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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Mon Apr 22, 2019 4:32 pm

Voice of the Free
July 4564

Champion of the People Evan Fatherson !

Those were the words that were echoing throughout Kalistan earlier this year after the LDP proposed and passed once again a large tax cut and relief to Low and Middle Class taxes in kalistan which relieved 11 billion in tax burden and also still keeps the National Budget in a surplus. Evan Fatherson was once again very happy and joyful after the approval of the tax cuts and we managed to catch him for a short while to gain his thought:”We managed to once again give our people a breath of fresh and government-free air by relieving them from crippling taxes. I am honored at all the things we have achieved during my these last 8 years and i am hoping we will continue on this rightoues path. We are also continuing other reforms and we are getting ready to propose some reforms to social and economic policy before the elections. I would also like to note how joyful i am of the voice of reason that has appeared in the NCP with Mr.Feinberg,these so-called protests were and still are just spoiled politicians who cannot accept that they lost,All these protests are is “We lost so we are gonna cry about it and not accept the will of the people” its very amusing actually but i am very happy that we have continued to function and succeed regardless of these ill-intentioned protests”.

President of the Republic
Evan Fatherson

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Wed Apr 24, 2019 11:55 am

Voice of the Free
June 4565

Evan Fatherson crushes opponents being re-elected for a fourth-term,LDP continues hegemony

Evan Fatherson has once again become victorious in the Presidential Elections being re-elected for a fourth-term running once again as the LDP candidate against a coalition candidate of three opposition parties. The broad UKWF-NCP-Communist Party coalition which is truly an oxymoronic alliance has recieved their fourth defeat against the beloved Evan Fatherson being shown once again the door by the People. The LDP has recieved 122 Seats out of the 275 gaining once again a crushing majority in the National Assembly. President Evan Fatherson walked up to his famous podium to give his victory speech and had the following to say:
“We are here once again,*Smiles as loud claps are heard* We have won the elections for the National Assembly and I have once again gained the approval of our nation for my Presidency. The ill-intentioned alliance of the NCP,UKWF and the “Comunist” Party which might be typo or another version of the failed system that is Socialism *laughs* has failed to bring down the will of the people. İ am very thankful and will do everything in my power to make life even better then it already is for all Kalistani’s,Thank you Kalistan !”

President Evan Fatherson during his victory speech
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Thu Apr 25, 2019 12:21 am

KalAstro Looks into Rocketry
First Step on the Path to Space
September 18, 4565
KalAstro Rocket Scientists Look Over Schematics for "K1" Rocket

Today the Board of Directors of KalAstro announced their plans to put the agency into the direction of launching objects into orbit. After almost a decade of strenuous study of the physics of leaving Terra and the mechanics of a rocket which could accomplish this monumental task, Kalistan's top scientists in the field now believe they have designed the perfect rocket in order to get into low Terra orbit which they have given the nickname "K1." The construction of a prototype K1 has already begun after the institute outsourced the job to the private rocket company Bruce Rocketry. Unfortunately, the launch of the prototype is still a long ways off, at least a couple of years after the current NCP-dominated Board of Directors is replaced by the Minister of Science and Technology in November 4567 who will likely remain Minister George Rooselvelt of the LDP.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby VonHabsburg » Fri Apr 26, 2019 6:24 am

The longtime chairman of the UKWF, Joseph Hill, has announced his retirement today, amidst a flurry of rumors of failing health. He intends to serve the remainder of his term and retire after the next election cycle. Having lead the party since the passing of the legendary Leon Steele, he managed to preserve a mostly united front for the party for nearly 50 years. In response to this announcement, the leadership council of the UKWF has planned a party congress to be held to determine his successor. Most analysts expect the winner to come from the ranks of either Hill’s own Moderate or the Radical Wings, represented by Jack Browder and Earl Sinclair respectively. However, an emerging sect of the party has captured the attentions (and concerns) of both Party Members and Outsiders alike, the Revolutionary Wing. Their stated goals being the general abstention from Party Politics in favor of building support for a general uprising and increased organization of labor, many believe their views to be far too radical to gain much traction. Leading this faction is a young party upstart, Upton Reid.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Tue Apr 30, 2019 10:24 am

Voice of the Free
May 4568

Evan Fatherson wins once again,fifth-term ! LDP largest party once again !

President Evan Fatherson has been victorious once again gaining a fifth mandate for President in an interesting second-round race where Fatherson was supported by the LDP and PCF and the Opposition candidate was endorsed by the Far-left UKWF and “Comunist” Party, it was truly a battle of the Socialist Left and Capitalist Right and the Capitalists with Fatherson prevailed once again,meanwhile the LDP lost some seats to newcoming parties such as the Party for Capitalist Freedom which entered the Assembly however will surely be a strong ally of the LDP during these 3 years and will no doubt be in the coalition which will be formed. Even though the LDP lost seats they still have maintained their position as the largest party in the National Assembly. President Fatherson walked up to his “Victory Podium” for the fifth time on election night however this time he had alot more to say:
“My dear citizens,people of Kalistan,Friends....We have come a long way...We have now recieved our fifth mandate by our citizens....I cannot thank everyone enough for their votes and also i cannot thank our friends enough for their hard-work during this election campaign. İ would also like to thank our compatriots over there at the Party for Capitalist Freedom for their endorsement of my re-election. We will continue to work towards Life,Liberty and the pursuit of happiness in Kalistan and I promise that i will make this last mandate one to be remembered. Now i see some confused faces so let me clear that up *smiles* yes,this will be my last mandate as President...However we will have time to talk about this much later however now we have long three years and we have alot of work to do. Long live Kalistan !”

This was truly an unexpected finale to his speech and we will surely try to reach the President to talk of his supposed “last mandate” however it is clear that the President prefers to focus on the work ahead.

President Evan Fatherson during his victory speech
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Thu May 02, 2019 10:00 pm

Voice of the Free
September 4569

President Fatherson prepares for primaries,LDP introduces Economic Reforms

President Evan Fatherson has reportedly begun proceedings to hold primaries next year for his replacement after his retirement at the end of his fifth mandate in 4571. Although candidate are void and unknown at this point it is known that President Fatherson will directly lead the proceedings and make sure that the best candidate is chosen in a free and fair enviroment. In the other hand the alliance of the Capitalist Right in Kalistan (LDP and PCF) have begun major reforms to with their majority of 140 MP’s in the National Assembly. They have already introduced bills that cut unnecessary spending and with it 250 Billion KRB in İncome Taxes. They have also proposed a new Economic Reform Package which would see to a new private healthcare and education system which will be subsidised for people who cannot afford it. LDP deputy Micheal Slim was reported as saying:”You get the best of both worlds,the quality of the private sector and the price of the public sector” the bills are expected to pass with the support of the 140 combined MP’s of the LDP and PCF and reports suggest more reforms are on the way.

President Evan Fatherson and LDP Deputy Micheal Slim posing after a meeting in the Presidential Suite
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Fri May 03, 2019 9:58 pm

Voice of the Free
March 4570

LDP Primaries are on the way !

The Liberal Democratic Party annual congress has begun and with it the Primaries to decide the future of the party and possibly the country, with President Evan Fatherson deciding to retire from politics at the end of his fifth-term as President of the Republic and calling for Primaries which will be directly supervised by him as the President of the LDP, candidates were finally known in the first meeting of the congress. The Popular LDP Deputy from Ananto which is currently serving his third-term as Deputy,Micheal Slim was first to declare his candidacy and is already seen as a favourite during this race, although the Grand-son of the late Ceaser Furhat and the son of the late Sarah Furhat (both former Presidents) Lincoln Furhat was rumored to be planning a run however as it turns out the young-protige will continue his role as LDP youth-wing leader for now. However Micheal Slim is not unopposed. As LDP Majority Leader,Paul Henderson who also served as Minister during the short-lived LDP-NCP-UKWF coalition government 10 Years ago also has thrown his hat in the ring for the adored seat of the LDP President Evan Fatherson, as Fatherson put it during the first meeting:”Whoever sits in this chair somehow immidiately becomes President of the Republic a few months later,so i can see the appeal and excitement for my position *laughs*”

President Fatherson sitting among LDP members during the congress “enjoying the show”
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Sat May 04, 2019 1:37 am

NCP Attempts to Cushion Affects of LDP Legislation
Conservatives Once Again Take on their Ancient Role of Limiting the Negative Affects of LDP Legislation
CAK Medical Corps Mobilize in Vrassa

Another year, another attempt by laissez-faire capitalists to destroy Kalistan and her people. This time, the LDP has tried a new tactic in its seemingly limitless quest to utterly annihilate everything that makes Kalistan Kalistan. This time, not only have they completely abandoned the Kalistani people by taking away their cheap and high quality healthcare (The healthcare market has already been supersaturated with high-cost, low-quality hospitals looking for a quick buck), but the LDP has also decided to open Kalistan's economy up for colonization by foreign entities by removing the imperative restrictions that have prevented foreign foreign companies and individuals from buying up a majority share in Kalistani companies. But wait, there's more. Not only has the LDP sponsored the destruction of the healthcare system and the economic colonization of Kalistan, but they have also moved the education of our youth to the private sector entirely. Yes, you read that correctly. They privatized basic education. Is there nothing that the LIDP won't put a price tag on?

In typical underrepresented opposition fashion, the NCP has taken immediate action in order to cushion the terrible and disgusting effects of the LDP's contemporary policies. As they have done so once before in the past, the NCP has mobilized the CAK Medical Corps of each district in an effort to provide free and quality healthcare to the people. Also, similarly to the National Defense Consortium of old, the NCP has organized a group of prominent and wealthy Kalistanis to invest in Kalistani companies and, this time, to ensure Kalistani domination of Kalistani industry. This group, called the All-Kalistan Consortium, has already achieved a majority share in multiple companies and seems to be the last line of defense for the sovereignty and prosperity of the Kalistani economy.

Let me end this article with a question to you readers: What has the LDP done for you? Were they the ones who gave you the freedoms which you enjoy? Were they the ones who have fought for your well-being and prosperity? Were they the ones who built this country into a utopian paradise? No. The answer is no. What they have done though is destroy our economy multiple times, attack our rights at every chance possible when it can end with profit, and stand up to the parties which have fought for Kalistan and her people while submitting to the fascists in order to achieve their primary goal of the accumulation of profit and power. So reader, what have they done for you? For us, they've taken our utopian paradise, chewed it up, and spit out a dystopian hellhole.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Sat Sep 14, 2019 1:39 pm

NCP Rallies in Vrassa
Conservative Voters Attend Rally in Vrassa City
June 18, 4634
CAK Troopers Wait for Speech from Vrassa Governor Candidate Sachiko Hopson

The National Conservative Party is fast approaching the mark of being ten years active after being dissolved for multiple decades. Since their recreation, the NCP has yet been able to reclaim its position as one of the hegemonic parties of Kalistan, being largely pushed to the side by the dominating Party for Capitalist Freedom and the Liberal Party of Kalistan. Today's leaders of the NCP blame this decade of malaise primarily on the party's lack of activity (Meaningful campaigning and legislation) and the lack of transparency in regards to the new stances of the party. The Third NCP claims to be taking a more right wing stance than the Second NCP, but still claims to support the most fundamental leftist principles of Kalistan, including the re-establishment of the dual economy and the protection of the rights of workers over those of corporations.

The NCP has already put an omnibus bill (Labeled the NatCon Omnibus) to a vote aimed at clarifying the positions of the NCP, but, today, the party has also kickstarted its 4637 election campaign with a large rally in Vrassa City, the capital of the northern-most district of Vrassa. This rally was attended by thousands of supporters of the NCP as well as hundreds of off-duty CAK militants. The headlining event of this rally has been the speeches given by Lois Moore, candidate for President of the Republic; John Colbert, shadow Premier; and Ollie Gardiner, the Director of the NCP; as well as a number of other NCP officials and activists, but nobody received as much thunderous applause than the three aforementioned NatCons.

Speech Given by President Candidate Lois Moore
Fellow Kalistanis, fellow conservatives, it is widely accepted that the duty of every Kalistani to defend the Republic, both with words and arms. In the past, who has it been that has given its all to defend the Republic? Who has adhered to this duty the most in this last century? Who was it that first took up arms against the fascist regime of the Patriotic League? Who was it that tried at every opportunity to prevent the economically destructive policies of the Liberal Democratic Party, and who was it that gave its all to prevent the negative effects of Shock Therapy policy on the Kalistani downtrodden? Who is it that defended our Kalistani principles with strength and ferocity against those who would wish to see them destroyed for political gain? It has been the National Conservative Party that has been at the frontline of all the battles for the preservation of our values, and we will always be on the frontline of this eternal struggle for the wellbeing of our nation and people. Comrades, whenever you find yourself at the ballot box, remember what the NCP has done for Kalistan. Remember the history of our people, and keep in mind the possibilities for our future. Liberty Shall Triumph!

Critics of the speeches given at the rally claim that the NCP is trying to capitalize off the actions and struggles of the Second NCP and point out how, Lois Moore in particular, fails to mention the assistance of the SPoK and UKWF in the struggle against the Patriotic League and United Kalistani Workers' Front.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Sun Sep 15, 2019 1:31 am

Interview With NCP Ministers
Foreign Minister Feinstein and Trade/Industry Minister Siddall Discuss Foreign Trade and the NCP's Future Plans for the Economy
September 21, 4634
Foreign Minister Dave Feinstein Jr.

J(ose) T(rejo-Martinez's) Interview with Foreign Minister D(ave) F(einstein) and Trade/Industry Minister D(anilo) S(iddall)

JT: Good afternoon, Minister Feinstein, Minister Siddall.

DF: Afternoon.

JT: Minister Feinstein, there've been rumors going around that you've been in contact with the Kazulian government over some sort of trade agreement. Is there any truth to this?

DF: Yes, Mr. Trejo-Martinez, I can confirm that I've personally been in talks with representatives of the Kazulian government for a while now, we've been discussing the possibility of a broad trade agreement between Kalistan and Kazulia.

JT: And what exactly would this agreement entail?

DF: We haven't gone too much into specifics, but, in general, the agreement would see Kazulian companies opening factories in Kalistan as well as cooperation between Kalistan and Kazulia on industrial R&D initiatives.

JT: And why did Kazulia choose to approach us? Relations between our two countries have been quite rocky in the past, what gain could convince them to overlook past quarrels?

DF: Well, profit speaks louder than anything. For Kazulian companies, that profit comes from our zero percent corporation tax rate. For us, the profit comes from increased industrial development.

JT: And Minister Siddall, have you taken part in these negotiations?

DS: I have, but to a lesser extent. For the most part, I've advised Minister Feinstein and our negotiators on Kalistan's economic needs and issues.

JT: And what exactly were those needs and issues?

DS: Kalistan used to be one of the world's leaders in the extraction of crude oil and ferrominerals, but those industries have largely been in decay over the past decades. I've advised that these industries need to be built back up first and foremost and need to be in the hands of Kalistanis. I don't believe this was an issue to begin with, the Kazulians are most interested in the construction of factories rather than mines and oil rigs. My advice was to keep the decay of our most essential industries in mind during any economic talks.

JT: Thank you, Minister Siddall. Now, Minister Feinstein, as we all know, you will be attending the Eight Economies summit in Eroncourt next year as a specially invited guest. What exactly will be your goal at this summit.

DF: Well, again I have to begin my answer with 'in general', but in general I will be working to strike up some talks for mutually-beneficial trade deals with Terra's economic powers. In addition to this, I hope to speak more with the Kazulian leaders about our potential trade deal. Both Prime Minister Hedegaard and Finance Minister Michaelsen will be attending the summit and I hope to have some one-on-one discussions with both of them before the end of the meeting.

JT: Thank you. I have one final question. Minister Siddall, could you briefly explain the NCP's future plans for the economy?

DS: I sure can. As a stated earlier, our first goal should be to revive the oil and ferromineral industries. These industries used to be the most profitable in Kalistan and made our nation one of Terra's powers. Now, these industries are in shambles and need to be rebuilt and modernized. In addition to this, Minister Feinstein and I have been hard at work to draft a new ODEN-Kalistan charter. Kalistan has the largest recreational drug industry in Terra and our recent withdrawal from ODEN has taken a significant toll on that industry. We definitely need a new ODEN. Our last major goal should be to increase trade with foreign powers who have the potential to improve our economy and prosperity. Minister Feinstein will be taking the first step in this goal next year while he's in Eroncourt. After we meet these three goals, that is when we should begin to encourage the growth of smaller industries in Kalistan.

JT: Thank you for you time, Ministers. This was very helpful in clarifying the NCP's and the government's plans for our future.
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