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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:11 pm

In Marea launches new logo with a manifestation call
The left party, along with various associations of doctors and secular organizations, makes a call to protest in the main cities of the country after the recent laws passed by the government of Factio Republicana

Poster of the demonstration with the slogan "Freedoms are not sold, they are defended"

Under the slogan "Freedoms are not sold, they are defended", In Marea-Civis Sinistram has called, hand by hand with various associations of professionals from the health sector, feminist associations and secular organizations, protests in the main cities of the five provinces against the laws approved by the country's Senate thanks to the absolute majority held by the government of Factio Republicana, headed by the Rector Philippus Fufidius Otho. The laws in question - Atilian Law on Abortion and Waqarian Law on Religion - have found opposition from the aquamarine party virtually from the start, and now that they have been approved by a difference of just 12 votes (the seats that separate both parties in the Chamber of 750 senators), they will be fought from the street.

The five regional leaders of In Marea, including the two Praetrix of Oriensos and Insularia, as well as the general secretary Axia Cinna have already confirmed their attendance to the demonstrations in the capitals of the regions, and broad mobilizations are expected throughout the country.

"It is incredible that after so long, we women have to continue fighting for our rights,"
said Vestia Atronia, Praetrix de Oriensos and one of the most critical voices in the Senate against the recently passed law on abortion.
"What this government wants is to convert women, once again, into machines for the production of labor, and it does not care about our interests as human beings, no matter how much they want to disguise it. The only thing they want, in line with their closed religious convictions, is to restrictour liberties as women and to subject ourselves back to the interests of man. That in the Senate it was said that having sex without the purpose of generating children is vice and practically a sin shows where the mentality and ideology of Factio Republicana is going, increasingly extremist and divisive. "

"A government that has the backing of just over 50% of the population of our country can not afford to make these decisions so quietly"
said Axia Cinna, after officially presenting the new logo of In Marea, which aims to go back to the time of "political party of the street".
"Factio Republicana does not worry about governing for all citizens, it worries about governing only for its voters. They do not care about dividing society under the excuse that it is something healthy, they do not care about the conflict. The laws that were just repealed in relation to abortion and religion did no harm to anyone, in fact they allowed each individual, fully aware of their options and rights, to freely choose what they wanted to do. However, now it once again aims to subject one part of the population to the retrograde thoughts of the other, and it is something that, from the street, we must show our resounding rejection, which is why we have called these demonstrations in the main cities of the country, so that the government sees the rejection it generates, even among its own voters, the laws they have just passed. "

Various feminist, secular and health professional associations have also confirmed their support for the protests because they say that "such a cut in freedoms can not be allowed in the century in which we find ourselves."

While not expecting too many problems in regions such as Occidentria or Marestella, the authorities are concerned about the tension that may be created in Oriensos or Insularia, bastions traditionally of the left where massive attendance of citizens is expected, and whose progressive governments will fully attend. According to the latest indications, it is expected that there will be an attendance of between 8 and 9 million citizens throughout the country.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aquinas » Sat Feb 16, 2019 1:13 am

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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Sat Feb 16, 2019 3:42 pm

Selucia recalls the Malivian ambassador for consultations
The government of Selucia transmits its displeasure to the executive of the transoceanic country after the recent declarations of the leader of the fourth biggest party with representation in the Parliament of Malivia

Selucian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Caumodia Pyrra, after her meeting with the Malivian ambassador in the island republic.

After the recent declarations of Amish Padagavakar, leader of the political party Rajutti National Party, the fourth by representation in the legislative chamber of Malivia, in which he asked to recover the three islands that make up the nation of Selucia for Malivia, the government has not been slow in to react and has requested the appearance of his ambassador before the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Caumodia Pyrra.

After a meeting that lasted about half an hour, the minister has appeared before the media to give the appropriate explanations on a matter that, in spite of not being mentioned by the Malivian government but by an opposition party in the Malivian parliament, has raised numerous criticisms and protests in the media and cities throughout the island country.

"I have conveyed to the ambassador the discomfort of this government before statements that, in addition to being false and lacking any support, violate the sovereignty and integrity of our nation,"
the minister told the microphones.
"We are a proud people of our history, which I would also recommend its reading to Mr. Padagavakar, and we take our identity and cultural heritage very seriously. The existence of a political party in the parliament of a nation that we consider a friend that advocates trying to suppress the cultural and political reality of our nation is something that we can not afford and therefore, although for the time being this matter does not go beyond mere anecdote since Mr. Padagavakar's statements do not correspond at all with the official position of the Malivian government, we think it appropriate to warn Mr. Padagavakar that, if at any time he comes to the government of his nation and continues to maintain the same ideas regarding our nation, we are prepared to act in all possible ways "

Thelonius Artensis, Praetor of Cor Patriae - the province of Selucia closest to Malivia - has also shown his displeasure with the statements of Mr. Padagavakar, but he has not wanted to give them greater importance.

"When someone limits himself to talk about religion, to justify himself in religion, and to live in religion, and does not attend to proven reasons and facts, I believe that person loses all the credit. I do not care about statements made by a member of the Parliament of Malivia. I would be more concerned if they came from the government of Malivia, or from an institutional declaration of the Parliament itself. The other things lack, in my opinion, too much relevance "
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:05 pm

The government is committed to initiatives of social significance
The national executive is committed to laws to improve public education, health and labor unions in its first term

Minister of Education Arrunta Scadia speaks with the Secretary of State for the Universities, Taeonius Drussus

With its sights set on next year's elections, In Marea has launched its electoral campaign with the foreseeable approval thanks to its absolute majority in the Selucian Senate of some laws of great symbolic value, such as the Tumidian Law on Labor Action, the Laecadian Law on Health and Culture and the most outstanding of them: the Scadian Law on Education.

With the importance of the following elections in mind - to revalidate at least a majority in the Senate that prevents a possible change of government and the possibility of electing at least four of the members of the Supreme Court of Selucia if they maintain the current regional governments - the aquamarine party seeks to send a clear message to the public: the left is the one that proposes a prosperous future for the new generations. With this idea, the Minister of Education and Culture, Arrunta Scadia, has presented together with the Secretary of State for the Universities the new scholarship project, which will replace the current one, which fully covers the expenses for those students coming from of families classified as low-income or poor, predictably in October when it will be approved.

The new law, said the minister, will use part of the money from the surplus that has been accumulating the selucian economy for decades, and that maintains a growing rate, to encourage university studies among the population.

In the presentation of this new law in the Senate, which has been entrusted to Senator Lucius Astragamus due to the law that prevents ministers from presenting initiatives in the legislative chamber, the alternatives that will be offered to students have been exposed:

-Economic scholarship: It will replace the current law, and will cover the expenses of students from families classified as low-income or poor. 100% of tuition will be paid.

-Distance scholarship: This scholarship will compensate the expenses in lodging and feeding that derive from the transfer of a city to another one to realize the university studies. In order to be granted, the required accreditation must be presented and there must be a minimum distance of 50 km between the place of residence and the place of study to be granted. At 50km: payment of 20% of the tuition. Between 50 and 100km: payment of 30% of the tuition. More than 100km: 40% tuition payment.

-Motivation scholarship: This scholarship will be used as an incentive for students, and will be granted to all those who pass all the subjects in their year and obtain an average grade of 7.5 or higher. The following year, the amount invested in paying the previous year will be returned and they must pay 1 symbolic SED.

-Normal scholarship: The standard scholarship will cover 15% of the tuition costs of students who have earned an average of 8 or more in their last year of school. For averages between 7 and 8, this scholarship will be 8%, and for lower averages this scholarship will be 5%.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aquinas » Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:04 pm

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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Rogue » Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:36 pm

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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:05 pm

In Marea begins its second term with several open fronts
The government deals with the confrontations with Malivia and Deltaria in their first meeting after the elections

Speaker of the government, Laurestes Epronio, talking after the Council of Ministers celebrated today.

"Selucia is a free and democratic country, and because of this, all its citizens have the right to demonstrate for what they believe is right". This is how Laurestes Epronio, spokesman for the government, began after the Council of Ministers held today. After re-validating In Marea's victory in both the legislative and presidential elections and ensuring the election of four of the seven members of the Supreme Court, the Cinna government has met today as it does every week to address various issues, including the demonstration in favor of the integration with Malivia and the latest nuclear tests of Deltaria in the Majatran Sea.

In spite of having fallen in number of votes, the result obtained by In Marea in these elections, in which it has kept the Praetorships of Oriensos and Insularia and has scoured the one of Marestella, yielding Cor Patriae to Factio Republicana, has remained as one of the best historical results for the aquamarine party, and it helps them to continue applying their measures during one more term.

"After the measures introduced in our first mandate in the matter of religion - eliminating the crimes of blasphemy - health - reintroducing the previous regulations on abortion - and education - highlighting the scholarship law, supported by all the senators-, this second mandate we will try to continue applying the progressive measures that are those that will keep our nation at the forefront of the world. "
Mr. Epronio said, thanking the voters for the tranquility with which the elections were held.

"On the issue of the demonstration held in Auroria asking for the unification - not reunification, since there has never been such a union - of our nation with Malivia, we must be clear, although it was already said at the time: first of all, in Selucia anyone can express their ideas, always from the respect to others. From there, we must make it clear that the number of demonstrators, about 200 people, is pyrrhic compared to the number of inhabitants of Selucia. It barely reaches 0.0002% of the population, and in any case, this government will never negotiate, neither with Malivia nor with any other country, its independence. Selucia is a sovereign nation, subject only to its laws, with a rich history that has its roots in the start of our own species, and anyone who tries to twist that means that they have not opened a history book in their entire life and therefore, it is not worth discussing with them on this matter. This is the official government position on this issue. "

The spokesman also referred to the latest nuclear tests carried out by Deltaria in the Majatran Sea, which he described as "completely reckless".

"That this matter was not reported to all the governments of Majatra before it happened is an act of great irresponsibility improper for a sovereign nation," said Mr. Epronio. "Deltaria seems to be using nuclear weapons as a toy, and they are anything but that. While humanity should move towards understanding and demilitarization in terms of nuclear weapons, Deltaria insists on following the opposite path and has chosen to arm itself with a very powerful element certainly, but also very dangerous and harmful not just for us, but for future generations. The test has been carried out in the Majatran Sea, without taking into consideration the large number of plant and animal species that can exist in the place, which may be protected or need to be protected, as well as without studying how it could affect the rest of the environment, including human lives or air traffic, seems to us something that must be condemned. The government of Selucia is firmly opposed to this action by Deltaria and calls for the immediate cessation of this type of nuclear tests. "

Other News

- The Victoria Lions beat the Auroria Dragons by 3 to 1
- "The rejection of multiculturalism must be respected"
- A leader of Suria, accused of corruption by his fellow government partners
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:07 am

BREAKING: Selucia breaks diplomatic relations with Malivia and declares State of Alarm: ambassador of Malivia has 24 hours to leave the country
The government of Axia Cinna has also decreed the prohibition of access to any citizen of Malivia after receiving information from the Selucian National Intelligence Agency and asks for the support of the international community

Rector Axia Cinna giving her speech to the nation

After months of diplomatic clashes over the statements of the Rajutti National Party of Malivia, which called for the annexation of Selucia to its territory as stipulated in ancient sacred religious writings, the Axia Cinna government has finally decided to take action on the matter after, officially, the government of Malivia has communicated the Selucian government the approval of the sovereignty over the islands that make up Selucia (OOC: ... &nation=14)

In an institutional statement broadcast on prime-time television, something that did not happen in more than 4 centuries of the country's history, the Rector of Selucia has announced the immediate entry into force of the State of Alarm in Selucia, a statement that does not require the approval of the Senate that is allowed to activate the government before "actions of immediate danger", and of a category inferior to the States of War, Emergency or Exception, to reinforce controls and the security before any event that tries "to undermine the democracy and the independence of our Republic".

The Rector, who has already said that she has emphatically rejected the offer made by the Prime Minister of Malivia, has also announced the breakdown of diplomatic relations with the transoceanic nation, and the immediate expulsion of its ambassador, which has been given 24 hours to leave the country after "the grave offense that his nation of origin has made against the people of Selucia". Similarly, the Rector has announced that no citizen from Malivia will be allowed to enter the island nation after receiving information from the Selucian National Intelligence Service that Malivia could be preparing assistance to assist individuals and groups that intend to support this possible unification between both nations.

Citizens of Selucia: Today, the government of Malivia has decided to officially communicate the intention of annexing our nation as an integral part of its own territory. In a vote held in its House of Representatives at the proposal of the Rajutti National Party, this decision has gone forward with the votes of the National Democratic Party, the Hosnian Nationalist Party and the Rajutti National Party, and the abstention of Freedom and Freedom for Malivia. After that vote, the government of Malivia has decided to assume as theirs the thesis of the Rajutti National Party and communicate to this government that presided the intention to open a round table to discuss a possible "reunification" of both nations.

However, I have communicated it to them immediately and I do it again here, right now: there is nothing to discuss with the Malivian government in this matter. When the Rajutti National Party began its protests, from Selucia we interpreted that the government of Malivia would be intelligent enough to oppose it. However, we have already seen that this is not the case, if not the opposite: they have decided to fully embrace the false arguments put forward by the Rajutti National Party to attack the sovereignty and independence of our nation. From here, I say to the government of Malivia: open a book of history, but one of truth, not one written by religious fanatics, and mind the rich and vast history and culture of Selucia, because you have enough to read and learn. This government will never discuss anything related to a possible or future "reunification" with Malivia, since to exist a reunification, there should have been at some point a "unification", something that has never existed, nor will it exist.

I am addressing the international community: Selucia is a free, courageous and independent nation. A nation that is the example to follow for many others in questions of democratic and social values, and that has fought hard against the injustices that occur in Terra. For this reason, we want to ask the international community to give us their support in this matter, to condemn the actions of the Malivian government and to impose the sanctions they consider necessary to the illegal and illegitimate actions, an act of neocolonialism based on fallacies, that their government intends to carry out against a sovereign nation as is the Res Publica Seluciae.

To all the citizens of Selucia: the State of Alarm that this government has just declared will not prevent them from continuing with their normal life, but I ask that they be prepared for any eventuality that may occur and that they keep themselves informed whenever they can. The Praetors of our nation, the members of the government and myself are in permanent contact with members of the Army, the police and the National Intelligence Service, and citizens will be informed daily of any developments that may affect them. These measures are only preventive.

To the Selucian Senators: we ask Factio Republicana for their support and institutional loyalty to this most serious matter, such as the attempt to undermine the national sovereignty of our country based on false religious precepts and historical fallacies widely denied by historians. We ask the Senate to be prepared for any future voting on this issue, and to support the initiative of this government to declare the Rajutti National Party as a "terrorist organization".

To the ambassador of Malivia in Selucia: from this very moment, the diplomatic relations with Malivia are officially broken. The ambassador is told that he has 24 hours to leave our nation, before the grave offense that his country of origin has committed against the country that has welcomed him with open arms.

To the government of Malivia: we ask the government of Malivia to withdraw its words and make an institutional declaration retracting its previous statement and condemning the actions of the Rajutti National Party. Otherwise, and to try to take any action that violates the sovereignty and freedom of the people of Selucia, must abide by the consequences. This government will not tremble when it comes to making decisions that are aimed at protecting the freedom and integrity of the citizens of our great nation.

Ave, Selucia! Quia fuimus sumus, et quia sumus erimus!

After the Rector's statements, many citizens have filled the streets of different cities of the country singing the national anthem and regional anthems, and waving flags of the nation, in one of the most multitudinous demonstrations that are remembered.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aquinas » Sun Feb 24, 2019 1:47 am

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