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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jan 07, 2019 5:08 am

Radical Ahmadist, Socialist arrested and charged for December bombing
March, 4511

Special Czarist Gendarmerie officers lead December bombing attacker from Special Constitutional Court building in Čachtice.

Čachtice, Darali - Three months after the deadly car bombing in Čachtice that claimed the lives of 12 people, the Special Czarist Gendarmerie's Czarist Intelligence Office has announced that radical Ahmadist socialist, a Vanukean native with a temporary residence permit in Deltaria has been arrested and charged with the deadly attack. Mhmet Bucék was arrested and charged with 15 different counts, mostly related to terrorism and promoting violence against a state religious institution. Mhmet had attacked a funeral procession for well known Terran Patriarchical Church Bishop Tadija Lazarević who died of a heart attack at the age of 77, the bombing saw 12 people killed and dozens wounded as onlookers watched the funeral procession from the street. The investigation was handled by the Czarist Intelligence Office and several dozen arrests were made prior to the proclaimed master-mind behind the attack, the arrests were claimed to the be a network of terrorist who had entered Deltaria prior to the rise of the new Czarist Movement and the rise of Czar Aleksandr III. The Special Constitutional Court in Čachtice will be preparing to try former caretaker Minister of the Interior Kapolcs Soma, who is blamed for allowing known terrorist and socialist inside of Deltaria. The trial is expected to last several weeks and security around the courthouse will be tight. Rumors are that Czar Aleksandr III will make an appearance at the trial.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jan 08, 2019 2:53 am

Czar Aleksandr III dead! Czar Viktor II crowned!
April, 4512

Čachtice, Darali - The Palace of the Czar back a bastion of activity when it was discovered that relatively healthy, Czar Aleksandr III was found dead in his bed. Palace doctors were unable to revive the Czar who suffered a massive heart attack at the age of 47. Grand Prince Viktor, the brother of the Czar was named heir as former Czar Aleksandr III had no issue and no wife. Grand Prince Viktor was taken to Dolinka, and coronated as the Czar Viktor II by the Papez and formally made the Czar of the Deltarian Czardom. Czar Viktor II is a former Major General in the Czarist Ground Forces and is widely seen as a more competent, intelligent pick over his brother who through pure luck managed to achieve the support of the Czarist Movement in place of Viktor. It is the first time that a Deltarian Czar has not died of old age or abdicated in some other circumstances; as was common with the von Thaller rule in Deltaria.

Rumors are that Czar Viktor II has issued a secretive decree aimed at curtailing the followers of his late brother; namely those within the Czarist Movement who are still loyal to the former Czar. Limited reports have come out that several dozen Thaller loyalist were arrested and executed in the dense forests of Ushlande by Special Czarist Gendarmerie and State Security Service officers. Since the rise of a traditional noble family in Deltaria, the Thallers have been increasingly vacant in Deltaria with dozens of their holdings, castles and other property being confiscated by the Deltarian government. The moves were widely seen as a means to remove the Thaller influence in Deltaria and seen as a chance for traditional, autocratic and aristocratic Deltarians to move into their places.

While the coronation was on-going it is reported that the Czarist Intelligence Office was conducting raids against locations of reported Ahmadi socialist affiliated with the former illegal organization in Vanuku known as the "Socialist Alliance". Information is sparse but the Special Constitutional Court, erected by Minister of Justice Munderic Ottmar, has seen a dozen charged and sentenced in a matter of a few hours due to what state officials are calling "...damning evidence against the Czar and the state."
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Auditorii » Wed Jan 09, 2019 10:39 pm

Czar Viktor III killed, Communist and Socialist coup government
October, 4512

Čachtice, Darali - Czar Viktor III, the successor of Aleksandr III was killed earlier this month when a car bomb exploded during an official visit throughout Deltaria. The death of Viktor III left a power vacuum in Deltaria with no stable Maiser dynasty heirs to inherit the throne, the infant son of Viktor III never made it to the Holy Lands to be coronated by the Papez due to intervention by Socialist and Communist militias that overtook Čachtice and prevented the transport. While Socialist and Communist in Deltaria have been oppressed for the past several years underneath the two Czar's, they were mostly underground and with the support of Neo-Kaminskist Minister of Defense and Chief of the Czarist General Staff Hubert Horáček as well as Deputy Minister of Defense Željko Pavlović and Deputy Minister of the Interior Erik Kocúr they were able to appoint several dozen notable officers to units around the capital. The coup d'etat was relatively peaceful as a vast majority of military units within Čachtice followed orders of their commanders.

The Special Czarist Gendarmerie were immediately arrested and disarmed, it is likely that they will carry out some resistance in the country but without a Czar, the Czarist Movement will surely fizzle out. The All-Deltarian Communist Party captured the Palace of the Government and immediately appointed a caretaker government underneath Chairman of the Council of Ministers Erik Kocúr and appointed General-Secretary Željko Pavlović as the interim President of the Federation of Deltarian Socialist Republics; the incoming government. The All-Deltarian Communist Party appointed a "Federal Council" made up of 750 All-Deltarian Communist Party members and began drafting a new constitution, unseating the Czar. Despite the presence of the Czar and the semblance of stability over the past few years, the Deltarian government was weak and mostly supported by the Special Czarist Gendarmerie and the Czarist Movement.

The All-Deltarian Communist Party was quickly able to identify and appoint opportunist and careerist throughout the local administrations and the local network of Communist and Socialist and quickly took over numerous towns, villages and major cities. While the fragile Czarist government has been swept away...the even more fragile All-Deltarian Communist Party lead government is in the lead. It is likely that they will be forced into heavy handed tactics over hearts and minds to win the people, but with significant capital and the promises of the stability, they might be able to capitalize on this all.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:37 am

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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:30 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

January 21st 4516
Socialist People's Party retakes control of government, president Igor Hošek selected
With the dissolution of the All-Deltarian Communist Party the former Socialist People's Party has once again taken control of government

It became clear at the gathering in the Federal Council that the former Socialist People's Party would once again be selected to control the country on behalf of the socialist republics. Hardline communist Igor Hošek has been selected by the Council to govern the nation as president. Many hope that the return of the socialist people's party will result in Deltaria returning to the era of great military expansion and influence and the people hope for true stability after years of changing government and increased poverty.

Hošek promised in front of the Federal Council to "make sure Deltaria is a name once again respected accros Terra" he also, suprisingly, attacked Vanuku directly blaming the country for the instability in Deltaria and promising to "put them in their place"
The new regime has however stated that it will "not interfere with private enterprises" and has already invited companies like former deltarian automobile company PRIME back to the country.

As the new regime takes shape many accros majatra wait in fear as to what this new course will mean for the continent.

the new Deltarian president Igor Hošek when being announced as the new president
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Tue Jan 15, 2019 1:07 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

January 22nd 4516
Ministry of Defense ready to "explore" the creation of a aircraft carrier, other naval expansions also planned
The ministry of defense has expressed its interest in the construction of a aircraft carrier and is looking for partners to explore its options, other naval vessels have already been ordered

As the new government assumes its office the Ministry of Defense is already making true on the presidents promise of greater Deltarian influence in the region. In a public statement on their plans the ministry expressed its desire and intention to construct an aircraft carrier for the Deltarian navy as well as constructing new frigates and destroyers. Trigunia was mentioned as a possible partner for constructing the Aircraft Carrier together with the Deltarian government. For the planned frigates and destroyers the government will try and construct them themselves. A new government owned company has already been set up called the "Deltárských Obranná Federace" or "Deltarian Defense Federation" which will be tasked with constructing the planned frigates and destroyers with foreign blueprints.

According to government inspectors the ground force does not need a update as its still modern and well equipped. It currently has 600.000 career soldiers in its ranks.

According to the ministry the DOF will try to obtain several blueprints to construct the planned ships. More on this story later.

The destroyer type that the ministry of defense would preferably start constructing
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Tue Jan 15, 2019 1:53 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

January 28th 4516
VALCRY Dynamics announcing cooperation with Deltarian government
As VALCRY is looking for partners in order to finance the G-1 Program they announce that VALCRY Dynamics has reached an agreement with the Deltarian government for the financing of the G-1 project

Cildania was the first to sign in on the plans for the Cildanian company VALCRY to develop a new fighter jet. With 150 billion CDC the project was partially funded. But the VALCRY Group and its subsidiary VALCRY Dynamics today announced a partnership with the Deltarian government. The Deltarian government will provide the company with the remaining funding for the project in exchange for Deltaria being able to purchase the first few jets together with Cildania at a discounted price. VALCRY Dynamics now has enough funding to start active development on the new jet which is, for now, codenamed the G-1 project.
As part of the deal VALCRY Dynamics will also open 2 new factories in Deltaria accounting to more then 2.200 new jobs for the Deltarian economy.

The first blueprints for the new jet will likely be ready within the next two years after which the company will start constructing and testing the engine, frame and other equipment needed for the jet before assembling it. The total project will take around 16 years to complete according to VALCRY Dynamics as the jet will be a variant of a already existing jet on the market.

The Deltarian government is looking for ways to both increase its economic capabilities as well as its military capabilities. The Ministry of Defense has already stated that it will look for more partnerships of similar nature to increase deltarian capabilities on "all fronts"

The Logo of VALCRY Dynamics, subsidiary of the VALCRY Group
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:00 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

December 8th 4516
Deltarian buildup on the Jelbanian border, Deltarian airforce violating Jelbanian airspace
Deltarian forces have reportedly been building up at the border with Jelbania.

Just days after President Hošek talked about the "rightfull deltarian possesions in Jelbania" deltarian forces now seem to build up on the border with the country. Columns of tanks are stationed just miles from the border crossing and great amounts of infantry formations are being setup along the entire border.
Simultaneously deltarian jets are violating Jelbanian airspace constantly in the past 2 days and many fear a possible invasion of the south of Jelbania to make true on the deltarian threats earlier this week.

Many accross majatra watch in disbelief as they thought conflict over Jelbania was finally over. But experts say that this possible move by Deltaria is solmenly defensive.

Deltaria still believes that the current Jelbania is more alligned to Vanuku then to them, and having a possible enemy bordering them is not an option of the country as they try to keep as much distance between them and Vanuku as possible

If Deltaria will indeed invade and what the reaction of other powers will be is still unclear.

A Deltarian soldier just meters from the border with Jelbania
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:20 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

December 12th 4516
PRIME International reveals new SUV
The Silo SUV has been revealed and will roll out in most majatran nations by march next year

For years PRIME International and PRIME Lourenne have been selling cars like crazy. Their previous model, specifically build for families, has already sold around 10 million units in a span of 10 years. But according to PRIME executive Pankrác Křoupal it was time to move on. With the company now worth over 21 billion DTE it is planning to launch subsidiaries in almost every majatran nation. PRIME Vanuku, PRIME Istalia and PRIME Cildania have already been set up and the other branches are soon to follow.

To launch the new adventure in its majatran branches PRIME has also revealed a new SUV called the Silo that will start to be sold in march 4517. This SUV has all the lucury one would need, and can traverse the mountainous regions of Majatra where needed. It will be sold for around 130.000 DTE. A bit above the paygrade of the lower classes but around the price for the middle class. In addition to this the old models will also be sold at the new branches of the company.

The first Silo SUV's will hit stores in Deltaria early march and the other majatran branches will follow later that month.

The new PRIME Silo, hitting dealerships early march next year
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