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Re: Halion Post

Postby GeorgeWKush » Sun Sep 29, 2019 7:32 pm

February 4642
The Socialist Libertarian Party Returns With a Bang!

After nearly 32 years, The Socialist Libertarian Party has returned to Solentia! The Socialist Libertarian Party's new leader is Presidential candidate, Vladmir Marx, who has been a strong activist for an even smaller Government within Solentia.

You know, I'm glad Solentia hasn't become more Authoritarian, however we could furthermore increase freedoms for the Solentian people. Bertie Sanders increased freedoms during his time as President but I want to do it more. I think we should remove flag laws, remove Anti-Polygamous laws and increase Freedom of Speech. We will have to compromise and it will make it a slow process to total these freedoms however it'll be worth it once we reach our goal.

-Vladmir Marx during a Campaign Rally.
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Re: Halion Post

Postby ChengherRares1 » Mon Sep 30, 2019 12:39 pm

The most important right-wing newspaper in Solentia
New elections, the leftists form own Cabinet
June 4642

Following the days after the new elections, soon it was in vain, the early elections weren't enough. The new solentian Capitalist Party was disbanded after some internal issues resulting in free seats. After the incapacitated Solentian government, new snap elections were called in via the support of the Workers Party. With the new elections, the NLP again failed to gain the sweet majority, the party going against other 3 socialist parties. But in the end, Bronner won the presidential elections and the party gained over 40% of the seats. Not a bad result for the biggest and most important capitalist and conservative party in Solentia. The new reforms tho are up to pass. The new economic liberalization omnibus was expected to fail. Surprisingly a leftist party, Socialist Libertarian Party had voted the bill with a "aye". We do not know if this is a blunt mistake or the SLP betraying own side. Who knows. The new economic liberalization bill is expected to pass with enough votes and bring capitalism once again in Solentia.

Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: Halion Post

Postby ChengherRares1 » Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:55 pm

The most important right-wing newspaper in Solentia
The NLP wins the government backed snap elections
January 4644

The government called for new snap elections. Under the National Liberal Party proposal, the bill made the cut surprisingly and brought new elections. The bill requested if other parties agree to give seats to other newer parties as well. The vote was held. The Socialist People's Party backed the bill allowing for a full new election in midterm of the Socialist government, that was quite cooperative. The results were astonishing. People voted up the right-winged parties more than the leftist government. The opposition won 467 of the seats from 750, setting them close to a 2/3 majority, a clear need of capitalist values in Solentia. The elections were held with success and NLP led the elections as well.

The new elections ended good for National Liberals. Although with only 193 seats, with more than 100 seats less than previous time, the party succeeded to be still the most popular choice of the people, getting the most votes from the elections for the third time. As well, Sebastian Bronner won the third time in a row the elections, setting a clear model for Solentia. Bronner himself did not expected to such performances and said: "This is the definition of success, people want you in office for your qualities and merit alone, proof that i got elected as president for so many times already, is getting repetitive to predictable". The NLP will continue its work with diligence and win the next elections as well.

The new elections brought a shift in politics in Solentia. Although NLP succeeded to trade different policies with the socialists and get some bills passed with their help, overall it was a left-wing dominated government. With the new elections, the parties that held right-wing views grew, putting socialists in minority. The NLP seized the opportunity and formed with their diplomatic skills a new alliance and coalition of parties. The NLP and NC formed official alliance and NLP with NC and People's Party (progress coalition) formed a new government coalition, establishing a right-wing government, years passing from last one.

With this in mind, capitalism returned slowly back into nation, the economy slowly redeveloping, despite still fragile and the reforms might be turned to 0 by the socialists anytime. However, the new government will work on protecting the legal rights of businesses and promote a friendly environment for entrepreneurs. The country's economy grew with over 30% while the privatization, deregulation and lower govt spending and taxation brought new foreign investors and a return of old businesses in Solentia. The new government even succeeds in abolishing entirely the corporate tax, which one time was a whopping 40%.

Future plans for Solentia are told from NLP mouths: More reforms on economy, judicial reforms, international cooperation, establishing a strong national defense and secure the progresses made by NLP and other parties so far.

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Re: Halion Post

Postby ChengherRares1 » Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:20 pm

The most important right-wing newspaper in Solentia
New national industry blooming with free markets reinstated
January 4644

The new National Solentian Textile Company or NSTC is blooming after NLP brought capitalism back on the market. The government that came after the socialists realized that state-owned industries can offer more than it can be seen. Not only the private sector developed, but NLP and his partners succeeded to bring strong new nationalized industries back to life under the principle of supply and demand and profit, thus making new strong national industries. The NSTC is one of the examples. The new company funded with govt money succeeded to open several factories around the nation, with over 2 billion $ as revenue, with over 15 factories and with the best textile quality on the market.

The new company under Alexander Joseph, the new CEO, says that the national business can be a hot spot for growth, seen as never before, he saying "that for too long the government had not seen the potential in nationalized industries, such as the textile one in Solentia." . The business is officially crushing their opponents from the markets with best quality wool, cotton, silk and other fabrics. The company produces material for cloths en masse via the help of the rising technology used in the companies. The need of manual labor had been abolished and the govt helped the industry flourish again. The new factories are expected to pull over millions of meter squares of all kind of textiles, carpenting and geotextiles.

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Re: Halion Post

Postby ChengherRares1 » Fri Oct 04, 2019 5:42 pm

The most important right-wing newspaper in Solentia
Military to be reformed
July 4644

The new government had done major things already. Under it, the NLP, with help from NC and PP, had succeeded to push important bills to reform the economy of the nation. Private property had been reinstated, taxes lowered and government restructured. Not only that, but the government is officially changing the Constitution. Aside of this, the government realized the importance of projects for the nation. The new right-wing coalition under NLP will propose military reforms to create a strong army. For that, the actual army has to be reduced to just 100 000 soldiers, alongside a reserve of 150 000 soldiers. As other outdated equipment will be replaced. The army is expected to do some military training and renew tactics to adapt to the new military environment.

Such plans require a large scale cooperation and will result in over 2 billion $ to be spent over years on retraining, reconstruction and renewal of the equipment, as well better paid checks and major improvements in home production of weaponry. As such a new national company will be created and helped by the state to grow into a powerhouse for gun production. Major plans will begin to modernize the airplanes used in the military.

The new plans will be applied in the following years, as NLP said that these reforms are needed for a long time, socialists neglecting the importance of strong army and diplomacy. Bronner said that the targets of NLP are as well to create strong ties with other nations.

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Re: Halion Post

Postby ChengherRares1 » Fri Oct 04, 2019 5:57 pm

The most important right-wing newspaper in Solentia
Infrastructure to be renewed
August 4644

The new government had started to renew the roads, railways, bridges, sewers and more. As plan of rebuilding the nation after years of incompetent socialist policies and leaders, the National Liberal Party will start plans to rebuild the road system first. For this, NLP will put forward a budget of 5 billion $ to be spent on infrastructure projects to modernize the roads of Solentia.

For starters, NLP-NC-PP government will start to build national highways between all major cities, extend existing ones and repair portions of the old ones. This will be up to 2-3 years of hard work. As a measure of protection, the govt will invest in security system and private contractors that will patrol the highways to ensure it's safe, preventing stealing of certain parts of the roads or more. These national highways are expected to boost transportation and increase efficiency. These will have up to at least 3 lanes on each way.

As a second plan, the government will build more national roads and other types of important roads to link all the big and small cities and create a strong network. Additionally engineers and experts will be hired to make out best of this, to make it as easy to navigate, install proper illumination system and proper traffic control measures.

As last part of the project, the rural roads will be modernized, the old crumbling bridges will be repaired, major constructions of new bridges and roads will be made, even in villages.

All in all, the projects are expected to take up to 5-6 years to be completed, with over 10 000 workers to be hired for the jobs and with more than 5 billion $ spent on the projects to modernize Solentian road system. This move will have a long term result in lower traffic congestion and so boost the economy, as movement and speed are essential in this modern world.

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Re: Halion Post

Postby ChengherRares1 » Mon Oct 07, 2019 5:53 pm

The most important right-wing newspaper in Solentia
More economic reforms. New power plants to be built
July 4645

The new government had succeeded its platform it stood for and gave what promised to the people! The NLP-led government with NC and PP succeeded in stabilizing the nation and pushing for reforms. Although the economy is still recovering, the start is a good one, the government bringing all kind of capitalist friendly policies and ensuring a normal life for the citizens. Not only tax cuts that brought more for the citizens, but deregulation and privatization, giving people a chance to start a business and reopening trade with foreign nations, repairing alliance with Istalia and now, about to pass a treaty that will defend the rights of the businesses and create a safe area for capitalist Solentia to develop. Capitalism is a new idea in Solentia after so many years of socialist oppression, and now, we are here to witness the miracle of a free market-based society, after so much struggle, tho the future of it is uncertain. Is all coming down to how socialists will react, there are gossips that they will destroy it and force a return to socialism, these gossips are still hurting economy and the average daily lives of Solentians, unaware of what can happen, the next elections predicted to be filled with stress and tensions on both sides, right and left, the elections will be the moment of truth, what the people will pick? Is capitalism finally ending? Do socialists gonna compromise and ensure a long lasting free society based on prosperity, unity and freedom? Who knows.

Until then, the National Liberal Party, with National Capitalists and People's Party had decided to start massive projects. Over 7 billion dollars will be spent on two new nuclear power plants facilities, one in Halion and one in Mendos. The new facilities are expected to produce enough energy to power up several cities and nearby area. This can help the nation develop and become more independent regarding the need of energy, thus improving economy and prices, as well it will help the environment, as Solentia will try to be a more green country by 4660. The new govt projects are expected to be more related to it. For now the focus is on infrastructure, with 4 years needed for the nuclear power plants to be finished. The government expects cooperation with the socialists and that they will continue our work and show good will and common sense. Solentia needs more, and these new projects gonna help the nation grow.

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Re: Halion Post

Postby ChengherRares1 » Thu Oct 10, 2019 5:26 pm

The most important right-wing newspaper in Solentia
NLP sweeps through the elections
July 4647

The National Liberal Party awaited the elections in tensions as the whole future depended on it, as the socialist factions grew in radicalism, tendencies to abolish capitalism and oppress the corporations and remove our economic progress so far. The clear win made by NLP against their opponents is a categorical proof of a well done job, the people enjoyed the party's activism and achievements. The NLP succeeded in keeping up their promises and bring prosperity, progress and growth back into Solentia. With their plentiful reforms under Bronner, the nation developed more than it ever could. The elections ended with success as NLP and their allies, the National Capitalists and People's Party won the majority again, with almost 2/3 in the legislature body. The NLP gained 208 seats, about 41.6% of the votes. Nationally they won 3 regions and won almost on its own a majority. Sebastian Bronner was kind and realized the importance of cooperation and diplomacy, letting the candidacy for presidency and backing the NC candidate, Brayan Vazquez. With PP and NLP support, the right-wing popular candidate, Vazquez wins from first round, a second was not needed, over 50% of the people voted for him. The socialists proved to be split again as they do not united under one candidate and went on their own.

The NLP saw this as a major win. The win brought confidence that capitalism is here to stay and NLP to be again, for the third time in a row the favourite party of Solentians, as the party supports common decency, morality, patriotic and pragmatic policies, focusing on growing the strength, influence of the nation in the world, living standards and prosperity. The reforms made by the NLP through the bills gave Solentia a chance to develop as a nation, corporations springing up ready to give innovative solutions and make Solentian products renowned for quality and fair prices. The nation has to see a better leadership, guided by realism and love of nation.

The ex-president, Bronner, said the followings:
"We should celebrate too much, is time to get back to work, new years in office as it is time for us to work again with our close members of the National Council. To be truly modest and realistic, we truly could not done a wonderful work without the help from our great allies and friends, the PP and NC. Together we did a great job in defending the values we so hard worked for. We seek for more future cooperation in creating policies from which common Solentians will benefit. For Solentia!"

Sebastian Bronner then held a convention with other party members to decide on the future policies. The NLP as such promised for continuation of good work and protection of achieved reforms. Tho, the conservative policies are yet to wait. Tho, the NLP will not back down on standing up for conservative policies to protect Solentia from degeneracy and aggressive secularism. NLP will present their items and agenda for the following years in the office. The NLP main points are focused on preserving economical reforms and show their clear stance on social values.

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Re: Halion Post

Postby ChengherRares1 » Sat Oct 12, 2019 5:05 pm

The most important right-wing newspaper in Solentia
Early Elections again in Solentia, NLP dominance unchallenged
July 4648

The National Liberal Party wins another elections. The reason for new elections so soon is the defunct Green Party of Solentia who disbanded after they started to enter in the great alliance between NLP-PP-NC. The defunct party left 23 seats open for grab and several cab seats vacant. The NLP could have rolled further without noticing it and just push agenda without stop, but, NLP decided to propose early elections. New economic reforms were pushed by NLP right before early elections, but after the government solved some problems, the bill was put up to vote. The bill got the majority of votes needed and passed, thus triggering new elections. The elections were calm and without much concern about who wins. NLP won again with 200 seats from 500, clearly setting a capitalist dominance in Solentia as the coalition NC-PP-NLP had won a 2/3 of legislature. The socialists had failed again, split in their misery. Socialism in Solentia ended and will never ever get back together.

With the new govt formed and a new cab proposed, NLP proposed several new reforms that got approval from the coalition. On top of that, PP become conservative, allowing for conservative agenda NLP has to be successfully passed in the National Council. The new bills focus on abolishing gay marriages, abolition of porn, drugs and prostitution and reform the obscenity laws. Solentia after the opinion of Bronner needs stronger conservative values more than ever, that "the nation had been in a degenerate estate far too long" and "that is time we stop this".

With the new elections done and a dominance of NLP created in Solentia, the party will propose new legislation reforms over new legislation reforms. The NLP had proposed to maintain and expand where it can the capitalist values and propose conservative bills. The NLP showed some interests in curbing down some excessive freedoms of the people and reform the judicial system as well.

Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: Halion Post

Postby ChengherRares1 » Sun Oct 13, 2019 10:59 am

The most important right-wing newspaper in Solentia
New strong developing IT corporation in Solentia
December 4648

Blue Tech Solentia is a new emerging tech company in Solentia. After years of socialist oppression, the older major company of tech had been seized and remade, creating a weak company, severed by the many stringent regulations, labor legislation and many other failed policies imposed by poorly elected CEOs by the workers. As with the privatization, the new company sought to buy the company for a mere 1 Billion $. Blue Tech reformed and was recreated as a company based on innovation and guided by the principles of a free market: profits and the supply & demand scheme.

Blue Tech company has an output of 1 billion $ per year. As for starters, the Blue Tech Solentia is focused on producing computer processors of high quality. The tech company also has on the list of producing variable other parts of a personal PC.The first generation of processors are B-Tech 1.

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