
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby jadouljonathan » Tue Aug 06, 2019 3:09 pm

The KP wins heavily in election, Edmund Fassling elected as president

4616- the KP has won the election with 33% in wich resluts in 178 seats. Edmund fassling is thrilled to get this responsibility, but also knows he had hard job ahead, as the most party's are capitalists.
This was his victory speech:
i am proud to be elected as president of this great nation, i am proud that our hard work finally provailed. Tonight we can enjoy our victory as for tomorrow we have a nearly impossible job ahead. We will not compromise with capitalists, but maybe we can search common ground to at least avoid snap elections. We will hear what other parties has to say without losing our credebility and we will do it with full transparency. The people have voted for us and we need to take this responsibility and earn the trust we have got tten from the voters. I thank all of you for youre trust in me and for youre hard work

The people cheered all night of this victory.

Edmund Fassling storms out of negotiations in rage

4616- Edmund Fassling, new elected president had invited every party at the negotiations table, even the right party, we suspect that it was symbolic. They started at 8 o clock in the morning and add 12 o clock Edmund Fassling stormed out in rage after apparently a big fight between him and kohlberg. Edmund didn't even want to react to the press.

press conference of edmund fassling

4616- After the failed negotiations their fell a silence but 6 hours later the newly elected president and chairman of the KP finally decided to give a press conferce to clear things out.
good evening every one, my apologies for earlier, i lost my temper. Why did i lise my temper? Simply because of the double standards of other parties and especially of the DSNVP and Kohlberg. We are communists, but not dictators and it doesn't mean that 70 years ago their was a dictatorship of communists, but that wasn't our party. We want to make everyone equal and bring solidarity in our nation, that was task numer one. Ofcourse i knew from vefore that tgis wasnt going to be easy with right winged that are even leaning on the far right. I would have expected the centre parties to at least hear us out, but they went allong in the rant of mr Kohlberg, wich is very disappointing. May be democracy how it is installed today isn't working as it should. To let you know, i wont let a cabinet be formed with the DSNVP in it, witch makes it nealry impossible to form one., as i wont compromise neither, i wanted to search common ground,that didnt work either. To be called a dictator while he is asking a dictator proposal? That doesn't work for me. Can i understand a dictatorship? More and more these days...

An explanation and hard words, what will the future bring?

Edmund Fassling challenged by edith beethoven
Edith beethoven is 35 year doctor who works in a hoapital in Westmark, who is already a member of the party from when she was 18 and is known as being on the more democratic wing of the party. She is anounced her candidacy by the press, here is her announcement.

I see how edmund led this party, i have been following it already for 15 years. He wants to appear that ge respect en fights for democraty in the news, but within the party i hear other sounds. Yes i will challenge edmund fassling as the rules of our party says that any militant can.

Edmund Fassling's reaction :
i am proud of what i did the last 15 years, what she said in the press is not oke, this is some thing you say at the party and not in the public. The rules are their for a reason i trust that i will provail and work afterwords even harder

We are a month later and the elections for chairman officce have passed.

The results :

Edmund Fassling :81, 43%
Edith beethoven: 18,57%

Edith beethoven congratulated edumund for his victory and dissappeared even before the press could talk to her.

Edmund Fassling speech:
thank you for youre trust again, i hooe i can do my work further as we are busy to show the people that capitalism had his time and that real communisme will provail and make our people happy. We will go further then we ever could have done it. Thank you.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Wed Aug 07, 2019 10:02 pm


Nieberung: In the latest assault of the Dorvish Armed Forces the capital of Suyu Llaqta named Niederung has fallen to dorvish tank and infantry collumns within just 2 days of fighting. Dorvish air units continued their harassment of the little reinforcements on route to the city and also kept supply lines cut through the continuation of dorvish airstrikes. Just 2 days after the airforce started the bombing of Niederung the first dorvish troops arrived in the suburbs of the capital. After a sizeable force had gathered General Obart gave the order for the assault on the capital after receiving intelligence that most People's Army units had left the city. Dorvish infantry systematically eradicated any Suyu Llaqtese forces that were left in the city while drone surveilance support kept an eye on any troop movements within the open spaces of the city.

Dorvish Stoßtruppenkommando units were tasked with taking down remaining enemy heavy weaponry, namely the city's anti air defences, before the main assault began, creating clear skies for the dorvish airforce to operate and allowing dorvish infantry units to enter the city with significantly more support. After most of the suburbs of the city were cleared the 1st Panzergrenadier regiment of the dorvish army moved in to provide firepower support to dorvish infantry units within the city when needed. Tanks within the 1st Panzergrenadier regiment did however largely stay back in fear of possible RPG ambushes within the close quarters of the city. After 2 days the entire city was cleared of defenders and at the same time, just miles outside of the capital, former head of state Varela was found dead by Stoßtruppen units. Likely killed by a dorvish airstrike while attempting to leave the city.

The death of Varela and the dorvish capture of Niederung basically marked the end of the Suyu Llaqtese government as its army had largely desintergrated and the head of its government has been killed. Following these developments the Dorvish Armed Forces proceeded to assemble a group of prominent Suyu Llaqtese citizens within days after the capturing of Nieberung, tasking them with the creation of a new, Suyu Llaqtese constitution. This group of citizens has been called the "Transitional Council" and currently consists of 8 prominent citizens excluding their staff (which is about 4 staff members per council member) the dorvish army also has a representative present in the council to make sure that "the constitution protects the newfound freedoms of Suyu Llaqtese citizens and to ensure a true democracy is created in the ashes of the dictatorial Varela regime"

People have speculated about the new constitution with some believing a Federal Republic like dorvik will be established while others expect a unitary state to be created. According to dorvish intelligence the remnants of the People's Army have fled into the Suyu Llaqtese mountains possibly joining forces with the terrorist Hess and his men. It is expected that the dorvish military will maintain its presence in the nation until a new constitution has been ratified and Hess is arrested or killed.

Total Casualties as of August 4615
Dorvish Armed Forces: 383
Suyu Llaqtese civilians: 491
People's Army: 6.302

A Dorvish infantry unit clearing a recently constructed appartment building in the city of Nieberung
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Reximus » Thu Aug 08, 2019 7:28 pm

New Political Alliance, Die Mitte, Formed in Dorvik
Sol, SLL, and LP Agree to Support this Centrist Bloc
July 4615*

HALDOR, KORDUSIA- Today, leaders of the three moderate parties (Solidarität, Sozial-Liberale Liste, and the Liberale Partei) agreed to join forces in a new centrist electoral alliance known as "Die Mitte," or "The Centre." This formal alliance follows the latest election in November 4614, where Sol and SLL had agreed to support Sol's long-time leader, Stephen Mandel. The alliance was largely seen as a necessary step for the three smallest parties in the Bundesrat, and a development that was not too surprising to political on-lookers.

After all, Sol and SLL had both worked together since their creation within a year of one another during the last communist dictatorship. These two parties, alongside the since-disbanded Hosian Democratic Party, were pivotal in the transition away from the single-party state. Both Sol and SLL had worked alongside the widely-popular Green Centrist Party, which disbanded early last year. The goal of the new alliance is to win elections and to prepare for a sound group of parties to join together before any coalition talks would begin. "We are largely focused on winning the Presidency at the moment," the new spokeswoman for Die Mitte said, "because of its large influence over the government formation process."

Stephen Mandel, leader of Sol and third-place finisher in the November 4614 elections, had the following to say about the formation of Die Mitte: "Solidarität and SLL, as two of the three parties that restored democracy to Dorvik, will remain a check for democratic values no matter who serves as President of our Republic. But we will not allow ourselves to be tossed around by the populist far-right or communist far-left either. We stand firmly for the middle-ground, a commonsense position that most Dorvish people can appreciate. While the far-right and far-left are at each others' throats, we will remain calm and composed, ready to govern with anyone who can put together a package that betters everyday Dorvish life."

Helmut Parker, the leader of SLL, said the following upon the announcement of the group: "We may differ on certain issues with Solidarität and the LP, but all three of us have shown, that we can work together with parties that respect freedom, rule of law and liberal democracy. The LP may have broken away from our party few years ago, but we still have cooperated with each other since their foundation. With Solidarität we have worked together, as Stephen, I mean Mr. Mandel said, since under the Reinmann dictatorship, almost 40 years ago, to remove the "defense of democracy bill" establishing a liberal-democracy in Dorvik under the Meidner government. Since then our two parties and now the LP as well have always worked together to defend Dorvik from dangers from the left and the right. All three of us are currently extremely concerned about the popularity of the communist and right wing populist parties, hence we decided to form die Mitte. We think it's important for all of us, that we fight to preserve the Republic and prosperity we currently live in."

Heinrich Mündler, leader of the Liberale Partei, commented as well as to the founding of Die Mitte. "I am proud to say that today, the Liberale Partei has joined forces with the SLL and Solidarität, forming an alliance that will be a force for protecting Democracy and respecting freedoms. I am also honoured that I will be able to serve by two parties who restored Democracy to this great nation. And I hope that we three will be able to keep the threat of radical left and right-wing parties at bay. And I am sure that, as this strong result shows, Die Mitte is on the way to an even more successful next election."

After they all finished speaking, the three party leaders stepped forward and said, "Long live the Republic of Dorvik!"

It is important to note that, while the three parties are to be united in electoral efforts, they are not obligated to support each other's legislative initiatives. That being said, the relative alignment between the slightly-right-of-centre SLL, centrist Liberale Partei, and centre-left Solidarität will likely lead to closer policy integration in the years to come.

*Note: Article was written in advance of the elections, and is being posted after-the-fact for RP purposes.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Sun Aug 11, 2019 9:10 am


Frostenbruck: The DSNVP, founded by former president Kohlberg to appeal to the entire populace, has been quiet in previous months. After their major election defeat in the last of 3 early elections the DSNVP started to rethink its strategy. As it was intended to be a populist party when it was founded, appealing to the wishes of the majority of the people, the DSNVP has to get back to where it all started for the party, to the people themselves. In a effort to emphasize their populist and democratic ideals the DSNVP started to show itself on the streets more, handing out flyers with the things they wanted to do and connecting with people all accross the country. In addition to this the party also wanted to show its democratic nature in one way or another. This has now been done by the adoption of the "Popular Primary" system. The intention of the system is to give the party members of the DSNVP (currently around 213.000) the chance to elect their new leader each election in a series of 3 rounds. In round one any candidate is allowed to run for the position of party leader and presidential candidate. If a candidate receives 10% of the vote or more in the first round they may go to the second round. In the second round candidates must obtain 30% of the vote or more. And the third round will be the descisive round where the candidate with more then 50% of the vote will be elected party leader and presidential candidate for that term. If, in the third round, no one wins over 50% of the vote the two top contendors will go to a fourth round to determine who wins.

This system is being implemented for the first time now and several candidates have already announced that they will challenge Moritz Kohlberg in the upcoming primary. One of these candidates is Frida Jäger, formerly a close advisor and campaign manager to Kohlberg Jäger is these days seen as a far right populist figure within the DSNVP. According to Jäger the leadership of Kohlberg "doesnt appeal to the dorvish population" and despite him being the founder of the party she became frustrated by his "lack of a strong stance on vital issues" Jäger for example called for strict border control and greater restrictions on multiple citizenship after the terrorist attacks in Haldor years ago but Kohlberg at the time DKP leader called her back as he wanted the party to take a more moderate conservative course.

Now Jäger is challenging her former leader together with (until now) 2 others named Nikolaus Pöge (34) and Waldemar Mucke (68) both part of the more moderate wing of the party with Pöge even being a liberal within the DSNVP party. More candidates are expected to join soon as the party encourages participation.


Kohlberg and most other candidates also took the opportunity during their new campaign to heavily criticize the new government of president Mandel. Jäger stated that the Mandel government in its first two years has done "nothing of significance" and has shown no signs of "the will to govern and propell this nation forward".
Kohlberg said that he is "dissapointed" by the Mandel government and says he has "never seen such a inactive administration during such critical times where descisive leadership is crucial to the success of our nation"
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Sun Aug 11, 2019 12:01 pm


Niederung: It has been some time since the dorvish armed forces established the Transitional Council in Suyu Llaqta to determine the fate of the Dovani nation. After almost 2 years of the dorvish military maintaining order in the nation directly the Transitional Council under military supervision finally adopted the new constitution of the nation. Under the new constitution of Suyu Llaqta the nation will officially be known as the Federation of Suyu Llaqta. Its executive will have significantly less power then it used to have in the history of the nation and its legislative branch will have significantly more authority. Parties will also no longer need approval from the head of state to run in elections and can now freely run in elections as they wish. The head of state will have a largely ceremonial role due to the office its troubled history with the president being directly elected now and serving merely as a objective broker between parliament and the executive as well as being the face to foreign nations for the nation. The head of government, which will wield most power in the executive, will be the Prime Minister which will be appointed by parliament, the same goes for the entire cabinet. The regions of Suyu Llaqta will have significant authority over their own affairs as most ehtnic regions gain nearly full autonomy while others will gain less but still significant autonomy over domestic affairs.

Despite this new Federation granting significant autonomy to regions and finally breaking the dictatorial spiral Suyu Llaqta has been in for decades the vast majority of people within the nation have not taken to the streets to celebrate. The people are angry about what they call the 2 year long "dorvish military dictatorship" that came before the adoption of a new constitution. For 2 years the dorvish military maintained control over the nation while fighting continues in the mountains of the country. They maintained a weird system of Dorvish laws mixed with former Suyu Llaqtese laws but, according to human rights organizations, also committed crimes against the population with over 100 Suyu Llaqtese citizens presumably unlawfully killed by Dorvish serviceman and countless of reports of mistreatment of Suyu Llaqtese prisoners and even citizens on the streets. Several groups have also sprung up in response to this to combat the dorvish "invaders" and support for the remnants of the socialist regime and the communist organization of Hess has grown with countless of people moving into the mountains to join the insurgents. Other groups like the "Republican Army for Self Governance" or RASG (Also known as RAS amongst some) have risen up against the dorvish military and have committed several bomb attacks accross the nation with the group reportedly preparing to fully take up arms as well.

According to these groups and a large part of the Suyu Llaqtese population the new Federation is a "puppet regime" of the dorvish military and does not properly represent the Suyu Llaqtese people. This major unrest comes after the dorvish military announced that it will stay in Suyu Llaqta until Hess is killed or captured and until the new state is stable and properly functioning.

International observers worry that an all out civil war is not off the table and have urged Dorvik to not escalate the situation further. Dorvish officials responded by saying that the new Federation will be given full civil control of the nation and the Dorvish military is merely there to "aid" authorities and combat the communist insurgents.

A Dorvish servicemen during a patrol in rural parts of the country close to the mountain ranges where the military still combats communist forces
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Tue Aug 13, 2019 4:19 pm


Haldor: The Far-Right presidential candidate Frida Jäger of the DSNVP has won her party's nomination for the presidency early in the morning. While Jäger was seen as one of the top contendors from the start as she was rather popular within her own party no one expected the landslide win that was seen in every major newspaper of the country. The 40 year old Jäger won in the third round against incumbent candidate and leader Moritz Kohlberg with over 70% of the vote defeating him in a historic fashion. Due to becoming the party's presidential candidate she automatically becomes party leader as well which pushes out Kohlberg, the party founder, from leadership. Kohlberg upon hearing of his defeat stated that he will continue to be of service for the party and provide advise to Jäger. He also hinted on possibly running for a parliamentary seat himself next election to "support the party and continue to work for the nation of Dorvik"

Jäger upon winning the nomination and party leadership gave a strong speech calling for the return of dorvish values and traditions and an end to what she calls "The minority joke under president Mandel" she also continued her far right rhetoric calling for an end to multiple citizenship and a stronger stance on immigration and foreign companies as she wants to "protect" dorvish industry and companies overall from foreign influence. Jäger is popular in her own party but is very controversial nationwide after her calls for "Renewed Dorvish Dominance in Terra" and her plans to nationalize certain industries of the economy in what she calls "The Grand Reform". This plan is aimed at "striking the perfect balance between government protection, ownership and regulation and cooperation with private entities" many have also described this plan to be fascist in nature due to Jäger her ambition for a more influential government within economic circles. Jäger reportedly started campaigning already the evening she was elected leader making clear that she is in the race to win.

With Jäger, a charismatic but controversial leader, now at the helm of the DSNVP party many analysts suggest that she might even have a chance at the presidency as her rhetoric adresses the problems many ordinary dorvishmen face and many are fed up with the centrist government currently in place. It remains to be seen what will be in store for the nation of Dorvik.

DSNVP Primary Election Results:

First Round (November 4617)

Nikolaus Pöge (Liberal, Free Market) 12% of the vote

Moritz Kohlberg (Traditional Conservative) 31% of the vote

Waldemar Mucke (Traditional Conservative) 8% of the vote

Frida Jäger (Far-Right, Populist) 49% of the vote

Second Round (April 4618)

Frida Jäger (Far-Right, Populist) 61% of the vote

Nikolaus Pöge (Liberal, Free Market) 18% of the vote

Moritz Kohlberg (Traditional Conservative) 21% of the vote

Third Round (July 4618)

Frida Jäger (Far-Right, Populist) 70% of the vote

Moritz Kohlberg (Traditional Conservative) 30% of the vote

Frida Jäger is elected presidential candidate and party leader of the DSNVP
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Fri Aug 16, 2019 9:39 am


Haldor: During a grand ceremony in the capital of Haldor newly elected president Frida Jäger gave her inaugural State of the Republic speech. Promising the dorvish people a return to traditional values and the protection of dorvish interests domestically and abroad. Her speech was considered by many to be in line with her campaign, calling for an end to multiple citizenship, stronger border control and renewed investments in the armed forces as well as a more pragmatic approach to the economy. After the ceremony the new president was officially inaugurated and immediately began her work.

Just one day after her official inauguration her party, on her behalf, proposed the first initiative in a program she calls the "Dorvish Renewal" a comprehensive plan to get the Dorvish economy back on track as well as expanding the armed forces and optimizing its structure and training methods to "ensure that dorvik can once again project its influence abroad" This first bill concerns the military and will allow the ministry of defense and government in general to invest over 70 billion LOD initially in the Dorvish Airforce and Dorvish Navy. This investment will be used to order new ships for the navy as it desires to expand its overseas operations as well as upgrading the dorvish airfleet and purchasing new jets. The ministry of defense will release details of what it will exactly do with the newly aquired budget as it is still determining the best way to spend these new funds.

The Supreme General Staff has outlined its vision for the future of the Armed Forces and presented this vision to the Ministry of Defense earlier this week. In this vision the SGS detailed the necessary steps to take in order to fullfill the new government's ambition of reastablishing Dorvish military global outreach. In order for the Dorvish military to be capable of global operations once more the General Staff explained the need for a "drastic change in the naval structure of the Dorvish navy" and "The necessity for a expansion of the dorvish surface fleet" the Supreme General Staff also detailed the need to upgrade the aerial capabilities of the armed forces and advised the Ministry of Defense to task the Inspector General to make up a report on possible changes to the ground forces as well. The Dorvish Renewal bill which recently passed unanimously in parliament is based off the SGS their vision and president Jäger stated that she will work with military experts the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff to determine what to invest the new freed up budget on and pledged that she will do what is necessary to "return dorvik to its place at the top"
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:29 am


Skalm: After relations had strained between Kazulia and Dorvik following Kazulia's "Decade of Darkness" the new dorvish president, Frida Jäger, visited the Kazulian capital of Skalm for the past 3 days in a official state visit to the country. A spokesperson of the Jäger government stated that Kazulia has been a historic ally of the Dorvish state and that together both nations could achieve their goals and ambitions. Therefor the Jäger government wishes to renew diplomatic relations with the Dovani nation in an effort to restore the former strong bond Kazulia and Dorvik shared.

The visit did not specifically focus on a subject and is seen by both governments as the first step towards a new friendly relationship between the two nations. Jäger met with the Statsminister in Skalm where they discussed overall topics. The Kazulian Statsminister proceeded to tour the capital city of Skalm with the dorvish president, showing her the national museum of Skalm and visiting a Kazulian military installation just outside the city.

After 3 days president Jäger returned to Dorvik. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs talks were "fruitfull" and had "potential for a renewed friendship between our two nations"
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Tue Aug 20, 2019 3:56 pm


Haldor: The Dorvish Ministry of Defense after a lengthy consultation with the Supreme General Staff and a assesment by the Inspector General of the Armed forces has ordered the construction of 10 new Haldor-class corvettes from the Dorvische Werft. The new corvettes will serve the purpose of support ships for the main dorvish fleets and will enable those fleets to conduct more and safer operations.

The construction of 10 corvettes is in line with the Dorvish Military Strategy of the past decades to focus its fleet on quick striking and transport operations. While many would have expected a major expansion of the dorvish fleet the government is keeping its expansion highly limited in order to focus most of the newly available funds on its airforce and army. The Dorvish Fleet will maintain its role as a capable but relatively medium sized naval force mainly used for quick strikes and transporting both ground and air assets of the Dorvische Landwehr and Dorvish Airforce.

This order is the first order that Dorvische Werft has received from the government in over 3 decades. The company which is known for the construction of large parts of the dorvish fleet and has been in bad weather lately due to a lack of both private and government contracts. With the order of over 10 corvettes the company is likely to move out of the dangerzone for quite some time.

The corvettes are to be delivered in pairs of 5 with the first corvettes planned for completion and sea trials in mid 4624
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Tue Aug 20, 2019 4:48 pm


Niederung: In the Dovani nation of Suyu Llaqta dorvish Stoßtruppen have apprehended the communist terrorist Bernard Hess, responsible for the devastating terrorist attacks in the Dorvish capital of Haldor a decade ago that killed and wounded hundreds. According to the ministry of defense Stoßtruppen gained "credible intelligence" from their assets within the country that Hess was residing in this specific location deep inside the Suyu Llaqtese mountains. After days of both aerial and ground reconnaissance to detail the area and its surroundings the dorvish airforce, according to the ministry of defense, dropped several Stoßtruppen elite units near the vicinity of Hess his presumed location. Within 5 hours and some intense fighting the units managed to pierce through the militia forces defending Hess and arrested the mastermind behind the Haldor bomb attacks. The militia forces in the vicinity presumably surrendered shortly after Hess his arrest and have been handed to the new Suyu Llaqtese authorities. Hess himself was immediately transported by helicopter to a undisclosed secure location. According to the office of the president the Dorvish military will work together with local authorities to "bring hess to Dorvik as soon as possible".
Speculation on social media is also rampant with some stating that Stoßtruppen stormed the room Hess was in the moment he was about to shoot himself. And that the units managed to prevent this and arrest him. When asked about this the Ministry of Defense refused to comment stating that operations like these will remain "highly classified until deemed safe to declassify"

While Dorvik seems to have completed its mission of arresting or killing Hess the nation of Suyu Llaqta seems to fall into a endless struggle between the new government and insurgents loyal to the former regime. After elections were held mid last year that saw the newly created National Union win in parliament forming a government in the new system proved to be extremely difficult. with the process taking over 4 months in total resulting in a coalition between the nationalist "National Union" and the liberal "Democratic Liberal Party". This coalition proved to be highly innefective as it failed to pass extremely important legislation regarding the economy and insitution of state structures and almost daily found itself embroiled in corruption scandals. Now, half a year after the government was formed, the Suyu Llaqtese economy is still in shambles following the war with a growthrate of -4% unemployment at a unprecedented 40% and the high inflation of 12% causing the suyu llaqtese currency to crash. All this combined with the local governments of the different states not working together and the new "National Federal Army" being unable to effectively combat the socialist insurgents in the Suyu Llaqtese mountains has caused a immense surge in support for the insurgents with at least 2.000 citizens joining the insurgent ranks in the last 4 months according to Dorvish Intelligence. The insurgents are already moving out of the mountains as well, taking small farm villages surrounding the mountains of Suyu Llaqta and threatening to take several cities as well.

Dorvish president Jäger stated numerous times that she will give the choice on what to do to the new Federal government of Suyu Llaqta saying:

It is up to the new government to determine a path forward, in this regard Dorvik is there to aid in maintaining order when the government of Suyu Llaqta asks for aid. If its government wishes Dorvish forces to leave we will do so.

The president also hinted at lowering the number of Dorvish service members in the Dovani nation from 100.000 currently to 40.000 by the end of the year as the main objective of arresting Hess has been achieved. It is expected that the government of Suyu Llaqta will request the Dorvish government to keep its forces in the country as a total withdrawal could spark all out war between the government and insurgents according to analysts.
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