
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Gaduridos News Network

Postby Opakidabar » Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:33 pm

OOC: Not again!
You are just like another Steven Kennedy.
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Re: Gaduridos News Network

Postby conlib » Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:21 am

OOC: Haha. Gaduridos is our destiny!
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Re: Gaduridos News Network

Postby conlib » Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:41 pm

East Terra Company Naval Forces Lay 'Defensive Mine Barrier'

Warships under the command of the Imperial East Terra Company have begun to deploy over 25,000 mines in an operation designed to curtail the threat posed to the shores of Gaduridos and Fotheringhay by the Communist forces from Indrala. 'Operation Broken Back' sees 7 ex-Gaduridosi Republic Mine Sweepers deploying mines in tactial positions within the Gulf between Gaduridos and Indrala. The Commodore in charge of the operation, Jonathan Hawke, has stated that, 'the Defensive capabilities of the Company's Naval forces will be demonstrated if any Communist vessel threatens our security or trespasses into our waters. The 60,000 mines or so will offer an extensive defensive barrier to the freedom the People's Navy of Indrala believe they have within the Gulf.' These comments and the origins of 'Operation Broken Back' stem from Indralan comments that, 'We must shout into their [Pontesian Government] faces "THE EAST BELONGS TO US!" and drive them away.' Chief Factor Thomas Barnes has responded in an official statement that, 'The Imperial East Terra Company operates in Gaduridos and Fotheringhay for the furtherment and advancement of the native peoples. We do not have an official relationship with the Pontesian Government and nor do we represent them in Gaduridos. We are here as a private corporation at the invitation of the Gaduridosi people and with the blessing of His Majesty, Emperor William II. It is thus obvious that the Indralans are attempting to shift attention away from their own inhumane and hypocritical expanionist stance.'

Ships of the Imperial East Terra Company deploying to confidential areas of the Gulf to lay tens of thousands of mines.

Some Defence analysts have said that the Company's Naval Forces, comprising entirely of ex-Gaduridosi Republic ships, does not have a significant capability and according to one, 'have been caught fully off guard by developments in Indrala'. Company Navy Secretary Adam Riddett responded that, 'the Company's fleet may be ageing but our people are the best trained sailors in the world. Our Defensive mine field will fill the gaps in Gaduridosi naval capabilities left over from the previous Banana Republican Governments. We are also currently in negotiations with Pontesi to purchase 10 modern naval ships which will be a significant boost to our defensive and projective capabilities.'
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Re: Gaduridos News Network

Postby conlib » Fri Nov 13, 2009 6:42 pm

Gaduridosi Economy Surpasses Pontesi

According to statistics released by the Financial Director of the Imperial East Terra Company, the economy of the Loyal Kingdom of Gaduridos and Fotheringhay has surpassed that of its Motherland, Pontesi. In only 7 years, the IETC has dragged Gaduridos from being the poorest nation in the world to heights of economic prosperity that the country has never before witnessed. The GDP has quadrupled in that short time period which has fuelled a massive expansion in domestic purchases and construction of more comfortable homes. Chief Factor of the IETC, Thomas Barnes, stated that, 'the East Terra Company came to Gaduridos to enhance her peoples' lives, today we have demonstrated that this old Banana Republic can not only be a hub for international investment but a prosperous nation able and willing to work to improve the lives of her citizens.'

Chief Factor, Thomas Barnes, addressed Journalists in the new custom built Capital City of Raleigh

Pontesian GDP currently stands at 11.7 trillion PON while Gaduridos nips them at the finishing line with the equivalent GDP in Pontesian Currency of 12.4 trillion PON. Public Expenditure in Gaduridos is also much higher, allowing many Gaduridosi subjects of HRH William II to benefit from a higher standard of living than their fellow subjects in Pontesi. Defence Expenditure in Gaduridos is now 4.5 times higher than the Motherland. The IETC is rapidly building up a modern and highly technologically advanced Defence Industry within Gaduridos and Fotheringhay to serve its expanding military requirements. Analysts have noted the advance of Gaduridos but say that the many years of economic neglect of the Banana Republic years will take a massive amount of investment and many years of work to enable all Gaduridosi and Fotheringhay residents the true benefits of the economic acceleration.
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Re: Gaduridos News Network

Postby Opakidabar » Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:57 pm

ooc: now that is a clear godmodding. In seven years economy from poorest to top... hm, if I ever did something like that I would be faced with such acquisitions anyway :)
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Re: Gaduridos News Network

Postby conlib » Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:46 pm

OOC: I just based the statistics on what the game told me. When I took power, our GDP was 11 trillion, it peaked at 49 trillion and has dipped slightly to 47 trillion GAD today. I used the currency converter on the game to calculate how Gaduridos is compared to Pontesi. A quadrupling of GDP is rather astonishing but it's what the game tells me is true so I guess it must be true. :)
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Re: Gaduridos News Network

Postby conlib » Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:26 pm

Advancement for Civilisation: Natives Enter Company Executive

The advancement of civilisation in Gaduridos since the establishment of the East Terra Company was demonstrated today when two native Gaduridosi gentlemen were invited to join the Company executive. Pedro López Fernández will, from today, be the most senior native Gaduridosi in the Company Protectorate as he takes on the position of Internal affairs Director in command of the 40,000 strong police force. Federico García has been promoted to the Environment and Tourism brief, a Department which has become increasingly important since the Company Protectorate was established 8 years ago.

Pedro López Fernández, the most powerful native Gaduridosian in the Kingdom

Chief Factor Thomas Barnes stated that, 'the appointment of two native Gaduridosi men by the Shareholders' Council demonstrates the massive advancements the country has made in the last 8 years in terms of education, the economy and the effectiveness of political institutions. The ambition of the East Terra Company is clear: we're here to enhance the opportunities of the peopleby establishing a stable and economically viable country. Pedro and Federico are only the first of many Gaduridosi men to hold positions of responsibility in the government.' Pedro Fernandez thanked the Chief Factor and the East Terra Company for 'intervening in Gaduridos when our political masters had oppressed and abandoned us to the devils of anarchy. I want to act as a role model for the millions of young Gaduridosi men who may be tempted to believe the Communist lies that the Company is here only for its own benefit.'
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Re: Gaduridos News Network

Postby conlib » Tue Nov 17, 2009 2:47 pm

A Grand Fleet For Gaduridos

The elderly small patrol craft and corvettes rusting quietly in equally neglected Gaduridosi naval bases have been a familiar sight for locals for several decades. The previous banana republican/dictatorial/proletariat governments of the past seemingly preferred the army as their tool of choice for enforcing oppressive and brutal regimes on the people of Gaduridos. With the advent of the East Terra Company however, and the subsequent opportunities for global trade, our navy is set to massively expand with a fleet of brand new modern and capable warships. Over the past 8 years, the Company has spent billions of GAD on improving the country's defence infrastructure so that it can now construct 25 'Fotheringhay Class' frigates within the space of 6 years. The direct result of these new ships will be the employment of 40,000 local workers in addition to 20,000 indirect supplier jobs.

The Company has also ordered a significant number of vessels from Pontesi including two new small aircraft carriers, dozens of Destroyers, fast patrol craft and submarines.

Chief Factor Thomas Barnes, pictured on his Company's new flagship IETCS William II, flew to Pontesi especially for the commissioning service

Chief Factor Thomas Barnes stated that, 'the delivery of the first batch of ships from Pontesi and the construction of the first 6 Fotheringhay Class Frigates here in Gaduridos, marks the end of our predominatly island nation relying on rusting old tubs for its maritime defence and the beginning of an age whereby our country can defend her interests and project her power all over the world.'

The first batch comprising 19 ships, including the new carrier flag ship, leave Pontesian shipyards for their 9 week transit to Gaduridos.

The size of the Gaduridosi fleet is expected to triple over the next 6 years. The Defence Director of the East Terra Company did not give a full account of his ambitions regarding the eventual size of the fleet but he did suggest it would be 'substantial and in line with our massive expansion in global trade'.
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Re: Gaduridos and Fotheringhay Telegraph

Postby zakmac12 » Mon Nov 30, 2009 3:12 am

Slaybackian Reformist Movement Forges Way Forward

SRM Logo

Raleigh, New Wessex- With the recent rise in Gadurios' budget spending in military affairs, the recent border activity in Tukarali, and the lack of free market capitalism in Gadurios' national economy, some voters are looking for a savior party. An obscure researcher and public health minister from South Vintalli rose quickly to the ranks of the party recently, Mathies Slayback (48), descendant of a Darnussian president several centuries ago. Slayback rose with the belief of individual rights and free-market capitalism, which maintaining a strong internationalist policy and militaristic tendencies. The philosophy of the party, properly named "Slaybackianism", is unique to Gaduridos, but resembles some policies exhibited in Vanuku not long ago during the Great Vanukese Cultural Revolution.

"Truly, our party will rise to change Gaduridos and change the future for our posterity." said Slayback in an interview earlier this evening. "The target of the party is simply as it says: reform. We believe strongly in many principles which are already exhibited here in Gaduridos, but we also push for some that have not been seen in many years. Our issue we have with the current administration is the mix of business and government, we wish to separate those, so that they both may flourish of their own wills. Man may fall, theories may fade, nations may dissolve, but dreams, dreams live on."

Mathies Slayback
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Location: The People's Socialist Commonwealth of Pennsylvania /Gaduridos

Re: Gaduridos and Fotheringhay Telegraph

Postby conlib » Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:16 pm

Company Ushers in 'Shareholder Democracy'

Raleigh, New Wessex. After 20 years of governance in Gaduridos, The Imperial East Terra Company has opened its shareholders' council to democratic elections. The move has prompted the formation of three shareholder groupings - the Native Capital Alliance, the Slaybackian Shareholders Conglomerate and the present Imperial East Terra grouping. Under the terms of the elections act, any native over the age of 30 or Pontesian citizen over 24 in possession of at least 35,500 GAD worth of shares in the IETC may submit their name for consideration to the regional Company Shareholders' Convention. All Company Shareholders will then be applicable to vote for their most favoured candidates with one share equalling one vote up to a maximum of 12,000 shares. The chosen candidates will then be forwarded to take part in the national elections where the entire voting public may vote. Chief Factor, Thomas Barnes, stated that 'the new election system introduces a new democratic element to the Company while ensuring that the benevolent structure of the Company is maintained and that we may continue with our stated aim of advancing the march of civilisation in Gaduridos and Fotheringhay.'

Some native groups have criticised the amendment by calling it a 'piecemeal gesture aimed at continuing the status quo of Pontesian elite domination'. A spokesman for The Company refuted such criticisms by stating that 'Gaduridosians have never in their history been given the opportunity to vote in true and fair elections for their most favoured candidate - The Company has changed that.'

Company Launches Expedition to the East

Raleigh, New Wessex. Chief Factor, Thomas Barnes, has announced an exciting new Company expedition to the previously unexplored Eastern Territories. The purpose of the expedition is to 'advance the knowledge of Terra, identify new tribes and lands and open those new found people to civilisation and trade.' The Company has already spent 5 billion GAD on organising a large expeditionary group who will establish trading posts along the east coast of what Barnes is calling 'Terraincognita' and send out parties to explore and map the interiors. Later stages of the plan include the construction of railways and facilities to gather and export resources to Gaduridos. It is understood that The Company is currently negotiating with parties in the Crownlands of Hulstria for the establishment of the first of these hub stations.

Chief Factor, Thomas Barnes in the uniform of Commander Company Forces, believes Gaduridos will be at the centre of a 'massive Eastern trade triangle' by extracting raw materials from Terraincognita, shipping those resources to Gaduridos for processing before sending the product onto the international market.

It is believed that up to 10,000 people are currently involved in what is believed to be the biggest undertaking of any private corporation anywhere in Terra.

Red dots indicate proposed initial trading posts.

The Naval Forces of The Company will be providing extensive patrols of the projects with 8 Destroyers, 9 Frigates, both small aircraft carriers, 3 submarines and 9 mine counter measures vessels leaving their bases today. In addition 13,000 troops have been sent with the Navy to establish secure zones in preparation for the establishment of the trading hubs.

IETCS King William II leads a Company naval task force of 31 vessels to secure its proposed trading posts in Terraincognita.

Loyal Kingdom Celebrates 20 years of William's Rule

Gaduridos and Fotheringhay have marked the joyous occassion of King William II's 20th year of rule over the Loyal Kingdom by renaming South Vintalli, Williamsbourne meaning, 'William's fortified place'. Crowds of thousands celebrated the occassion in an open air free concert in Fort St George, Williamsbourne.
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