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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Dec 27, 2018 2:40 am


Tropica deity discovery program presents the Rainbow god : Keannu

Tropica deity Discovery program air once again with a unique story, the story of Keannu, the Rainbow god. According to the legend, Keannu was a Matai and a hunter of Tropica. One day he was searching for food, alone, he encountered a beautiful woman, Fugia, known as the goddess of mist, because she could never stay on the earth when the sun lifted. The night she could descend to the earth, but when the sun lift, Fugia has to return to the sky, where she lives. Keannu instantly fell in love with Fugia on the first sight. after multiple tentative, Fugia Agreed to marry Keannu, on the condition that Keannu never spoke about her to the others people. Keannu was happy when he was his wife, however he was taken as crazy by the population, because he did could show them his wife. This situation worsened when Keannu give birth to two daughters. however, their relations one morning, when Keannu decided to show his family to his friends, who did not believe him, He tricked into staying by blocking the windows and the door. Betrayed, Fugia decided to leave him, along with her daughters, and Keannu decided the journey to find her, but he was unable. Lonely and extremely sad, he encountered Kofio who took pity on him and transformed the Matai into a Rainbow so he could join his family in the skies.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Dec 27, 2018 5:12 pm


Tropica political nightmare continues

The unexcepted events has happened, Kelia Makaha-Mitchell has defeated Bill Graham in a leadership challenge, by accusing him to be have transformed his party into a (party of no) since the beginning, as well as accusing him of being narrowminded when it come to religious diversity. Such an event could mean the Luthoran Assemble would finally accept to negotiate with the communist party of Tropica, allowing to present a government. However, Kelia Makaha-Mitchell did not had time to celebrate that she find herself accuse of cannibalism and multiple murder charges, forcing her to resign, handling the leadership of the Luthoran Assemble to bill Graham. The Police said they found sufficient proof to believe Kelia Makaha-Mitchell is a cannibal, and if ever she is convicted, she would sentanced to death. Meanwhile, the leaders of the Tribe Union and the Native Satanailist Alliance still refuse to speak with each others.

Here is a few comment regarding the political situation of Tropica
Can we present a government already ? 24 years we were able to work with this political system, there is no real reason to think we can't work again.
Cynkia Opiu

What the hell, Kelia Makaha-Mitchell accused of Cannibalism ? That must be a dirty move by Bill Graham, I never like this priests, and over the years he became even more radical, so the rumors about him controlling his party through fear and threats could be true.
Mililani Kaluhiwam, leader of the Green Party

We see now, that the political system the communist party placed only create dead lock in the national assemble. This system must be destroyed
Honi Kamea, leader of the New Democratic Party
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Dec 27, 2018 9:57 pm


Political Crisis into Tropica, parties leader decided to present anti-legislation.

A very controversal bill was presented this morning, by the leaders of the Tribe Union, Okiara Topia, the Luthoran Assemble, Bill Graham and the New Democratic Party, Honi Kamea have called for the abolition of late Mark Edwards Communist system. Each of them, alsoconfirmed confirmed they were going to use their political powers to force members of their to vote, along the party lign. The move was met with protest by multiples representatives, like Aowena Nalanie, a representatives of the Tribe Union and Palani Kiele, a Representative of the new democratic Party, who claimed their right to vote and their ability of a make a decision are being taken away for political gain.

This is unacceptable. Normally our representatives reunite every mornings to discuss about politicals affairs to come with unanimous decisions we can defend at the national assemble. The leader listened to no one, he just imposed his decision on the groups and said that everyone who voted no shall be punished. We have lost our rights to votes.
Aowena Nalanie

This is too much. We always have been uneasy with the decision of Malina Metua to join the communist party of Tropica. But today, we were reduced to simple robots who raises their hands and follow the Leader. We were at least 5 to tell our leader to try to negotiate with the Prime Minister, and Mr Kamea ignored us.
Palani Kiele

Meanwhile, the Communist party of the Tropica and the Native satanailist Alliance and come to a agreement on several matters, But since the New Democratic party, the Luthoran Assemble and the Tribe Union still refuse to talk, the government cannot be be modified. Multiple Tropican Political Expert believe the Prime Minister will have to use (dictatorials powers), in order to resolved the crisis.

Malina Metua Officially Married with Luke Edwards-Thunder, Son of Mark Edwards.

There was multiple rumors circulating around the cities, about the relations between Mark Edwards and Malina Metua, but one of them is now confirmed. Malina has recently agreed to become the wife of Luke Edwards-Thunder, the Son of Mark Edwards. Despites high tensions in the National Assemble, the vast majority of the representatives have choosen to celebrate the marriage of Prime Minister Metua.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sat Dec 29, 2018 1:35 am


Kelia Makaha-Mitchell official judged Innocent by the court.

The Court of Tropica, After reviewing the proof presented by the prosecution, and the arguments presented by the defense, A Jury composed of 8 men and 4 women, found Kelia Makaha-Mitchell Not guilty of all charges that were presented against her. The Prosecution tried to appeal the sentanced, arguing the case was not correctly handled, but the appeal was denied by the superior court of Tropica.

To be frank, I am surprised that Miss Makaha Mitchell was tried in court with such a weak files. The Prosecution did not present anything that could even suggest that Kelia Makaha ever killed someone, the Prosecution could even touch the abilities provided by the defense. The document that where supposed to confirm the presence of Makaha-Mitchell's DNA on the bodies of the victims ended being forged. The DNA that was found on the weapon of the crime were not properly analysed. We should have never accepted such a weak case in the Tribunal. This look more like a political move, then a serious accusation. to be honest, I even told a prosecutor to take a serious look at this trial, and to file criminals Charges against Bill Graham if necessary.

the news could not come in a better moment for the Prime Minister, who could benefit from the potential support of the New Luthoran Assemble to finally present her own government. Misses Malina Metua and Kelia Makaha-Mitchell have already begun talking about various political subjects, like communism, satanailism, the economy, foreign aid, sports and etc. The Arrival of Miss Makana-Mitchell at the head of the Luthoran Assemble would bring a signifie change to Tropican politics and end the long political nightmare of the country. However, the Current Leader, Bill Graham has show no Intention to resign.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sun Dec 30, 2018 12:44 am


Bill Graham Officially Accused of Forging document and false evidence. Kalia Makaha-Mitchell to become leader

The new was confirmed by the attorney General of Tropica this morning, the long time of the Luthoran Assemble, as well as several long time members of the party will have to resign due to criminals charges. In practice, this means thoses representatives will be remplaced by people selected by the new leader. Since it is expected that Bill Graham will be unable to keep his post of leader, the new representatives selected by the party might have a tendacy to be more tolerants to others religions and those who shared the views of Bill Graham, might find themselves expulsed from the party if they do not adapt.

The most important affairs, is that it is expected that Kelia Makaha-Mitchell will be able to take position as leader of the Luthoran assemble, because no one presented any opposition to her candidacy. Since the next leader is very friendly with the current prime minister, this event could mean that Malina Metua will finally be able to present a new government, with new minister, and Cynkia Opiu, the Current minister will be able to resign from politics, citing her advanced age. However her Children, Amoka Opiu and Malia Opiu, will be be take over some of their mother responsabilities.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Mon Dec 31, 2018 7:00 pm


Tropica Deity Discovery Program, More Gods

Tropica Deity Discovery program is far from finished, to proof it, we present 3 more gods. Naopea the goddess of Bats And Mixia the goddess of love

The first is considered to a goddess, protecting mankind against the threats of insect infestation, by creating predators who would eat those insects, the bats. According to the Legends, Kumalu'hele the gods did not care much humans or animals. He was so good in protecting the forest that they have become a heavens for insects, a place where they could grow without being hunted by predators. Later the god of forest would be killed and birds would be able to install themselves in the forest, but they were not enough to control the population of insects, who began to infest the human habitation as soon as they could. To prevent this problem, a goddess named Naopea step foward, after having some relations with humans, she was able to give birth to millions of bat, who were to stop the infestation by eating millions of insects. Today, it is mandatory for the public buildings to maintain bat houses.

A classic Bat House

The Second, Mixia, is considered to be a goddess with the power to make people fall in love with each others. Her name means to unite, to mix. She is usually worshipped by clans from Eastern Tropica, who believe she is the mother of the peace spirit Kaliff and that she is the one who enchanted one of the's spirit arrow, causing the gods of war to become lovers. She did so because she was not certain if a spirit had the power to stop two gods from fighting and because she wanted to stop the fight between Luvia and Amura, herself. Some Stories also say that she's the one who made Keannu and Fugia fall in love with each others, Although the vast majority of the clans disagree with this story. One common story about Mixia, is that of a boy, Hilo, who had a sister, Maleia. He had a terrible relationship with her, his sister would take away all his gifts, always be the first one to eat and she was considered by their parents as their lone child. The Boy then wish that his sister could love him, and his wife was heard by Mixia. The Next morning, Maleia presented herself to her brother as her wife. The Boy tried to protest, saying he did not wish for that kind of love, but Mixia answered that his wife was imprecise and she respected it to the letter. Today, a common proverb around is : Be carefull about what you wish for. In Tropica, it is believe that Maxia tend to impose herself randomly on the lives on some citizen from times, by forcing them to become lovers. very recently, the Leader of the Green, Mililani Kaluhiwam explained that she must have been blessed by Mixia, because of the feeling she has for Nakoa Liwai, who is her biological brother.

I just can't explain it, I met him 4 years ago and I know since at least 2 years that Nakoa is my brother, yet in my head, he is my husband and I'm happy to be his wife. I perfectly know that It is wrong, but I can deny theses feeling for him. I must have been selected by Mixia, that's why I've fallen in love with my own brother.
Mililani Kaluhiwam, leader of the green Party
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Tue Jan 01, 2019 6:57 am


New democratic Party shine despites making no active campaign in the 9th Tropican General elections

The 9th generals election where marked by a very strange phenomenon, the New Democratic Party became the largest party in the Tropican Assemble, despite having made no campaign. And the votes of the Tribe Union who have been the most vocal to speak against the recents decision of the tropican government and the Satanailist church have lost nearly half of their seats. The Tribals parties no longer have more then 60% of the seats. However, the new democratic party could not celebrate their victory, because the Tribe Union leader has decided to negociate a compromise with the Communist, the greens, the Satanailist and the luthoran, Despite being the Largest party by far, the New democratic ended being the only opposition party. Further more, multiple representative found it weird that the New Democratic party shall such a rises of votes. Here are the comments about the recents elections

I'm very unhappy about the results. But after 4 years without a government, its truth that we have gone way too fa on religious difference. And I am uneasy about the rise of the new democratic party, its not natural. the Majority of the parties here got their share of votes, and that share votes never move like that, or nearly never. We did not make more electoral mistake then the satanailist and we lost like 50% of our votes. You can bet that one my condition is an investigation of the new Democratic party's recent activities.
Okiara Topia, leader of the Tribe Union

I find the results weird, we were both as shamefull and the Tribe Union was punished way beyond what can be expected. Also, Even if we disagree, Mister Topia and his party are good friends of us. We often cooperate to protects our religious rights.
Ikei Keeti, Leader of the Native Satanailist alliance

That was a super good results, in order to get a government working, I will have to work in the same government of a woman who recently admitted being in relationship with her own brother. I really dislike that, but not allowing the national assemble to present a government would be a bigger sin.
Kalia Makaha-Mitchell, Leader of the Luthoran Assemble

I don't get what's going on, where did the New democratic party got theirs votes, we are both old parties that reformed themselves. and the votes of the Labor never flutuacte that much.
Mana Kaia, leader of the Labor Party

Finally, we can work again, honestly, with this system, the results of the election are not very important, the important is that the parties are able to find a compromise. And I must really thanks Miss Kalia Makaha-Mitchell for showing the way and putting the interest of the nation over the immediate interest of a few Luthoran pastor. As for me, I think I can fair say this is going to be my last term
Malina Metua, Prime minister of Tropica.

Here are the results, (The five politicians got elected who independent, negociated with the government as the League of independents parties. )
New Democratic Party = 58
Communist Party of Tropica = 39 Seats
Tropican Green Party = 33 Seats
Native Satanailist Alliance = 26 Seats
Luthoran Assemble = 20 Seats
Tribe Union = 18 Seats
Liberal Club = 16 Seats
Labor Party = 14 Seats
Friends of animal = 8 Seats
The League of independents politicians = 5 seats, Maxia Party = 1 seat, Safiosina Party = 1 seat, Frazia Party = 1 Seat, Kaniu Party = 1 Seat, Naopea party = 1 sea
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Jan 03, 2019 8:00 am


Shooting a pigeon is illegal in Tropica, thanks to Pokol, god of Luck and blessing

We have finally discovered why shooting a pigeon is illegal in tropica. Despite humans never hunting animals like pigeon, but more often fiding those birds to be damn annoying. But According to the legend, the gods of luck. According to the legends, Pokol was charged with delivering fortunes and blessings to humanity, he was supposed to be a messager for the entire human race. But it turn Tassia gave birth to so many humans, that pokol was incapable to accomplish his missions, as there was too many fortunes to deliver, to many blessings to gives. So he decided to divide himself into million of blessed pigeons, hoping he would be able to accompish his missions, if he had multiple bodies. But instead his half just ended up become wild birds, who keep his power to deliver fortunes and blessings to people, without being able to correctly deliver them, instead the pigeons randomly dropped the fortunes and the blessings to people, without knowing if this person already received one, this apparently explain some people are really lucky, while other people are not lucky. Also, it is said that each during a special day, each year, the divine pigeon are able to fuse together to become the god once again. During this day, Pokol would use the sun power to recharges his fortune, then divide himself into pigeon once again. Hunting Pigeon is considered illegal, because the animals are considered to be the current incarnation of a friendly gods.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Fri Jan 04, 2019 7:54 pm


god of thieves discovered in East Tropican cities.

The Tropican Deity discovery has recently found link between multiple case of unsolved thievery in Tropica, and believe that link may be the religious belief in a god of thieves, in the city of east Tropica, like Keahiahi, Waiwai, Tropicerson, Haukawi, Muriwhata and New Kosmo. It appear the vast majority of the Unsolved thievery case are done in theses cities. For exemple, the police of Tropicerson had a record of 557 unsolved thievery last years, compared to only 37 for Liamderson and 53 for Tropica City. The others city of East tropica are similar, in other words, they have a much higher rate of unsolved thievery the cities of the rest of the country. After multiple investigation, We have discovered the beliefs in the God of thieves, Tolioa, that might justified the acts of thievery in the region. Few of the people accepted to talk with us, requiring that we do not give away their identity.

Thievery is a noble act. Tolioa show us the path we can take. In time, the majority of people where suffering from hunger, while a few rich would keep everything to themselves. Tolioa was extremely hungry, but he did not had the power of Kofio, he was no trickster. So he started stealing food from other anyone that he could see as evil. Sometimes, he would steal from rich people, during other moment he would steal from bad people, and he would also steal the gods. But instead of stealing food for humanity, he show humanity how to steal from each others. Yeah we are thieves and we follow a code. We steal things from bad persons.
anonymous thief
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sun Jan 06, 2019 6:40 am


Malia Metua say Xsampsa is no longer a democracy

earlier this years, The Monarchist government has decided to ban the communist party. A move that was seen as dictatorial by the prime minister of Tropica.

When you start banning parties, its a sign that democracy in a country is in danger. We cannot keep our eyes on the decision of the government of Xsampa to formelly ban a political party. This is dictatorial. I understand the majority can disagree with many position of the minority and this is perfectly normal, but banning political parties is just wrong. We, in Tropica, we also made that bad move, when the New Democratic Party first came around, it was banned, and it took us some time to work a compromise that would lift this ban. At that moment Mark Edwards told me. I strongly hate this party, and I would have no personal problem with the ban, if I did not stand in favor of democracy. Today, I would like to ask the government of Xsampa to find a better solution then banning a political party.
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