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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:24 am

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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:17 am

April 4539

Gerajan satyagrahis illegally turn up on Selucian beach to practice Chhath Puja

The satyagrahis travelling to Selucia on board the Malivy Islander

In a dramatic upping of the ante in the conflict between Malivia and Selucia over Malivia's claim to territorial sovereignty over Selucia (which it calls the "Malivy Islands"), a boatload of nearly a hundred pro-unification activists has left the shores of Malivia and turned up unexpectedly on a quiet, fairly isolated beach in the Selucian province of Marestella.





The activists are calling themselves "satyagrahis", a Rajutti (OOC: Indian) term which denotes a peaceful protester who relies on "truth force" or moral justification, rather than the use of physical violence or coercion. They have erected a number of Malivian flags across the beach and are singing patriotic Malivian songs extolling the stories in the Gerajan (OOC: Hindu) scriptures about how the Malivy Islands is rightfully part of Malivia. They are also fervently participating in a "Chhath Puja", a religious ritual celebrating and honouring the sun for bringing life and comfort to the earth and all its plants and creatures.

The presence of the satyagrahis in Selucia is likely to be perceived as a significant provocation, not only because they did not receive permission to arrive, but because, due to the sovereignty dispute, Selucia has laws expressly forbidding Malivians from visiting Selucia.

So far the satyagrahis show no signs of wanting to leave. Their chief organiser, Vinay Mudaliyar, has informed journalists:

We are not doing anything wrong here. We are here in our own country, in the Malivy Islands, which is part of Malivia. We are here to celebrate the Chhath Puja, which is an ancient Gerajan ceremony which has been practised down the millennia both in mainland Malivia and here in the Malivy Islands. We have come with a message of peace and love. We are not here to hurt anyone. We are here to bring great blessings to all. We have no enemies. All are our friends.

The satyagrahis have been sharing their food and drink with local Selucians

So far, the reaction from local Selucians has been mixed. Judging by radio phone-in calls, there is a great deal of astonishment and bemusement, with a lot of people not understanding what is going on. Some seem sympathetic to the visitors. The satyagrahis have made a special effort to be hospitable to the locals, and have won some affection and popularity by freely distributing novel Rajutti dishes. There have been sightings of Selucian families and children coming down to the beaches to greet them and join in the festivities. However, some locals are clearly furious at what they see as an unwelcome invasion, and are demanding the police evict the trespassers at once.

Asked what the satyagrahis will do if the police try to remove them, Mudaliyar said "We hope it will not come to that, but if it does, we will not engage in any use of force - we will all sit down on the beach with our legs crossed, and they can drag us away and deport us if they really want to".

Back in Malivia, Rajutti National Party leader Amish Padagavakar has praised the satyagrahis as "courageous patriots and holy people" and called on Selucia to "practice peace and tolerance, and let the sacred message of the Chhath Puja be heard".
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Leo Basu » Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:33 am

Malivia Qualified For The UAFA CUP of 4539
Malivia defeted Kirlawa to Qualify for the UAFA Cup In the Match Malivia scored two goals against Kirlawa to win
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:57 am

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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Mon Mar 04, 2019 2:29 am

Satyagrahis accuse Selucian police of brutality

The satyagrahis who descended upon a Selucian beach to campaign for the absorption of the "Malivy Islands" into Malivia have accused the Selucian police of using violent tactics in order to put down a peaceful event. Vinay Mudaliyar, who organised the protest, told a press conference:

There was no need for the police to trouble us at all. We are Malivian citizens and we have the full right to visit a beach in the Malivy Islands, which is part of our own country. We were doing no harm and we put up no resistance. When the police came to arrest us, we did a sit-down protest. That's when the police got violent, they were hitting us, kicking us, swearing and shouting abuse at us. There were more physical and verbal attacks once they had dragged us into the police vans, and then more later at the police cells. Our human rights have been trampled over. The illegal Selucian statelet has no right to do this. They are occupying our country illegally and preventing us from exercising our civil liberties and expressing our cultural identity and our spirituality.

Amish Padagavakar, the leader of Rajutti National Party, has given his party's full support to the satyagrahis and called for a World Congress investigation into their treatment by the Selucian authorities.

Following these dramatic events, an organisation has sprung up in Selucia calling itself the "Council of Ex-Selucians" (COEXS). The COEXS claims to represent Selucians who have discovered their "true Malivian identity" and no longer recognise themselves as Selucians. Some of them are converting to Geraja and swapping their Selucian names for Rajutti ones. There are suspicions that this organisation is being funded and organised by Malivians, in violation of Selucian law, although there has been no confirmation of this so far.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Leo Basu » Mon Mar 04, 2019 11:05 am

Malivia to fight Beluzia In the first match For the Cup
After winning a tough qualifying match Malivia will now face Beluzia in the tournament it will be a tough contest specially when you know there is no second chance and the loser will be eliminated from the tournament Malivian team has been training nets from long time for this match and they have more chance aginst the match
To Watch these matches go to viewtopic.php?f=18&t=8441 in world events UAFA ARTINA CHAMPIONSHIP every match is being played there
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Aethan » Mon Mar 04, 2019 11:57 am

In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
Left Bloc - Istalia
Bright Spring - Kirlawa

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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:56 am

April 4540

Vinda-moo crisis scandalises Gerajans


Following an investigation by the Ministry of Agriculture, it has been revealed that the microwave lamb vindaloo meals produced by a food processing company in western Dendhadrash have become contaminated by beef. It is not yet clear how this happened. Several theories are circulating, amongst which are:

- that it was human error.

- that lamb mixed with beef was mis-sold to the company by rogue traders

- that agents deliberately contaminated the meat in order to antagonise Gerajans. Some suspect Hosians in Malivia, whilst others suspect groups from Keymon or Selucia.

The cow is a sacred animal for Malivia's Gerajans, who have expressed widespread outrage at the scandal. According to one Gerajan tradition, anyone who eats or even touches cow meat immediately loses his or her caste status and becomes an "untouchable" - a class of people outside the caste system entirely who are traditionally treated as scorned social outcasts. All day, Gerajan priests have been fielding questions on this on radio talk shows. Most are trying to reassure callers that nothing terrible has happened to them, although a few more conservative ones are maintaining that anyone who touches beef even inadvertently is "cursed" and has become untouchable. Several Gerajan gurus are offering to reverse the "curse" incurred by beef-eating in exchange for sums of money ranging variously from 100 to 100,000 crowns.

Prime Minister Amish Padagavakar has described the situation as "completely unacceptable", and promised "a full investigation to get to the bottom of what happened here". He also renewed his call for beef to be completely banned in Malivia. "At the moment, cattle slaughter is banned, but the sale of beef is still legal," he said, arguing that "if we had a complete beef ban across the whole of Malivia, then this sort of incident might be less likely". He also added that "If this was indeed done deliberately, then we would consider it a hate crime and take it very, very seriously indeed".

Padagavakar awards satyagrahis Medals of Honour, lashes out at "invasion" rhetoric

In a further escalation in the dispute between Malivia and Selucia over the fall-out from the satyagrahi stunt, Prime Minister Amish Padagavakar has personally awarded Medals of Honour to all of the satyagrahi participants. "Malivia is proud of you," he told them at a reception in Government House. "You have stood up for truth and justice, and exposed the Selucian statelet for the illegitimate, rotten and failed institution that it really is". He went on to describe Claudia Severa's description of the satagrahis as an "invasion" as "completely ludicrous and profoundly offensive", saying the satyagrahis are "peaceful demonstrators who had every right to demonstrate on a beach in their own country". Furthermore, he denied claims that there is any connection between the satyagrahis and the Malivian government.

He also revealed more information about the allegations of brutality by the Selucian police, and released a series of photographs to the world's press, which he claims "reveal to the world the brutality of the forces illegally partitioning our country and occupying the Malivy Islands".





Padagavakar attacks Keymon''s "racism and anti-Gerajan bigotry", demands consular access to alleged terrorists

Prime Minister Amish Padagavakar has launched a blistering attack on Keymon's controversial decision to ban Rajuttis and Gerajans from working in its meat industry, calling it "pure, undiluted racism and anti-Gerajan bigotry". He called on the international community to "consider sanctions" against Keymon.

He also demanded that if any Malivian citizens have been or are later arrested on suspicion of involvement in the food-poisoning plot, then those citizens should be given access to Malivian diplomats. "We are determined that our citizens should be treated fairly," he said. "If they really are guilty, then we accept they should be punished, but there has to be due process".

Striking a more emollient note, Padagavakar denied the junta's claim that Keymonites in Malivia are unsafe. "We have a small Keymonite community here in Malivia, and we are honoured to have them and hope they will continue to remain here - there is no need for them to be unduly alarmed", he said.
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