
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Sat Feb 01, 2020 1:50 am

CAK Begins Mobilization
Thousands Volunteer to Join Conservative Partisans
March 24, 4696
CAK "Minutemen" Unit Marches in Vrassa City

Today, the National Conservative Party announced that would call upon all able and willing supporters to come together to join a newly reformed Conservative Army of Kalistan, which has been disbanded since the dissolution of the Third NCP in 4653. In the past, the CAK had acted primarily in a public assistance role rather than in a national defense role, offering free but simple healthcare to those who were left without any by liberal rule. The CAK had also served as an anti-authoritarian regime check, kickstarting the Civil War against the Patriotic League in 4523.

Where in the past the CAK acted more as a professional field army than an irregular partisan force, even operating a small number of main battle tanks, but the leadership of the new CAK has made it clear that they will adopt tactics more akin to the Revolutionary Socialist Militia of Kalistan. This doctrine of asymmetrical warfare is more suited to the defense of Kalistan, and is a far more preferable way to counter the professionalism of the regular forces of the nations most likely to instigate war with and invade Kalistan.

CAK's mobilization undoubtedly due to the recent acts of aggression done by and lie campaigns started by the foreign imperialist powers of Dorvik and Lourenne. In one of their most recent newspaper articles, the Dorvish have threatened a ground war against Kalistan and have made the brazen claim that "the Dorvish Armed Forces could make quick work of the Kalistani irregulars and even regular forces if they so chose." The Dorvish have also recently introduced to their Staatsrat a bill which would withdraw Dorvik from the Ananto Straights Comprehensive Accord (Which recognizes the right of foreign vessels to traverse the Ananto Straights), a foolish and shortsighted move that would allow Kalistan to close the Ananto Straights without breaking a treaty formally signed by Kalistan. The Dorvish have also increased their naval presence in the region since last October.

Lourennais aggression has been more bite than the Dorvish bark. Lourenne has deployed two fleets to the Northern Anantonese Ocean with orders to destroy any "unregistered" vessel as well as any vessel that come too close to Lourennais ship would be destroyed without question, and Kalistani vessels would be placed higher on that list of ships to be destroyed. Lourenne has also threatened to establish a blockade of Kalistani ports, which would disrupt trade with Kalistan and the other nations of the would. Lourenne also unapologetically and maliciously lies about Kalistan mistreats its Lourennais population and that hate crimes against this population has recently increased. If this outrageous claim is considered to be truth, then let the record show that the Lourennais royal family eats Kalistani babies while Lourenne's Kalistani population is kept in concentration camps across their nation.

These threats to world peace and international trade by Dorvik and Lourenne have put Kalistan into a position in which it must prioritize its defense, and the people of Kalistan know this. Already, thousands of NCP supporters have volunteered to join the CAK and receive training and arms. Only a small standing force will be continually maintained and paid, while a vast majority of CAK partisans will be sent back into the civilian population with their weaponry and provisions, only being required to report for drilling every other month after initial training.

A small force of a few thousand have already been marshaled by the CAK for immediate service. These "Minutemen" units come from unaligned militias that have operated before CAK's mobilization but have offered to join up with CAK following the announcement.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Feb 01, 2020 2:56 am



This is Radio Kaliburg, Seleya's Only Alternative

(radio announcer's voice)

Good evening fellow Kalistani's, at home and abroad. You are now listening to Radio Kaliburg, Seleya's Only Alternative. We are a non-profit radio collective, broadcasting over 100,000 Watts on Shortwave, over various frequencies in all bands from the heart of Kaliburg. Our station is funded by private contributions from the good people of Kalistan, and with a generous grant from the Organization of Drug Exporting Nations, here in Kaliburg, who view it as a necessity to get that truth to all of you, as soon and in as great and varied a quantity as possible. We aim to broadcast only the Truth and great music to all of Terra.

Hopefully, you got your orange juice and skittles ready.

Before we begin our broadcast for tonight, let's play some music from, well, this is a highlight from the 4423 Ganjam, known to History as "Monterey"

That was Ball and Chain, by the Kaliburg band "The Corporate Jam", which went pretty much unnoticed at the time, but has since been lauded in Music History as one of the most soulful acid rock performances of all time.

An interesting note about Monterey: That Ganjam was originally supposed to be held in Lourenne. Our Government was discussing with their government about the possibility of performing overseas for the first time. Typical Lourenne handsitting and a refusal to legalize tobacco doomed the whole project, and ODEN had to scuttle the plans to hold the concert in Lourenne. So the Jam was held in Kaliburg instead, and acid rock made its Jam premier instead. Fans of the Szarrybeat did not realize at the time, but that show was also the beginning of the end of the Valruzian sound's domination of Kalistani market and a return to a more Kalistani sound in music worldwide.

That's history, Lovelies.

Let's talk about the Present. As you know, Lourenne's government likes to push Kalistan. They believe they should be allowed to push Kalistan around. But let me say to you, Friends. Kalistan is your friend. Your Government is not doing you any favors by asking you to sacrifice your lives below the waves. There was once a saying, which you know, you can do what you want with. The saying is "If you are not in, do not join. If you are in, do not fight." I know those of you on ship can most definitely hear me when I say this. Those Kalistani ships that your captain wants you to destroy, they are filled with men and women just like you. They have hopes and dreams like you, and they have families who love them. But your captains, doing the bidding of your nation's imperialist overlords, they will order you to kill your brothers and sisters in the other ship. As our ships sink beneath the waves, you may even be able to see men and women jumping for their lives into the ocean. Your captain will likely order you to fire your machine guns into them to finish them off.

It is a grizly picture I am painting here. But just in case the Luthori is lost on you, allow me to introduce you to one of your fellow Nationals, Claire-Louise Bisset. Not only is she 100% pure blood Lourennais, but she is also here to translate for me, because Canrillaise and I do not get along. Claire, ma cherie. If you will:

(voice of Claire-Louise Bisset)

Bonsoir chérie. Ce que Danny a dit était: Kalistan est votre ami. Sacrifier votre vie pour vos maîtres de porcs impérialistes n'est pas dans votre intérêt. Les Kalistanais ont un dicton qui dit: "Si vous ne vous êtes pas enrôlé dans l'armée ou dans la marine, ne vous joignez pas. Si vous vous êtes enrôlé, ne vous battez pas". Vous, fiers marins du Lourennais, pouvez certainement entendre cette émission. Les navires kalistanais que votre capitaine veut que vous détruisiez, ils sont remplis d'hommes et de femmes comme vous. Ils ont des espoirs et des rêves comme vous, et ils ont des familles qui les aiment. Mais vos capitaines, faisant les ordres des suzerains impérialistes de Lourenne, vous ordonneront de tuer vos frères et sœurs dans l'autre vaisseau. Alors que les navires kalistanais coulent sous les vagues, vous pourrez même voir des hommes et des femmes sauter pour sauver leur vie dans l'océan. Votre capitaine vous ordonnera probablement de tirer avec vos mitrailleuses pour les achever. Ne faites pas cela. Trouvez un moyen de résister. C'est le seul moyen de paix entre Lourenne et Kalistan. N'écoutez pas les chiens de guerre quand ils aboient. Vous avez les chiffres. Utilisez-les le moment venu. Le peuple de Kalistan vous le demande.

(Voice of radio announcer)

Thank you, dear.

(voice of Claire-Louise Bisset)

À tout moment, mon amour!

(voice of radio announcer)

We'll be right back, but first, here is one of Claire-Louise's favorite bands, straight out of Outannais via Dahriel. This is L'émeute, with La Rage

That was Canrillaise Artist L'émeute with "La Rage"

As we close out this first hour of Radio Kaliburg tonight, our sponsors at ODEN have asked us to invite all Lourrenais who oppose their government's unilatteral and unprovoked violence against the peaceful Republic of Kalistan to come and visit us. Check out the ODEN shops, and see if the product is really as evil as they make it out to be. You never know, Freres, you might find out they have been lying to you all along. And then, you might ask yourself: What else have they been lying to you about.

All are welcome in Kalistan!

We finish out with HipHop trio Olde Cypress Hill, with the title track from their 4119 album "Band of Kalis." This is Radio Kaliburg, broadcasting from Downtown Kaliburg, Kalistan, Free Territories of Terra.

Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Feb 01, 2020 4:45 am


INTERVIEW: The man behind Radio Kaliburg
"I'm just a stoner who loves my country" says Kaliburg's new propagandist

Kalburg, Ananto
April 2, 4704

Daniel de Laurent, Host of Radio Kaliburg's nighttime programming


This is Radio Kaliburg, Seleya's Only Alternative

Good evening fellow Kalistani's, at home and abroad. You are now listening to Radio Kaliburg, Seleya's Only Alternative. We are a non-profit radio collective, broadcasting over 100,000 Watts on FM, AM and Shortwave, over various frequencies in all bands from the heart of Kaliburg, Kalistan, Free Territory of Terra. Our station is funded by private contributions from the good people of Kalistan, and with a generous grant from the Organization of Drug Exporting Nations, here in Kaliburg, who view it as a necessity to get that truth to all of you, as soon and in as great and varied a quantity as possible. We aim to broadcast only the Truth and great music to all of Terra.

Hopefully, you got your orange juice and skittles ready.

Kalistan has a new weapon in the deepening conflict with Lourenne, and this is how the station signs on each morning, evening and night. During the nght and the morning, straght news and current events are mixed in with a wide mix of alternative rock, hiphop, reggae, some punk, and country. There's a request show in the afternoon. Radio Kaliburg is, for all practical purposes, a regular radio station, complete with underwriting hits and traffic reports.

But in the evening, it all goes political. And the mic is handed to a genuine wildman who is an admitted pothead and a propaganda artist. His unmistakable smooth voice has graced 88.9 FM, in Kalistan, and more than a dozen Shortwave and AM frequencies on several bands, now for four months. But few Kalistanis are familiar with the face of the man, or the man himself, behind the voice, who's shows are a mix between excellent music, a bit of history, and more than a fair share of hard hitting propaganda.

"Thing is, man, I'm just a stoner who loves my country," says Daniel De Laurent, who anchors the evening show on Radio Kalistan. "Like, I was in buying a few grams of herbs one day in the Market, and this ODEN dude comes out of nowhere and says 'You look like you got a face for radio.' and I was like 'Thanks?' I mean, who the f--k says that to someone buying weed?"

De Laurent is a longtime Kaliburg resident. His parents emigrated from Thiers, Louives, Lourenne when he was 3. "These dudes, they were Kalistanis at one point, then like 500 years, a bunch of Kalistani Brethrenist went over there to try to start a religious party and a Brethrenist colony. They kept an enclave there for a long time, and my folks were among the last Kalistanien to leave the country. I don't even know if any of them are still there..."

De Laurent always respected his Lourenne birthplace, though he soon fell in love with his adopted home. "Man! Are you kidding? I went to Lourenne a few years back like to tour and backpack. First of all: No weed. Second of all, most of their music is Kalistani anyway. It's how a lot of the young kids learn to speak Luthori. 'F--k this', 'ass that', 'ganja' that's a popular word. They dig the reggae. But culturally, that place is a capitalistic deadzone, a real bland, boring, but very pretty place. That's what the boot of dictatorial oppression inherent in dynastic monarchy gets you. A bunch of inbreds at the top who basically keep the whole country as like serfs."

Kalistan on the other hand: "Kalistan is the whole world. This is the place where EVERYTHING is happening. Its been that way forever. So I mean, the choice is easy."

De Laurent was hired to host the evening program at Radio Kaliburg on the spot: "Well, they wanted to run this lame program, talking about ODEN weed and how Lourenne should start importing it and all that. I mean: like I sort of snuck in the format that they got now... I was like 'Dude, let me play some music. I gotta have some time to keep it blazin, you know...' and then they sort of agreed, well, maybe they didn't, but I had forgotten that they didn't and just did it anyway. I think they were like 'Oh, this guy is going to be so f--kin high, he's going to be like a goddamned advertisement for ODEN!' But then I started, you know, bringing the politics in. And those heads were all like 'Holy sh-t! This dude ain't smoked his brain out yet!' Yeah, man. No Sh-t."

De Laurent was called in to the Programming Director's office after his first show. He was finally properly interviewed, and the Programming Director discovered that de Laurent holds a PhD in political theory, and a BA in philosophy, both from Kaliburg National. "I decided to not go work in the grind, you know. My priorities after school were getting lifted and surfing. Like in that order. Once I got National Service out of the way, like the day I got out, I got stoned then bought a surfboard. And I've been doing pretty much that ever since. Radio Kaliburg is like my first job in maybe 15 years... To be honest, I can't believe they pay me so much for this, because I tried to tell them I'd do it for free. But now, I have more money than f--king Jah! Like I could literally buy every single person, man woman and child in Lourenne like 12 joints, with just last month's salary!"

The Program Director spoke with the Station Manager, and it was agreed that de Laurent's shows should become a propaganda vehicle. "We aim the commentary at Lourenne, naturally. I mean, they are closer to Kaliburg than a lot of places in Mainland. And they are out there right now, like sh--ting their pants right now, because their overlords are driving their country to war in a f--king handbasket, you know? So, I mean, we're gonna hit them. We would be negligent if we didn't try. We're hittin them with good music, and they should feel no pain, bro, you know what I'm saying?"

De Laurent's evening show was completely reorganized, and he was given control of the content of his program, largely due to listener response. "The station put me on that, gave me four hours, and let me bring my lady [real-life wife Claire-Louise Bisset, who emigrated from Eroncourt to Kaliburg in 4695] in to translate some real Canrillaise stuff. She's not Kalistanien: No, she's the real deal! and she's more like a co-host these days. I get to write all the copy myself, and pick all the songs. You can say they gave me carte blanche. Pun Intended!"

de Laurent and Bisset at 4701 Kalistan Film Festival

It is estimated that Radio Kaliburg reaches the ears of 15 million Kalistanis and more than 5 million citizens of other nations daily. "Kalistanis know the propaganda, man. It's like a comedy show to Kalistanis. I've had dudes come up to me and be like 'Yo man, that sh-t last night about the paintbrush embargo was hilarious!' because you know, our Government has a habit of bragging about every goddamned thing they ever do in the papers. If it ain't in our papers, its likely that we didn't do it. So ts like a joke. But, the folks in Lourenne are under strict censorship. They aren't allowed to read news which runs contrary to like this Emperor worship sh-t. They certainly don't get anything from Kaliburg. Maybe if they did, they'd see that medicinal herbs are good for the mind, and get rid of those monarchical pr--ks who are controlling their brains and making them hate everyone in Kalistan. I like to think us wishing them love will maybe help them feel a little bit, because otherwise like brotherly love is so rare in that sterile imperialist dungeon with impressive window dressings."

When asked if he's gotten any fan mail yet, de Laurent shrugged: "I mean. Its not like we have an address or anything. You can't send it to like the 50 relay and booster stations across the Republic (Thank you KRTVN, by the way!) You could send it to ODEN, but they ain't exactly in the 'getting mail' business. Plus, you know. I'm on the radio, so its not like I'm the most recognizable people or anything. I mean, I walked here today and wasn't molested by any fans... Most people were like 'Outta my way, Burnout.' Whatever. I know people love the show. And I know we're getting through to the good people of Lourenne... It's just a matter of time. Sometimes it takes the old generation to go extinct before the youth can make a change."

De Laurent was asked his politics. "Well, the SP is kind of funny, you're party. But I sometimes wish they'd be a bit more forward thinking... I mean, I like the Nationalist stance of the NCP. And I'm totally down for unions running some sh-t, so I can see the Syndicalists too... But, you know, taking a side one way or another, I see that is like taking sides with one group against the rest of them. I just want Kalistan to be awesome, and I want peace, and these dudes on the ships out there. I know they don't want to fight, and they don't want to kill, and they certainly don't want to die. The Militias, they won't win every battle either. It's all just stupid. We all just need to chill and smoke the Kind."

We concluded the interview by asking for some music suggestions. "ha ha... I think you should check out this dude called SSG, he did a song about tagging... trying to think what it is. Claire really is digging this Egelion like flamenco singer: 'The Baddest' is what her name is. She did this pretty cool song a couple years back that I think you cats would dig. Sounds a lot different than a lot of stuff out there."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Sat Feb 01, 2020 3:25 pm

Press Statement from Premier John Colbert
April 4704

My fellow Kalistanis, yesterday a force of Lourennais ships illegally travelling through the territorial waters of Kalistan and fired upon vessels of the Regular Navy who had been patrolling Kalistani waters and had approached the Lourennais ships to turn them away from Kalistani territory, as is our right under the recognized Ananto Sea Comprehensive Accord and the international laws followed by Lourenne. Luckily, no Kalistanis were harmed during the attack and our vessels regrouped and saw the Lourennais ships our of our sea. This blatant act of Lourennais aggression is the first instance of one ship firing upon another during this state of unease between Kalistan and the foreign powers of Dorvik and Lourenne. This attack on our people is the precise reason why we have been taking steps to improve our defensive capabilities, and further proof that we need to continue to improve those capabilities. The aggressive posturing of Dorvik and Lourenne is a threat to peace in the Anantonese Ocean, and it must come to an end in order for relations to normalize between our countries.

Currently, the cabinet is discussing possible responses to these attacks. Minister Stimson has recommended closing the Ananto Straights and declaring a state of insecurity, allowing for Letters of Marque to be issued against Lourennais vessels. Though these options are certainly on the table, Kalistan as sworn its word to Dorvik and the nations of the world that it would no longer hinder navigation through the Straights by signing the ASCA. As long as Dorvik does not withdraw from or violate the ASCA, and as long as Kalistan is not thrust into a state of war, we will stay true to our word. As for the Letters of Marque, Lourenne's recent actions are the exact scenario which we had envisioned there use would be needed for, but we still hope to find a peaceful resolution to the current state of affairs and avoid as much bloodshed as possible, though more acts of aggression would likely leave us no choice.

As of now, I will put in a request with the Foreign Ministry to have Ambassador Louis Stevens introduce a resolution to the Security Council which would denounce unprovoked Lourennais attack. We also demand that Lourenne withdraws all its ships from our territorial waters recognized by ASCA and The Law of the Sea, twelve nautical miles from our coast. I also plan on discussing possible diplomatic solutions to the current crisis with Minister Delgado and will share the products of these discussions with the press once they have been concluded.

Thank you, and goodbye.
RP Controller of Liore
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:56 am


Diplomatic Yacht transporting WC Ambassador Stevens destroyed by naval gunfire
Dorvish Naval Units seen operating in Area of Catastrophe

Ananto Straits, Just off Odufaray
October 2, 4703

Militia and civilian craft responds to fire aboard Yacht carrying Kalistani Ambassador Stevens to World Congress, Death toll includes the Ambassador

"This is an absolute outrage!" said Kalistani Foreign Minister Joaquin Delgado. "First, our ships are fired upon in our own waters, and then a ship flying diplomatic colors is destroyed at sea by forces hostile to Kalistan! When will this barbarism and belligerency toward Kalistan end?!"

The Minister referred to the destruction yesterday afternoon of the ocean going yacht belonging to Kalistani Ambassador to the World Congress, Louis Stevens, 57 of Kaliburg. He was traveling in his personal water craft, enroute to a meeting of the Security Council, where he intended to lay out the charges against the several nations aligned against Kalistan, charges which included routine and egregious violation of national sovereignty, a virtual blockade of Kalistan by several nations, and various other violations of international norms, various treaties, and the Charter of the World Congress. The craft was flying Kalistani Diplomatic Colors and was registered to Stevens out of Port Swedes, Vrassa.

"He was forced to sail due to the complete refusal of countries like Dorvk to allow Kalistani aircraft into that country," said the Assistant to Ambassador Stevens, Ulrike Howard. "Comrade Stevens was in Kaliburg for three days of consultation when his flight to Whale Island was abruptly cancelled, due to threats reportedly from Dorvik which assured us that they would fire on any civilian craft that left Kalistan. While we determined those threats to be not credible, Ambassador Stevens decided to sail south from Port Swedes, and would make it to Whale Island a few days late. I was to join him later."

But Ambassador Stevens never made it out of Kalistani National Waters. As he sailed 85 nautical miles east of Odufaray, the yacht began taking incoming fire. The boat was immediately disabled, and began radioing for help. The Ambassador's voice clearly identified a ship flying Dorvish colors, possibly a corvette or a cruiser, and which was bearing down on the ship. "They're about 1500 feet off our starboard," said Ambassador Stevens. "Dorvsh marking and colors..." these were Ambassador Steven's final words, as immediately thereupon, the radio was disabled.

"I was one of the crew onboard the Ambassador's yacht," said Michael Severens, who served aboard as a porter and a waiter. "This huge ship, with massive guns was coming right for us. The Ambassador kept yelling that we all should put our hands up, that there was some mix up, and that Terrence [the radio guy] was to try to raise the militia that the Ambassador thought was operating in this area on the auxiliary radio. The ship clearly had a Dorvish flag, and was obviously a military vessel. As soon as we could make out men standing on deck of the ship, they opened ire, aiming their deck guns at our waterline. They also aimed to completely destroy the engine, but they accidentally hit the gas tank instead, and it immediately started a fre in the engine compartment."

According to Severens, he and Stevens went below to try to fight the fire, but the ignited fuel burst from the fuel tank and spread the flames around the entire room. "The Ambassador, he was coughing real bad, and said, 'Mike, we gotta get out of here.' We tried, but the front door was now blocked by flames. Stevens grabbed a fire axe and started chopping at the ceiling. Slowly he cut his way through to the deck, and told me to climb up first, and then give him my hand. But when I reached down and caught his hand, a huge explosion happened down below. It rocked the ship pretty hard, I accidentally let go, and when I went back for him, he wasn't there. I seriously thought he had found a way out."

The whole ship was soon ablaze. The small crew and diplomatic staff were trying to launch a life raft, but in the chaos, the crew launched it on the wrong side, an it got caught on the jagged wall of now exploded engine compartment. Half of the quick inflated boat immediately deflated. Another explosion lurched the boat back and then down and two crew members met their death below as they were thrown into the fiery engine compartment from above deck. Another two and Severens managed to climb off the sinking yacht into the half inflated life raft. Severens said all paddled away from the ship as fast as possible, "But strangely, we saw the Dorvish ship sailing away. When I saw them, they were at a bit more than 1 nm away and moving fast.

Kalistani subs and patrol boats report contact with a Dorvish Corvette matching the survivors' description in the immediate vicinity. Meanwhile, Severens' group of survivors padled as they could toward the coast of Oufaray. They were soon captured by a Regular patrol, who was coming to investigate the smoke.

"Just then, the Regular Navy arrived and we were saved," said Severens. The other witnesses corroborated Severens' account and independently offered that they believed the ship was a Dorvish vessel, given its flag and markings. In all, three people survived, while 16 people, including Ambassador Stevens, perished beneath the waves.

The Premier of the Republic will soon call an immediate emergency cabinet meeting to discuss response. Some ideas floated: A rescission of the Privateering Act, An international conference which looks for peace but specifically excludes Dorvk. Another idea is formally withdrawing from the World Congress.

A decision will be made at a somewhat later date as to the next Steps for the Republic. The Ambassador is survived by his wife Violet and his two daughters. And Kalistan goes without an ambassador in the World Assembly.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Rogue » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:10 am

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Auditorii » Sun Feb 02, 2020 2:28 pm

Doc wrote:Image

Diplomatic Yacht transporting WC Ambassador Stevens destroyed by naval gunfire
Dorvish Naval Units seen operating in Area of Catastrophe

Ananto Straits, Just off Odufaray
October 2, 4703

Militia and civilian craft responds to fire aboard Yacht carrying Kalistani Ambassador Stevens to World Congress, Death toll includes the Ambassador

"This is an absolute outrage!" said Kalistani Foreign Minister Joaquin Delgado. "First, our ships are fired upon in our own waters, and then a ship flying diplomatic colors is destroyed at sea by forces hostile to Kalistan! When will this barbarism and belligerency toward Kalistan end?!"

The Minister referred to the destruction yesterday afternoon of the ocean going yacht belonging to Kalistani Ambassador to the World Congress, Louis Stevens, 57 of Kaliburg. He was traveling in his personal water craft, enroute to a meeting of the Security Council, where he intended to lay out the charges against the several nations aligned against Kalistan, charges which included routine and egregious violation of national sovereignty, a virtual blockade of Kalistan by several nations, and various other violations of international norms, various treaties, and the Charter of the World Congress. The craft was flying Kalistani Diplomatic Colors and was registered to Stevens out of Port Swedes, Vrassa.

"He was forced to sail due to the complete refusal of countries like Dorvk to allow Kalistani aircraft into that country," said the Assistant to Ambassador Stevens, Ulrike Howard. "Comrade Stevens was in Kaliburg for three days of consultation when his flight to Whale Island was abruptly cancelled, due to threats reportedly from Dorvik which assured us that they would fire on any civilian craft that left Kalistan. While we determined those threats to be not credible, Ambassador Stevens decided to sail south from Port Swedes, and would make it to Whale Island a few days late. I was to join him later."

But Ambassador Stevens never made it out of Kalistani National Waters. As he sailed 85 nautical miles east of Odufaray, the yacht began taking incoming fire. The boat was immediately disabled, and began radioing for help. The Ambassador's voice clearly identified a ship flying Dorvish colors, possibly a corvette or a cruiser, and which was bearing down on the ship. "They're about 1500 feet off our starboard," said Ambassador Stevens. "Dorvsh marking and colors..." these were Ambassador Steven's final words, as immediately thereupon, the radio was disabled.

"I was one of the crew onboard the Ambassador's yacht," said Michael Severens, who served aboard as a porter and a waiter. "This huge ship, with massive guns was coming right for us. The Ambassador kept yelling that we all should put our hands up, that there was some mix up, and that Terrence [the radio guy] was to try to raise the militia that the Ambassador thought was operating in this area on the auxiliary radio. The ship clearly had a Dorvish flag, and was obviously a military vessel. As soon as we could make out men standing on deck of the ship, they opened ire, aiming their deck guns at our waterline. They also aimed to completely destroy the engine, but they accidentally hit the gas tank instead, and it immediately started a fre in the engine compartment."

According to Severens, he and Stevens went below to try to fight the fire, but the ignited fuel burst from the fuel tank and spread the flames around the entire room. "The Ambassador, he was coughing real bad, and said, 'Mike, we gotta get out of here.' We tried, but the front door was now blocked by flames. Stevens grabbed a fire axe and started chopping at the ceiling. Slowly he cut his way through to the deck, and told me to climb up first, and then give him my hand. But when I reached down and caught his hand, a huge explosion happened down below. It rocked the ship pretty hard, I accidentally let go, and when I went back for him, he wasn't there. I seriously thought he had found a way out."

The whole ship was soon ablaze. The small crew and diplomatic staff were trying to launch a life raft, but in the chaos, the crew launched it on the wrong side, an it got caught on the jagged wall of now exploded engine compartment. Half of the quick inflated boat immediately deflated. Another explosion lurched the boat back and then down and two crew members met their death below as they were thrown into the fiery engine compartment from above deck. Another two and Severens managed to climb off the sinking yacht into the half inflated life raft. Severens said all paddled away from the ship as fast as possible, "But strangely, we saw the Dorvish ship sailing away. When I saw them, they were at a bit more than 1 nm away and moving fast.

Kalistani subs and patrol boats report contact with a Dorvish Corvette matching the survivors' description in the immediate vicinity. Meanwhile, Severens' group of survivors padled as they could toward the coast of Oufaray. They were soon captured by a Regular patrol, who was coming to investigate the smoke.

"Just then, the Regular Navy arrived and we were saved," said Severens. The other witnesses corroborated Severens' account and independently offered that they believed the ship was a Dorvish vessel, given its flag and markings. In all, three people survived, while 16 people, including Ambassador Stevens, perished beneath the waves.

The Premier of the Republic will soon call an immediate emergency cabinet meeting to discuss response. Some ideas floated: A rescission of the Privateering Act, An international conference which looks for peace but specifically excludes Dorvk. Another idea is formally withdrawing from the World Congress.

A decision will be made at a somewhat later date as to the next Steps for the Republic. The Ambassador is survived by his wife Violet and his two daughters. And Kalistan goes without an ambassador in the World Assembly.

OOC: I'm not involved in any which way with this RP, nor did I give my consent for anything even close to being involved with this. I'm not being involved with this RP anymore for a myriad of reasons.

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:38 pm

Protesters Demand Deescalation
Thousands Protest Against Increasing Escalation in the Northern Anantonese Ocean
October 6, 4704
Protesters at the March for Peace in Kaliburg

The recent destruction of a Kalistani diplomatic yacht which has resulted in the deaths of sixteen Kalistani citizens, including Louis Stevens, the Kalistani Ambassador to the World Congress has spread outrage across Kalistan. Soon after the fatal attack, which some in the government have blamed on the Dorvish Navy, a wave of outrage among the nationalist and warhawk circles prompted a strong call for action to be taken against Dorvik and the other foreign navies present in the Straights. However, these voices were washed out by calls for peace and deescalation across the nation.

These calls for peace have been spearheaded not by a small group of vocal, prominent activists, but rather by a mass movement among the common population. The days following the attack have been filled with protests, demonstrations, and speeches across Kalistan that have denounced the previous government policy of non-cooperation with foreign belligerents and demanded cooperation with Lourenne and other participating powers rather than continue to stand against them and risk the further shedding of Kalistani blood. The largest of these demonstrations has been the March for Peace, which has drawn tens of thousands of Kalistanis to the capital to march to and protest in front of the National Assembly.

The sentiments seem to be the same among the majority of the government and the cabinet, as evident by numerous politicians coming out in support of deescalation and cooperation. Leaks from a recent cabinet meeting have revealed that Premier John Colbert has agreed with the ideas of meeting with Lourennais representatives in order to discuss terms of deescalation and has even considered leaving the Security Council of the World Congress.

A sizable minority in the government have come out in opposition to deescalation and have even endorsed taking action against the belligerent foreign navies in the Straight, claiming that Kalistan should not allow the murder of its citizens to go unpunished. The most vocal among this group has been the Minister of Defense, General Omar Stimson, who has requested that the government declare a State of Insecurity so that the Ministry of Defense could begin to issue Letters of Marque against Dorvish and Lourennais vessels. However, no State of Insecurity has been declared and there are no signs that the government would take such a belligerent action, which would itself elicit increasingly belligerent responses from the rest of Terra.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:56 pm



This is Radio Kaliburg, Seleya's Only Alternative

Good evening fellow Kalistani's, at home and abroad. You are now listening to Radio Kaliburg, Seleya's Only Alternative. We are a non-profit radio collective, broadcasting over 100,000 Watts on FM, AM and Shortwave, over various frequencies in all bands from the heart of Kaliburg, Kalistan, Free Territory of Terra. Our station is funded by private contributions from the good people of Kalistan, and with a generous grant from the Organization of Drug Exporting Nations, here in Kaliburg, who view it as a necessity to get that truth to all of you, as soon and in as great and varied a quantity as possible. We aim to broadcast only the Truth and great music to all of Terra.

Hopefully, you got your orange juice and skittles ready.

(Voice of Daniel de Laurent)

Tonight, we lead the show off with some Reggae en Egelion. Here's Gina and the New Alliance

(voice of Daniel de Laurent)

Dope, yo.

Now: onto some news. The Republican Government has been fairly silent on the recent murder of the World Congress Ambassador in the Strait. Of course, as expected, denials were swift, but we have it on good authority, Comrades, that those denials have done little to assuage the doubt or relieve anyone of any responsibility. We aren't sure who did it here... I mean, what do you think, Claire?

(voice of Claire-Louise Bisset)


(voice of Daniel de Laurent)

Righteous. That basically says it all. So the Republican Government is still locked in a cloister, debating how to respond. It looks for the time being that folks are just holding their positions where they are. There have been reports of some de-escalation on the Eastern lines, but those reports are unconfirmed. We do have confirmed reports about our fellow Kalistani friends of peace beginning to protest for peace in the streets of the Republic, and we say, "Yes! Let your voice be heard, let the call for peace ring out not only in the National Assembly, but in the halls of power in countries across the world!" According to military sources, military traffic in the Straits, which is still totally protected under the terms of the Comprehensive Accord is like in a holding pattern.

(voice of Claire-Louise Bisset)

Indeed. Kalistan has been here before. They have been marched to the brink of war over this water. But the thing about Kalistan is that Kalistan will be its own nation. This is the primary ideologie of Kalistan: If Kalistan cooperates, it is Kalistan who decides to cooperate. We cannot be forced to accept things which are not in the interests of the People. We hope this is something that our adversaries in the waves come to understand. Kalistan will not accept the trifling foreign policy goals of other nations to guide our policy. But at the end of the day, what we want, is peace, the ability to write our own national history, and to trade with other nations, and to survive on our own terms. Radio Kaliburg joins in with calls for Peace and De-Escalation, and so do Danny and I!

(Voice of Daniel de Laurent)

True that! Let's hope there's peace and the foreign navies of the world get some sense and just move on. Its not worth it! Let peace reign! You know?

Now: Lets switch up gears a bit. I'm gonna blast some some Alt from one of our favorite underground bands here in Kalistan. Dana-based Operation Moss, with their skapunk rock anthem "Know Nothings" This one is dedicated to the Republican Cabinet, who seems to have no clue to figure out what to do about all this nonsense. Maybe this will light a fire! Here's "Know Nothings", on Radio Kaliburg.

And we're back. To close this hour out, let me take a second to inform everyone about the next Ganjam, which is being planned for in like May of this year. Vrassa City will be hosting this year, at the National Amphitheater on the River. Some great bands have, uh... signed... Claire,... Where's that list?

(voice of Claire-Louise Bisset)

... Voici, mon coeur

(voice of Daniel de Laurent)

Merci, ma belle. Yes, signed acts include the hardcore punk band "Jolly Roger", hard rock virtuoso Dianna Kaufman, the Dub collective Terrace Dub AllStars, and from Kaliburg, The Temple Hill 6. We love them! It looks like the Show Closer this year will be Kaliburg old Schoolers Logos and Fat Lenny. Damn! Me and Claire will also be there, broadcasting live from the Jam. That will be a killer festival. 3 Days of Music, Art and Drugs.

Let's close out the hour with a song for this years Jam closers. Here's a jam from Logos and Fat Lenny's 4702 Record "Troubled Youth" with, "Young Messiah". On Radio Kaliburg

Last edited by Doc on Mon Jun 19, 2023 6:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Mon Feb 03, 2020 4:22 am


Kalsie rallies after cooling in tensions in Straits
"Stepping back" has calmed fears of supply disruptions

Kaliburg, Ananto
April 12, 4705

Investors "cautiously optimistic" about news of calming tensions

Though the threat of international sanction from the World Congress still hangs over Kalistan, calming of more accute tensions in the Ananto Strait over Kalistan's reauthorization of Privateering act seems to have had a soothing effect on jittery investors.

"The Kalsie has experienced relatively flat performance over the last couple years," said Michael Thompson, President of the Kalsie Board of Directors. "Some of the things we've noted were reluctance by normal investors to put money toward expansion of blue chip stocks like KNP and KNF, as well as weak interest in newer startups in Kalistan. This has led to a stagnation and a 'hold in place' for our national industries, while it has been a difficult time finding investment for new projects."

Instead of playing in the Kalsie, investors have began buying bonds in the National Bank and driving the value of the Kalistani Ruble upward. "So far, with the steps taken before the Crisis, investors have found a nice home in the rock solid Ruble and the ultra capitalized National Bank," said Thompson. "Bank Balances are at an all time high, while the Ruble has experienced a modest appreciation in value due to the unwillingness of the Bank to water down the Rubles in circulation. Most of those earnings on the Ruble and in the Bank have been enjoyed by Kalistani investors. There is not much foreign interest in our currency at the moment, which seems to me to be a missed opportunity on their part."

A high valued Ruble allows consumers greater purchasing power at home, but with the reluctance to switch to securities, there's not much more to buy. "I'd say Kalistan is meeting domestic demand. Foreign demand, which has been choked off during the crisis, was not high for Kalistani goods and services anyway, so we haven't suffered much there. But plans to expand production have been shelved for the time being."

The calming of tensions has been accompanied, however, with a slight, but noticeable uptick in the Kalsie. "I think a few of the more adventurous investors are starting to hunt around for bargains. A lot can be had in the market, and we welcome investors to come out and take a chance on the Kalsie again."

One particular sector which has begun to show signs of life in the private markets is the centuries old Kalistani tech company KalMD. Responsible for a mini boom in the 4500s in Suldanor, KalMD once led the burgeoning Kalistani tech sector. "A lot of that was squandered," explained Thompson, "because under Liberal Government, there was no support or active encouragement for it." But KalMD has recently been acquired by the National Group, who invests usually in startup, and an agressive push to raise capital has already begun. "Its yielding some effects: this month, KMD stocks have risen 12 percent, and have outperformed market averages by 2-3 percent for the last three quarters."

Also in line for future reorganization is the Kalistani Motor Company, which used to be a Nationalized industry, but was quickly divested when it was discovered that the national functions of KMC could be performed more effectively under KalMilInCo (KMI). KMC was responsible for the Kalistani brand "MoCo" which was nearly ubiquitous for a hundred years in Kalistan, and then fell on hard times as Liberals actively encouraged foreign trade, designed to completely supplant Kalistani industries. KMC has recently been acquired by investment capitalist Susan Franco, and he has quickly adopted articles of incorporation and governance. KMC expects to make an initial public offering sometime next year.

While performance in the Kalsie is still fairly lackluster, Republican foreign policy aimed at peace can only help it gain speed.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

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