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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed Jul 17, 2019 6:04 am

Valruzian Times
The Valruzian Times is a broadly distributed newspaper across Valruzia
21st April 4607
Social Democratic Workers Party dissolves from internal issues—New party forms
After a month of infighting, a new party has rose out of the ashes of the SDWP.

Much to the surprise of many, the Social Democratic Worker's Party announced it's immediate dissolution effective immediately, after being in Valruzian politics again for only a month. The party's acting leader, Wielisław Panik, stated that internal friction among factions increased drastically since it's reformation, owing it to the fact that the SDWP hadn't even officially re-registered as a political organization within the Sejm. Those behind the hasty reformation cited the need to form a cohesive government as the desperate reason. Said friction then resulted in a split of the party, and the ultimate dissolution, with social liberals gaining the majority of the power vacuum.

In the ensuing days came many agreements on policy, a stark contrast from before. A new name was adopted, it being the Ludowa Koalicja, or People's Coalition. Leadership positions were filled, and a new color was given—Gold. New factions emerged, them being more moderate than before. Social liberals became the majority, and other factions included some social democrats alongside interestingly, libertarians. The previous snap elections, despite the internal problems for the SDWP were an immense success, the evidence of a populace exhausted by a nonexistent government for an astounding 36 months. Now holding all the seats of the Sejm, the LK is now free to execute what it wishes, with newly-elected Chairperson Wielisław Panik showing support for the restoration of the suspended constitution of the previous Republic—Arguably a golden age for Valruzia's parliamentary democracy.

A sight not seen for a long time—A packed Sejm, brimming with LK members, convenes its first session.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Aethan » Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:56 pm

Massive demonstrations in Valruzia
The call by the organization Forward Valruzia presumes success in the face of the massive influx of citizens, tired of government excesses

Maja Ciborowska (yellow) leading part of the protests tonight

Today, January 12, 4644, will be a day that will pass into the history of Valruzia. Millions of protesters, mainly of progressive ideology, have flocked to fill the main squares and streets of the cities and towns of Valruzia before what they consider "excessive abuse of the government for too long."

The protests, coordinated by a newly created organization called Forward Valruzia, were organized through social networks, and the police believe they had been gesturing for months. Citizens of variable age and sex have gathered in many emblematic places of the country to force a change of institutional direction, after a dictatorial government of one party has been installed in Valruzia for many years, dominating the Parliament and without the existence of opposition.

In the manifesto, disseminated by the platform itself, the formal call for new elections is requested - which has been without having more than one party in the Assembly for over a hundred years, and without obtaining a citizen participation above 10 million for 20 years, and that for a decade it is a functioning government that directs the country in the absence of political parties - to establish "a serious and democratic government, that carries out the necessary reforms for our nation and that does not accommodate in power believing that it is theirs.

"We must express ourselves, we must say that we are fed up with this situation, that it is time to turn the system around. It is time to ask for a change, to try, giving the voice to the citizens, to carry out the reforms that our nation needs to join us all and progress "
said one of the leaders of the organization, Maja Ciborowska, speaker in hand.

The result of these demonstrations remains to be seen, but the leaders of the organization do not rule out becoming a political party and running for the next election, while warning that they will keep the protests alive in the meantime.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Aethan » Mon Oct 07, 2019 3:35 pm

"We bring the reforms that Valruzia needs"
The General Secretary of Forward Valruzia and first Chancellor of the nation, Dymitr Bojarski, talks about the challenges his government will face in this new democratic stage

Dymitr Bojarski with his wife and daughter following the announcement of the electoral results

Dymitr Bojarski is not the typical politician, as are many of his party mates. Military from a young age, he combined his career in the Army of Valruzia with law studies, and served as a lawyer for the first protesters arrested after the protests that have ended up taking Forward Valruzia to the government. Born almost half a century ago, Mr. Bojarski speaks now with the media, after elections in which his party has managed to come to power with promises of renewal, redemocratization and citizen collaboration, a formula that has also managed to bring the founder of the party and leader of the protests, Maja Ciborowska, to the Presidency of Valruzia.

Interviewer: Welcome here, and thank you for your time, Mr. Bojarski.

Dymitr Bojarski: The pleasure is mine, thank you for inviting me.

I: First things first: What led you to join Forward Valruzia, already having a solvent and stable job?

D.B: Since childhood I have always been interested in helping people. Injustices is something that I cannot tolerate, and that was what led me both to join the army and to study law. I felt that the more I could do for others, the better. That is why when Maja [Ciborowska] contacted me personally after the trials that took place against the protesters led by her organization, and told me that they were in the process of transforming into a political party in order to force an electoral call and that she wanted me to be the person leading the project, I accepted without thinking about it. I had already followed the protests closely, and during all the years that I have lived in Valruzia, I had never seen such a strong feeling of tiredness and anger towards the political class. We did not live in democracy, we lived in an autocracy. But that will change now that we are in government, now that we bring the reforms that Valruzia needs.

I: Your party only got a participation of just over 15% of the electoral roll.

D.B: And that is something remarkable. For decades, electoral participation did not increase even over the 5%, because citizens already knew that the elections were rigged and that they could not change it. Until we have managed to organize for it. In the end, the people have the power, although sometimes the leaders forget it. We are going to try not to do so, to restore power to the people who have chosen us.

I: What are the proposals that your party intends to implement, given that it has an absolute majority in the Sejm [National Parliament]?

D.B: We are already working on it. At the moment, the Sejm is processing a law that will shorten the periods between election and election, going from 5 years and a half to 4; we have created the position of Chancellor, which would be the equivalent of the Prime Minister but endowing him with real executive powers; We are in the process of formalizing the legislation that will govern the election of regional governors so that citizens can feel represented more closely, in what will be a joint election where the most voted regional party in the regional elections will be the one that may elect the governor, although this does not have to guarantee a stable parliamentary majority; and we are also currently creating a law for the creation and improvement of referendums at the national level, so that citizens can feel partakers of institutional life. All this in addition to the laws we intend to pass in relation to equality, the protection of historically discriminated groups, the protection of the environment or the improvement of public services. In the same way, Mrs. Ciborowska will begin to make institutional visits at an international level to reinvigorate the image of Valruzia, which has been seriously damaged by the lack of interest and authoritarianism of the previous regime.

I. The way you say it, it seems a hard task ahead. Do you think you will have enough time?

D.B: We are going to try it. In any case, we trust that citizens will see that we are contributing to improve their quality of life and continue to trust us and, if possible, increase electoral participation by earning their trust.

I: Finally, don't you fear that the existence of a single party in the Sejm will be seen again by citizens as a new form of autocracy or a single-party dictatorial regime?

D.B: [Laughs] It would be curious, at least. Our party has its origin in civil society, has been built by and for the benefit of citizens ...

I: Citizens who consider themselves leftist.

D.B: Citizens who believe in real equality and social republicanism, in which we have to move forward and not back down in rights and freedoms. As I was saying, it would be curious if citizens thought they had returned to a quasi-dictatorial regime, especially since we are approving mechanisms for citizen participation and the return of political powers to neighborhoods and cities. In fact, we encourage the emergence of other political parties with which to compete, in order to offer citizens the best of each.

I: Thank you very much for your time, and good luck
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Aethan » Thu Oct 10, 2019 4:12 pm

Valruzia prepares to create its Supreme Court
The new judicial instance will be the highest authority and will have the power to judge politicians, permanently close matters and paralyze referendums.

Iwan Skarbek (left) and Kornel Pietrzak (right)

Just a few days ago the Valruzian government has announced the establishment of the Supreme Court of Valruzia and there are already two big favorites to lead it: The progressive judge Iwan Skarbek and the conservative Kornel Pietrzak.

A few days ago the Minister of Justice, Maciej Kokot, announced that the government and especially his ministry were already carrying out all the necessary procedures to create the Supreme Court of Valruzia, an institution that would be the last instance of appeal of the nation and that would have the authority to judge unconstitutional laws, the Heads of State, Government, Ministers and Regional Governors, as well as having voice and influence in referendums as established in the law on referendums that the government has already approved. According to the Minister's statements, the institution will have six judges, five elected by the regional Governors and one by the opposition leader; and a Supreme Judge, elected by the Minister of Justice. With a 20-year service period without the possibility of reelection, the government seeks to definitively unify in a single court the application of justice in the final instance, and avoid cases of systematic corruption due to impunity among parliamentarians and political leaders.

Although many names have emerged about their possible future members, two are the ones that sound strongly to lead the institution: Iwan Skarbek and Kornel Pietrzak. From diametrically opposed trajectories, Mr. Skarbek belongs to the association of progressive judges SzD (Sędziowie za Demokracji, Judges for Democracy), while Mr. Pietrzak is a founding member of the KSS (Konserwatywne Stowarzyszenie Sędziów, Conservative Association of Judges), both the two more numerous in number of members. While one has been the signatory of numerous manifests in favor of human rights, LGBTI rights, against the surrogacy for considering it "contrary to the principle of human dignity" and defending the concept of "republican justice" (equal to conditions and different according to social classes), the other defends the theory of broken windows and stands against what he considers "moral decay of civilization": atheism, non-heterosexual behavior, feminism and abortion.

While everything seems to indicate that the Minister of Justice will elect a progressive judge to lead the High Court and then compensate it by appointing conservative judges to some of the other posts, both from the government and from the regional administrations keep silence, waiting to publish in the next days after the approval of the law the official appointment of its members.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Augustus Germanus » Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:21 am

Right-wing demonstration against the ruling party


A demonstration has been arranged by right-wing conservative sympathizers who wants a more safe and traditional Valruzia, this demonstration in recent days have gathered outside the Sejm to show the current politicians that there is a resistance against the left-wing rule. The demonstrations are known as "A Safe Valruzia" movement. The demonstration lasted from 4 December to the 30 December, the last day the leader of the movement, Ludwik Laszewski, declared the formation of a new party called 'Safety and Tradition':
"We shall be a force to be reckoned with my friends, my countrymen. We will oppose the ruling Forward Valruzia and we will tear down their leftist state. Together we shall build a Safe and Traditional Valruzia!"
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Aethan » Fri Oct 11, 2019 2:04 pm

Six progressives and one conservative: this is how the first Supreme Court of Valruzia is constituted
The government announces the seven names of the judges that will integrate the highest judicial instance of Valruzia

Left to right: Iwan Skarbek (44), Klaudia Golombek (69), Beata Cebertowicz (39), Mateusz Rafalko (59), Mateusz Polczynski (53), Weronika Sledz (48) and Tymoteusz Gacek (57)

After much anticipation, the Minister of Justice of Valruzia, Maciej Kokot, has announced today before the media the names of the seven magistrates who, from today, integrate the Supreme Court of Valruzia and that therefore, are considered as its "founding members."

"It is a pride for my party, for the government and for me personally, to present the names of these seven people, all of them excellent in their fields of work, which from now on will occupy the highest level of justice in our nation. I have full confidence in them and I trust they will know how to live up to the circumstances. "

Of the names announced, four are men and three are women. And of the seven, only one of them is recognized more conservative trends: Tymoteusz Gacek. The other members are positioned in more or less progressive ideologies, as confirmed by their ex-officio partners.

No wonder, then, that the government has decided to provide a progressive majority to the Supreme, leaving conservative representation in something merely symbolic, and granting the presidency of the Court to the well-known judge - and to which all the pools gave as probable winner - Iwan Skarbek, defender of minority rights and the application of justice based on social status.

With an average age a little over 50 years, these seven judges will be from today responsible for ultimately ensuring the justice of Valruzia, and over the next 20 years must carry out the work of providing institutionality, rigor and seriousness to the recently created Court.

There have only been two big surprises in the election of its members: the dismissal of the conservative judge Kornel Pietrzak - the other favorite to become Supreme Judge - and the election of Klaudia Golombek, a judge of recognized prestige but of fragile health and with an age of retirement that would occur near the 80 years. In the first case, it was in doubt if a progressive government would allow a judge like Mr. Pietrzak - who has generated several controversies following his statements against homosexuality and abortion - to take over the presidency of which is called to become the highest judicial institution in the country. But in the end, he has not even been included among the other six members of the Court. Asked about this newspaper, Mr. Pietrzak has limited himself to wishing good luck to the members of the Supreme Court and asking citizens "to value the great step taken by the government towards greater effectiveness of the judiciary in Valruzia", ​​without wanting to enter in details about his final discard. The candidate chosen to represent the conservative judges in the end has been Tymoteusz Gacek, who despite his conservative positions has never been contrary to extending civil rights.

As of now, the Supreme Court of Valruzia is fully operational.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:40 am

Safety and Tradition surprisingly wins the Presidency!


During a tense night, the supporters of the newly formed Safety and Tradition party (BiT for short) held their breaths while the results of the 4648 election came in. One could hear thousands shouting and cheering when it was announced that the BiT had won the Valusian, Chynberg and Ruzian states, and all three with huge landslides. The most disappointing was the results in the State of Kampania where only 54,000 out of almost 8 million voted for the BiT and which upon the party received only one seat, this result however was overshadowed by the Presidential results, where BiT's candidate, Konstantyn Grodzicki was very surprisingly able to secure 50.81% (20 million votes) of the vote, and by a close margin won the Presidency, there has still not been any reported statement by the ruling Forward Valruzia. The Chairman of the Safety and Tradition, Ludwik Laszewski said this in the victory speech:
This is a historic day and we all should be extremely proud! Without you, the people, we would not have been able to win so many votes, so many seats, so many states and above all the Presidency! Our movement began in late December last year and it will continue forever, with one purpose, to serve the people of Valruzia. Thank you all and God bless this great Republic! God bless our great Valruzia!

There have been reports that the Safety and Tradition have started to draw up plans for bills to be presented to the Sejm, and that even though the Forward Valruzia still has 387 seats in the Sejm, and the BiT has 363 seats they wish to show the people that they are active in a search of for safe and traditional Valruzia.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Aethan » Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:52 pm

Forward Valruzia will govern one more legislature
The left-wing party gets the majority in the Sejm and will focus this second term on social measures

Dimytr Bojarski (centre) surrounded by party affiliates and sympatizers following the electoral results

Mixed sensations at the headquarters of Forward Valruzia after knowing the election result. With one hundred percent of the vote scrutinized, the founding party of the new democratic era of Valruzia would have obtained fewer votes than the new conservative party, Bezpieczeństwo i Tradycja (Safety and Tradition), although thanks to the poor results of the Conservatives in Kampania - where they have only obtained 0.68% of the votes and 1 senator - have managed to win the majority of Sejm, the parliamentary Chamber of Valruzia.

After knowing that the Presidency of the Republic fell into the hands of the conservative Konstantyn Grodzicki by a difference of less than 600,000 votes, and that only two of the five Regional Governors of Forward Valruzia would repeat in their position - in Grifyt and Kampania - while the others three regions would have suffered a turn to the right, the Secretary General of Forward Valruzia and current Chancellor (Prime Minister) of the nation Dimytr Bojarski appeared before the media.

"These results have undoubtedly left us with a bittersweet taste. There is no doubt that the fact that participation has shot up to more than 50% is a hopeful result, considering that when we decide to transform Valruzia back into a full democracy citizens hardly took part in political decisions. Obviously we are aware that, although we are going to be able to rule one more legislature, citizens have not granted us the majority in number of votes at national level. We do not regret these four years that we have been working for the well-being of citizens, and we welcome Safety and Tradition to the political landscape."

In this first term, the Bojarski government has approved the legislation that has formalized the figures of the President of the Sejm (Marshall), has legalized the referendums as a form of official consultation to citizens to get more involved in politics, has shortened the duration of the legislatures and the Supreme Court of Valruzia has been constituted as administrative measures, while as social and economic measures the government has barely passed some laws relating to the health and education sector, probably the most important being the legalization of same-sex marriage.

In his statement, Mr. Bojarski has dropped that perhaps the party will change its name now that it is officially a political party - Forward Valruzia was created as a pro-democracy left-wing organization by Maja Ciborowska, the now-former President of Valruzia which instigated the nationwide protests that ended up triggering the return of democracy to Valruzia - and focus on social policies.

"There is no doubt that Forward Valruzia has fulfilled its mission, to return democracy and dignity to our nation and our institutions. Perhaps it is time to, for respect to the memory of those protests, leave the name of" Forward Valruzia " back and adopt a new denomination. In any case, the most important thing is that now the government will focus on improving the living conditions and social policies of our citizens.The previous legislature has been tough and exhausting, for the amount of administrative laws that we had to pass, and that citizens may not have been able to see it. In any case, in this legislature we will work more for them, and we will see in the next elections. "

UPDATE: Forward Valruzia has chosen its new denomination
The party is officially renamed Republikańska Lewica - Wstań (Republican Left - Stand Up), and will propose to the Sejm the erection of a monument to commemorate the mobilizations carried out by Forward Valruzia

New logo of the now-called Republican Left-Stand Up.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Aethan » Mon Oct 14, 2019 6:07 pm

Valruzia will improve its defensive and offensive measures in the coming years
The Minister of Defense has defended that "prevention is better than cure"

Wiktoria Dembinska, Valruzian Minister of Defence

The Minister of Defense of Valruzia announced this afternoon at a press conference an ambitious plan to improve "the defensive and offensive strategy of the nation," which he believes "obsolete" and that "prevention is always better than cure."

At the conference, Mrs. Dembinska - former senior military officer of the Valruzia Army - has avoided giving many details about the future plan, but has advanced that will include the construction of an extensive network of bunkers in public buildings and the forecast to demand that all newly built homes have their own. Similarly, she has advanced that the complex geography of the country could help it, using the thick forests and some mountain ranges as a measure of containment of an imaginary enemy.

"The function of a government is to provide the best possible services to its citizens,"
said the Minister,
"and this also goes through every effort to protect them from an eventual case of enemy attack. It is undeniable that in today's world the chances of a large-scale military war is small, but we have already seen how in other continents such as the south of Majatra, military offensives that have triggered major conflicts have begun, and that is also undeniable. From the government we believe that the best solutions to protect our citizens are anticipation and deterrence. The first will be done by building a large network of bunkers in public buildings - hospitals, universities, subway networks, museums and town halls - while the second will be possible thanks to the publication of the report of defensive units of our nation, without detailing their positions but so that any nation that tries to attack us know they would suffer serious damage that would not compensate it."

The minister is expected to present the final plan to Sejm in the coming years, where the government has an absolute majority and does not depend on the conservatives of Safety and Tradition for its approval, although they intend to make the project something "result of consensus".
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