
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Mon Dec 17, 2018 6:20 pm


Tropican crisis, Tribe union member present legislation to ban all small parties.

Very recently, a member of the Tribe Union, Kaimana Maleko, of one the governing parties in Tropica, has presented a bill to the parliament that would ban small parties like the Maxia Party, or the Safiosina Party. The Bill citing that Such parties are guilty of misportraying tropican politics and blasphemy against the tropica religion. Mr. Maleko claim that the small parties are betraying tropican politics because have no ideology and they failed to submit any electoral list except for the names of their leaders. He also claim those parties are committing blasphemy against the Tropica, and insulting all Tropican, when they copy or take the names of popular goddess for their own. Mr. Maleko even spoke about high threason. The Bill also forbid anyone from creating parties, if they cannot submit a list that contain at least 70 names, supported by a least 3000 differents signatures for each names and fail to provide a good political ideology and political agenda. This bill, would also give the authority to the electoral commissioner the right to review, as well as the right to ban any existing parties if they find they their political ideology or political agenda is not justified.

These parties are a shame to our great nation and to our religion. Theses blasphemers are copying the names of our goddess, in order to link them with the dirty political worlds. They are insulting all Tropicans. such a crime should be answered with a fitting punishment, a public execution.

However, the leader of the Tribe Union, made no comment about Okiara Topia. While, Maleka Aolani (f), Helina Makan (f), Alanna Kalua (f) and Aulani Akoni (m) all denounced the new bill, as dictatorial, because it limit the people's ability to create political parties.

I though we went over this when we had the NPD crisis, democracies don't ban parties. MY citizen are clear that they heard enough of Liamderson, Tropica City and New Kosmo. Tropica is not only made of big cities. And you tell me they don't have the right to express their insatisfication? That's dictatorial.
Maleka Aolani, of the Safiosina party
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Tue Dec 18, 2018 5:14 pm


Tropica sent back the Kanjorian Rupees

Recently, Kanjor took the decision to continue sending foreign to Tropica, although at an less important rate. The country has agreed to give Tropica 10 billion of KRP, in 3 years. Stating the country is going to play a role against the Axis of Dovanis, that the country is condamning the (unhealthy evil nations of Llore, Istapali, Utar Mosir and Suyu Llaqta), the Nation cannot accept funds from the (evil regime of Kanjor). The prime minister of Tropica has confirmed, she took the decision to refuse foreign aid from Kanjor.

We condemn the evil nations like Llore, Utar Mosir and Suyu Llaqta. We condemn the new evil nation that Istapali has become. But on the other hand, were being hypocrites, when we accept the evil money from an evil nation. If its bad for Utar Mosir to be a brutal dictatorship, why should it be good for Kanjor to be one. We will not accept any foreign from Kanjor any longer. Kanjor is just like Utar Mosir, an evil nation.
Prime Minister Malina Metua

The state drew multiples critics from economics experts, who are uncertains and wonder how will Tropica remplace the money it will lose by refusing the aid of Kanjor.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Wed Dec 19, 2018 8:44 pm


Terrorists Threat against Tropica.

4 years ago, The police of Tropica has announced the arrestation of 4 members of True Real Libertarian terrorist group. The Police also reported having killed the leader of the True Real Libertarian, Kaliko Metua. Brother of the current Prime Minister of Tropica. Back then, the police announced that Tropica had solved the crisis of terrorism started over by the True Real Libertarian. But not anymore

Toeday, the Tropica news where hacked and forced to display a message from the True Real Libertarian, in which the speaker, identify himself as Kaliko Metua, stating that because he was the the real defender of freedom, he was able to escape death. In his message, Mr. Metua has demanded the government to begin complete privatisation of tropica. He demanded that Tropica start with the farms and groceries, and finish with hospital and schools, stating that his group shall take radical action, if the government of Tropica refuse to answer his demand. Here is the message that was sent through the media.

I speak to all Tropica, I am Kaliko Metua, Leader of The True Real Libertarian, I have overcome death, because i am the real defender of true real freedom. And as long as I can, I shall fight the evil communist government of Tropica. A government who oppress. who has banned the sale of Tobacco, who has banned the sale of milk, who is selling Marijuana and opium to your kids. A government that spy on you. A government who kidnap, murder and eat non-communists. A government that give no importance to human, that willingly execution everyone for any reason at all. We, the True real Libertarian are the only beacon of freedom that shine against the communist dictatorship instaured by the evil Mark Edwards

I shall give the current government to redeem themselves. If they present a complete privatisation plan for Tropica, we shall forgive them and welcome them as one of us. We demand that economic activities by generate by private business, and the privatisation of the healthcare and educative system. If the Tropican Government fail to answer our demand, we shall smite you, your citizen shall pay with their lives. We can promesse heavy actions and we shall not stop until Tropica adopt true real freedom.

Long live the true real libertarian.

Theses recents caused a stir in the population. So, far nor the government, nor the police has accepted to comment on this event.
We don't think its a pranks, and we are currently investigating this affair. however, It cannot be him. We have verified his body and confirmed his death. that's just impossible.
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Thu Dec 20, 2018 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:07 pm


Tropica Prime Minister refuse to answer terrorism Threat.

Tropica Prime Minister, Malina Metua has decided to answer the terrorism posed once again by group known as the true real libertarians. who have recently threaten to take terrorism actions, if the government did not agree to meet their demand of a complete privatisation of tropica. The Prime minister has refused to respect their demands, state she will never negociate with terrorists, that is not the moral thing to accomplish, that if people where to take such action against the population, they were going to pay the price. Finally the police found information, in Kaliko Metua's personnal computer, that link the True Real Libertarian to the Cult of Poya.

It is not acceptable to force an ideologies by terrorism and I will never negociate with terrorists. The best way for our government to keep the population, is to increase the number of people recruited in the police and to increase the funds allocate to the police. Negociating with terrorists will only legitimate them, and those people must never be given any kind of legitimation. Beside, what they, is the abolition of our public healthcare system, the abolition of our education system, the abolition of Tropican net and so on. Meeting will only create a wold with two kind of people. Those who can pay for healthcare, education and internet, and the rest of the population who will be left without theses services. Even for people who dislike communism, complete anarchy is not the answer.

The only thing I can say now, is that the government and the police will work very, to protect people from evil organisation, like the the Cult of Poya or the True Libertarians.
Prime Minister Malina Metua

Tropican Parliament vote Anti-Maleko Law
Also, The prime Minister confirmed the adopted of a Anti-Maleko Law. A law that force Tropican representative to resign from his seats and to never present himself again. All representatives, except those of the New Democratic Party, those of the Luthoran Assemble and Kaimana Maleko himself voted no. After the adoption of the law, Mr. has called the 4 representative of the small, (pieces of shit) and threw his chair toward the leader of the Tribe Union, Okiara Topia.

It is important to upload the law, even we dislike thoses parties and we say they commit blasphemy by calling themselves with names of several goddess. This is not illegal, and so this is not a crime. We cannot punish people for action thats are not considered criminal. therefor, I don't believe Mr. Maleko had the right to do what he did. And I can even add, that what those politicians are doing, protesting the concentration of political project to the big cities, that's perfectly normal for representatives of small cities.
Okiara Topia, leader of the Tribe Union
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:04 pm


11 February 4503

Tropica adopt Law that force all doctors to bear arms.

Last nights, the tropican representatives stayed until midnight to discuss the solution they could bring to the true libertarian crisis, the New Democratic Party refused to participate in the negociations. The representatives discussed severals option they could adopt, in order to assure the security of tropican. At 4 Am, A compromise was found between the parties. Tropica will have to reduce the spending of several ministry by around 1% and will use this money to boost to funds of the police force, allowing them to hire more people and to buy more weapons, Also, all medical personal in tropica, including doctors and nurse, will have to learn how to safely a gun, in order to defend themselves from a possible attack by the true libertarian. The initial Idea to forceall state employee to weild weapon brought together the Luthoran Assemble and the Green party of Tropica, against it.

We found a compromise, its not the best law we can adopt, but it will do. I am surprised myself we were working with the Luthoran Assemble,but we could not accept to have all state employe armed. Children should not have to fear for their lives when they go to school.
Isabell Matte, Green Party leader.

Police Find evidence in Kaliko Metua PC.

Today, the police recently found substancial evidance, in Kaliko Metua persona computer that link him to the Cult of Poya. Julio Furia, Spokeperson for the Tropican police has spoke to a mass of journalist about the facts, surrounding the recent decleration by a True Real Libertarian calling himself Kalilo Metua.

With the information we have, we can safely say that this person is a fraud. Kaliko Metua is dead, we have his body in the morgue and the cause of death is a clear shot to the head. Also, we have completed our analysis of his pc, we found evidence of reuniong between him and Mokihi Tame. We can safely say that Mr. Metua must have a been a member of the Cult. Although were are still not certain that the True Real Libertarian and the Cult of Poya are the same entitee, but we cannot discard this theory. Our forces will continue to crack down this cult.
Julio Fulio, Speaker for the Tropican Police Force.
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Sat Dec 22, 2018 7:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:47 pm


Tropica Economic Update.

Tropica Energy generations, thank to the multiple green energy projects completed under the government of Mark Edwards, Maya Darklight and Malina Metua, 17 offshore wind farms, generate a total of 42,500 GWh, while the five Solars Protect generates around 20,117 GWh in total, for a total of 62,6117 GWH. While this is far from what a developped country can generate, this is more then sufficient to provide energy for the general Tropican population, as well as to improve the medical services in the nation. Many of the Offshore wind station where completed by Cpower, a company who operates in Lodamun. The most recent projects where all completed with the massive foreign aid Tropica has received from Kanjor. IN total, Tropica Receive a total of 30 billions LOD from the nation of Kanjor. However, the energy consumption of Tropica was not yet completed.

However, in the recent, the government had recently refused the foreign of Kanjor, it appears that the energetic expensation of Tropica will stop right now. Tropica had multiple plans, like giving solar panel to each houses, Installing solar panels in Houses and etc. but all Theses plans will have to be abandonned because the government of Tropica is unable to fund them.

Our last expensation are going to be construction of Hydro-Power station who generate a lot of more energy then etheir solar or wind powers. Wind and Solar allow us to live without black outs, but that is not much. Once we create hydro-Power station, we will create a company named Energy Tropica with three division, and we are certain that Hydro-Tropica will generate the vast majority of Tropica's energy. At night we'll be able to use the energy generate by solar and wind powers, but during the day, we'll be able to fully live from energy generated by hydro-powers. It does help that Tropica is a big country. And right now, our next challenge is going to be the maintenance of the differents station, but our country is able to do this. You don't see any criminals attacking those places. When the police looked into my Brother PC, they found specific directives to not attack energy stations, so even the True Real Libertarian don't want to destroy theses places.
Malina Metua.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:03 am


Satanailist present Satanail as the killer of Mane, drawing heavy critics from Tribe Union

During the last moment, the head priest of the Tropican Satanailist church, Melia Miliani, drew heavy critics from differents Matai, when she introduce Satanail as the killer of Matai. Cynthia Opiu, former leader of the Tribe, now a member of the communist party and a minister under the government of Malina Metua, has criticize the choice as a questionable reinterpretation of the religious story. The Current leader of the Tribe Okiara Topia also condemned the decision. However, Ikei Keeti, Leader of the Native Satanailist Alliance Argue that there is no proof that Kofio ever killed Mane, he believe this story may have introduce through the different version of the conflict involving Kofio and Danic, though the times, he also believe that those make little sense in the

Here are the reaction to the decision to the Tropican Satanailist Church

Our Oral Tradition are quite clear that Kofio, the trickster killed Danic by trapping in a magical net, then fought Mane and was able to slay him. This is a gross reinterpretation of our religious story. It is a consistant fact known among all believers that Kofio was able to defeat the creator.
Cynkia Opiu, Former member of the Tribe Union

Our Religious are much valable as their religious belief. Also, the story that Kofio killed Mane, the creator, came from the Southwest, if you speak to people of Kamehameha or to people of Keahiahi or Waiwai, the majority will tell you that Kufio cannot have killed Mane. This just show us that we cannot relies on oral Traditions, as they tend to get modified time. We need a united church, for us, Satanail killed Mane, Kofio killed Danic and numberous others godly beings.
Ikei Keeti, Native satanailist alliance leader

I think we should keep calm, this is just religion, People have the right to believe what they to believe.
Mililani Kaluhiwa, New leader of the Green party of Tropica
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sat Dec 22, 2018 9:28 pm

Tropica to Form Medical teams.

Tropica might have no army, but we shall sit on our arsses while freedom and democracy are being suppressed by extreme unacceptable regime of pure evil.
Malina Metua, Prime Minister of Tropica.

The prime minister Tropica has recently told the Nation that Tropica will play a role in the War against the Third World Axis. The county will send team of medicals units to assists and treat the wounded of the others nations, who agreed to fights against, the Medical team will works behind the international coalition units, in order to be certain they are ready to intervene any times a someone is wounded on the battlefield. Also, according to the recent laws, the doctors should know how to handle a gun, this should allow them to defend themselvea, in case they are attacked for supporting the enemies of Utar Mosir.

When there is war, there are bound to be death and wounded, our mission will be heal the most people as possible, as simple as that. So even if don't have an army, we can play a vital role in this war, by healing those who will fight against our enemies. And our units wll be armed, because we are taking the same risks as them, as war will not make the difference between a doctor or a soldier.
Malina Metua

According to the news, the country has began forming the team.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Mon Dec 24, 2018 2:57 am


8th general election marked by fight between representatives.

The last elections of Tropica saw the reelection of all independents politicians and a Strong rise of the New Democratic Party at the expense of the Green Party, Isabell Matte, long time leader of the Green Party and current director of the Green Party, has announced her resignation, because her formation lost 8 seats in the Tropican National Assemble. However the marking result of the election was that 5 representatives of the Tribe Union, decided to join the Native Satanailist Alliance, criticizing their leader, Okiara Topia, for presenting a bill to outlaw the Satanailist church of Tropica. The move was welcomed by the leaders of the Native Satanailist Alliance, Ikei Keeti. However, the move brought the two politicians face, and the political argument between Okiara Topia and Ikei Keeti, turned into a violent fight, broadcasted lives in the news of nations. Another consequence of this event, is that both parties have refused any kind of negotiation with each, prevent Malina Metua from presenting any king of government because the New Democratic Party and the Luthoran Assemblee both refused to participate in the negociation of any kind of government.

This is a quite a problem for Miss Metua, as her multiple of her ministers have resign before the election and Cynkia Opiu, with her advanced age, may be unable to keep with the increased tasks that would will be come because she will be unable to divide her tasks and she will be overcharged.
Uiliama Kiliona, Tropican politics experts.

Its a real shame to see our parliament being transformed into a regular Tavern, this quite shameful. Our nation will become the shame of Terra.
Cynkia Opiu, Former leader of the Tribe Union, minister of Tropican affairs and Justice

Our nation will be unable to form a new government because of some dumb idiots. This is horrible
Malina Metua, Prime minister of Tropica

Here are the results of the elections. However, because 6 representatives of the Tribe Union have joined the Native Satanailist Alliance, the Tribe Union has 31 seats, while the Native Satanailist Alliance has 34 seats.
Communist Party of Tropica = 45 Seats
Tribe Union = 37 Seats
Native Satanailist Alliance = 28 Seats
Tropican Green Party = 29 Seats
Luthoran Assemble = 26 Seats
New Democratic Party = 23
Liberal Club = 19 Seats
Labor Party = 18 Seats
Friends of animal = 8 Seats
Maxia Party = 1 seat
Safiosina Party = 1 seat
Frazia Party = 1 Seat
Kaniu Party = 1 Seat
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Tue Dec 25, 2018 7:04 pm


religious tension have continues in Tropica

There seem to be no solution in sight for Tropica, who has been unable to present a government for more then a year because of religious tension between the Tribe Union and the Native Satanailist Alliance. The Two Leaders, Okiara Topia and Ikei Keeti, have refused any kind of tentative to negociate a compromise out of this affairs. Because the New democratic party and the Luthoran Assemble also refused to negociated with the communist party of Tropica. No government can ever be proposed, as reaching 75% has become impossible.

Can they stop already, I'm doing everything by myself and its quite exhausting, I don't even sleep anymore.
Cynkia Opiu, Minister of (everything) and Lone minister of Tropica.

Bill Graham could lose a leadership challenge

A news some might view as a relief, After 32 years at the head of the Luthoran assemble, strong rumors say Father Bill Graham could be defeated by a young Priests from a very liberal Luthoran Church in New Kosmos, Miss Kelia Makaha-Mitchell who has challenged his leadership. The Turning point was yesterday, on the 25 August 4505, when bill Bill Graham had qualified the fight between the tribes party of an heathen fight. Miss Makaha-Mitchell Quickly answered that this remark does not respects the tropicans native religions, nor the principe ofreligious diversity.

For a priest of the Luthoran Church, Father Bill Graham does not seem to accept any faith other then his own. And that is not a the way to lead a political party.
Kelia Makaha-Mitchell
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