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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Rogue » Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:57 pm

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level and provides you with the most accurate news on the web

March 10th 4456
Badaran Sultan and PetroTuk reach a deal
With PetroTuk quickly becoming a global company it has now reached an agreement with the Badaran sultan for exploration of the country

While PetroTuk has just signed a deal with Beiteynu the company is already looking into another direction. The country of Badara has long been seen as a hidden gem of fossil fuels but was never properly exploited by any of its governments or companies. PetroTuk has now signed a deal with the Sultan of Badara in which PetroTuk gains the required permits to explore and potentially exploit fossil fuel reserves in Badara.

According to this deal the Badaran state would receive 35% of all potential income coming from the badaran fossil fuels. PetroTuk will also construct refineries and storage facilities once oil or another resource has been discovered to increase employment for the local population.
PetroTuk also demanded that the Badaran army would guard any facility that was operational. The Badaran Sultan accepted this demand.

If PetroTuk finds the resources it hopes to find it could land on a goldmine.

The Director of the recently succesfull PetroTuk, Augusto Barreto
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Rogue » Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:44 am

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level and provides you with the most accurate news on the web

July 20th 4456
4 months after the exploration in Badara started PetroTuk announced several major findings in the country
Over 30 billion barrels worth of oil reserves have been found in the state of Al Baharia with another major gass field found in the strait between Mu'tasim and Nashwa

Just 4 months of exploring was how long it took. PetroTuk has found a major oilfield in Al Baharia and a gass field in the Mu'tasim-Nashwa strait.
According to PetroTuk the combined discovery has a total worth of 800.000.000.000 LOD and could deliver energy to hundreds of thousands of people.
PetroTuk has already started the construction of oil pumps and refineries, the gass fields will stay unexploited for now as PetroTuk is looking for ways to "efficiently extract the gass from the fields" as they do not have the proper experience for it as of yet.

The Badaran authorities have responded positively to the discovery of the fields and looks forward to the revenue it will generate.
The stock market has also been enthusiastic with it more then doubling the points for PetroTuk today.
If the company can find enough importers it could become one of the most influential oil and gass companies in the world.

Construction workers working on the first few oil pumps in Badara
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby darkGreenParty » Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:59 pm

Dark Green Party founder criticizes the PetroTuk project in Morata Valley

SANGON - The Dark Green Party emeritus leader, Francisco Salazar de Oliveira Garcia, declares he is "profoundly worried" about the status of wildlife near the construction sites of the oilfield in Morata Valley by PetroTuk. Besides that, he criticized the overall goal of this project:

I don't see how putting more carbon would, in the long run, benefit Tukarali and the world. We have cleaner sources of energy, as nuclear, solar and wind power, and mankind should invest on these, instead of increasing the terrible burden it imposes over the entire planet.

However, due to environmental laws being local in current Tukarese legislation, the governmental coalition is not able to impede this construction.

"We hope Morata Valley authorities work to mitigate the impact of this project over the environment", stated the old Dark Green Party founder.
-Francisco Salazar de Oliveira Garcia, Chairman of the Dark Green Party of Tukarali
Dark Green Party (Tukarali)
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby darkGreenParty » Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:21 am

Francisco Salazar de Oliveira Garcia passed away

SANGON, 24th September 4459 - Francisco Salazar de Oliveira Garcia, the founder of the Dark Green Party and Chanceller of the República Democrática of Tukarali from 4441 to 4458, passed away at a age of 83 years.

His leadership will be missed not only by Tukarese people but the animals and plants of this nation. We only hope we can continue his legacy of environmental protection and economic development for the next generations.
-Augustine Castelo Figueiredo, Chairwomen of the Dark Green Party

He was always a good friend, since the time where he started thinking about creating his party to reinvigorate Tukarese politics. I will always remember how Francisco helped the Indralan community.
-Henrique Meneses Tzu, former Chairmen of the Dark Green Party

Born in Sangon from a high-middle class family, he spent his youth in the Indralan neighbourhood, where his family lived, even not being of Indralan ancestrality. He studied Philosophy at Sangon University, with a later MBA focused on financial administration.

After faculty, he opened a small private insurance and pensions company, Oliveira Garcia Seguros Ltda., he started to participate in political events of the Indralan community, where he meet some of his future party fellows. He also wrote some philosophy books, as Dark and Light Green, where he exposes his political philosophy, which became the basis for the Dark Green Party ideology.

Then, at 4434, he founded the Dark Green Party, hoping to create an alternative holding both right-wing views for most issues while being pro-environment, unlike most left-of-center green parties (which he deemed as "Light Green"). His party soon joined an alliance with center-right Tukarese Democratic Union, in order to contain the extremist National Conservative Union of Tukarali, and, after a failed attempt to win the Presidential elections, he was eventually selected as Chanceller for two cabinets which together ruled our beloved nation for 17 years.

A long-lived bachelor, there were unproven rumours involving affairs with women of Indralan ancestrality. Being a Felinist (a member of a small religion worshipping cats), he always had a good amount of cats living in his house, besides donating a part of his income toward organizations which cared for the stray cats of Tukarali.

The death cause was not revealed by the family.
-Francisco Salazar de Oliveira Garcia, Chairman of the Dark Green Party of Tukarali
Dark Green Party (Tukarali)
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby darkGreenParty » Thu Sep 27, 2018 12:16 am

Dismissal of the Dark Green Party

SANGON - The Dark Green Party did not survived the death of its founder, Francisco Salazar de Oliveira Garcia. After he passed away, his political spoil was disputed between the remaining members of the party, which was already enduring electoral decadence.

The Dark Green Party was split between two main factions: on one hand, Henrique Meneses Tzu, the former Party Chairman, who wanted the party to be loyal to the original Dark Green Ideology of Oliveira Garcia, roughly described as a mix of fiscal conservatism and environmentalism, together with many older party members and Oliveira Garcia's family. On the other hand, the faction leaded by the current Party Chairwoman Augustine Castelo Figueiredo, composed by younger members who are enamoured of more radical, nationalist ideologies, including Green Thallerism and even the governmental ideology of the Augustan Empire of Zardugal (although she criticized the latter during her term as Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

Young Dark Green Party members discuss with the PetroTuk workers in Morata Valley

Some clashes between the factions were registered in the streets of Tukarese cities. According to some unnamed party member, "the situation was unbearable". A group of party youth members were seen discussing with workers of the recently discovered oilfield PetroTuk works in Morata Valley, accusing the construction of "a crime against the planet". Then, after many struggles, Figueiredo and Tzu agreed to disband the party, since it "can't be united without Oliveira Garcia's leadership".

It's a sad day for our people, first we lost our leader, now we lost our party...
-Henrique Meneses Tzu

The fate of Dark Green Party members is uncertain. Henrique Meneses Tzu said he'll leave politics and return to the banking sector, and is expected that many older members will also return to the civil life. Younger members, on other hand, seems to still want to act, if not by politics, by activism, as Dark Green organizations to press Tukarali government not only on environmental subjects, as typical environmentalist NGOs, but on measures favoured by conservatives, as to reduce taxes or to make tougher laws against crime. As for, Augustine Castelo Figueiredo, she stated she'll "travel around the world to learn more about other political initiatives that could be used to defend the planet".

Augustine Castelo Figueiredo
-Francisco Salazar de Oliveira Garcia, Chairman of the Dark Green Party of Tukarali
Dark Green Party (Tukarali)
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Dec 31, 2018 5:46 pm

List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Masionette9 » Fri Feb 01, 2019 5:18 pm

Nowogard, August 4524
Party of National Coalition (Valruzia) - active
Kalistan Democratic Party (Kalistan) - inactive
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Masionette9 » Fri Feb 08, 2019 3:44 pm

Nowogard, August 4526

Party of National Coalition (Valruzia) - active
Kalistan Democratic Party (Kalistan) - inactive
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Rogue » Mon Mar 04, 2019 4:32 pm

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level and provides you with the most accurate news on the web

February 5th 4540
Libertarian Party reforms amongst void in the left, grandson of peres to become presidential candidate
As the centrist and left wing voters in the country are looking for a new leader the grandson of former party leader Peres reforms the Libertarian Party

It has been over 90 years since the PL disbanded amongst internal fighting. The party that was set on winning a election victory suddenly broke down and its former leader Aurélio Peres dissapeared after his party's demise.
But with the centrist and left wing voters of Tukarali looking for a new voice the Libertarian Party has reformed itself under the leadership of Peres his grandson called António Vaz.
Vaz, a progressive activist his entire life, decided to reastablish his grandfather's party as the ruling right wing party basically has a monopoly on power. With the formation of the PL Vaz hopes to "reastablish true democracy" to Tukarali and "enact comprehensive reform to improve the nation"

When the news first reached the newspapers accross the country Vaz mentioned several thing the PL will fight for. Just like his grandfather the main thing on the agenda will be the abolishment of the position of chancellor and the creation of a "executive president directly elected by the people" another important topic for the party will be progressive reform and individual freedom, the party will try to limit the power of the government over every day life "as much as possible" and sees "fascilitating freedom and protecting the people" as the main job of the government.

Today is a day to be marked in the history books, the backward policies of the government are over. We will have no more government intervention into every day life, no more restrictive policies, no more big government. With the PL at the forefront of a new government you, the people, can be assured that your individual rights as a people will be respected. We will reestablish democracy, significantly limit the size of the government and enact progressive reform to both strengthen and grow our economy as well as giving you as much freedom as possible!

Said António Vaz

Vaz will be the presidential candidate for the party while former prosecutor Vitória do Rosário will be selected as the candidate for the chancellorship.

António Vaz during the announcement that the PL would return
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Tue Mar 05, 2019 12:41 am

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level, providing you with the most accurate news on the web.

6 April 4540
New leftist party forms after large protest in the capital
A broad coalition of social democrats and other left-wingers, Mário Branco founds the Social Progress Party after a large protest.

Staging a peaceful protest on labor inequalities by their respective employers, numerous commercial workers occupied the streets of Yeaddin. Decrying the vastly unregulated nature of the economy, many who were interviewed by media outlets on scene stated that their employers had been enacting embarrassingly low salaries onto them, with some of them barely able to pay their monthly rent. Among the crowd was union leader Mário Branco, who chairs Yeaddin's largest commercial trade union, who decided to join the protesters in solidarity. Rallying disgruntled workers around the heart of downtown, Branco spoke passionately about the inequalities that they were facing, gradually drawing an even larger crowd. Critiquing fiercely the ruling government as being incredibly neglectful towards working class rights, the crowd roared with applause. Branco then began detailing numerous reforms that should be passed before the National Assembly to truly improve the rights of workers across the nation. However he again skewered the ruling UDT, stating that such demands would never be met so long as they stood. Branco then boldly announced the formation of a new left-wing party, named the Social Progress Party, right on the spot, with the streets showered in a deafening roar of applause and cheers.

After his rousing speech and blistering critique of the ruling UDT, Branco announced that he would renovate space for the party's headquarters in the coming days. "Anyone is welcome to donate to our cause," Branco stated. "We are only to succeed in meeting our goals if all of us pitch in." As his newly-formed party was established mere days before the April 4540 elections, the SPP was not included on the national ballot, much to the chagrin of Branco. However, he was understanding, stating that his party as it solidified itself within Tukarese politics would fight for the advancement of progressive policies throughout the years ahead. "There is a long road laid out before us. But my friends, it is a road of progress and opportunity! A new, peaceful revolution is upon us! Vida longa à revolução!"

Branco gives his passionate speech before a podium in downtown Yaeddin.
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