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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Wed Dec 26, 2018 9:32 pm

A truly merry holiday season for the PND!
Both Luka Di Nero and Flaminia Riccolo supported by voters!

The Prime Minister has a good reason to smile!

After a relatively moderate election campaign this year, the voters have spoken and surprisingly, the governing coalition managed to keep its majority and if the previous statements of Flaminia Ricollo mean something, its that she has the intent of carrying on. Of course the entry of Nuova Istalia with a massive share of the pie did stir up some internal debate about whether the spiritual successor of the ULD would be a better coalition partner than the MLD or the AR, specifically Antonio Vespa-Baldassare's voice has been heard regarding that, as the Minister of Education would potentially shift momentum back into the "conservative" favor, rather than the opportunist's to lead the party. However, no one can deny now that the tandem of Di Nero and Riccolo was received well by the public as People finally regain confidence in a "tomorrow".

The markets opened with a large increase, breaking all records since the economic collapse of the migrant crisis, clearly signalling for the current government to continue as Istalia expiences for the first time in recent history a truly strong and stable governing coalition.

The re-elected President Di Nero has happily declared this intention:
I was re-elected thanks to the support of the New Istalia, however, I can not ignore the success my party colleague and our honorable Ms Prime Minister has been having with our current, truly great, coalition partners which have proven to be not only constructive, but also reliable and willing to work for a better future. We might not agree on many things, but those which we agree on; those help the Istalian people to a brighter tomorrow.

Obviously, out of respect, we will consult New Istalia, but we urge them to be patient. Although there are many familiar faces, they are still a new party and I am sure their time will come!
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Uhtred » Mon Jan 28, 2019 4:51 pm


Nationalist Protest Blocks Central Romula
2nd August 4521

A protester holds aloft a green flare

Much of the capital was brought to a grinding halt yesterday as anti-government protests blocked the city's main arteries, causing much of the city centre to be inaccessible. Thousands of protesters, dressed in green, white and red and draped in the Istalian flag, gathered in the city at the behest of Lega Istaliano, a newly formed nationalist party, whose stated aim is to "take Istalia back for the people".

Leading the protests was Gennaro Antognoni, Leader of Lega Istaliano, who told reporters
You can see here today, our people cry out for the national pride and dignity of Istalia to be restored. This is happening everywhere, from Romula to Siracosa. Our flag and history are laughed and sneered at by the elite who rule us. They have planned and managed the decline of Istalia, and left real Istalians to suffer. What we are all here saying is that the political forces who have destroyed our culture must be swept away.

The demonstration was boisterous and full blooded, but largely peaceful with only a dozen arrests reported. Many protesters themselves were reluctant to talk to media outlets, but those who did expressed concern over immigration and a desire to return to traditional values,

The ruling class have abrogated responsibility for what is happening. Where are they? I had a good job, but due to the economy that is gone. There are no good jobs and no good money for real Istalians. If I had arrived in this country yesterday, I would have everything given to me. But you can't say that publicly. The truth must be hidden. - Alessandro, 31 Romula

Time was on one wage a man could support his wife and family, now two incomes may not be enough. And look what this has done to our children. We must get back to traditional values. What is wrong with a man doing a man's role and a woman doing a woman's role? - Stefano, 67 Romula

The hashtag #CambiaOra (Change Now) was trending heavily on social media during the protests. Electorally untested, it is however uncertain how well Lega Istaliano will perform in elections at the end of the year.
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Times De Istaliana (Times of Istalia)

Postby Leo Basu » Thu Feb 28, 2019 7:42 am

Official Newspaper Of Istaliana approved by government
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Re: Times De Istaliana (Times of Istalia)

Postby Leo Basu » Thu Feb 28, 2019 12:07 pm

A new day for Istaliana
Istalia is in joy today as ne political parties have been founded on the land which was under dark ages finally people have a new hope as new parties promise growth and prosperity
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Re: Times De Istaliana (Times of Istalia)

Postby Leo Basu » Thu Feb 28, 2019 11:32 pm

Rutanian President Reaches Istaliana
Leo Basu President of Rutania landed today in Istaliana to meet the unofficial government unofficial because the law only permits president to form cabinet but due to no president Istaliana"s largest party has not been able to form a government however our government have started working for Istaliana under which the government wants to become more open towards the world just like Rutania
today his flight landed in Romula airport where he and fellow deligates were recived and welcomed by Istalianan government officials
now he will meet the unofficial government and will have some talks we hope both parties agree and something benifical comes out of this visit

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Re: Times De Istaliana (Times of Istalia)

Postby Leo Basu » Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:42 pm

Rutania Istaliana Sign treaties foundation laid for a Strong friendship between both countries
Prime Minister Leo Basu who is on visit of Istaliana met with the istalian government today both later agreed on some agreements
when both came out for press conference Here is what Leo Said
I thank istalian government for the gesture of friendship they have shown towards our country and i feel that this friendship will mark a new age for Both countries

after this he announced that Rutania and istalia are going to sign three treaties
01 Rutania - Istaliana Inter investment treaty
02 Rutania - Istaliana treaty of Defense and Military Cooperation
03 Rutania - Istaliana treaty of Friendship and International Cooperation
after this the Istalian government said this
These treaties will increase growth in both countries and increase our relations with Rutania
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Tue Apr 02, 2019 1:09 pm

Glory and Rebirth for Istalia! New party founded to restore the country to prosperity and greatness
Aerial Squadron General Michele Appiano De Borromei entering the Foundation Congress of his new party

Romula, 25 Aprile 4554

A new dawn rises today for Istalia! with these words the Aerial Squadron General Michele Appiani De Borromei has concluded the Glory and Rebirth's Foundation Congress, the party founded by several leaders of the armed forces and former politicians - dissidents of the fortunately short Thallerist regime and of the "only formally democratic" socialist period of the first decades of the 46th century.
General Appiani De Borromei held the congress for the whole duration, almost hypnotizing the supporters thanks to an undeniable charisma that distinguished him and that made him very popular among the ranks of the Air Force and appreciated by the Armed Forces leaders.

General Appiani De Borromei is the son of the well-known anti-Thaller rebel leader Giulio Appiano De Borromei, one of the last exponents of the National Democratic Party, together with the Democratic Front the last ones of the glorious Fifth Republic parties. Giulio was assassinated six years ago under the Julius von Thaller regime, but despite the loss, it was a gesture that prompted many to rebel against those who wanted to become dictators of the country to destroy it from within and this led to the '51 revolt that put end, fortunately very soon, to the Thallerist rule in Istalia.

Inspired by his father and pursuing his dream of seeing a strong, powerful and prosperous Istalia, Michele Appiani De Borromei, noting the impossibility even of post-Thallerist parties to fully restore the republican regime and form a new government, has attracted to him most part of the leaders of the Armed Forces and got in touch with several politicians already persecuted in the last years to create a new political project. Admiral Filippo Sartori was certainly among the most prominent members of the armed forces, until a few months ago Chief of Staff of the Defense, who resigned to follow Appiani De Borromei in the new adventure. Among the politicians stand the names of Lucia Navelli and Ahmad Al-Maktum, the first, as the father of Michele Appiani De Borromei, former member of the PND, the other, son of Hadan Al-Maktum, President of the Republic between 4493 and 4497, elected from among the ranks of the Radical Alliance, another historic Istalian party which fell apart in the first decade of the 26th century.
Admiral Filippo Sartori (second from the right) when Chief of Defence Staff with the Chiefs of Staff of several Armed Forces

As stated by Appiani De Borromei, Glory and Rebirth wants to lead the country towards a new era of prosperity and to do so the country will have to guarantee internally civil and economic freedoms, which have already made the country great, but outside it will need to take up the cudgels for Istalia due to all the threats that "always operate in the shadows to prevent us from pursuing the path dictated by destiny and guaranteeing the country 1000 years of glory and prosperity".
To do so, however, the General stressed that even the great and stable Fifth Republic has finally become a victim of itself, clearly emphasizing how Istalia needs a system that defends itself from the outside and from within, a system that do not tolerate any threat that could hinder the destiny of the country.
With tones defined by some as "Adventists", Michele Appiani De Borromei has not pulled back from exalting the values ​​and ideals of the Istalian people, indicating them as everything that really makes the country and its people great and that "have raised us above the prevailing barbarism in the world".

The new political movement has been criticized on many sides as the promoter of an istalian suprematism that brings it to a decidedly xenophobe and anti-immigration position and that, according to some, even turns against all those istalians labeled as "enemies of the great ideals of istalians and supporters of the debacle of the Fatherland". But if this suprematism is not determined by ethnic issues, it considers the Istalians superior to the other peoples of the world first of all for the ethics and the principles, indicated by many exponents of the party as the "ultimate realization of the greatest aspirations of Humanity, beacon and natural guide for the whole Globe".
Last edited by XanderOne on Sun Apr 14, 2019 2:02 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Wed Apr 03, 2019 2:45 pm

Admiral Filippo Sartori is the new Head of Government: massive mass demonstrations push the Liberal Party to support Glory and Rebirth
Official portrait of Admiral Sartori as new "Head of Government", title which replaces the former "Thallerist Secretary"

23 July 4554
Protest demonstrations were followed by celebrations in the squares: welcoming a large crowd gathered in Piazza del Palazzo, General Michele Appiano De Borromei exulted with many supporters for the appointment as Head of the Government of Admiral Filippo Sartori, right hand of Appiano De Borromei and one of the most famous exponents of Gloria and Rinascita, a party that seems to have given hope to a discouraged Istalia full of so much anger.
Millions of people who took to the streets, as mentioned, to protest against political immobility, the remoteness of institutions and therefore the general chaos that arose following the fall of Julius von Thaller, who had tried before succumbing to the '51 uprising to give way to a Revolution, declaring itself President of the Revolution.
The recent elections, which attracted only 16% of voters, had seen only the Liberal Party succeed in practically monopolizing the Parliament: this however had not stopped sit-ins and protests that chronically from the fall of Thaller blocked the country.
In light therefore of the massive support to Gloria and Rinascita, the Liberals have proposed a Government that has seen a lot of prominent members of the newborn party become part of it, among these also Filippo Sartori to whom the Liberal leaders have offered the role of Head of Government, especially at the suggestion of President Giotto Caiola who assured he will work together with Sartori to dismantle the residues of the Thallerist "Revolution", but also to go further: someone already talk about the final days of the Fifth Republic.

And as proof of this determination, a bill was presented in record time before the Chamber by the leader of Glory and Rebirth, General Michele Ottaviano De Borromei, elected to the Romula constituency, and voted unreservedly by all Liberal parliamentarians, with the abstention of only 8 independents: this is a massive Constitutional reform.
The Parliament will become unicameral and will be called the National Congress while the system of government will be totally reformed into a presidential regime that will see the Head of State, thus officially named, also become head of the Government, with a Prime Minister Secretary of State reduced to the role of more important assistant of the President but not included within the Government, whose appointment will be esclusive responsibility of the President.
From the stage, Michele Appiano De Borromei declared that soon a strong and resolute leader will trace the right path to pursue towards prosperity and that a new era will finally begin for the history of Istalia.
Flanked by various members of the Liberal Party, Appiano de Borromei assured that the economy will soon start to grow again, fully endorsing the proposals of the Liberals who aim, first of all, at lowering taxes, above all on companies, which can give new impetus to the country's economy.
However, massive cuts have always been demanded by the Liberal Party, which, still holding parliamentary control, has loudly assured, without objections on the part of G&R, so that the Istalian budget will return sooner under the 200 billion of LIS, reducing useless services and above all reducing an insane welfarism which works only for its own sake.
Some liberal exponents, however, seem to have gritted their teeth with intolerance for the claims of Glory and Rebirth regarding the safeguarding of the budget for the defense, an item of expenditure of the State that, despite the fifty-plus years of crisis does not seem to have been minimally touched. Among the Liberals' retrofiles, there was worry and fear for the role of the military in the new government partner and in general for their influence in society and the industrial sector.

On the other hand, among the less shared demonstrations of support for Gloria and Liberatà, incidents have been recorded around the large street demonstrations and among these there have been several assaults on the headquarters of socialist movements and the clash in Milona between demonstrators of the left and right. In Romula, instead, a townhouse was set on fire in the exclusive Montevista district, which according to some rumors was owned by Julius Von Thaller. In some small towns in the province, however, violence episodes was recorded against people suspected of being collaborators but also against socialist exponents. Finally, at the international airport of Romula a traveler with Deltarian nationality, a cook known in some Deltarian minor TV stations to be exact, has been hit by various kinds of insults including "Get out, you commie fuck!"
Last edited by XanderOne on Mon Apr 08, 2019 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Wed Apr 03, 2019 9:35 pm

General Michele Appiano De Borromei elected Head of State: "the time has come for Istalia to embrace its destiny!"
Michele Appiano De Borromei meets and thanks supporters after the electoral great victory

Romula, 16 February 4555

Sleight of hand by the Armed Forces hierarchies: the Liberal Party, finally, after enormous pressure from the Military and the peoples into the streets announced its dissolution, while the outgoing President Giotto Caiola called early elections.
The new National Congress was monopolized by Glory and Rebirth, an amber Congress ready to fully support the newly elected Head of State, General Michele Appiano De Borromei, who appeared a few hours after the election on the balcony of Quattroregni Palace to speak to the people gathered in the square and of course to the rest of the nation:

Istalians, rejoice, because a new day arises today for our Country! Today we have fully embraced the destiny written for us, the destiny that will give us 1000 years of Glory and Prosperity!
Today, Istalia is reborn! We will rise again, because we are Istalians, ready to work hard, to get involved, we are ready to regain what is rightfully ours!
But we must always remain vigilant and attentive and as steel we will have to resist those threats that want us miserable and desperate! For years we have been weakened, for years even those who said they were our friends worked in the shadows to destroy us! The time has come to say enough, to raise our heads and show our pride!
The time has come to recognize who those we can trust and who we can't! The time has come to say no to tolerance for those who want to snatch our destiny from us, who want to undermine our prosperity and our own freedom!
Soon, useless, overpowering treaties and agreements of our freedom will be torn apart and we will never again be weakened by those peoples who for centuries have wished to enjoy the prosperity of Istalia without respecting the duties of Istalian, ignoring our values ​​and our principles!
For this reason, soon the new Government that I will soon install will start a process of identification of those elements, external and internal, that try to hinder our success, that want to stand between us and the road to Glory and Prosperity! I assure you my beloved fellow citizens that I will lead the country towards the golden road of our destiny and that I will rise to defend it from any threat!
Long live Istalia!

Meanwhile, the army was deployed in all the major cities while the police were placed at the full availability of the secret services that were mandated by the President to start all the investigations necessary to defeat all those possible threats to the order and stability in the country.
Many social centers and people indicated as members of subversive groups have already been closed while the National Congress is already taking measures to lock down the institutions and to pursue all those movements aimed at endangering the stability and peace of the State and of its citizens.
Therefore banished all those organizations and political movements that question the stability and security of the representative democratic system first of all, therefore all those practices, cultures, uses and customs that can mislead the Istalian society have been targeted making it become prey of barbaric and backward beliefs and habits, thus exalting a rational and logical thought free from personal opinions and beliefs without any foundation in support.
Measures have therefore been announced that will soon lead to the mass expulsion of numerous residents and foreign citizens, including Deltarians, Solentians, Narikatonish, and therefore all citizens from countries governed by socialist, communist, anarchist and fascist regimes and all those who will be judged as inhuman and barbaric.

Against the Deltarians, of course, all the anti-communist impulses that emerged in the last few years have been channeled, against the Narikatonish, of course, all the anger has been channeled for the continuous attempts of the Thallers to destroy the country, and for both the condemnation of backward and barbaric cultures that can do nothing but be subjugated by dictators and authoritarian regimes, incapable of a peaceful and rational form of government that can guarantee moral growth for its citizens.
Regarding the Solentians, the Head of State Michele Appiano De Borromei announced that there are all the elements to affirm that for decades the Solentian authorities, hiding behind an exaggerated servility towards Istalia, have actually worked for decades to undermine the stability and istalian prosperity. Moreover, the large number of Solentian citizens permanently present in Istalia has reached worrying levels, such as to risk contaminating the Istalian culture and debasing its values, too immature to fully understand and respect the principles that have made the Istalians great.
Moreover, always with regard to the Solentians, the fear re-emerges in having so many Solentians in the house, the same ones that for three times, through massive emigrations, brought as many as three collapsed republics, victims of anti-Istalian regimes that did everything to repress the Istalian culture and ethnicity.

Meanwhile, the Head of State has ordered the deployment of massive army forces even along the entire border with Solentia while ships separate units of the Fleet, including two ballistic class triumph nuclear submarines that appear to have left for a "strategic" circumnavigation cruise of the Majatran continent.
Last edited by XanderOne on Mon Apr 08, 2019 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Thu Apr 04, 2019 5:55 pm

Istalia finally lift up its head: General Appiano De Borromei demands to Solentia to demolish the gargantuan fortification system of its borders

Romula, 6 July 4555

After meeting the Solentian Ambassador at Quattroregni Palace, the Head of State, General Michele Appiano De Borromei, announced to the Nation that he had sent a statement to the Government of the United Solentian Republic with which the Istalian Government officially requires the dismantling of the system of fortifications that for decades have been built along the Solentian borders.

The Head of State underlined how such a system, which guarantees the Solentian Government the unilateral power to totally cut off Istalia from the Majatra, represents an unacceptable threat not only for the interests of the Istalians but also for the veritable national security of the Country.
The Head of State also made clear to the Solentian Government of the decisions taken against the Solentian residents in Istalia and therefore expressed his outrage at the evidence gathered by the Istalian Intelligence regarding the efforts carried out in the shadows to destabilize the country from the inside bringing forward instead in the light of the sun a pro-Istalian foreign policy from which it has gained considerable benefits, both commercial and also technological and military in particular.

This is the statement by the Head of State to the Solentiano Government:

Greetings Solentians,
I'm Michele Appiano De Borromei, Head of State of Istalia, I'm writing to express all the disappointment and exasperation generated by Solentia and the system of armored borders that constantly threaten Istalia of isolation, by a possible Solentian unilateral decision.

For too long now Solentia has kept Istalia in check thanks to the walls and the barriers and therefore to the gargantuan controls that Solentia applies on the Istalian border.
For too long Solentia has had the power to totally cut off the Istalia from the rest of the continent thanks to the defensive systems built along all your borders.
Despite millions of Solentians for decades, if not centuries, have had easy access to Istalia where they have found opportunities for work, study and self realization, Solentia has always conducted its policies towards Istalia with somewhat questionable methods.

And if only apparently the dissolved but at the time hegemonic Fascist Party has always shown servile behavior towards Istalia, to achieve favorable commercial objectives and to have access to Istalian war technology, our secret services indeed are well aware of the fact that in reality Solentia for years has been working in the shadows spying on us and trying to destabilize the country from within.

The Fifth Republic, prosperous but fundamentally weak, has now reached its end and a new era begins for Istalia, an era that will no longer see the Istalians passively accepting abuse, blackmail and deception.
For this reason, being clear the danger that Solentia and its gargantuan border defense system represent for Istalia, constantly threatened to be isolated and cut off from the rest of the continent, as Head of the State of Istalia, I invite this and subsequent Solentian Governments to take immediate measures so that every system of walls, barriers, ditches, minefields, armed turrets and control by the Solentian armed forces along the Istalian borders are dismantled.

A negative response from the Solentian Government will represent a decisive declaration of hostility from you with all that will follow. It is not excluded in this case that the armed forces of Istalia may decide to act to destroy the defensive infrastructures along our border.
If, on the other hand, the Solentian government wants to cooperate, we will be willing to mitigate the precautionary measures that the National Congress of Istalia is about to take against Solentian citizens present in Istalia, who could see their visas canceled and therefore see themselves sent back to Solentia in the shortest possible time.

There will be no further communications: the Solentian Government will have one year to take its decision.

The statement was easily considered as a veritable ultimatum by the Head of State to the Solentian authorities, a gesture that seems to have inflamed the population that has shown support for the initiative by taking the streets and exposing, even from the balconies of the houses, anti-Solentian, anti-fascist and anti-"Wall of Solentia" posters and slogans.
However, there have also been several incidents in various cities, both on the continent and on the island, which have involved Solentian residents and tourists, several of them attacked by right-wing extremist groups. A bakery belonging to a Solentian immigrant was set on fire in Siracosa.
The police and the gendarmerie communicated about two hundred thirty arrests in two days, most of them all Istalians, members of fascist and far-right organizations.
The Minister of the Interior, former Head of Government, Admiral Filippo Sartori commented on the events:

The State cannot remain indifferent to such unacceptable acts of serious barbarism! The Nation cannot accept such gratuitous violence, similar disorders... hooligans and extremists are nothing but poison for a society worthy of such name! Anarchy and barbarity will no longer be tolerated! Soon I will present a bill to the National Congress to introduce emergency faster measures to handle similar episodes.
In Solentia, gangs of extremists and paramilitary groups have for decades given support to the fascist government and have supported it, violence and intimidation have annihilated the Solentians. Our Old Republic on too many occasions has been threatened and destabilized by extremists, terrorists and criminals! New Istalia will know how to fight against and eradicate all this! We will respond to iron brutality with strict and resolute remedies.
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