Particracy Player Profiles

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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby Hrafn » Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:38 pm

Maxington wrote:I didn't know you were from Yugoslavia?

Кврагу! My cover is blown!
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby macmckeown » Tue Jun 26, 2018 1:48 pm

OK, here we go...

Name: Mac McKeown
Age: 14
Location: French Riviera
Languages: English (Despite my Ecuadorian roots, my dad never taught me Spanish)
Race & Ethnicity: British from my mum's side, Ecuadorian from my dad's side. Much of my mum's side of the family is of Irish descent and are Catholics. My dad has black, Spanish, and Quechua ancestry
Religion: Agnostic-atheist (kind of spiritual)
Politics: A mix of social liberalism and social democracy, with an extra dose of green politics and civic nationalism. In the following countries I give a shit about politically, I'd align myself with the following:
↳ UK: Labour, Lib Dems, Greens
↳ France: PS, En Marche, MoDem
↳ Belgium: PS, sp.a, MR, Open VLD, Ecolo, Groen
↳ Netherlands: PvdA, D66, GroenLinks
↳ Germany: SPD, FDP, Grünen
↳ Canada: NDP, Liberals, Greens
↳ USA: Dems
Party & Nation: Socialist Party, Mordusia
Music: I like pop, reggaeton, and R&B
Relationship status: Very single
Other Information: I was raised by my single mother, I have a little brother, I have anxiety (most of you help with that :)), and I'm gay (in the closet for most people ATM)
Socialist Party / Parti Socialiste - Commonwealth of Mordusia
Partiya Demokratîk a Azad - Jemhewra-ye Aldegār (Republic of Aldegar)
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Mon Jul 02, 2018 2:17 am

I rarely dive into the non-game sectors of the forums, and since I've nothing to do at the current moment, I suppose I'll dive in.

Name: I wish this to remain private. Refer to me by my discord name, Chloe Price.
Age: 17
Location: Florida, United States
Languages: English, German, Spanish (Although I hardly remember the stuff), Russian, Japanese (Mostly through song)
Race & Ethnicity: White, American (The exact nature of my ancestry is unknown to me, though I know there is Cherokee roots in our family, as well as German and British)
Religion: Agnostic.
Politics: Traditional Marxist. Slight syndicalist elements, mainly sympathy and support for labor union autonomy. Generally I'd align myself with any Marxist parties in any nation.
Party and Nation: Socjaldemokratyczna Partia Robotników (Social Democratic Workers Party), Rzeczpospolita Walruzyjska (Republic of Valruzia)
Music: Rock, Indie Rock, Country, Vaporwave, Future Funk, J-Pop (Although mainly 80s J-Pop), Russian folk songs, Red Army songs, Nationale Volksarmee (National People's Army) songs.
Television: Don't watch as much as I used to, but The Americans and Deutschland 83 are some recent favorites.
Books: I don't read as often as I should anymore, but over the past 3 years I've read Bradbury, King, Orwell, Dick.
Movies: There's quite a bit, but some recent favorites was the 1984 film version of, well, 1984, Das Boot, Dr. Strangelove, Atomic Blonde, and have recently started getting into the new Star Wars films.
Education: Recent high school graduate
Hobbies: Reading, Militaria collecting, gaming
Favorite Games: Anything related to RPGs, FPSs, and some grand strategy games, although I haven't dared to master older Paradox games.
Relationship status: Single

Additional info: I have a brother, and I'm partially deaf in my right ear. My discord name is from a video game called Life is Strange, who I oddly found much in common with.
Active in: Nowhere

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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby Nichola » Mon Jul 02, 2018 4:44 pm

Party Name and Nation: Democratic Front, Istalia
Name: Nicolò
Age: 16
Languages I know: Italian, English and a little of French
Main Location: North-West Italy
Political Ideology: Social-Democracy, Federalism, Ambientalism
Genre of music: classical
Television: historic documentaries
Level of School: at the moment High School
Hobbies: play viola and piano, read some historical magazine, particracy and go out on bike
Favourite Food: Italian Food
FRONTE DEMOCRATICO - FP (Istalia - inactive)
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby Hrafn » Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:28 pm

Is it just me or has the average age of Particracy players decreased? :)
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby -lanaerys- » Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:10 am

Real-name: [REDACTED]
Party Name and Nation: Parti Populaire Aldurien, Alduria
Age: 17
Languages: mostly French and English
Location: France
General Political Affiliation: Left-wing libertarian. Would identify with the following parties:
- France: FI
- Canada: NDP/Greens
- Germany: Die Linke
- Spain: Unidos Podemos
- United Kingdom: Labour/Green
- United States: Green/progressive Dems
General Religious Affiliation: Atheist
Current Occupation: Student
Relationship status: Single
Favourite genre of music: Alternative rock/metal
Favourite Games: Paradox grand strategy games
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby ChengherRares1 » Thu Feb 28, 2019 7:43 pm

Real-name: Gabriel
Party Name and Nation: Rutanian Libertarian Party, Rutania
Age: 17
Languages: Mainly Romanian, good English levels and some French (few)
Location: Romania
General Political Affiliation: Libertarian-right - in nations, would follow:
- we do not follow a certain party ideology, rather simpathy for libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism
General Religious Affiliation: Agnostic
Current Occupation: Student
Professional Goal: Do not know
Relationship status: None
Favourite genre of music: Mixed, no type hugely preferred, maybe only electronic background musics
Television: Do not watch too much
Books: Reading from time to time
Movies: Depends
Level of School: High School
Hobbies: Thinking of different things, playing on computer, debating issues, philosophy, history
Favourite Games: Too many to count
Gabriel Boțan, oldie
Home nations:
Lodamun - main

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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby ChengherRares1 » Fri Mar 01, 2019 3:51 pm

Correction I instead of We, is a game error, I am so used to use we as representing RL party that I forgot that this is an OOC bill.
Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby ComradeOtaku » Tue Mar 19, 2019 8:33 pm

I think I did this one before but I've changed a lot (plus rejoined the forum under a different name)

Real-name: Kirill
Party Name and Nation: Trigunskoe Sotsialisticheskoe Dvizhenie
Age: 16
Languages: English and Russian - fluent; German and French - studying extensively; Latin - used to study but forgot most of it; Japanese - trying to learn independently but not very successful :lol:
Location: UK
General Political Affiliation: Libertarian Marxism
General Religious Affiliation: I believe in a god who intervenes indirectly in a limited manner from time to time
Current Occupation: Student
Professional Goal: Revolutionary, I hope; less ambitious - far left politician
Relationship status: Single
Favourite genre of music: Anything except rap and other such stuff really; atm addicted to Eurobeat (deja vu, I've just been in this place before *proceeds to aggressively head bop*)
Television: Anime
Books: Dystopia, detective fiction, some fantasy, non-fiction and manga
Movies: Not much oof... anime films I guess :P
Level of School: In secondary/high school; will take GCSEs this year so oof me
Hobbies: Politics, history, economics, philosophy, books, anime, manga, games and organising banned communist rallies at school
Favourite Games: Grand strategies are my jam: Vicky2, HoI4, EUIV, Stellaris and Sengoku. Also like RTS like AoE III and the Cossacks series, and city building stuff like Tropico or Cities: Skylines
Socialistická lidová strana - Revolucionári
Socialist People's Party - Revolutionaries

(currently active)

Previous parties:
Trigunian Socialist Movement/Front of the Anticapitalist Left (Trigunia)

Formerly TheTsar:
Deltarian LDP
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby Edmund » Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:35 am

Name: Edmund
Age: 14
Location: Northumberland
Languages: English, some Geordie
Race & Ethnicity: Northumbrian
Religion: Christian atheist but actually weak agnostic
Politics: Democratic socialist
Party and Nation: Social Democratic Party (Luthori)
Music: Electric Light Orchestra. Also vaporwave I guess? Plenty of others but haha no.
Television: Gerry Anderson and, like Kirill, anime
Books: Exclusively non-fiction (well, okay, "fiery dragons were seen flying in the sky")
Movies: mostly anime like Kirill (again) but specifically Ghibli because of A Trip to Tynemouth
Games: I actually don't really play many games. Also, like Chloe, I've played Life is Strange.
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