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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Kubrick » Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:20 pm

Armed Forces outraged at apartheid reforms, officers threaten action
Recent reforms affecting minority officers are causing increased tensions.

Inkolo Esintsundu Sizwe Syncretist Captain of Mallan descent Aman Fahsika (r.) will be purged under the new apartheid laws, he is one of many victims.

January 4514 - With tensions between the monarch, government and the Grand Council already at a record height the Armed Forces is now also joining this battle after a piece of very controversial legislation was proposed by Minister Merlékam of Defence. The bill essentially rules out any "non-recognized religious person" from being both a non-commissioned as well as a commissioned officer. Officers and NCO's affected by this law are of many religions. While the majority of Vanuku's population adheres to the Terran Patriarchal Church and the Israist denotation of the Ahmadi faith there are dozens of other religions that do not make the arbitrary requirements of the government's new proposal and are thus labelled "cults". Even ancient respected religions like Yeudism are now a cult according to the government, causing many to accuse the government of anti-yeudi sentiments.

Yeudists, Ruhists, Apostolics, Confessionalists, Amelioratists, Ordists, Communionists, Sahabists, Halawists, Zahirists, Yazdists, Daenists, Agathists, Rowshanists, Guidaoists, Jienists, Seodongyoists, Gerajists, Selucianists and IESSists like Captain Fahsika will all be purged from the Armed Forces if the new legislation is to pass. It is estimated that around 20,000 to 25,000 troops will be affected. The decision has sparked outrage all across the Armed Forces with many servicemen and women standing in solidarity with their officers and NCO's. The Union of Servicemen has threatened severe action if the legislation is enacted, the last time the UoS issued a threat of this proportion was shortly before the military coup in 4383. King Wrntukai VI has pledged he will issue his Royal Veto on the bill to assure stability.

King's legal counsel attacks cabinet at Special Investigations Committee
Monarch refuses to sign any more laws until "anti-monarchist and anti-Vanukean cabinet" resigns.

January 4514 - The legal counsel of the King, together with the Movement of Discontent, have viciously attacked the Special Investigations Committee with their defence. The current cabinet has claimed the King has overstepped his position and utilized his Royal Veto on false grounds. However the legal counsel of the King, represented by the firm Tekkáws, Lahm & Sardnpal argues otherwise. In front of the Special Investigations Committee they viciously attacked the cabinet, stating that the Zhtál family has jeopardized the stability of the Kingdom and politicalized the non-partisan Royal Veto.

The claim of the Minister of Justice that the 80-year old King Wrntukai VI had been put under "intolerable pressure" was quickly dealt with after citing the King was adviced by his 106 year old uncle. Likewise the defence counsel deflected all the other arguments and viciously attacked the cabinet. The King himself was not present at the committee, instead opting to send his nephew Prince Pawl as his personal representative. The King stated in a press conference he "unanimously rejects" the demands put forward by the Prefect and will not rest until the cabinet resigns and "saner spirits" are put forward. It seems that political crisis is increasing every day.

Protesters take to the streets as government deadlock continues
Increasing discontent amongst lower classes at "incompetent politicians" may cause greater crisis.

Protesters have put on high visibility jackets, dubbing themselves the 'green vests movement', to stand out in their anti-government struggle.

February 4515 - With the political crisis at a stalemate and the government having increasing troubles to function properly due to the refusal of the King to sign any more legislation the people of the Kingdom of Vanuku are becoming increasingly unhappy. The limited democracy that has been the basis of the Kingdom for several decades since the Salyzr Coup has also caused increased dissent, not only amongst clear opposition ideologies like the socialists but even amongst the right-wing population. The recent religious reforms were the last drip that overflowed the barrel for many people. With many war heroes facing a purge and apartheid several patriotic Vanukeans took to the streets in Prinsenaard. The small protest was violently squashed by local police. However this violent approach, which did wonders in the past, did not work as expected. A day later thousands of people had flocked to the street, all wearing green high visibility jackets. The Green Vests Movement stands in solidarity with "our boys in green" (the soldiers) and demands substantial reforms. In all major cities across the Kingdom the protesters have assembled, mostly on squares and in major streets. For now the protests are peaceful with protesters demanding "the resignation of the Prefect, a more open democracy where non-nobles can vote, lower taxes, less police brutality, cheaper gas prices and repealing the religious reforms" according to Jebr Vrnsrmo, a leading member of the Green Vests Movement.

With hundreds of thousands of people already on the street and the government refusing to buckle it is only a matter of time before the protests become violent. To make matters worse the military, which is by law required to back up the police, has already stated they feel no current incentive to support the Royal Police in their endeavour to subdue the nationwide protests. The office of the Prefect was unavailable for comment.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:54 am

Head of Government To Use Executive Powers to Bypass Royal Veto
Prefect Vrhelmszo Says Opposition Have Politicised King's Prerogative To Block Democratically-Approved Legislation

Herlkai Vrhelmszo, Prefect of Vanuku and Leader of the New Conservative Front.

July 4515 - New Prefect Herlkai Vrhelmszo says he is "walking a tightrope " as he tries to balance the good of the nation with his inherent passion for the monarchy and the constitution.

The former history professor-turned-politician was seen as a surprise and low-key appointment when his party chose him as their next leader, following the shock resignation of General Andrj Zhtál.

Nevertheless, despite the ongoing crisis with the monarch over the use of the royal veto to prevent legislation from becoming law, the new head of government commands a huge majority in the Grand Council following a snap election - and intends to press home his advantage.

His first move was to change the name of the governing party from the New Royal Front to the New Conservative Front - a decision which seems to demonstrate the growing rift between King Wrntukai VI and the Zhtál-influenced organisation, but is referred to officially by party spokespeople as a "necessary modernising strategy".

His next gambit has been to announce he intends to govern by executive order. So while the government can still find it difficult to pass new laws he will use his express and assumed powers to ensure essential services still run, government officials get paid and perceived emergencies can be acted upon without the need for a Royal rubber stamp.

The constitutional legality of this approach has already been challenged by the opposition party, The Movement For Discontent. They have stated there is nothing in the current laws of the land saying the King cannot veto executive orders; however, the Prefect has countered saying, equally, there is nothing to say the King should have veto power over this kind of secondary legislation. He has now suggested the opposition take the matter to the supreme court if they wish to challenge him.

Despite this, the Prefect admits he is a monarchist at heart and wants to support the current system. He said: "Like my predecessor I do not blame the king for the current impasse - I blame those who are badly advising him from within his own family who currently sit on the opposition ranks and have their own agenda. They have limited power in this Grand Council, so they have seized upon a way to use the Royal Veto to prevent legislation from passing.

"The Veto when used on good grounds is a tool for stability and security... used as a way for an opposition party to override the government and it becomes nothing more than a dangerous block on democracy. They have politicised the use of the Royal Veto and that is why we have had to take a stand.

"So while I generally prescribe to the current system and remain a loyal servant of the monarch, it is true some realignment is needed to ensure the veto cannot be abused in this way in the future."

In what is seen as something of an olive branch, the Prefect has now fully repealed two of the three pieces of legislation that the King had blocked - one bill pertaining to religious laws and cults, the other to religious restrictions on military officers.

The Prefect added: "Reports that Yeudism and many other religions were going to be defined as cults have been very much exaggerated and used to stir up public opinion - creating a toxic situation. The laws we wanted to adopt would have given us grounds to clamp down on so-called faith organisations that use violence or present a danger to the public. Still, with no chance of these passing into law, we have decided on a full repeal.

"Another royal-vetoed piece of legislation regarding the appointment of a Chief Advisor to the King, is now the subject of a Special Investigations Committee and a decision on that has been deferred pending the findings of the Committee."

The Prefect is also expected to roll out further democratic reforms and liberties as the government attempts to keep the people and the armed forces onside as the political battle between government and the Monarch continues.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Rogue » Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:42 pm

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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Wed Jan 16, 2019 11:48 am

Royal Veto Upheld Over Hereditary Chief Advisor Role
Government Forced To Look At New Legislation Featuring An Elected Appointee

Aldrkai Merlékam, Chair of the Special Investigations Committee, which has ruled in favour of the King.

June 4516 - The Government has been forced to look again at its legislation regarding the appointment of a Chief Advisor to the monarch after a special committee upheld the King's use of the Royal Veto.

Wrntukai VI used his constitutionally-bestowed powers to block a controversial bill, which would have seen the Head of the Zhtál-Merlkai family given the powerful hereditary role. The Government challenged the veto saying it was not used on "good grounds" and that His Majesty had come to the decision after being put under "intolerable pressure" from his own family.

However, following an Extraordinary Meeting of the Special Investigations Committee, which is tasked with monitoring the use of the Veto, the 10-strong panel favoured the King.

Committee Chairman Aldrkai Merlékam said that the hereditary nature of the role meant the nation could not guarantee the integrity of the position for generations to come, therefore the King had the right to act in the interests of stability. He also ruled that the assertion that intolerable pressure had been put on the 82-year-old King could not be proven and given his good physical and mental health, the Committee had to accept the veto had been the King's own decision.

The Committee later recommended that if the government wished to re-propose the bill they should look at adding more of a electoral element to the role and remove any notion it would be hereditary.

Following on from this the Prefect, Herlkai Vrhelmszo, said the government accepted the ruling and submitted a new piece of legislation more in line with the guidelines set out.

In tabling the motion Appointment of a Chief Advisor to the Monarch the Prefect said: "We fully take on board the recommendation of the Special Committee which states that the hereditary nature of the original bill did raise cause for concern and, therefore, we have removed this and replaced it with an electable Chief Advisor."

He did go onto say that the first electable appointment the government would propose would be Lord Jebr Zhtal, The Duke of Vrkzel - but stressed the position would have to be voted on by the Grand Council.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:00 pm

Sweeping Democratic Reforms Welcomed By Armed Forces
Government Gives Millions of Serving Personnel, Veterans, Police and Security Services Officers The Vote

Lance-Corporal Btházr Trmékez who is excited about the prospect of voting for the first time.

July 4516 - In a bid to demonstrate a commitment to the widening of the democratic process, the Government has introduced a new law allowing active and retired member of the armed forces, police and security services to vote.

An amendment was passed to the Constitutional Reform Act enabling electoral suffrage to be widened beyond the nobility and the very rich (those with assets worth over 1 million VAN).

An estimated five million more people will now have the chance to vote or stand for election to public office under the reform, which the government said was the first part of a two-prong initiative to increase democracy across the board.

Meanwhile, controversial plans linking religious beliefs to people becoming new commissioned officers in the armed forces have been completely scrapped after the original proposal was met with outrage and then vetoed by the King. The government has also backed a private members' bill allowing women to serve alongside men in frontline positions in the military.

Prefect Herlkai Vrhelmszo said: "We have listened, we have taken onboard what people have told us and we have rolled out these measures aimed at giving millions more people the vote. The fact we have started with our armed force, police and security services is not unexpected - these vital people form the backbone of our nation and we will never underestimate their worth in ensuring the defence of the realm."

Lance-Corporal Btházr Trmékez, 25, said: "It will be a strange sensation when I first vote - but one I am enthusiastic and excited about. I welcome this move along with the other reforms the government have introduced. While I would like to see a widening of the democratic process further, as a serviceman I understand why full democracy has taken so long to be restored. This is definitely a big step in the right direction."

The majority of people have not been able to vote in Vanuku since 4473, when brothers Eksandr and Danil Salyzr headed up a legal coup - backed by the late Queen Mrjmai - and established a dictatorship.

Since control of their ruling party was wrestled from them by the Zhtál-Merlkai family in the 4480s, several steps have been taken to widen the voting process again. However, with the spread of radical socialism and communism around Majatra, most recently seen emerging in Deltaria, the government has been keen to make the return to full democracy a slow and steady process to ensure stability.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Rogue » Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:02 am

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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jan 18, 2019 2:29 am

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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Maxington » Fri Jan 18, 2019 10:38 am

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:03 pm

Prefect Orders Mobilisation of Armed Forces
Vanuku Prepares For Possible Conflict As Jelbanian Situation Flares Up Again

Rapid response troops, such as these elements of the 4th Mechanised Infantry Division, are poised to react should conflict break out.

July 4517 - The Ministry of Defence has confirmed that a wide scale mobilisation of armed forces is underway as tensions regarding Jelbania have once again surfaced.

The Prefect issued an executive order preparing the nation for conflict following the Socialist Republic of Deltaria's threat to invade Jelbania.

This order includes a direct mandate to carry out any strategic or tactical military operations required should conflict arise. A temporary 30 billion VAN increase has been assigned to the MoD's budget.

Meanwhile, the Foreign Office has confirmed it is working around the clock to prevent the outbreak of war and to come up with a viable solution to the Jelbanian problem.

Jelbania remains, by law, a province of the Augustan Empire, but the government in Zardugal has largely abandoned its interest in it eastern neighbour and is thought unlikely to intervene if Deltaria does advance its troops. Vanuku still retains a substantial economic influence in the north of Jelbania and has pledged to safeguard those interests if they come under threat.

Kazulian Talks Were "Positive and Constructive"
Prefect Welcomes Closer Economic and Defensive Ties With Former Superpower Rival

August 4517 - Prefect Herlkai Vrhelmszo has said he has held "positive and constructive" talks with the Kazulian Prime Minister Anne-Mette Daugaard. He said he had reassured Madame Daugaard that further democratic reforms would be introduced in Vanuku - as and when it was safe to do so, and was enthused about the prospect of closer military ties, including a formal defence treaty.

He also said he was willing to discuss the establishment of a joint Vanukean-Kazulian project to economically stimulate poorer parts of Majatra, based on the success of the Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative in Dovani.

The Prefect said: "Our talks with Prime Minister Daugaard were extensive and very encouraging. We made it clear to the Prime Minister that Vanuku is taking steps towards much wider democratic reform, explained why on security grounds this had taken longer than hoped, and hopefully allayed her fears on this subject. We also discussed at length with her about the need for co-operation particularly in areas of defence and in global economic stability.

"Vanuku and Kazulia remain, without doubt, two of Terra's pre-eminent nations. It is our joint responsibility to continue to use our positions for the good of every nation on this planet."
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