
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Mon Mar 11, 2019 9:25 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

June 9th 4543
Němec carrier nearing completion, final segments being constructed
The first Němec class carrier is nearing completion as the last segments of the ship have entered construction

After over 5 years of entering construction and over 7 years of actual development the first Němec carrier is nearing its completion in the shipyards of Ushalande. The new ship will be the biggest carrier currently present on Terra with a ton displacement of over 100.000 tons and a capacity of carrying over 80 aircraft. The ship has advanced defense systems on board as well as newly developed radar and other modern features, making the carrier substainable for at least 80 years according to the Ministry of Defense. The final segments of the ship will likely be ready within a year and the ship will be extensively tested afterwards. The MoD expects the Němec carrier to be ready for its seatrials in early august 4544 after which it will officially enter service early 4545.

One of the only images of the Němec carrier. A replica during a defense expo several years ago
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby ChengherRares1 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 4:43 pm

Gao-Soto announces position on C.A.R.S.S.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby ChengherRares1 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:24 pm

Important treaty between Vanuku and Hulstria
Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Wed Mar 13, 2019 10:13 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

May 3rd 4544
Ground Forces to invest in engineering capabilities
With the constant change in the nature of combat and the global scale on which it is fought these days the ground forces will invest in new and improved engineering capabilities

As the MoD and military itself have been learning many lessons over the past years during conflict in Jelbania and several major exercises they have begun a evaluation of the necessities that the army, airforce and navy desperately need. The main thing that kept coming back was the need for a variety of engineering capabilities resulting in the ground force now calling for the MoD to invest in such materials and personel.
The new engineering vehicles, pieces of equipment and materials will include wheeled cranes, wheeled excavators, trenches, minelayers, mine clearers, recovery vehicles, vehicle launched bridges and combat engineering vehicles.

The total investment into engineering elements for the armed forces is said to be around 9 billion DTE and will be divided in several faces. The army is looking to create a dedicated engineering corps capable of providing engineering support all accross the world.
At its current state the only engineering squads are integral parts of seperate units, badly organized and structured and often becoming delayed and working innefficiently. By creating a dedicated and independent engineering corps that is able to, in discussion with high command, distribute engineering units where they are needed effectively and by expanding the capabilities of the engineers the state hopes to improve the efficiency and the strength of the engineering units and encourage units to move faster as well in the process.

The TMM-6 wheeled vehicle launched bridge system that deltaria already owns, more units are said to be produced in the expansion and restructuring plan
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Thu Mar 14, 2019 3:38 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

January 11th 4545
Němec carrier leaves sea trials, enters service
after 8 years and over 120 billion in total the Němec class carrier has officially, with much celebration, entered service after a lengthy sea trial

hundreds of people where gathered at the shore of Ushalande to see the first Němec class carrier, named the PRS Hošek (after the first modern FDSR president Igor Hošek) come back from its sea trials and be officially sworn into service of the deltarian navy. The PRS Hošek is the first of the deltarian designed and constructed Němec class carriers, the Němec class is the largest carrier class currently in service in Terra, having a ton displacements of 100.000 tons and the capability to carry over 80 aircraft, 5 more then the carriers that were until now the largest on the planet. The carrier holds modern technology like a fully automated launch deck where supplies can be brought up to the deck with the press of a button and a new electronic launching platform, something that the yegorovich class carriers did not yet have. The ship also holds modern radar systems and advanced defense capabilities like anti aircraft missile systems and countless mounted guns.

The carrier is by far the largest ship in the deltarian fleet and according to the ministry of defense will be the flagship of the navy for at least the next 30 years. As mentioned before the entire project was not cheap, over 120 billion LOD was spend on the entire process from design to construction. Now that the designing fase is completed and the first Němec class carrier has entered service the MoD expects that if it decides to build a second Němec class carrier the second ship will cost around 12 billion LOD to fully construct. However the MoD and naval command have already declared that there are no plans for a second carrier in this class anytime soon.

The new PRS Hošek will join ranks with its strike group within the next few days and high command has already announced that its first trip will be made next month towards the new naval base in Dankuk.

The new Němec class carrier the PRS Hošek on its way to Ushalande for its official entry into the fleet
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Thu Mar 14, 2019 4:04 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

January 18th 4545
Navy to expand submarine fleet, develop first nuclear naval missiles
With the entry of the PRS Hošek into the Deltarian fleet the navy has requested the MoD to invest into expanding the submarine fleet

As the flagship the PRS Hošek enters service into the deltarian navy the MoD received a request by the navy for funds to increase the size of the submarine fleet.
The plan includes the construction of around 9 extra Yasen class submarines to be constructed by the DOF. 5 of these Yasen class subs will also be carrying nuclear warheads, confirming suspicions that the armed forces are indeed preparing to finalize the nuclear triad of Deltaria. The new sub carried nuclear missiles have, according to the report, been under development by a joint team of the FKA, navy and DOF and its design is nearly finished, the 5 Yasen submarines that will carry the eventual nuclear missiles also have adjusted designs so that they have the appropriate capabilities to launch the 8 nuclear missiles that are planned to be housed on them.

The plan to expand the submarine fleet is an attempt to increase the range and capabilities of the deltarian navy. By building more nuclear powered Yasen subs the navy is able to have a submarine in every corner of the world if it chooses to do so. Some of the new submarines will also be used to better protect the carrier strike groups in dangerous waters.

Construction of the 9 new submarines is expected to last 4 years. With the first submarine already under construction and the other planned to enter construction in groups of two every year.

A already existing Yasen-class submarine of the deltarian fleet
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Thu Mar 14, 2019 5:03 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

January 27th 4545
Ministry of Finance donates 300 billion DTE into CAES "Cooperative Bank" to stimulate development
The deltarian Ministry of Finance has recently donated 300 billion DTE to the CAES Cooperative Bank to stimulate growth in CAES and CARSS member states

During the creation of both the CARSS and CAES organizations a non profit bank called the "Cooperative Bank" was established, directly overseen by CAES member states. The bank receives 0.5% of all CAES member states their GDP annualy in funds and is tasked with investing it back into the economies of the member states and divide the investments equally amongst them. The CB has already invested over 60 billion DTE in infrastructure projects in Dundorf, subsidies for several building projects in Dankuk, urban development projects in Jakania and in financially supporting several struggling banks of member states.

But the deltarian government, as an inscentive for others to join the organization and for member states to continue their development. Has made a one time donation of 300 billion DTE to the CB. The funds will be directly transfered to the Cooperative Bank and is expected to reach the CB within the next few weeks. The deltarian government also asked the CB not to invest the money into deltaria but rather invest it into other member states like Dankuk, Dundorf, Kalopia or Jakania. Member states can ask for a portion of the money through their finance ministries and will have a CB supervisor assigned to them to make sure the money is well invested.

Deltaria has seen a increase in aid to its allies for quite some time with billion DTE plans for Dundorf, Jakania and Dankuk being agreed upon in the past. The new funds will likely help these nations in developing more robust economies, in turn causing economic growth for the entire alliance.

The recently constructed HQ of the cooperative bank, based in Sfântul Sângeorz, Ushalande
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:27 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

June 3rd 4545
FKA to launch several military satellites for the deltarian armed forces
The deltarian space agency FKA has been working on a military sattelite meant for military communications and hardware and will launch the first ever deltarian military sattelites soon

Despite being busy with preparations for the ISO international space station project the FKA has, for several years, been working on a military satellite model meant to be used for coded military communications and advanced GPS systems in military hardware. The new satellite has, in the 8 years that it has been under development, almost been completed with 3 satellites almost out of construction and ready to be launched.
The agency is already preparing and planning for a possible launch date of the satellites in the near future and explaining to the MoD how they could effectively use the new satellites.

The satellites will enhance the capabilities of both the army, airforce and navy to map out areas all accross Terra and use well encoded communication methods during important operations. It is expected that the first satellite of the 3 will be launched within the next two years.

A propulsion jet of the satellites under construction
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby ChengherRares1 » Fri Mar 15, 2019 3:04 pm

New standards and legislation promise new future strong Gao-Soto army combined with own generation of tanks, airplanes and artillery
Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Aquinas » Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:43 pm

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