43rd General Assembly Session

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Re: 43rd General Assembly Session

Postby John Cracker » Fri May 22, 2020 11:22 pm

John Hickens
While myself, the government, and the Likatonian people disagree with how far it went, we can not ignore that fact that Dolgova lied to our faces when they said we blew up one of their ships, the exercisers blew up one of Likatonias patrol ships, which was actually our newest one, but we will not deny that Jepson Hayes, the greatest lier, lied to all of your faces when he siad that we wanted to get rid of the patrol ship among many other lies , he is a disrgace to our nation and this chamber!
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Re: 43rd General Assembly Session

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat May 23, 2020 12:06 am

Kleopatra Bīriņa, Dolgavian Representative to the World Congress

How dare you call us liars when the fault should rest on your WHOLE government.... Do not shift the blame to us. You are also saying for the record that you have no control of your armed forces and that because of this you are officially a rouge and dangerous state? That is what this is telling us.
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Re: 43rd General Assembly Session

Postby John Cracker » Sat May 23, 2020 7:55 pm

John Hickens

The Defense Ministry has taken full responsibility for the incident, we will take the nessacery measures to ensure this does not happen again, we also will not be partaking in any more exercises with Davaston. The aggression was unacceptable, we agree with the Dolgovan ministers concerns, we will be looking into the incident, so far we know that at least five Likatonian captains conspired to do break orders and infringe on Telamons waters, these generals are all former embers of the NULP, they are fascist and imperialist. If any more sailors or captains are found to have known about this plot they will be convicted for mutiny, Likatonia will also offer compensation to Telamon for what happened.
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Re: 43rd General Assembly Session

Postby John Cracker » Sat May 23, 2020 11:04 pm

Kristen White
I urge the nations of Terra to calm, Likatonia is dealing with these mutinous captains swiftly, Likatonia will not conduct exercises near Telamons waters, nor will we participate in a NTA exercise in the near future. Likatonia holds no grudge against Hutori, Davaston, Trigunia, Dorvik, or Valruzia, we hope to mend our relationship with these nations, and we urge them to calm the quick build up of military tensions, Likatonia is dealing with the problem throughly we are investigating, and punishing the captains who new about or ordered the continuation into Telamons waters, if the World Congress wishes to investigate along side the LBI, or send a group to ensure that the investigation is being carried out correctly then Likatonia will Welcome them.
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Re: 43rd General Assembly Session

Postby Pragma » Tue May 26, 2020 12:57 pm

Jonida al-Yamin, Kafuri ambassador to the General Assembly:

The international syndicate of oppressive imperial powers continues to belittle and hold captive smaller nations like Likatonia. Likatonia has pledged to seek justice for any infringements on their parts, and thus we hope that the imperialists in this chamber will recognise it as having became an internal issue of that nation.
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Re: 43rd General Assembly Session

Postby Rogue » Tue May 26, 2020 1:31 pm

Stanislav Burian, representative of the GED (Deltaria) at the world congress

I concur with the honourable representative from Kafuristan. While my government finds the developments on the situation concerning Likatonia worisome we are also of the believe that the nations of Terra should have their sovereignty preserved. We should not have to dictate the policies of a different government and if the populace of the country in questions decides it is enough then they will change the situation by themselves. We condemn the acts of agression that have been displayed recently but do not see any reasons to intervene as of now
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Re: 43rd General Assembly Session

Postby John Cracker » Tue May 26, 2020 5:57 pm

Minister if Foreign Affairs Jack Hickens

We thank the nobel delegates from Kafuri and Delteria for supporting our sovereignty, we are taking the steps to retrain our captians to ensure this doesn't happen agian.
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Re: 43rd General Assembly Session

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue May 26, 2020 7:02 pm

Kleopatra Bīriņa, Dolgavian Representative to the World Congress

Mr. Speaker what the honorable representatives do not understand is that Likatonia has been given chances to change. We have sat back as several, scandals have plagued their existence. The Dolgavian Government has been patient with these scandals but these recent actions have gone over the top. Telamon's rights as a sovereign nation were stepped all over. They were trampled and we saw the true face of Likatonia. A small nation that doesn't care. All they want is to bully so called "imperialist powers". Just because we have a Queen does not make us imperialist at all. We have a democracy in this country and do not forget that! They want to undermine the rights of weaker powers as well. Telamon can attest to that. Likatonia needs to have strict fuel and oil embargoes from all nations of Terra. We must make the Likatonian navy unable to do further stunts like we saw. They import fuel and now it is time that we cut that supply completely. This rouge nation is too dangerous to even handle their own military. They cannot handle their own ships without something going wrong. We can put an end to that if we enforce strict embargoes. Make sure Likatonia does not have any fuel of any kind.

Thank You
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Re: 43rd General Assembly Session

Postby Masionette9 » Tue May 26, 2020 7:18 pm

Image His Excellency Jan Vaugh-Rosta, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Valruzia

Mr. General-Secretary, Distinguished Delegates,

We wholeheartedly concur with delegate from Dolgava.
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Re: 43rd General Assembly Session

Postby John Cracker » Tue May 26, 2020 7:42 pm

Representative Elgar of Likatonia
We have been given chances to change yes, and we used them to do just that, have you not noticed that we have very rarely made the same mistake twice? You have most definitely not sat back, and have not been patient, you have always been one of the leaders calling for investigations and blowing things out of proportion, unless you consider not waging war patient, then you most definitely have not been patient. We regret what happened in Telamon and are dealing with it you must understand that. And we have not called you imperialist, we don't mid monarchies, we just prefer democracies, we don't want to undermine weaker powers, thats just you. An embargo is not nessacry we are dealing with our military in the most efficient fashion possible. As for Valruzia; we could care less about their opinion.
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