselves. Floob--what we called an Emperor back in the day-- Diego the VII never existed. Neither did Empress Diana. These are composite characters of real Emperors and Empresses of the time." The show will be set at the height of the Anantonese Empire's power, in the Mid 19th Century, when Kalistan ruled parts of Lodamun, Baltusia and Gaduridos, and counted Dolgaria and Sekowo as colonial holdings. The series will follow the two Nobles and their immediate family and vast bureaucracy of retainers through their daily lives at court in Eveari. It will touch on political intrigue of the day, and like many Kalistani soaps, promises to feature plenty of sexual content.

"The show certainly is not for the kids. But we can't hide Kalistan's past. The nobility was nothing if they were not, shall we say, prolific, in their bedroom activities. But sex was another method of conducting international affairs back then. So we won't overlook it." Edwards was keen to note that he insisted upon a lack of violence in the program. "We will keep the wars off shore, and the intrigue for the most part peaceful. All the dirt was done in the beds anyway."

Principle filming on Season 1 of the series is expected to be completed by mid 4498, and then the soap opera is expected to begin airing by December. Meanwhile, filming will begin on the second season as Season 1 is airing.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Dec 15, 2018 3:24 pm


Crazy Kalistani Drug Abuser arrested in Kalistan
Outgoing foreign minister issues statement against use of "Bath Salts"

Kaliburg, Ananto
June 17, 4500

News has reached the Kalistani foreign Ministry about a Kalistani national, and sea-food lover Alexander Smith-Jones, who has been arrested in the distant land of Tropico for creating a disturbance at a Tropican restaurant.

"According to Tropican News Sources, Smith was smoking something called "Bath Salts', and apparently became possessed by an evil spirit. On last report, he was to be subjected to exorcism, which we assume is the Tropican equivalent to rehab. We encourage Smith to get the help that he needs to break the habit of dependency on such a horrible drug, and will offer the Tropican government our full support in dealing with this fellow."

ODEN issued the following comment: "The Organization of Drug Exporting Nations, headquartered in Kaliburg, does not sanction the use of bath salts for recreational purposes. These bath salts, which are smoked, frequently cause bizarre and occasionally dangerous behavior when injested through smoking or eating. Bath salts are not drugs: they are salt that you put into your bath. Any use beyond their nintended purpose is considered drug abuse as a policy of ODEN. As a non-drug substance that people may use contra to all indications which suggest using them only for their intended purpose, we advise all drug users to avoid bath salts, and stick to genuine ODEN product, which may be easily and legally obtained and used anywhere within the Republic."

The Foreign Ministry is currently looking into ways to bring Smith-Jones back to Kalistan, but when the government turns over within the next few months, the process may likely be delayed.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Thu Dec 20, 2018 11:14 pm

Luis Williamson Passes Away
As a Beloved Leader Passes Away, a Power Vacuum is left in the NCP
Williamson's Great Granddaughter Mourns at Williamson's Casket During His Funeral in Kaliburg, 6/3/4503

Luis Williamson, Director and co-founder of the Second National Conservative Party of Kalistan, has passed away on February 20th at the age of 84, following spending a little over a week in a hospital in Kaliburg after suffering a severe heart attack during a meeting at the National Conservative Party's headquarters near the Capital Building. Williamson had been suffering from heart issues for the past few years now, stress is thought to have been the main cause.

In March of 4448, Luis Williamson co-founded the Second National Conservative Party of Kalistan along with weapons manufacturer James Colbert and political commentator Derek Renov after almost fifty years since the dissolution of the First National Conservative Party in September of 4392. Before 4448, Williamson had become famous among right wingers for his anti-socialist and anti-abortion activism and had been the preeminent voice of the conservative community. Williamson would then serve as the Director of the NCP for fifty-five years, for its entirety he had worked with the left, a decision which has won him both much support and much criticism, and, unfortunately, hadn't lived to see his dream of a freer Kalistani market. After years of dedication to his party and fellow Kalistanis, right up until the end, he will surely be missed.

The NCP is yet to elect a replacement for Williamson, so Chairman Jakab Wyman will assume the responsibilities of the Director until a new one can be chosen. Currently there are four major contenders for the position:
Jakab Wyman - Current party chairman and moderate conservative.
Bryce Keen - NCP presidential candidate and moderate conservative. He is projected to win the election.
Marci Agua - Longtime party member and centrist.
Odin Franklyn - New but influential member of the party. He is a far-right radical who leads a small faction within the NCP.

The elections are currently scheduled for the sixteenth of August.
Last edited by ChitinKal on Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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