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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Rogue » Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:54 pm

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level and provides you with the most accurate news on the web

August 20th 4540
Libertarian Party wins elections, Vaz elected president, announces comprehensive reforms
In their first election ever and with resentment against the ruling UDT growing the PL has won the parliamentary and presidential election and announces big reforms

It was a night full of celebration, emotion and relief for millions of Tukarese citizens when, for the first time in decades, a left leaning party has won the elections. The PL did not have a lot of time during campaigning, with only 4 months left till the election when it was reformed. But despite all odds the party has not only won the parliamentary elections but has also won the presidency with the young and energetic party leader António Vaz being elected president of the republic. Despite the big electoral promise of the party that they would abolish the office of chancellor president Vaz acknowledged that this pledge could "not be kept" during this term, simply because the PL did not get a supermajority needed to make such a reform and the UDT is likely unwilling to go with it. However, the soon to be chancellor Vitória do Rosário has already announced publicly to involve the president in "every important decision" which will likely mean a bigger role for the president in this term.

After the electoral victory the party did not sit still. Just 2 months after the election the PL parliamentary group already proposed two major reforms aimed at restructuring the economy and passing big progressive reforms. In the first bill, titled as the parties agenda, the party removes the obligation for women to serve in non battle positions only, making it possible for women to apply for every function within the military. Another big reform in the Libertarian plan is the removal of state blashpemy laws which will bring the nation one step closer to a secularized society. The economic bill includes massive deregulation of for example the stock market, the removal of the ban on monopolies and the deregulation of the phone industry.

But the biggest economic reform in the new plan is a massive taxcut on luxury goods. From the current 30% taxes on luxury goods the new plan will cut over 6% in taxes and put the taxrate on 24%. The PL hopes to stimulate purchasing power and give the people the possibility to "enjoy the small things in life and make previously unaffordable items available to the larger public".

The new government is set to enter office next month.

Recently elected president António Vaz being congratulated after his victory
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed Mar 06, 2019 1:30 am

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level, providing you with the most accurate news on the web.

21 November 4540
PPS secures funds for headquarters renovation after massive crowdfunding campaign
Via various internet crowdfunding drives, the Partido do Progresso Social has amassed an astounding 125,000 Tukar for renovation space.

Since its formation, the Partido do Progresso Social has enacted a rigorous crowdfunding campaign for the renovation of a headquarters for the party. Opting to choose the building of a former financial company in a suburb of Sangon, the nation's largest city, the PPS stated that it would eventually either purchase or construct another building in the capital of Yeaddin. Mário Branco formed the party initially with most of his own savings out of pocket, along with allowing for members of his local trade union in Yeaddin to contribute voluntary donations. Seeing a modest amount of money trickle in, it however was not enough to suffice for the daunting task of purchasing property. Eventually, Senhor Branco petitioned to various crowdfunding websites on the internet, and over the past few months saw an immense outpouring of support, ranging from middle class workers, students, and some local and state politicians. As of the time of this publication, the PPS has amassed a whopping 125,000 Tukar for the renovation project, which Branco states "Is well enough and then some."

Wasting no time, the party contracted construction workers to significantly renovate the building that was chosen, creating space for several offices and a large conference room for elections of the party's Secretary and President, which would also be utilized as a sort of discussion room on various policies of the PPS. Branco then christened the building with a speech outside the building's pavilion, thanking all those who had contributed to funding and thanking his fellow Tukarese citizens for allowing him the opportunity to continue his goals for establishing the party, so that it could finally commit to enacting legislation for the betterment of the nation's people.

The newly-renovated headquarters of the PPS, located in a suburb of outer Sangon.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed Mar 06, 2019 5:10 am

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level, providing you with the most accurate news on the web.

24 November 4540
PPS's Branco proposes largest administrative reforms in decades
Certainly a bold move, the PPS's Secretary Mário Branco proposed sweeping administrative reforms to "Strengthen democracy".

With their headquarters renovated and their place firmly established within Tukarese politics, the Partido do Progresso Social introduced its first bill before the National Assembly. An extremely bold move for a party with no seats, and an even bolder piece of legislation—Comprehensive administrative reforms. Promoted by Branco himself as "Strengthening Tukarese democracy." Hoping for unilateral acceptance by both government and opposition, he believes that it will advance their goal of a strong democratic system within the nation. "For too long the UDT has had a monopoly on power. Their fast-and-loose approach to labor laws have left thousands struggling to make ends meet. I say to you, my fellow members of the National Assembly, that ends now. Our people long for social and economic prosperity, and it is we who shall grant it to them, no matter the cost!"

Despite his rousing words, Branco's bill is still an incredibly huge gambit, that is unfortunately expected to fail by many members of his party. But as for the man himself, he still remained incredibly optimistic when interviewed by reporters in the halls outside the National Assembly. Understanding the large risk that came with proposing what may be seen as a radical bill by some parties within the legislature along with having no seats of their own to reinforce their vote in favor, he nonetheless hoped for mutual cooperation with the PL and UDT, despite his blistering critique of the latter this spring.

"The only disagreements that the PL and our own party share is that of economic policy. On social issues, we are essentially in lock-step with one another. While many in the PPS expect our legislation to fail, and they have every right to think such, I can only hope that the ruling PL government sees our plight and sides with us for the advancement of progressive policies throughout the nation."

Mário Branco
Secretário do Partido

A session of the National Assembly convenes at an unspecified date this year.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Reddy » Wed Mar 06, 2019 6:27 am

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level, providing you with the most accurate news on the web.

6 July 4540
Hosians Congregate In USH
New pan-Hosian party established.

In the midst of a flurry of party creation, Tukarali's Hosian communities have moved to create one to represent them. After years of enthusiasm, negotiation and vacillation, the Council of Hosian Churches, one of the country' main Hosian pressure groups has finally agreed on a party structure, platform and name - the Hosian Social Union.

USH leader Augusto Salles

To lead the new party, its newly elected delegates chose Augusto Salles. Salles, 48 is the editor of the popular "Daily Covenant", a Hosian interests online news-magazine. He has a long established reputation as a conservative Hosian with a "secular look" This supposed secular look might attract some of the centrists and moderate conservatives who may prove to be repelled by the Libertarians' fanaticism but may still be uneasy about the basic religious inspiration of the new part.

Policy wise, there is little on offer for social moderates -the party is opposed to pornography, abortion, homosexuality and other social hot-button issues. On economics, the party supports a social market model but is yet to elaborate on that. This, the USH believes will appeal to a broad section of social conservatives of all religious backgrounds in the country particularly in its less developed areas.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Rogue » Wed Mar 06, 2019 3:46 pm

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level and provides you with the most accurate news on the web

February 19th 4541
Multimedia Startup "Bright Interactive" launches in Morata Valley
As the new PL government deregulates the economy and shows its intention of minimal economic intervention new companies like Bright Interactive begin to pop up

Until now most of the media in Tukarali have been traditional. TV, Radio and newspapers have been the main source of both entertainment and news for most of the Tukarali population for their entire life. But today a company called "Bright Interactive" or "Interativo Brihante" has been founded set to change the traditional way of absorbing news and entertainment. The company, situated in Morata Valley, began as a side project of a IT student called Herberto Cruz who created his own website during his spare time and began publishing local news articles he had seen in local newspapers, quickly growing the website to become one of the main sources of news for the local community. Cruz, 18 at the time, was forced to shut his website down due to several copyright claims by the newspapers in question. But when his website went down he knew what could be succesfull and what he had to do. 2 years later after graduating from his IT school he launched the site many of us now know as "Brihante" (Bright). During his first year managing Bright he tried doing most reporting himself, still sticking to local news. Upon the election of the PL and the announcement of deregulation and stimulation reforms the young entrepeneur decided to apply for a loan at the state bank, hoping to get one.

After great difficulty Cruz obtained a loan of 50.000 Tukar, making him able to hire 2 fulltime reporters for his website and buying video equipment to start with videoreporting besides the news articles already published on the website. Now, 2 years after starting the "Brihante" website Cruz has decided to officially create "Interativo Brihante", the mother company of the initial newswebsite.

With revenue growing for the company and a new reporter recently hired Cruz himself stated that the company will grow "exponentially" and economists seem to agree with rough estimates all predicting a revenue of 2 million Tukar for the company next year.

The logo of Bright Interactive
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Rogue » Sun Mar 10, 2019 10:50 am

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level and provides you with the most accurate news on the web

December 18th 4542
President Vaz pressured PL for early elections, elections underway
In a attempt to give the people of Tukarali a true voice and true representation the president has pressured his own party into holding new elections

It was a unorthodox move by the president, one of the more controversial moves by a president in recent times. President Vaz this morning in front of several major news outlets stated that he "pressured" his own party to call new elections so that the people could "truly express" their desires and so that the "true democracy that Tukarali aspires to be" can be tested. While at first many from both the left and right criticized the president for pressuring a (and his own) political party, which is typically not the role of the ceremonial president, many supported him in this move as the dust settled and commentators emphasized that that the PL always envisioned a greater role for the president in government and political affairs. Something that now seems to be closer to reality by the day.

Simultaniously with the calling for new elections president Vaz announced that he would run once more for the presidential office and hopes he can "gather support from all corners of society in building a free, safe and progressive nation"
Some analysts speculate that this pro democracy move could bring the PL yet another electoral victory, but others are doubtfull, sighting the many parties participating in this election as the reason for a possible PL loss in seats.

The president during a press conference
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 12:54 am

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level, providing you with the most accurate news on the web.

17 October 4543
PPS's Branco faces mounting pressure from within the party to cooperate with PL despite strong differences on economic policy
As coalition negotiations between left-wing parties are rumored to be held, various groups within the party have pressured him to cooperate.

Merely three years ago, Mário Branco gave an incredibly moving speech to disgraced workers in the nation's capital. Giving a blistering critique in the ineffectiveness and deregulated economy of the Felipe Presidency, he was able to grow a grassroots movement that eventually coalesced into the Partido do Progresso Social, or Social Progress Party. A firm social democrat, he promised commitment to his beliefs in a strong democracy, progressive reforms, and moderate economic intervention. Needless to say, the other parties of the National Assembly only partially saw eye-to-eye with him. What was once a firm resolve quickly devolved into stubbornness, with the rest of his party voicing the need for cooperation. Some have even called Branco a child in regards to vehemently opposing cooperation with the Partido Libertário, a left-wing but fiercely libertarian party on the grounds of economic policy. Frequently blasting members of the PL within the National Assembly, Branco has only managed to embarrass himself instead of representing his party within the legislature.

With that in mind, social liberals within the party have gradually pressured Branco to accept partial concessions over economic regulation, adding that his stubbornness was the main driver for the overall stalling of massive progressive reforms, which has only made the PPS be seen as a barrier to such change by the general public. Their pressuring has apparently bore fruit, with Branco stating that he would be willing to review the party's policies and adapt them to be flexible with the current ruling parties, them being the USH and the PL. "There has been considerable strain put on me to cooperate with the PL, I won't deny that. We share similar ideals on social issues but are sharply divided on economic ones—A divide that has frankly made me make an idiot out of myself before the national legislature. After some thought, I realize now that by being fiercely opposed to the change that the PL wishes to bring to our nation that I am no better than the right-wingers. As such, I announce that I will review our policies on the economy. We must be flexible as dough if we are to contribute to a strong democratic system and for us all to get what we want."

Branco is seen giving a visible sneer during a speech to the National Assembly, seemingly directed at the PL.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Rogue » Wed Mar 13, 2019 10:30 am

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level, providing you with the most accurate news on the web.

May 10th 4544
Center-right government forms, talks between the left collapsed
As the PL forms a center-right cabinet with the UHS many begin to hear about the collapsed talks between the left

In a tense and unfriendly atmosphere Vitória do Rosário of the PL party was once again installed as chancellor of the republic and her center-right cabinet between the UHS and PL was inaugurated shortly after. The tense atmosphere during both ceremonies had been created because of the long and tedious coalition talks between several parties accross the political spectrum. As the inauguration of the chancellor happened new details on coalition talks between the PL, PPS and MdC were leaked, detailing how the PL and PPS fought over economic policy which, in the end, resulted in the total collapse of talks between the two parties.

Party leader and former president António Vaz commented on the leaked talks saying:

The PL did everything it could to provide the people with a progressive cabinet capable of passing groundbreaking reform on both the social and economic front but unfortunately our potential partners did not have the same progressive ideals for the nation as our party envisioned, and after trying to push through their agenda despite our continued explanation that we could not betray core values of the party we decided the coalition talks where not at all viable. We are happy that the UHS is ready to work with us on centrist policies to better the nation and look forward to further cooperation with opposition parties

As the cabinet is sworn in the UHS and PL already announced their intentions of proposing a bill to hand executive authority over to the universally elected president to create a "strong executive carried by a strong mandate from the people who will universally elect their desired leader"

The bill has already been proposed to the legislature and is expected to pass within the coming months, as the PPS and McD are rumoured to also vote in favour.

PL members with António Vaz at the right during the swearing in ceremony of the chancellor
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Rogue » Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:04 am

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level, providing you with the most accurate news on the web.

June 10th 4545
PL Rebrands into the Liberal Democratic Party, electoral alliance announced, early elections to be held
With one of the biggest electoral promises fulfilled (that of presidential authority) the PL has rebranded itself into the PDL and announced a new electoral alliance with the USH

It was a year full of celebration. The groundbreaking presidential authority act, giving the president all executive power, was passed by the coalition and additional support by the MdC. The act was a landmark promise in the electoral program of the Libertarian Party and means a new era for Tukarali democracy. But with one of the largest electoral promises already fullfilled and the PL becoming increasingly attracted to a more centrist policy on social issues. This change in the party's agenda and priorities had caused several issues for the last half year. After heavy debates within the party a majority of its members eventually voted in favour of rebranding it to a more centrist/center-right oriented party. The new name "The Liberal Democratic Party". With this change in the party its leadership has made a deal with the current coalition partner, the USH, to establish a electoral coalition for the upcoming elections.

The new coalition is called LIBERDADE! (FREEDOM!) and will be a brought alliance between centrists, hosian democrats and liberals. With the many changes to the executive branch and the rebranding of one of the coalition partners the government has decided to call for another early election to establish the new institutions fully. Under the electoral coalition agreement the USH has also agreed to endorse former president António Vaz as the mutual presidential candidate of LIBERDADE! making the chances likely that the rather popular ex president will be elected for a second term.

The logo of the new LIBERDADE! electoral coalition between the PDL and USH
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Reddy » Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:23 am

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level, providing you with the most accurate news on the web.

May 10th 4545
President Resigns, Elections Imminent
President Salles resigns for personal reasons; centre-right alliance faces first electoral test

President Augusto Salles has shocked Tukarali by announcing his immediate resignation from office and asking the legislature for new elections. The 52 year old said that he was retiring from politics to look after his wife First Lady Esmeralda who has been diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. The resignation comes just two and a half years into his four year term. It also provides the recently "Liberdade!" electoral alliance between the Hosian democrats and the libertarians an opportunity to be tested electorally. The two parties had been planning an early electoral test but Mr Salles' resignation provided an earlier opportunity to test out the alliance and of course, the recent adoption of a so-called "presidential-parliamentary" system. The system is characterised by a formally presidential system which iis however significantly injected with parliamentarism through the country' strong multiparty politics.

Giant Sugar Loaf Under Construction In Shrin Kali


A group of sugar refining companies have teamed up to construct the "largest sugar loaf in history" The mover, a publicity exercise meant to boost Tukarali's sugar exports industry will see the 70 metre long and 8 metre wide sweetened colossus being put together and raised in central Shrin Kali. The industry's main association says that "hostile and inaccurate propaganda by New Age people have led to the demonisation of sugar as a key part of many people's diets."
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