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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Sat Mar 23, 2019 4:38 pm

Mrs. Diocourida in the press conference after a parliament session.

After months of silence in the political panorama of Selucia in relation to the current conflict with Malivia over the sovereignty of the islands that make up the Republic, the leader of the opposition and general secretary of In Marea, Lafrenia Diocourida, has decided to make public definitively the position of the party in view of the continued insistence on the part of diverse political parties of Malivia to continue with the pulse to Selucia.

"It seems that in Malivia they do not want to know, even though it has already been said by political representatives of all the parties of the nation and in different institutional positions, no Selucian political party has anything to negotiate with Malivia. Selucian sovereignity is not sold, it is defended, no matter how many times the Malivian authorities insist. They will not negotiate with Selucia, because we are proud of our nation and our history and because we believe in the freedom of the peoples. In their asbsurd insistence, totally unfounded, of claiming sovereignty over our islands, they will not get anything. They have only succeeded in having our nation despised and put laws that they have forced to be implanted by our government , in order to defend our own sovereignty. From In Marea-Civis Sinistram, we will never negotiate or support anything that has to do with an unfounded claim on our nation, showing an absolute disregard for the true and great history of our country and for the pride of our citizens. "
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Tue Apr 02, 2019 9:24 pm

The Orator of the Government, Prometheus Cleareta

The Minister of Education and Culture and Orator of the Selucian government, Prometheus Cleareta, has announced today the intention of the government to make senators more responsible for the decisions made in the Chamber.

Currently, the regional and national elections in Selucia are carried out at the same time, with the regional Chambers being a reflection of the result of the political parties at a national level in that specific region, but governing the most voted party. Now, as Mr. Cleareta has advanced, the government wants the nationally elected senators to be elected through a system of election by district, rather than by the number of total votes like the current one. This means that the provinces of Selucia will be divided into the current 750 electoral districts, but the 750 senators to be elected will be presented in each of the districts, with each senator elected (from a single political party, by the rule of first past the post) the representative of that electoral district at the national level.

According to the government, this measure is intended to be carried out to give more power to the people and bring them closer to politics, so that they really know who they are voting to represent their ideals in the Senate of Selucia.

With the opposition totally expelled from the Senate for having lost the elections, it is expected that this law will be approved in the coming months.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Sat Apr 06, 2019 4:08 pm

Accusation of abuses shakes the government of Selucia
The Minister of Economy is accused by several women of sexual abuse and humiliating treatment throughout his life

Misargyrides Colias, Minister of Finance of Selucia, moments before his resignation

The Rector of Selucia, Lafrenia Diocourida, this morning forced the Minister of Economy to present his resignation before what she considered "serious accusations with foundation" made yesterday afternoon by a group of five women, who accuse him of "sexism and discrimination in the ministry ", in addition to the complaint filed by two more women who implicate him in a crime of rape that occurred more than 30 years ago, when Minister Colias was still a teenager.

The accusations, which came to light late last afternoon after, according to the prosecution, "had been preparing the two complaints jointly for months," accuses the already ex-minister of humiliating and inappropriate treatment towards the employees of his ministry, which he referred to as "bonbon", "sweetheart" or "precious", as well as the use of phrases such as "women should stay at home instead of doing the accounts" or "why should we have to pay you if you do not know how to do the same job as us ", according to the witnesses. On the other hand, the accusation of rape refers to an event that occurred 35 years ago, when Mr. Colias was 20 years old and was studying economics at the university. There, at a university party, the minister, along with three colleagues, allegedly sexually abused two teenagers at the time, who now accuse him of irreparable physical and psychological damage. Speaking with the media, one of these women has acknowledged that even now "it is hard for me to trust when a man comes close to trying to have a close relationship with me" and that she had to invest a lot of time and money to recover from the trauma caused by that act. Asked why they had not reported these facts before, given that Selucia's law has been very strict with these issues for centuries, both women, from ultraconservative families, claim that they suffered pressure from their own family environment not to reveal it, in order to "protect the honor of the family. "

"For us it was a hard step to take, because we knew that the moment we did it, our families were going to put us aside, but it is important to make these things visible, especially when you realize that these people reach jobs as important as a ministry, without people knowing what they really are like. "

According to the government's information, as soon as this news reached the ears of Rector Diocourida, all the ministers met in an emergency meeting to decide the steps to follow, and that Mr. Colias, after noting that he did not have the support of none of his fellow government partners (consisting of an executive of 12 people, 7 women and 5 men), the minister agreed with the Rector Diocourida to resign from office the next day.

In his statement this morning, Mr. Colias gave his version of the facts, stating that although he addressed his employees in that way, he did not do it in bad faith, but rather to achieve a closer relationship with them. However, in relation to the complaint of rape that currently weighs on him, the minister has wanted to devote more time.

"It is not true, under any circumstances, that I committed any rape, neither presumed nor proven, during my university stage or during any other stage of my life. In my family we have always been educated in respect to women, and to all collectives, and therefore I do not conceive that someone can devise such a deception to damage my public image. I do not know what will be the goals of those who have devised this, or why they would want to attack me, but it is clear that I will not stand by arms. Today I submitted my resignation as Minister of Finance of Selucia until this case is resolved, but the Rector Diocourida has already confirmed to me that, should a ruling be issued favorable to me, that is, to the truth, I will be welcome back to government. I understand the need to stand aside while the investigation is underway, in order not to damage the public image of a government that is doing the best for our country. "

Several feminist collectives have asked the government to appear as an accusation, which at the moment seems highly unlikely, although the Praetor de Marestella, Silia Asprenas, where allegedly the events occurred and where the ministry's headquarters are located, has announced that they will launch their own accusation, after conducting a brief investigation.

This scandal draws attention for happening in Selucia, a nation traditionally free of political scandals, and is especially sensitive because it has happened in In Marea-Civis Sinistram, the party that for centuries has defended diversity and the defense of feminist and progressive values in Selucia.

Other news:

-Istalian officials to visit Selucia to retake contacts
-Selucian officials to visit Pontesi to retake contacts
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Wed May 01, 2019 4:09 pm

Rector Rei Publicae announces visit to Pontesi
Mr. Cleareta wants to reestablish the old relations with the neighboring nation but not at any price

Mr. Cleareta, Rector of Selucia, announcing his travel to Pontesi

Early in the morning, the Rector of Selucia, Prometheus Cleareta, announced that he will travel to Pontesi to hold a meeting with the authorities of the neighboring nation, in order to reestablish the diplomatic and economic relations that both nations have maintained for a long time, but that in the last decades have been cooling down. However, the Rector has also announced that another of the reasons that lead him to travel to the neighboring nation is the "worrisome authoritarian drift that seems to be taking place in the name of a future union between the two nations."

"From Selucia's government, we are delighted to reestablish relationships at the highest level with our neighboring nation, with which we are linked by many historical ties and which has always been a faithful ally when we have needed it. However, it is also important to note that this government strongly disapproves of the actions that the Selucian National Yeudish Party is carrying out on behalf of its citizens and our own nation. Selucian citizens are aware of the common good, fight for the equality of all its citizens and reject moral superiority. For this reason, this government can not but condemn that the government of the neighboring country has passed laws such as the one that legalizes slavery or that divides society into different strata."
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Tue May 14, 2019 4:43 pm

Restlessness in Selucia for the political change in Istalia
After a manifesto published by many public figures, different members of the political class recognize their discomfort with the passage of a republic to an empire carried out in one of its traditional allies

The Speaker of the Government and Minister of Education, Nemidia Caessia Thyria, in today's press conference.

In today's press conference, the Speaker of the Government, Mrs. Thyria, has put distance between the Executive of the nation and the manifesto signed a few months ago by many personalities from the world of culture and politics of Selucia, including four of the five Governors of the nation, which criticized what was considered an "authoritarian and personalist drift" in Istalia after the rise to power of the now emperor of Istalia Mr. Appiano de Borromei.

Asked today by the journalists on that subject, Mrs. Thyria has affirmed that the government of Selucia does not recognize people, but States, and has affirmed that Istalia continues being a free, democratic and sovereign nation, able to decide its own future. However, pressured a bit more by journalists, the current Minister of Culture has dropped that within the government itself there is also discomfort with the reform that has taken place in another of Majatra's historic democracies.

From Selucia and from the government - the spokeswoman said - we do not condition or question the legitimacy of the governments of other nations as long as they remain faithful to the democratic principles of equality and respect, but as individuals we can be more or less in favor of the political changes that happen around us.

Selucia and Istalia have long been two of the most consolidated democracies in the continent, and throughout their recent history they have maintained a continuous contact between their respective governments. However, among the political circles it has been dropped that several of the ministers of the current government of Prometheus Cleareta, among them the Foreign Affairs, Internal Affairs, Defense and Justice Ministers, have informed the Rector of Selucia of their discomfort with the change of political regime in the istalian nation.

Selucia is a nation with a long history of republicanism, and In Marea-Civis Sinistram, the party that currently governs and has dominated the selucian politics in the last centuries, is an openly republican and antimonarchical party, architect of the defeat of the last attempts by other Selucian political parties to establish lasting monarchies in the nation. While it is true that traditionally the emperors who have come to power in Selucia have done so by relying on conservative parties or the extreme right, in contrast to the way to ascend to power of Mr. Appiano de Borromei, in In Marea-Civis Sinistram they don't hide the discomfort with collaborating with a nation whose head of state has been declared "in perpetuity", his whole family ascended to much more importance, and who is associated with a form of personalistic government based on self-worship, as well as attacking the republican principles of granting the people the ability to put and remove political leaders. These are some of the arguments that they use from In Marea to be dissatisfied with the political system assumed by their traditional partner in Majatra, but nevertheless, the Rector Prometheus Cleareta has not made his opinion public. Yes, it is noticeable, however, the discomfort of the Rector himself in this matter, because in social networks, where the political leader accustoms to congratulate the heads of State or government of other nations that accede to power, this time he has published a brief message:


For political analysts, the way to refer to him as "Head of State" and not as "Emperor" is a sign of the discomfort generated by that word in In Marea and especially in the Selucian politics in general by the negative connotations that this entails
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby XanderOne » Tue May 14, 2019 6:11 pm

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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Sat May 18, 2019 2:25 pm

BREAKING: Religious stir! The Praetrix de Marestella attacks the Aurorian Patriarchal Church.

Mrs. Asprenas announces that she will initiate the legal procedures for the approval of laws that end with the residence of the Church in Marestella during her visit to Istalia.

Silia Asprenas, Praetrix of Marestella, announcing the new proposal

Although the meeting between the Rector of Selucia and the Emperor of Istalia has suffered a slight delay due to a variety of official acts by both parties, the Praetors of the island nation have already begun to visit the different regional leaders of Istalia , with different events scheduled. While the Praetor of Insularia, Mr. Hegio Cyprias, has been invited by the government of Istalia presided over by the PNI to speak in front of all the deputies, in which he is expected to make some criticism of the institution of the Emperor, the Praetrix of Marestella has spoken before the cameras in Istalia about a news that has left everyone in shock: her proposal to ask the Archbishop of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church, and therefore the institution itself, to move its official residence from Marestella to another place.

"In Selucia, we have been taking measures against inequality and for the benefit of an egalitarian and just society, where all our citizens feel the same and there is no discrimination, that is why I think we have to go a step further"
The Praetrix has said before the cameras
"The Aurorian Patriarchal Church is an archaic and obsolete institution, which condemns attitudes that the society of Selucia has accepted for a while ago, an institution that discriminates against citizens according to their sexual orientation or gender is something that can not have a place in Selucia. Although from the regional government we are not going to deprive anyone of their religious freedom, we believe that religious institutions have corrupted the purity of the faith, manipulating it at their whim. Therefore, we will take all necessary legal procedures for, either from the government of Marestella or requesting it to the central government, proceed with the transfer of the headquarters of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church to a more appropriate place. "

The Aurorian Patriarchal Church is an institution that emerged in 533 after the first Aurorian Council, and is the main branch of Hosianism.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby XanderOne » Mon May 20, 2019 12:07 am

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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Mon May 20, 2019 10:20 pm

Mr. Cyprias, Praetor of Insularia, speaking in the Istalian parliament

After accepting the invitation of the Istalian Nationalist Party, it was only a matter of time before the Praetor of Insularia, one of the Selucian regions, appeared in the Italian legislative chamber to give his speech, something that some were waiting impatiently for not being sure of what topics he was going to talk about, especially because of who had invited him.

Although the meeting between the heads of state of Istalia and Selucia, Mr. Appiano de Borromei and Mrs. Curmidia, took place in absolute normality - although the Rector tried to avoid referring at all times to Mr. Appiano as "Emperor", using instead the term "Head of State" - the meeting, according to both teams, was "fruitful" and resulted in agreements in economic and educational matters that will benefit both countries, historical allies in a continent very given to political instability.

However, and especially after the appearance of the Praetor of Marestella in Istalia announcing her intention to request the transfer of the headquarters of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church to another place, many were eager to check what would be the words of the regional leader of Insularia, traditional political bastion of In Marea-Civis Sinistram, where they have governed uninterrupted since 4522 and in which in the last three centuries have only been in opposition less than 70 years. For this reason, the regional federation of the party in Insularia is the most influential, and its leaders have traditionally had a lot of maneuverability allowed from the national leadership. However, this trip to Istalia of the five regional leaders - of which three have refused to meet with Mr. Appiano de Borromei, preferring instead to hold meetings with their fellow Istalians - is the first of such magnitude, and after the change of political regime in Istalia, several of them have not hidden their discontent. The Praetor of Insularia, convinced progressist and republican, hesitated until the last minute on whether to accept the offer of the Istalian Nationalist Party, knowing their ideology, but finally accepted, according to his press team. To avoid political tensions, the Praetor decided to agree on a date in which the Rector of Selucia, Mrs. Curmidia, was not already in the nation, so that she could not be blamed for anything he could say in the legislative chamber. Today he has finally appeared in it, and his words have left no one indifferent.

"Honorable representatives of the Istalian people"
has started saying
"First of all, I would like to thank the Istalian Nationalist Party for the invitation they made to me to appear in this House, the summit of the legislative power of Istalia. I think it is an important and even necessary step, and I would like that in the near future, this would not be an exception but rather a routine where political leaders of some nations traveled to others to share their experiences and impressions in the most important decision-making place of a nation. When they invited me to appear in this House, I doubted about the suitability of doing it, but finally I understood that these actions are the ones that strengthen the democracies.To go to a political space to debate ideas, to listen to how others think, how they think "those from outside ", and learn.

I have been in charge of Insularia for more than twenty years, in which I have put all my effort to achieve a more united, open and tolerant society, capable of building and not of destroying and above all, in which each and every one of its members feel equal to others. I have tried to bring the concept of "democracy" to its maximum exponent, through decision-making proposals, through referendums and citizen consultations, as well as the integration of representatives of civil society in the regional government. I have never hidden that I am a convinced republican, who defends the concept of "republic" in its pure meaning of "government of the people", and for that reason, in spite of the limitations that the current system by which all countries are governed from Terra, I have tried to approach the maximum that I have been allowed. At no time have I concealed, therefore, my rejection of monarchical forms of government, and this is what I expressed when I learned of the change of political regime in Istalia, and that is probably the main reason that led the Istalian nationalist party to offer me to come here.

For my ideals, any monarchical government is bad for the people. The institution of the monarchy is based on the idea that some citizens, by the mere fact of being born in a certain family, must necessarily be above others. And not only that, but in addition to having a monarch, emperor, king, sovereign ... above the others, they also grant those same privileges to their closest relatives, also for the same fact, without any merit. This problem diminishes in the case of the elective monarchies, which, after all, are nothing more than a for-life presidential system in which the winner of the elections is granted the title of "sovereign", but otherwise , differs with the traditional monarchy. I also object to this type of monarchy, since it makes the life of some citizens to be marked by the decision, at a certain moment, of others. My perception is that the people are sovereign, and as such, it should be them who decide to whom they want to give the power to make decisions that will affect collectively the functioning of their lives and, if necessary, be able to withdraw peacefully that power to the person or people chosen. For more than 20 years, I have made my position available to citizens, in the various regional elections that have been held in Insularia. Again and again, they have decided to give me their confidence to make decisions that affect their lives, and therefore, I return this privilege in the form of referendums, so that it is ultimately the people who decide whether the decisions what I want to take are correct or not.

On the contrary, a monarchy suppresses, partially or totally, popular sovereignty. While an elective monarchy does give citizens the possibility of electing their sovereign, even at a certain time, it continues to eliminate the power of the people since, once the decision is made, the chosen person and their family will remain in power to the end of their days, except violent actions. In the case of hereditary monarchies, not even the people have the power to elect the sovereign, but rather, by simple family connection, a person is imposed who will say to govern "in the name of all", but who, ultimately , the only thing he will do is try to represent a group of people that has not decided to put him there. In monarchies, political capacity does not count, mistakes or bad decisions are not penalized, it simply attacks the will of a people to govern itself, because deep down, there is an underlying idea that the people will not be able to to make their own decisions. It is, therefore, a system based on distrust and the desire for power, and therefore, I will never be able to give it the go-ahead.

Of course, there are situations and situations. The monarchy that has been established in Istalia has been carried out through providing the people with the ability to choose, but between what? They were offered a choice between "monarchy" or "chaos", and of course, before those words, the people understood that "monarchy" should mean the opposite of "chaos", that is, "order" and therefore they thought that that was the right decision. From that moment, the figure of the Emperor in Istalia has grown to become practically a personal cult, something that clashes sharply with the republican principles with which I rule my life. With these words I do not stand up as a representative of Selucia, not even of Insularia, I represent myself as a citizen, contributing with my personal vision on a specific topic.

However, as a convinced progressist myself, I must also defend that we are all equal. My opposition is firm to any law that opposes this and therefore, I categorically reject any attempt to discriminate against people because of their origin, religion, sex or sexual orientation, which is something the Istalian nationalist party has done, for example, with its military law in which it attacks the LGBT collective. The citizens have to measure themselves by their individual qualities, not by the labels that an intolerant society has decided to place on them. It is necessary to instruct the citizens in the republican concepts of freedom and equality, so that all of them are capable of projecting themselves in others and perceiving that nobody has to be above anyone because of conditions that a person does not choose, but rather that they form part of their being. This is something that Selucia has been decades, if not centuries, defending, and trying to teach its citizens. That is why we have achieved a just and egalitarian society, a modern society in which it is about fixing the mistakes made in the past by people who were not able to understand this. That is also represented in the Insularian motto that my party decided to stablish, and which says that we are "one voice, one people, one virtue".

Thank you very much to all of you for listening to my words and I hope it makes you think.

This way the Praetor of Insularia ended his speech, shouting the mottos of both nations and the regional motto of Insularia.

Patriae Unitas et Civium Libertas! Ave Selucia, quia fuimus sumus, et quia sumus erimus! Unus populus, una vox, una virtus!

After his speech, there have been mixed reactions in the House
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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