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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Darkylightytwo » Mon Jan 21, 2019 12:50 am

Telamon President to defend Slavery and randomly shoot people

Today new where shocking. the president of Telamon, Mr. Rudolf Edvaldsson, who presented himself as the only (true real pure libertarian) and (superior being of Terra) has opened his conference by directly shooting sevens journalists who answered to his invitation, he then justified his actions by calling the dead journalists inferior beings.

I am a superior being, and I will not tell inferior being, people who cannot live unless there is someone to protect them, tell me how I should live. Look at the journalists I just shot, they could not defend themselves, they shoot there and got killed like idiots and the reason why they died is because they were not prepared. They are inferior being and there lives have no values.

I am not very shocked by the world congress, a communists association under the direction of Tropica, is worried of the fate of inferior being. You know, if these peoples were not inferior beings, they would not be enslaved, because they would take gun and they would shoot their future slavers. Its the same with Rape, thievery or murder. You want to protect yourselves, then do it yourselves. buy a gun and shoot those who threaten you, that is Real true freedom. As far I am concerned, I have the right to shoot anyone I want, and if you dislike it, then buy yourselves some guns and defend yourselves, INFERIOR beings.

I shall say the same thing to the kanjori, if you want don't to be enslaved, then don't complain to Tropica and stop being inferior. The only reason you are being enslaved is because you were weak. You guys should arms yourselves and shoot your future slavers as soon as possible. If you can't, then you just deserve to be enslaved as inferior beings.

Also, I speak to the inferior beings in the world congress, we do not have a government in Telamon, we live in true real freedom. Long live myself.

Various rumors also said, that the president of Telamon is forcing girl as young as 12 to serve as sexual slaves, or is very quick to shoot anyone who would criticize him. A large protest is expected to be organised, and it is not known how the new (government) of Telamon is going to answer.
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Darkylightytwo » Mon Jan 21, 2019 7:27 pm

Telamon President tell Tropica to f-word the coconut goddess.

Tonight, the president of Telamon, who has started to call himself the Real true true real pure libertarian president, has rejected the demand for extradiction of Mario Okia , from the government of Tropica.

You know, you guys can go fuck your coconut goddess. Mario Okia is my best friend and a true real pure libertarian. We will never agree to his extradiction. He fought for true real pure freedom in his country, he killed multiple evil communists and the world is so much better because of his actions. if you guys are so desperate to extradite him, then invade us and show us some powers. Until, Tropica is just a nation of Inferior being who must be eliminated. Long live true real pure freedom.
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Darkylightytwo » Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:35 pm

Aloy-Sophie Darklight, at 82 years old, inspire a police revolt in Migadon

11 September 4519, the (government of Migadon was recently unseated by a violent political revolts made by the police of Telamon, lead by Aloy-Sophie Darklight. The day before that, the Senator from Baltusia gave a speech on justice in Sundvík, which seem to have energized the police officers reunited in Migadon.

Aloy-Sophie Darklight Speech in Sundvik

People of Telamon, man and woman of Telamon, is what you see in front of you really just. All laws being abolished for the shake of (freedom). Girls are young as 12 being forced to participate in sexual action against their own will. Slavery. The organised crime, free to sell all drugs they want and to murder anyone who would not obey them. Your country heading down towards a certain economics as enterprises are leaving Telamon in masse, because no one is going to protect them from seizure. Murderers and rapists allowed to walk free. Is this really the country you cherished ??? At times we have to do what need to done, and right now, what you need to do is to stop obeying the unfair laws set by this terrorist gorup and begin towards the construction of a new Telamon. Follow me and let's take justice into our hands. Together, if we are determined, we can build a better Telamon, we can retake control of country. Enough of this pessimist attitude of waiting for your paycheck or being depressed over you non-pay. How about retaking control of Telamon and rebuilding the police force ? whose with me ???
Aloy-Sophie Darklight.

The Former Senator was apparently accompagned by his wife and sisters.

The president of Telamon reacted to this

finally, its going to be interessing. I was getting bored anway. Statists have come to challenge me. And True real pure freedom wil prevail for real.
Rudolf Edvaldsson
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sat Jan 26, 2019 7:33 pm

MASS suicide in Telamon

the True Real Libertarian Head quarters

Breakings new. the True real pure libertarians have recently committed mass suicide in Telamon. stating that they could not accept to live a state where freedom would be remplaced by communist dictatorship. So, the leaders of the party incited all members of commit suicide instead of living as an opposition to the Democratic alliance. The Leader, Rudolf Edvaldsson was one of the first who committed suicide. In total, 3407 persons kill themsleves.

The party recently lost the elections, winning least then 25% of the seats. Which means the party lost all their power in the assemblee.

The new were a shock for multiple citizen, who do not understand how could their nations host such a terrible, while others citizen have welcome the news, state their nation can finally be free of the insanity of the True Real Pure Libertarians. ...

mass suicide in Telamon, how could this happen, how did we let this insane take control of so people, this is just horrible.
anonymous citizen

the freak did themselves, Finally our nation will be able to have a proper government, and no live in complete anarchy, That true real pure freedom was nothing more then true real pure corruption. And its gone. finally. we are free from this insane cult.
anonymous citizen
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby pigeonvalley » Mon Mar 11, 2019 10:39 am

New Party Promises Patriotism, Pride and Protection

The head of the newly founded political movement Krossinn Svartur, Elvar Eysteinn Sigurðsson, has today come out and delivered a manifesto for the newly founded party, with various buzzwords on their agenda causing both congratulation and concern amongst the Telamonese populace.

In October last year, in an inner-city building now called 'Svarturkrosshúsið', Sigurðsson opened the first meeting of the newly founded Black Cross party, or Krossinn Svartur, to thunderous applause from the military personnel, business owners and regular workers in attendance. Nearly a year on, Sigurðsson has spoken out against what he calls "regular government abuses" and "an attitude of secrecy from the Rokkströnd congress".

In his A5, double-sided manifesto delivered door to door in many urban neighbourhoods, the movement outlined its main plans and the possible roadblocks towards them, in sections called "What We Fight For" and "What We Fight Against" respectively. In the latter section, the party lists the government itself as a roadblock to the success of the entire nation, labelling the Silicon Party under President Hudson "enemies of the people of Telamon". The party also wrote that the current government was a "shadowy cabal" which should be "dismantled", and which less than 20% of the country voted for in April 4539.

Other parts of the manifesto include an intent to, if elected, indict most, if not all, members of the current government on crimes against the people, expansion of the military, and the withdrawal from most international treaties and international relations.

The membership of the party continues to grow, and while official numbers have yet to come in, popular support does appear to be coming in strongly for this new party.
Krossinn Svartur - Republic of Telamon - ACTIVE
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby pigeonvalley » Fri Mar 15, 2019 7:10 am

Krossinn Svartur Wins Landslide Election - Begins Process of Revitalising Telamon

Newly founded party Krossinn Svartur wins a landslide election within its first electoral challenge since its inception.

Polling stations all across the country received voter turnout of 64.55% - levels unseen since the elections of 4532, which even then saw a total victory of one party with the other not receiving any votes whatsoever.

This has been an election which mobilised the country enough to get many to vote, though it also turned out it was a massively polarising election, with the polarisation mainly being along the lines of geography.

Party Krossinn Svartur won the vast majority of the electorate on mainland Telamon - 83.9% of the mainland vote, with regions such as Vesturland and Austurland giving no seats whatsoever to the formerly incumbent Silicon Party, giving 99.99% and 99.88% of the vote respectively to Krossinn Svartur. Amongst the other mainland regions, Norðurland also came down decidedly on the new party's side, giving Krossinn Svartur 82.58% of the vote. Miðland was the most divided, with 52.87% going to KS, while the Silicon Party made up the entire remainder of those who voted.

The reality could not be more opposite on the island of Suðureyja, with 99.88% of the vote instead going to the Silicon Party. Allegations that this may be due to violent rhetoric directed at the Suðureyjan culture and population are so far unconfirmed, though they are also not denied by Krossinn.

News of this turnout has shocked many within the nation, with suggestions that this will have to lead to a more active Silicon Party within Telamonish politics. As of May, KS controls all cabinet ministries, and is, if suggestions are to be believed, aiming towards making radical changes to the nation, as it possesses the overall 2/3 majority to enact major constitutional changes.

More updates as they come in.
Krossinn Svartur - Republic of Telamon - ACTIVE
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby pigeonvalley » Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:51 pm

Krossinn Svartur Gains 100% of Electorate - Reorganises State

The April 4545 defeat of the Silicon Party has led to the removal of all SP ministers and political leaders from power, and the complete control of Krossinn Svartur over the politics of the new Telamonese State.

The victory of nationalist, populist, militarist and secularist Krossinn Svartur caused prominent members of the Silicon Party, including former Presidents 'Hudson' and 'Kirk', to abandon the Telamonese State in the wake of total control of all ministries of government, all members of the now-defunct party abandoning their seats, allowing the Krossinn Svartur politicians to gain full control of the Ríksþingið also.

'Hudson', in a final act of defiance to the new government, left the following message in video form on one of his social media accounts:

Hello my fellow citizens.
The current leadership is turning the nation into a communist hell state, and probably rigged the election. Making us be isolated from the world, I think this nation will collapse.
Good luck Telamon

It is unknown where these individuals, many of whom are likely going by pseudonyms, are currently residing, though many do have warrants for arrest by the Military Police.

In an address to the Ríksþingið, Leiðsögumaður Elvar Eysteinn Sigurðsson dispelled the rumors of a communist state made by former-president Hudson.

"[...] we are not, by any means, communists. Not internationalists, not classists, and most certainly not related to any filthy communist traitors."

Krossinn Svartur now holds complete control over the Ríksþingið, and this will likely continue into the future. What the government now plans to do has been detailed in a new press release, allowing for further political transparency in this critical time.
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Aquinas » Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:44 pm

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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby pigeonvalley » Sat Mar 16, 2019 4:09 am

Telamon Scales Up Military Production and Efficiency

Krossinn Svartur have announced intentions to engage in a massive scale-up of military assets within Telamon to assist in the defence of its territorial sovereignty, partially as a response to the Malivian Communist Association's public declaration of hostility towards the new government.

Leiðsögumaður Sigurðsson has taken to heart the request for action by the comparatively minor Malivian party, and has taken steps to ensure the continued existence of the new Telamonese state. Outlined steps in his plan include expanding of the arms industry, military recruitment, and both offensive and defensive weapons systems which are expected to be completed at some point in the next few years.

With military police now patrolling most of the country and a large increase in funding for the military already enacted by the government, as well as the approval of the paramilitary of Krossinn Svartur within the national defence forces, Telamon is showing the signs of a country gearing more towards military matters rather than remaining stagnant, as the common perception of the Telamonese military has been.

While details of military practice are sparse for the defence of national security, it is known that the military capabilities already in place that are able to be used shall remain so, while shipyards in specific ports around the country are receiving large influxes of scrap metal, likely from older ships no longer suited to a modern military presence.
Krossinn Svartur - Republic of Telamon - ACTIVE
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Rogue » Sat Mar 16, 2019 8:28 am

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