Temanian Civil War

Major internal and international armed conflicts including armed uprisings, civil wars and multi-state conflicts.

Temanian Civil War

Postby Rogue » Tue Jan 22, 2019 10:45 am

OOC: Welcome!

In this thread a detailed description of the Temanian civil war will be given. Both full operations (normal news posts) about the war will be posted here as well as personal accounts of solsiders during a battle, insight looks in warplanning of several factions and other announcements about the war.

Suggested music while reading the posts may also be included as well as sound bites like artillery impact fire or other appropriate sounds to make it feel like a real story unfolding.
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Re: Temanian Civil War

Postby Rogue » Wed Jan 23, 2019 10:15 am

Temania Central
The Temania Central is the Central news network of Temania
December 19th 4519
across the country the FDF managed to take up arms and drive out local imperial garrissons

It was clear that the violence of the past months was unsustainable, after months of violent riots and protests the FDF and the people themselves have taken up arms. In many towns and cities armed citizens have kicked out the small garissons present without a fight. But as the Imperial government is now officialy losing territory Emperor Baldassare II has ordered the army to surround the newly created enclaves controlled by the FDF. But while it seems like the rebellion will end as soon as it began with the Imperial Army quickly responding something sinister has happened in the Imperial Capital.

When the first enclaves began to form the garrison in the capital became anxious, faced with increased violence during the protests the garrison lost its temper. Killing over 200 people in what many call the "Imperial Massacre". Public executions in the middle of the street, people shot during the protests themselves and leaders hanged in the capital square. It has become extremely clear that the Emperor will do anything to maintain his government. And that his soldiers are anxious with the increased violence of the protests.

While the Imperial Massacre managed to stop the possibility of losing the capital it has caused greater problems then solutions for the government. After hearing the news more and more people decided to join the rebellion itself and step away from peaceful protests. As the situation worsens and the current crisis looks more and more like a civil war many hold their breath as total conflict seems inevitable.

The Imperial garrison in the capital executing a suspected FDF member in public during the "Imperial Massacre"
OOC: Audio File of execution here

FDF armed citizens (blue) have driven out several garrison's of the Imperial Army
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Re: Temanian Civil War

Postby Rogue » Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:08 am

Temania Central
The Temania Central is the Central news network of Temania
June 14th 4520
More cities lost to rebels, communists split from the FDF, first offensive of the imperial army
More and more people join the rebellion but the first fractures in the FDF have already occured and the Imperial Army launches a devastating offensive

With mounting international pressure and more and more cities under FDF control you would think that the Emperor and his Imperial Army would abide by international demands. But this is not the case. Today the Imperial Army launched its first offensive to try and free a trapped garisson in the middle of FDF territory. Over 10.000 Imperial Soldiers are participating in the offensive with the imperial air wing launching devastating sorties on weakened FDF positions. The first reports of war crimes have already been made with international organizations accusing the Imperial Army of slaughtering the civilian population on several occassions for their presumed betrayal. With FDF forces poorly armed, trained and led the imperial army is having no problems pushing through its lines and it is expected that they will link up with the trapped garisson relatively soon.

While the FDF is trying to organize themselves the first fracture within their ranks has already happened. One of the enclaves where mostly communist members of the FDF were located has split from the FDF organization and created a communist/socialist rebel group called the "People's Democratic Forces" or PDF. They have broken all ties with the FDF and called on all citizens to join their cause. This split within the FDF shows the complexity of the situation with several factions united in the organization organizing it could bring an immense challenge.

Emperor Baldassare II has for now not responded to demands for his abdication and is reported to even prepare more offensives to "descisively defeat" rebel forces.

A tank of the Imperial Army firing on FDF positions

The current map of Temania. With the new rebel territories and the Imperial offensive illustrated. FDF (Blue), PDF (Red)
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Re: Temanian Civil War

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:20 pm

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Re: Temanian Civil War

Postby Rogue » Sun Jan 27, 2019 10:20 am

Temania Central
The Temania Central is the Central news network of Temania
December 19th 4521
FDF Launches its first offensive, government offensive succesfull, PDF launches small scale attacks
As nations accross Terra take their position the conflict grows

After the first offensive of the war by government forces the government has broken through PDF lines and linked up with the troops surrounded in the enclave in the north. The next fase of the government offensive in this region has started as they try to cut off FDF forces and surround them in the region. While the government tries to deliver a quick blow to the fresh FDF forces the FDF itself has also lauched its own offensive. With around 150.000 men at their disposal the FDF has launched several small offensives in an attempt to gain more territory and possible link up its own enclaves to eachother but with FDF forces poorly equipped, trained and led their offensives are proving to be more difficult then they thought against the well trained and equipped Imperial Army.

Despite their clear disadvantages the FDF forces managed to gain some territory regardless. While the FDF is holding down the majority of the Imperial Army the new communist PDF sees it as an opportunity to gain territory themselves. Launching small scale attacks against Imperial forces and taking territory slowly but steadily.

As oppositions offensives intensify and the government launches its own offensives in the north the current map looks like this

FDF Opposition troops running accross an open field during one of their advances

Suspected use of chemical weaponry

As the Imperial Army is pressured on all sides and almost engaged in its entirety the Imperial Government is becoming desperate according to government insiders. On the battlefield itself several sources have reported the use of chemical weaponry by government forces and hospitals near battlezones have reported victims with "severe burnings" and signs of "contact with suspicious chemicals"

International organizations are calling for the international community to intervene as the conflict intensifies

Current death count (estimated:

Imperial Army: 2.403

FDF: 6.908

PDF: 3.710

Civilians: 9.634
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Re: Temanian Civil War

Postby Maxington » Sun Jan 27, 2019 12:37 pm

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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Re: Temanian Civil War

Postby Rogue » Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:39 am

Temania Central
The Temania Central is the Central news network of Temania
December 26th 4522
All sides join conference in Ntoto, ceasefire signed, WC peacekeepers to arrive within the next months
All sides in the civil conflict have agreed to a ceasefire under WC guidance, peackeepers to arrive fairly soon

After intense negotiations in Ntoto all sides in the conflict agreed to a temporary ceasefire to ease the pressure on the civilian population of the country. In the agreement the different sides signed the World Congress will play a central role in establishing a peacekeeping force in Temania to ensure that all sides abide by the provisions of the ceasefire. Immediately after the ceasefire was signed most major fighting stopped with only minor skirmishes still present on the front. According to the agreement the Imperial Government will have an obligation to allow WC inspectors to investigate the rumours of chemical weapon use in the areas where the reports were most present, the Imperial Government is also obligated to allow inspectors to search military depots and, if chemical weaponry is found, to destroy it.

With the peacekeeping force being prepared it will likely be ready within the next months. The composition of the peacekeeping force is to be determined and will likely be announced later on in the preparation process.

Some poorly equipped FDF fighters celebrate after news of the ceasefire reaches the front
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Re: Temanian Civil War

Postby Rogue » Mon Feb 04, 2019 12:48 pm

Temania Central
The Temania Central is the Central news network of Temania
January 11th 4526
Ceasefire violated! Peacekeepers killed in brutal attack
After 2 years of the ceasefire being in effect and many being optimistic about a possible permanent peace the Imperial Army has launched a devastating all out offensive on FDF and PDF territory

As the ceasefire enters its third year everyone, on every side, expected a formal peace to be signed relatively soon. With only minor skirmishes reported in the last years it was a suprise that today the relative peace was destroyed. In a massive offensive operation the Imperial Army and Airforce has attacked both FDF and PDF positions across the country. In a move that could be described as reckless and opportunistic the Imperial forces attacked several outposts and checkpoints of the Kazulian and Lourenaise peacekeepers, killing an approximate 22 of them. They gave the peacekeepers the choice to either let them through or face battle themselves, while many peacekeeping forces saw no other option then to let imperial forces pass some outposts and checkpoints refused to let them through resulting in fighting and deaths on the side of the peacekeeping force.

Many nations are outraged and it seems like this "forgotten" conflict that seemed at its end just a week ago is now fully raging, FDF positions are reportedly completely taken by suprise as armoured columns of the Imperial army storm through FDF territory with relative ease. In the west the PDF enclave is putting up fierce ressistance against incoming imperial forces thanks to heavy weapons supplied by suspectedly Deltaria but despite this edge in firepower PDF forces have also been taken by suprise and are being pushed back.

With the peacekeeping mission presumably in shambles and peacekeeping and opposition forces scrambling to get their lines together it will only be a matter of time before the world reacts.

Wounded Kazulian peacekeepers quickly being transported to whale island for medical examination

The full out offensive is clearly a succes with the Imperial Army pushing through vast amounts of territory on every front
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Re: Temanian Civil War

Postby Rogue » Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:10 am

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Re: Temanian Civil War

Postby Rogue » Thu Feb 07, 2019 1:07 pm

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