
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Sun Dec 23, 2018 12:05 pm

The Cildanian Courier
The Cildanian Courier is a widely circulated newspaper in Cildania delivering news daily accros the nation

July 14th 4504
PDS back in government, Defense ministry finishes frigates, launches new projects
As the remaining Banstill class frigates finish construction the defense ministry begins a new project while the Royal Chancellor reaches out to luthori

One month ago the last 4 Banstill class frigates finished construction and entered the Cildanian fleet. The project to construct all 6 had cost around 2.4 billion CDC in total for construction and another 200 million for contracts with both Vanuku and VALCRY.

With the new ships ready the fleet has 6 fine new additions. But for the defense ministry the ambition for a strong navy doesnt end there. The defense minister Yasmin Garcia, during the press conference about the new frigates, revealed that the ministry of defense is already preparing for the next big expansion of the National Navy. She showed a design for a new corvette. This corvette was, according to Garcia, designed in collaboration with VALCRY and will be constructed exclusively in the new VALCRY Group shipyard. The new corvette was, just like the new VALCRY missiles, designed for quick descisive action and will also function in a support role for the rest of the fleet. The name of the new Cildanian designed corvette will be the Lightning Class corvette and a initial number of 5 will be constructed in the coming 3 to 4 years.
Despite this being a significant development for Cildania with it being the first self designed ship to be constructed the defense minister told reporters that this is part of a larger project called the Expansion for the Defense of Cildania project or EDC.

In this project which will span the next 7 years and can be extended a special fund will be established to fund several expansions of primarily the naval forces of the National Cildanian Armed Forces. In the first face which will last 5 years the new couple of 5 corvettes will be constructed, the older ASW destroyer of the National Navy will be brought to the docks for repairs and modernizations and 2 new cruisers will be aquired for the navy.

The new cruisers will likely be aquired outside of Cildania while the ASW destroyer of the navy will be repaired in Cildania itself and the 5 corvettes will be constructed in Cildania as well.
The government is now looking for partners to aquire the new cruisers.

A rough computer model of the new Cildanian designed Lightning class of which 5 will be constructed in the coming years

Royal Chancellor Bosio invites Luthorian foreign minister to Qart Qildar to strengthen ties

Royal Chancellor Zazu Bosio has formally invited the foreign minister of Luthori to make a state visit to Qart Qildar to strengthen ties between Cildania and Luthori. This request came after the Luthorian government announced its intentions of establishing new ties with the nations of Terra. According to Bosio Cildania would be "honoured" to host a Luthorian delegation and sees an opportunity to "closely allign our nations so that we may protect eachothers interests and the interests of Terra as a whole"

Bosio underlined the importance of more cooperation with nations like Luthori and is "actively looking to establish ties with many nations on terra"

Bosio on his way to the Chancellors office
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Sun Dec 23, 2018 1:16 pm

The Economic Post
The Economic Post is the newspaper for all economic news of the nation of Cildania

July 19th 4504
Government launches program to transform the Cildanian economy
While the government has been focussing on expanding the armed forces it has also come up with a plan to transform the Cildanian economy

in most of its history Cildania did not have to worry much about its economy, an abudance of oil, coal and other minerals made cash plentiful and has caused Cildania to remain largely unscathed during most crisis as long as it did not affect these resources. This has changed however, with the coal mines gradually being closed or running out of coal to mine and the offshore drilling becoming more costly because of high drilling costs the government is forced to look for alternatives to keep the economy stable. Progressive voters are also calling for a more environment friendly approach towards economics and all these conditions combined make this the excellent time to start the major transformation of the Cildanian economy.

In a detailed plan the Ministry of Finance presented a new approach to economics for Cildania. Their plan outlined the intention of the government to transition its "old" economy into the new age by heavily focussing on the modern agricultural sector and the technology sector. According to the plan the government has to "actively support and facilitate the development of the Cildanian technological and agricultural sector"
By using new agricultural methods and encouraging technological advancement in the sector the new plan hopes to establish a modern and strong sector. The plan even details the ambitions of the government, according to the plan Cildania must be the number 2 in agricultural exports within the next 10 years without using much more space then its currently using for its agriculture today.

The technology sector will also be a major focus for the new government plan with a new "Fund for Technological Development and Innovation" or FTDI being set up to encourage its growth. The government will also try to lower the amount of regulatory legislation currently present regarding technological development and will establish several "technology sectors" in the major cities of Cildania which will basically be entire streets or parts of cities dedicated to technological companies and their employees. The plan also detailed the intention of closing all coal mines by the year 4515 and slowly lowering oil consumption over the next 15 years.

Many economists have reported positively to the government plan. The government hopes it will create new jobs, bussineses and generlly transform the Cildanian economy to maintain economy stability and growth.

A Cildanian "Farm Valley" in the middle of the country, the government is looking to maximize the efficiency of for example such Farm Valley's in the country
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Fri Dec 28, 2018 9:21 am

The Cildanian Courier
The Cildanian Courier is a widely circulated newspaper in Cildania delivering news daily accros the nation

December 9th 4506
3 of 5 new corvettes ready, cruisers aquired, plan for the ground force
As a majority of the new corvettes and cruisers stand ready the defense ministry lays out a plan for the groundforce.

With the economy roaring because of the recent government reforms and plans the defense ministry is getting an open hand in pushing ahead with their expansions and modernizations. With the new economic plan in place Cildania still gets the benefits of the fossil economy for at least another 5 years while also getting the benefits of new technological funds and city blocks as well as increased productivity from farms.

The defense ministry released a report on the new cruisers and corvettes. According to the report 3 of the 5 Cildanian designed Lightning Class Corvettes have been constructed and the 2 new cruisers have also been purchased from a undisclosed party.
The remaining 2 Lightning Corvettes will be contructed within the next 2 years. In addition to the ships being mostly ready the VALCRY missile named the UP-1 has also been released by the company. The missile has been specifically designed to be small, lightweight but deadly. It has so called "adaptable surface" technology build in casuing the missile to know what kind of surface it is impacting on.

If it impacts on normal ground (dirt, asfalt) it explodes immediately, but if it impacts materials like steel or iron it first penetrates the layer of the object before exploding, causing greater damage. According to third party analylists the missile has the possibility to explode before it penetrates the steel due to the timer on the missile. The timer makes the missile explode 1 second after any impact. Despite these alledged flaws the Cildanian government has purchased an initial 400 of these missiles to be fitted on the Frigates and cruisers of the fleet. VALCRY has also opened up the ability for other nations to purchase the UP-1 and says it would be "happy to provide other nations with our products"

One of the new Cildanian Lightning Class corvettes departing into open waters for the first time

Defense Ministry plans on redrawing the entire groundforce

Until now the Navy has had the main focus of the Cildanian government with the army being left in the dark. But now that is changing. The defense ministry has voiced its intention on completely redefining the Cildanian groundforce. A first step for this is to refit, repair and modernize the 400 Merkava IV tanks in the National Cildanian Army.

The ministry has also called upon the highest generals of the army to meet with defense minister Garcia and create a plan to redraw the divisional strutures in the army to make it more effective. In a public statement the ministry outlined its ideas for a new groundforce saying that "the groundforce needs to be able to operate quickly and anywhere, we want it to be efficiently organized and managed" in the plan the ministry explains that it wants a groundforce consisting of around 250.000 career soldiers with a significant "technological edge" against competitors. "The ground force needs to be able to cooperate with both the air and naval forces of the armed forces as well"

The repairs and modernizations of the Merkava IV tanks will be completed within 4 years.

One of the Merkava IV tanks of the National Army being prepared for modernizations
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:18 am

The Cildanian Courier
The Cildanian Courier is a widely circulated newspaper in Cildania delivering news daily accros the nation

July 18th 4509
Divisional structure redrawn, Tanks modernized, Fleet ready, Cildania expands further
With massive changes for the groundforce and big expansions of the navy the Cildanian armed forces are expanding and strengthening at a rapid pace

It was Royal Chancellor Bosio that started the new chapter in Cildanian history, by first launching a policy of Naval expansion in an effort to make the Cildanian navy among the strongest in Majatra and then launching policies of economic reform, ground force restructuring and now, expansion.
With the new corvettes, Frigates and cruisers all ready and deployed and the tanks of the ground force repaired and modernized and the divisional structures redrawn the Royal Chancellor has now ordered the ministry of defense to modernize all of the groundforce.

In a public statement Bosio released his plans which he calls "Effective Ground Operation Initiative" or EGOI. In this initiative the defense ministry will strive for a medium sized but effective groundforce. The first phase will be to reduce the number of active carreer soldiers from 400.000 currently to 250.000 in the near future. The defense ministry will also be aquiring new artillery guns for the creation of several extra artillery units. The infantry that remains will also get a completely new uniform and modernized sets of equipment. New support vehicles will also be purchased and the Cildanian company VALCRY will be asked to develop a new Rocket Launched artillery system with the missiles they recently created.

Besides this hundreds of small upgrades and changes will be made to the ground forces to make it more effective, skilled and specialized. The army will hire instructors from around the world and Royal Chancellor Bosio has stated that he will put his "utmost attention" into building a new Military Academy to train officers in the capital of Qart Qildar.
All these changes should be completed within a timeline of 10 years according to the ministry. No comments have been made on a possible Airforce overhaul yet but many experts believe such a overhaul will likely occur after the announced plans for the military.

two cildanian officers at a Military Base close to Qart Qildar
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:33 am

The Cildanian Courier
The Cildanian Courier is a widely circulated newspaper in Cildania delivering news daily accros the nation

July 18th 4509
Cildanian navy preparing to buy 4 new destroyers, Royal Chancellor Bosio voices concern over Deltarian situation
The ground force restructuring is done and the Cildanian navy prepares to buy 4 new destroyers, Royal Chancellor Bosio voices his concerns on the situation in Deltaria

It has been some years after the start of the massive program to restructure and specialize the Cildanian ground forces, after several delays the entire program is now finished with the number of career soldiers reduced to 250.000 and all equipment upgraded and modernized. The divisional structure of the army has been rewritten and should be more effective then before.

With these modernizations and changes completed more funds is once again available for the naval forces. The commander of the National Navy has announced his intention to request the purchase of 4 new destroyers to strengthen the navy. The Ministry of Defense has agreed to this plan and is in active preparation for the purchase of the destroyers.

The destroyers Cildania is looking to buy

Royal Chancellor Bosio voices concerns on the Deltarian situation

Royal Chancellor Bosio has reacted to the current situation in Deltaria. He stated that the instability in one of Majatra's major powers and the transition to a communist regime are a "danger for the entire region" and could result in "great conflict with the other majatran nations"

Bosio voiced his intention of holding a summit with the nations that are a member of the Majatran Sea Guard to "discuss" possible scenarios concerning Deltaria.
The sea guard was created to protect the majatran inner sea from foreign naval invasions but it seems more likely that it could now be used to hinder Deltarian ambitions in the region. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the government of Selucia has already been contacted in regards to a meeting of the Sea Guard and the Cildanian navy has increased its patrols in the several straights of the sea region.

Royal Chancellor Bosio at the right together with Foreign Minister Montezin at the left
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:11 pm

The Cildanian Courier
The Cildanian Courier is a widely circulated newspaper in Cildania delivering news daily accros the nation

July 23rd 4513
VALCRY to develop its own fighter aircraft
VALCRY Group has announced their intention of developing a new fighter jet

In a recent interview with CBC the Cildanian company VALCRY announced its intention to develop a new fighter jet capable of rapid deployment and aimed at quick and descisive operations (just like the company's UP-1 missiles). After previously developing and building the succesfull UP-1 missiles the company which recently hit a market value of 600 million CDC has announced that it will work in cooperation with the Cildanian government and a set of smaller private companies to develop its own fighter jet codenamed the "G1" this will be the biggest VALCRY project to date and will make use of all of VALCRY its resources. Only one of the five VALCRY factories in Cildania will continue producing UP-1 missiles while the others will be focussing on the development of the "G1" project.

The company estimated that the total cost of research, development, construction and finalizing the project will be between 200 billion CDC and 400 billion CDC. Through its cooperation with the Cildanian government and a series of fundraising campaigns VALCRY hopes to gather the funding needed for this immense project.
According to industry experts VALCRY is taking a huge risk by starting this project with bancruptcy likely if it fails. VALCRY is also relatively young. The company is mostly known for its naval weaponry like the ST-32 radar systems, the JENA anti detection system and their most known creation the UP-1 missiles.

This will be the first time that the VALCRY group will enter the industry of jet design and construction and will be a huge challenge for the 15 year old company.
While the early preparations are being made for the G1 project to commence VALCRY has already registered a new company at the ministry of finance called "VALCRY Dynamics" which will be a subsidiary of the VALCRY Group and will be the main developer for the G1 project.

The company stated that more details will be released once the project is properly ongoing.

One of the VALCRY weapon factories
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Re: Servizz ta ’l-Aħbarijiet u l-Informazzjoni taċ-Ċildan (Cilda

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sun May 31, 2020 8:35 pm

Dolgovas konservatīvā partija (Dolgava) info
Also in Hanzen
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Re: Cildania

Postby Liukupukki » Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:50 am

The Cildanian Paper
The Axiaq family return to power

The Axiaq family has returned to politics for the first time since 4596. They managed to gather almost 100% of the vote, since no other party opposed them apart from a few independent politicians. Image
Dino Axiaq, Leader of the Axiaqists Party

We asked a few questions to Dino Axiaq, the new leader of the Axiaqist Party

What brings you back to politics?
I believe that Cildania has political parties that come and go, and a lot of the time, there are no parties.Today, we make a change. Cildania needs power and strength in a government that stays.

What is the goal of the Axiaqists?
The goal of the Axiaqist Party is to put the Axiaq family back to the throne and keep it there until the end of time, so we can supervise our nation and make it great and keep it that way

Some people have criticized your bloodline's past, how will you improve on them?
I will not stand for this, my ancestors weren't fascists and neither am I! No further questions!
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Re: Cildania

Postby Liukupukki » Wed Sep 30, 2020 10:53 am

The Cildanian Paper
Dino Axiaq elected President of The Cildanian Republic

Today, Dino Axiaq was elected the president of The Cildanian Republic. Dino held a speech after hearing the results.

Dino Axiaq holding a speech after getting elected

Fellow Cildanians, Today I have been elected as the president of Cildania, I thank you for that, but as some of you probably know, a president can't be in control, it is a weak position. Knowing that, as my first act as president, I will change the position of president to be the position of The Supreme Leader, and my lineage will inherit this position.

I will also change a few more titles, like the House of Representatives will be changed to The Council of the Supreme Leader, and Prime Minister will be the Overseer of the Council

I will also restore the rights and titles of nobility, and grant nobility to those who deserve it.

Long Live Cildania, Long Live the Axiaq Bloodline

Some people have already criticized this on social media as undemocratic and dictator-like, while some promote him and his ideas.

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