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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:35 pm

Nowogard, July 4744

LOT announced that Nagyházi Pál Republican Airport will serve as a hub for LOT Valruzian Airlines and Artania Airlines (AA).

NOWOGARD - Valruzian airline giant LOT Group, a Goldstar Alliance member, announced its decision to establish a major hub in Endralon's main airport - Nagyházi Pál Republican Airport - and expand its services to and from Endralon. The planned hub will serve both LOT Valruzian Airlines and Artania Airlines' (LOT largest subsidiary in Artania) passengers. LOT Valruzian AIrlines served routes between Nowogard and Hugamest but the route has been suspended due to the domestic unrest in Endralon, but now with the civil unrest gone, it plans to re-establish Hugamest-Nowogard link and with a hub expansion, it plans to establish connections between Hugamest and other large cities in Valruzia - especially Brzansk and Hel. It will be also a major leap forward in the operations of Artania Airlines which in recent years expanded its fleet and LOT plans to expand AA route network to other continents. LOT Group has announced that the deal has been signed with both Endralon's Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and with the management of the airport itself. LOT Group plans also to establish a large fleet base in Hugamest for its intercontinental fleet of Reglair i4, i7, and i8. LOT will be the first major airline to establish a permanent all-year route from Hugamest to Seleya after the civil war in Endralon.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:08 pm

Nowogard, August 4744

Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Robert Rembert-Krawowicz during his speech in the General Assembly of the World Congress.

WORLD CONGRESS - For the first time since the beginning of the economic and political tension between the Republic of Valruzia and Kingdom of Keymon, which quickly escalated to an international stage, the representative of the Republic of Valruzia to the World Congress, Minister Robert Rembert-Krawowicz, defended the government actions and pointed out lies of the Dorvik's and Keymon's governments. Both Dorvik and Keymon accused the Valruzian government of breaching its competences while freezing assets of Keymonite institutions in Valruzia. Dorvik threatened with actions taken by the Security Council which jurisdiction the Republic of Valruzia openly discredits and does not acknowledge. Minister Rembert-Krawowicz in a fierce statement pointed out lies of the Keymon government and argued that the nationalization trial was not conducted in compliance with the national law of Keymon. We attache the full statement of the Minister below:

Masionette9 wrote:Robert Rembert-Krawowicz, Valruzian Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs:

Mr. Secretary-General, distinguished delegates to the General Assembly.

We are debating important issues here, important for global security as well as for the security of each of the individual members of the World Congress.

The Republic of Valruzia delegation listened to false, hypocritical and bizarre accusations against the government of the Republic of Valruzia, which is our task to represent.

And I will repeat this with even greater firmness, these accusations can be called the chatterbox of a bizarre bunch of suspect individuals like the representative of the Kingdom of Dorvik or Keymon.

You are in a hurry with accusations that our government is allegedly deprived of the right to retaliate in any way against unlawful and punishable decisions that undermine the economic interests of our country and the companies operating in it.

The guilt of our country, which allegedly abuses the Keymon Kingdom, has even grown to a gargantuan extent in your statements.

But I hurry to remind you that unlike the actions of the Keymon government, which were not only criminal but also illegal, actions taken by our government were and are fully legal.

The planned nationalization of Keymoon Airlines, which, contrary to what the Keymon representative testifies, was never Keymonite and was set up by the LOT Group, was in breach of Keymon's legal order, as the law clearly states that it is not the task of the government or the subject party in this case, that the LOT Group, to determine the compensation for the property seized, but an independent, separately appointed committee which determines the amount against which both parties may appeal.

The eminent domain law in Keymon clearly states this, perhaps as some of the dilettantes sitting in this Assembly do not know how the legal system works in their countries, but I am in a hurry to report that we are right in this case.

LOT's decision to withdraw Keymoon Airlines was fully legal as opposed to the actions of the government of the state in which it provided services and was one of its most recognizable symbols.

Keymoon's representative continued that, after all, the government offered LOT Group compensation for its losses. Yes. He proposed, but the compensation was set illegally in violation of legal standards, which not only compromised the LOT Group's economic interest, but did not take into account the fact that Keymoon Airlines is an international company which is subject to the same legal regulations in our country, and thus the possible seizure of the airline's property would be illegal and would meet with a strong response from the Valruzian government, not excluding the forcible taking of the property.

Ladies and gentlemen, I heard some of you laugh when a representative of Keymon quoted the amount that his government illegally proposed to LOT Group - 10 million LOD - a nano fraction of which the airline's worth, a micro fraction of what the airline's fleet worth. Pathetic and ridiculous.

My country's government's retaliatory actions were fully legal and resulted from the fear that the Keymon government would operate funds from other airlines illegally seized on Valruzian territory.

I would like to remind you that the Republic of Valruzia is a strong, independent country and has full right to take all legal, permitted by law, actions related to activities of other countries on its territory. I advise the representative of "Dorvik" to remember this, once and for all. And I advise, as a seasoned politician, not to threaten Valruzia.

If there will continue to be discrediting actions against the Government of Valruzia, I guarantee that they will meet with retaliatory measures taken by the Government of Valruzia.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:03 pm


Nowogard, July 4744

BILW Finance confirmed that this is one of a few major investments in the Endralon's economy.

NOWOGARD - Recently established financial giant BILW Finance has just announced that it signed a deal with the Endralon's government for a LOD 500 million loan to be issued to the government for a period of 25 years in order to boost the economy of the country which recently came out of civil unrest and years of financial and economic decay. The loan will help to bring Endralon's economy back to its feet and establish several research centers all across the country and it is certain that one of the first investments of the country will be to establish a state-owned airline.

BILW Finance will provide LOD 500 million loan to the Ministry of Finance of Endralon, who will use it to complement government funding of a state-owned airline that Endralon now lacks. Risk assessors from BILW Finance together with Endralon's government representatives reached out to companies like LOT Group and Reglair about the possible scenarios of leasing of aircraft for the new airline and/or a wet-lease deal between the new airline and LOT which would at least at the beginning of the airline's operation service of the routes with LOT Group's planes. BILW Finance announced that a wide negotiations between the Endralon's government, Reglair and LOT will be conducted to establish a reliable plan and functioning model of the future airline.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Luis1p » Tue Apr 21, 2020 11:06 pm

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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:11 pm


Nowogard, January 4745

According to the newest data, last year the Valruzian GDP grew by 6.5%, the newest prognosis shows a rate of 6.7% in Q1 of 4745.

NOWOGARD - An eruption of optimism struck the Nowogard Stock Exchange and other financial institutions in Valruzia as the newest economic summary showed that last year the Valruzian economy grew by 6.5% which is slightly less than expected but still is an extraordinary result, one of the best in Seleya. It seems also that the Valruzian people can enter the 501st year of the current Republic with a big smile on their faces as the newest prognosis for Q1 of 4745 shows a 6.7% GDP growth rate which is excellent news for Valruzian economy. An independent IBG (Economic Research Institute, val. Instytut Badań Gospodarczych) which presents the mood of analysts and investors regarding economic development showed auspicious data. Despite the economic tensions between Vlruzia, Keymon, and Dorvik the market expectations are enormous. The further good news is that the Government is planning a budgetary expansion and better allocation of funds in the current budget to stimulate the economy and focus on Seleyan cooperation - a sector which in recent decades has been somewhat neglected.

Valruzian Ministry of Finance said that in consultation with the Ministries of Trade and Industry, Science and Technology and Internal Affairs a general framework of a new government's entrepreneurial incentives program has been drafted which will grant microgrants and loans to small and medium-sized companies which are one of the backbones of the Valruzian economy but stay in the shadow, outside of the center of events in Valruzia. It is not yet certain what budget the new program will have, but a source closely associated with the Ministry of Finance said that loans up to VPO 5 million will be given and microgrants up to VPO 250 thousand to micro-companies.

The data shows that also big Valruzian corporations, which have recently been under immense scrutiny on the international stage, had an undeniable influence on the Valruzian GDP growth. Unsurprisingly three major corporations were praised for their performance, LOT Group which continues to serve as the flying business card for Valruzian entrepreneurship and maintained its position as the largest airline group on the Terran market with more than half a billion passengers carried every year. LOT Group significantly increased its activity in Artania and Majatra with a major hub established in Endralon and permanent connections with Jakania are only some of the LOT's successes. The next company that had a great influence on the Valruzian GDP growth is the Valruzian Automotive Group which increased its production last year allowing for the creation of more than 50,000 additional workplaces all-around Terra. Last but not least, Reglair - undeniable the hegemon of the aircraft production industry in Valruzia, Reglair has remained LOT's key to success as in recent restructuration LOT announced that it will use all-Reglair fleet and that it will resign from faulty and unreliable ADG planes and announced the simplification of its fleet. Regialr is Terra's most commonly chosen aircraft manufacturer with more than 15 major airlines using a fleet in majority comprised of Reglair planes.

Valruzia also maintained its position as the wealthiest state in Seleya and one of the wealthiest in Terra. Valruzia's GDP per capita is expected to surpass the LOD 5,000 mark in 4745 - for comparison at the beginning of 4745 Dorvik's GDP per capita was LOD 2,695 and Kazulia's GDP per capita was LOD 1,927. With the social market economy and extensive welfare institutions, Valruzian citizens can enjoy one of the highest standards of living in Terra.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:41 pm


Nowogard, February 4745

One of Valruzia's four LNG terminals; on the picture main LNG terminal in Grytitów.

NOWOGARD - Ministry of Trade and Industry (MHiP) has shown initial interest in diversification of its dependency on imported fossil-fuels and began research on the potential cooperation with Jakania which would, according to initial projections importing around 25 billion cubing meters of liquified natural gas per year to existing and planned LNG terminals in Gryfitów, Knińsk, and Baltunowice. Currently Valruzia imports around 60 billion cubic meters of LNG mostly from Artanian and Kerisan countries (which accounts for 40% of Valruzia's demand, with the rest produced domestically).

Despite the governmental efforts to reduce Valruzia's dependency on imported fossil fuels in spite of growing economic tensions between Artania and Seleya, the national demand for fossil fuels like natural gas is growing faster than the supply. Therefore Valruzian Ministry of Trade and Industry began the vetting process for a potential partner for importing LNG to Valruzia. The MHiP pointed on Jakania as one of the most probable choices for a potential deal. The ministry reached out to the representatives of Jakania about the possibility of establishing such cooperation.

It's too early to point out any details about the possible contract, but having in mind that the policy of the Valruzian government is rather steady, it won't be a surprise if the deal will be a long-lasting trade agreement like in other cases of LNG imports. The MHiP told Valruzian Insider the establishing of a semi-permanent link between Jakania and Valruzia could increase the economic security of Valruzia and diversify its dependency on imported fossil fuels. This could also mean intensified cooperation of Valruzian energy firms such as state-run Enerwal and refiner WKN Volantis with Jakanian companies. Valruzia uses roughly 150 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year, 60 bcm of which comes from imports. Currently, Valruzia has four LNG Terminals: two in Gryfitów, one near Knińsk, and one in Baltunowice which can process 75 billion cubic meters of LNG and distribute to the national grid.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:51 pm


NOWOGARD - Valruzian Energy Group in cooperation with Valruzian Petrochemical Concern Volantis are conducting research on the Valruzian basin to check whether the wind speed and seabed geology in the area of the planned offshore wind farm. On the basis of collected data, an initial plan of the future wind farm will be made. A company set up by Volantis specifically for this purpose - Valwind Power - gained the concession to establish wind farms on the Valruzian basin with the maximal total power up to 3000 MWe. The planned wind farm is one of the first undertaken by Volantis and Enerwal since the recent turn in Valruzia to protect sustainability and sustainable growth. The project is also in compliance with the development of low-emission energy sources in Enerwal's strategy and is a response to tightening environmental regulations.


CEO of the Valwind Power and the director for energetic sustainability with WKN Volantis Beata Bogdanczyk explains:
Works on the project of offshore wind farms with every day are more and more advanced. We have begun the next step, which will allow us to prepare initial technical documentation to be filed with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. Geological and environmental research is carried out in the area of our concession as well as the wind speeds tests which are a vital for the performance of future turbines. All works are carries out with respect and absolute compliance with the highest work, and environmental standards in order to limit the turbine's influence on the surroundings as much as it is only possible.

Every day a small armada of research vessels leaves Port of Gryfitów to conduct research of the sea bed and measure the wind speeds to find the best possible spot for the planned plant. Their crews are made up of geologists, geophysicists, lab technicians, and drilling technicians. During the research stage, they will cover the are of 750 square kilometers, 40 kilometers west from Gryfitów assigned to the Valwind Power as area of research for the wind farms. Data about the resources will be collected thanks to a series of drilling on the depths ranging from 70 to 150 meters below sea level. Gathered samples will then be tested to check their physical and mechanical properties as well as their bearing capacity. As a result, it will be possible to create a preliminary plan for the deployment of the windmills and to analyze the optimal type and size of the turbine support structures.

The importance of renewable energy sources will grow, therefore the construction of offshore wind farms is one of the strategic directions of the company's development in the coming years. Valruzia is already the largest electricity producer as well as a consumer in Valruzia and its demand will continue to grow. That is the main reason behind expeditions and research to produce energy in a way that will be as ecofriendly as possible.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Thu Apr 23, 2020 7:50 pm


NOWOGARD - Reglair Aircraft Factory has secured a deal to deliver fifteen i3X to newly established state-owned Public Air Endralon (PAE) which is expected to serve as Endralon's flag carrier. With the clear intention of carving a piece in regional market at first, PAE plans to develop its fleet of mid-range planes. In 4745 Endralon's parliament gave the government a green light to establish a state-owned airline. Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport almost without hesitation pointed out at Reglair as the most probable supplier of aircraft for the new airline. Acquiring new state-of-the-art aircraft is an important element of PAE's developing strategy and will allow enhancing the quality of its products.

With the growing demand for domestic and international air travel, Reglair's i3X seems to be one of the best choices for the young airline. I3X can easily operate on every airport of both domestic and international character, and with airports' infrastructure at relatively poor level i3X has no direct competition as it is the only regional jet airliner in its class to have a retractable staircase installed as standard which eliminates the need to immediately modernize all airports and buy new equipment. PAE will be the second airline in eastern Artania to operate Reglair's i3 family, with the first being the Artania Airlines. PAE will have the first Reglair i3X in two-class configuration delivered in September 4745 and the next one a month later. In total, until 4750 PAE is going to lease 10 and buy 5 aircraft of this type, with an option of leasing another 10, depending on the airline's economic performance and position on the market. The aircraft will be delivered straight from the Reglair plant in Brzansk.

Reglair i3X under the PAE brand will have 186 slender and comfortable seats, three in each of two rows. The cabin’s new interior, Reglair Ambient Flight, inspired by those from most advances i8X, has been equipped with features such as a new ergonomic design of storage bins, LED mood lighting, more conveniently located speakers and buttons. Seats will have electric outlets installed at passengers’ eye level. Among other things, in the kitchen galley convection ovens allowing to make better quality, warm dishes will be installed as well as a professional espresso machine. Moreover, the i3X model is exceptionally economical and at the same time environmentally friendly aircraft which is very important in spite of growing fuel prices.

Ednralon's representatives confirmed that as for now, no other aircraft manufacturer is considered as a standardized fleet of aircraft produced by one manufacturer will allow for cost limitation, e.g., technical service and obtaining crews. The pilot training conversion program for i3X pilots who previously piloted other Reglair aircraft does not take longer than 10 days. It is certain that initially the airline will operate solely in Artania and will sign a codeshare agreement with LOT Valruzia Airlines and Artania Airlines for international connections.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Fri Apr 24, 2020 4:04 pm



NOWOGARD - Valruzian Petrochemical Concern Volantis has announced that its first Volantis Offshore Windfarm located 40 kilometers west from Gryfitow began commercial operation. Volantis Offrhosre Wind Farm, or COWF-1, is the largest offshore windfarm in Seleya and one of the largest in Terra. Located 40 kilometers off the coast of Gryfit Voivodeship it is also further to sea than any other facility of this type in northern Seleya. This is the first wind farm operated bu Volantis. In just seven months Volantis managed to overcome logistical and technical challenges of operating a massive power station located 40 kilometers from the shore. After positive results for the geological surveys conducted in July 4745, Volantis rushed with the construction of the power plant. COWF-1 uses 200 turbines designed and supplied by the Valruzian Automotive Group with the power of 4 MW each. Volantis spent VPO 1.2 billion in total for the new plant, and express intention to build 2 additional plants in the upcoming decade. The COWF-1 plant will be able to meet 12% of the electricity demand for the Tricity Metropolitan Area (Gryfitów, Szymonice, and Garncagrad - 3,5 million people).

Source: courtesy of WKN Volanrtis click for larger resolution

According to the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the new wind power plant will change the national energy balance, increasing the share of renewable energy by 1.5 percent. Currently, around 12% of all energy produced in Valruzia comes from renewable sources after COWF-1 commission, renewable sources will account for 13% of the energy produced. The government wants to increase the share of clean energy sources in the energetic balance of Valruzia which currently looks as follows: ~34% produced in 16 nuclear power plants, ~54% produced in 120 coal- or gas-fired power plants, and ~12% coming from renewable sources (hydro-, solar- and wind power). For decades now it has been the intention of the government to increase the share of clean sources mainly nuclear power but with the increasing opposition from the public, the government had to partially drop its policy and actively promote major renewable sources for energy production. Valruzian nuclear power plants operator Walatom operates 114 nuclear fission reactors and 2 experimental fusion reactors. Valruzian government actively conducts simulations and experiments on lowering the share of coal- and gas-powered plants. Recently ENERWAL together with the Ministry of Trade and Industry confirmed that Valruzia's electricity system went 25 days without burning coal.
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