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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 13, 2020 12:15 am

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeuitung
BREAKING NEWS: Pölzl named as new State Chancellor
January 4769

The new State Chancellor Volker von Pölzl (front) with fellow Artanian leaders and delegates.

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - When His Majestic Highness Wilhelm XII became the King and Kaiser he had plans for a "Dorvish Revival" and his plans centered around his political ally, the current Dorvish Foreign Minister Volker von Pölzl and finally after four years and the ascent from the Social Nationalist Party, the new State Chancellor will be Volker von Pölzl. Pölzl has served in his post as Foreign Minister since July, 4749, nearly 20 years. The now veteran Foreign Minister is tapped to lead the Kingdom of Dorvik during a time where many powers are rising across Terra, a revived movement opposed to "Imperialism" as well as others that have motives that differ from the Kingdoms. The 60 year old Foreign Minister will have to navigate a country riding on its success, the desire to continue to develop domestic economic programs while rebuilding ties with the Artanian continent, something that Dorvik has struggled with over the past several decades do to hostile or neglectful foreign governments. The future of the Kingdom is bright with the incoming State Chancellor, it is expected the current Council of Ministers will remain until replacements can be found. The Social Nationalist will likely vote on the approval in a low-key General Council, this is one of the first times in the modern Dorvish monarchy that the ruling monarch has had significant political influence in the establishment. The King and Kaiser, a popular military officer and noted academic in the field of defense and security remains widely popular with the Dorvish populace and has ridden his coronation high for the past several years.

The King and Kaiser was welcomed most recently at the establishment of Kaiser Healthcare Systems, a series of 5 hospitals that were opened in each of the five provinces of the Kingdom. KHS will be capable of handling nearly 15,000 Dorvish citizens across a wide range of medical fields. Ebner AG, one of the worlds leading healthcare electronic corporations was at the opening in which they provided a number of high-end medical devices such as MRI and laboratory systems. KHS is the first major expansion of the Dorvish healthcare system began by Health and Social Services Minister Dr. Meta Steuermann, the minister promised a series of new hospitals and clinics when she was announced as the HSS Minister. The first leg of the healthcare expansion included a number of local clinics in areas that the Dorvish government coined as "low income" and provided basic healthcare access to those citizens, this was joined by a number of vocational programs aimed at reducing unemployment and providing access to those without advanced secondary education the ability to make a new start in life. According to the Office of Social Services Policy of the HSS, the programs spread across the five provinces of Dorvik provided a number of young and middle age Dorvish men and women with nearly 150,000 jobs over its initial 5 year period, increasing to a total of 250,000 jobs by the end of its 10 year period and finally reaching 473,290 jobs by the end of its 20 year period. It is likely that the program will be continued by the new State Chancellor and the King and Kaiser.
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jun 14, 2020 4:19 am

Artania Heute
Artania's news, today
A shift in foreign policy for the Kingdom?
August 4769

Volker von Pölzl at his press conference outside the Rohr-Mauss building earlier today.

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - State Chancellor Volker von Pölzl addressed the Dorvish news media today during a press conference after several meetings in the Rohr-Mauss building, more commonly known as the Petrov building. The State Chancellor noted his concern for the outbreak of tensions on Keymon and noted that the Dorvish Armed Forces had begun conducting aerial reconnaissance missions to better ascertain the situation on the ground. The Kingdom maintains a number of aircraft on Keymon for purposes of both NORDIC and patrolling the area. Major General Klemens Diederich, the commanding officer of the Dorvish forces in Keymon stated that he had been in regular contact with Haldor and had been providing updates to the State Security and Defense Council. The State Chancellor was less optimistic and stated that the outbreak of civil war in Keymon could have tremendous impact on regional economies, notably in northern Seleya and southern Artania. According to reports the Dorvish are seeking to grow economic ties with the southern portion of the country, notably Malivia which has seen a grand resurgence in the past several years.

The outbreak of tensions prompted the Lievenian Sea Fleet to conduct enhanced exercises in the area and prompted the Dorvish contingent of NORDIC to increase patrols. Reports have surfaced that a sizeable portion of the Dorvish u-boat force has been deployed to monitor the region as well, something that the Dorvish have rarely commented on. The Dorvish Type 212 submarine or "U-boat" is considered to be one of the worlds premier conventionally powered submarines and has been replicated by other countries but not to the standards of the Dorvish Navy. According to a report by the Ministry of Defense the Dorvish Navy has approached several corporations about building a new series of submarines to augment the small-ish force. The State Chancellor has also pushed for a reform on the eligibility of Deputies of the State Council, his proposal would require that any member of the Council of Ministers also be a member of the legislature, this practice has been in effect for several decades within Dorvik but the State Chancellor has sought to formalize the policy in law.

The situation on Artania remains relatively bleak, the Luthorian economy continues to suffer in central Artania while others around it suffer the consequences of its pitiful state. The Dorvish economy while not flourishing has continued a steady growth that is largely bolstered by foreign trade from areas such as East Dovani, Hutori, Kazulia, Keymon, Lourenne and continued trade with Yingdala. The Dorvish government has sought to promote domestic job growth, a series of programs has aimed at reducing the 3.2% unemployment down to 1.0% by the end of the term of the current government, an ambitious plan that some within Haldor believe is "too lofty".
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Re: Dorvik

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Jun 14, 2020 4:20 pm

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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:33 pm

Wirtschaftsnachrichten für Artania
Artania's leading business news
DTC Desidier lauds Endralon economic deals
December, 4769

Haldor, Kordusia - The Dorvish Trade Commissioner Franzek von Desidier announced that the Dorvish government had agreed to certain principal deals with the Lievenian Trade Group. The "principal agreements" would provide access to the corporation to the Dorvish economy, notably in the fields of sports, the sports industry and the entertainment industries. A number of notable Endralonian restaurateurs have expressed interest in the high-society and fast paced Haldor nightlife. The Haldor nightlife scene revolves mostly around nightclubs and large bars and restaurants that provide entertainment largely on the weekends and during the warmer months in Dorvik. While Endralon will provide a number of growing industries the new ties between the countries prompted a better outlook for Artanian companies across the continent. The increase of continental trade on Artania was promoted by the Dorvish Trade Commissioner who is the principal advisor to the State Chancellor on all trading matters, Franzek also serves as the General-Director of the Foreign Economic Council, a sovereign wealth fund in Dorvik that remains one of the largest in the world and continually invests across the world, both foreign and domestic (at times). Desidier noted that the increased ties between the two countries could see a radical shift in the continental trade, notably spurring growth in the many stagnant economies of the Artanian continent. The new State Chancellor has allegedly directed the Foreign Minister to continue outreach to a number of Artanian nations to prompt Pan-Artanian goals and ideals, something that the State Chancellor is a large proponent of.

Dorvish investment in Endralon is likely to focus on a number of key sectors, notably financial sectors such as banking and investment services; the creation a domestic defense industry from experts from across the Dorvish spectrum of defense industries and the creation of strong infrastructure, a hallmark of Dorvish investment into many countries. While the economic pact appears in its infancy, the several Dorvish stock markets, notably the Haldor Stock Exchange were boosted throughout the week on news of increased trade on the continent.
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:58 am

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeuitung
Davostan approaching a "red line"
August 4771

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - State Chancellor Volker von Pölzl shared his concerns over continued tensions rising in the east, notably across the Livenian Sea. Telamon and Davostag, also called "Kivonia" have been feuding for several years over a series of closely related conflicts, one of them including the legality and presence of a government-in-exile in Telamon. The State Chancellor as Foreign Minister has warned Davostag several times that if a line were crossed Dorvik would get involved, especially to support close ally and major trading partner Hutori. The Dorvish have largely kept a pragmatic stance towards international affairs over the past several years, notably when it comes the rise of "newer" powers such as Yingdala, Deltaria and a resurgent Vanuku and once resurgent Trigunia. The Dorvish presence in the world, while seemingly "eroded" has placed its faith in allies and partners and supporting them across the globe through institutions such as the World Congress and the Security Council. Pölzl has always lead a less interventionist approach compared to other members of the Dorvish senior government and governments in the past, something that helped him champion his platform at the General Council where he was picked as the leader of the SNP and the State Chancellor. According to sources within the Dorvish government the Dorvish Armed Forces have conducted several operations over the past few weeks focused on aerial resupply, the quick transportation of large formations of arms, armor, material and troops as well as conducted large scale aerial exercises at the Saalnitz Air Base in Westmark. If the Dorvish are considering military intervention, it would be change for the State Chancellor is his nominally reserved, pragmatic approach to international affairs but it would not be unwise for the State Chancellor.
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 20, 2020 12:41 am

Der Globus
International affairs, politics and economics.
Dorvish delegation to visit Dolgavia
July, 4772

Haldor, Kordusia - Foreign Minister Jannick Peukert stated that he would be embarking on a state visit to the Kingdom of Dolgavia, a cadre of officials would be accompanying him. The notable presence of officials from the Foreign Defense Office signal that the Dorvish Armed Forces might be close behind in a deal. Officials from the delegation note that the visit is to focus Dorvish investment into the country, notably in the field of aerospace development and aerospace construction. The Dorvish Aerospace Service (Dorvischer Luft- und Raumfahrtdienst; DLRD) is one of the worlds leading suppliers of space-related technology as the agency responsible for the management of the nations space-related programs, it is likely that the Dorvish will provide supplemental support to the Dolgavian space and aerospace agencies. Members from the Dorvish Trade Commission will also be in attendance to the state visit, several members have been quoted as saying that they represent the Dorvish financial sector and will be working to bolstering investment into Dolgavia in regards to the financial sector. The presence of members of the Foreign Defense Office might signal that the Dorvish have ordained Dolgavia to receive further Dorvish military aid, rumors abound that the Dorvish will construct a new naval facility to support a semi-permanent mission of Dorvish troops in Dolgavia. Dorvish Armed Forces officials assist the Dolgavian Armed Forces and provide training and material support and have for several decades. Dorvish ambassador to Dolgavia Thorsten von Helmke welcomed the announcement and stated that the Dorvish arrival in Dolgavia will be met with significant happiness from the Dolgavian government and the Dolgavian people.
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 20, 2020 1:10 am

Der Globus
International affairs, politics and economics.
Lievenian Sea Fleet dispatched to sea near Davostan
July, 4772

Dorvish Fallschirmjäger during a training exercise in a undisclosed location.

Eastern Dorvik - In the wake of the Telamonese invasion of Davostag, the Dorvish Armed Forces have mobilized the Lievenian Sea Fleet to a war footing. Minister of Defense Generaladmiral Florian Freytag announced that the full force of the Lievenian Sea Fleet with the Kaiser-class aircraft carrier DNS Heike Grossberg at the helm would be entering the area. Aboard the DNS Heike Grossberg is Marinegeschwader 2 (Luthorian: Naval Fighter Wing 2) which is equipped with 36 Unionfighters (including several of the new SEAD variants), x4 ADG C-295 AEW&C, x2 C-295 SIGINT, x16 AH-90 AFH, x2 AH-90 TTH which makes it a capable force to provide aerial reconnaissance and aerial support missions across Davostan. The Dorvish have also reportedly deployed elements of the Dorvish Fallschirmjäger, the elite airborne forces of the Dorvish Air Force and the entire Dorvish Armed Forces. While it is unlikely that the Dorvish Armed Forces will become a large-scale combatant in the conflict, it is likely that the Dorvish will support operations of ally Hutori and provide command and control support to Telamon. The Dorvish Armed Forces have largely found themselves involved in a number of exercises aimed at supporting conflicts across the globe in the past several years. The Dorvish have also worked to shift their forces to focus on the development of "state building operations" which have become the hallmark of Dorvish operations across the globe, the most recent being a permanent state building operation in Ostland on the island of Kamphon where the Dorvish maintain a permanent naval base on the island to support the Sea of Carina anti-piracy mission and serves as a reconnaissance base in Dovani.
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Aquinas » Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:29 am

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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:28 pm

Wirtschaftsnachrichten für Artania
Artania's leading business news
Malivian delegation meets with Dorvish delegation to discuss economics
August, 4772

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - The Dorvish Foreign Minister, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Trade and Industry, the Dorvish Trade Commissioner and General-Director of the Foreign Economic Council all attended high level talks with Malivian Finance Minister Arjuna Singh to discuss a number of economic programs. Minister of Finance Kajetan Drachmann disclosed the the Dorvish and Malivian governments have been in talks for several months about a series of economic programs. Dorvish government officials have expressed interest in the development of Malivia as a warm-water, southern port for Dorvish goods and building up trade ties with the Malivian government could lead to increased continental trade for the Dorvish and could prompt an explosion of growth across Artania if the trade and economic deals become successful. The discussions focused on the development of the deep water port in Bhulkhandra, which in typical Dorvish fashion would be considered "hard infrastructure" which the Dorvish have increasingly excelled at across the world; notably in the developing world. It is likely that the deep water port will be a financed largely by Dorvish investors and the Dorvish government who will maintain a notable stake of the deep water port, the proposed program is expected to generate billions of dollars in its lifetime.

The Dorvish have also proposed a training program at the Ministry of Health and Social Services for Malivian government officials seeking to handle social welfare matters, notably the distribution of benefits such as food assistance, government paid assistance and pension dispersion. The Dorvish have a robust safety net program developed over the centuries and were one of the first states of the Dundorfian Reich to introduce the concept of a pension, workers compensation and unemployment insurance which culminated in the Kingdom of Dorvik becoming a leading economy within the Dundorfian Reich; since that time the Dorvish have continued to be a world leader in public assistance. While the Dorvish pride themselves on public assistance they also have a robust program aimed at combating graft and abuse of the system, that is in the form of the Social Services Police who investigate such allegations. The Ministry of Health and Social Services program is 2 tier, one for employees and one for management and senior level appointees. It is likely that the Malivian government would sign on for such a training program as a component of the economic and social development assistance.

Officials from the Ministry of Food and Agriculture were also present and gifted the Malivian delegation a finely bred Dorvish cow, a gift personally from the King and Kaiser, who has shares in a cattle ranch owned by the Faust-Essen family. The gift was also accompanied by a recommendation that the Dorvish and Malivian agricultural sectors increase cooperation. The Dorvish agricultural sector is largely focused on seafood, cattle and cold-weather crops, the likes of which could assist the growing population in Malivia and help reduce potential outbreaks of famine or hunger within the nation; the Dorvish would also be interested in increased trade both ways with Malivian farmers as a benefit to both. While these deals are forth coming, the prospect that the Dorvish economy has found a new trading partner, sent shockwaves through a somewhat stagnant Dorvish economy, both the Haldor Stock Exchange and the Wasse am Kas Mercantile Exchange exploded with trading on news and rumors from the proposed deal.
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:45 pm

Der Globus
International affairs, politics and economics.
Dorvish continue monitoring Keymonese ceasefire
October, 4772

Haldor, Kordusia - The Dorvish opened an air base in Keymon in 4750 combined with a sizeable investment into "hard infrastructure" it was not long before the Keymonese Civil War broke out, damaging much of that infrastructure and that is a problem for the governments in Turtle Bay and Haldor to solve, what remains undamaged however is the unprecedented intelligence we're gaining from the Dorvish contingent of forces in Keymon. The Dorvish Ministry of Defense has conducted daily briefings internally and externally on the Keymon Civil War as a matter of national and international importance. The presence of Dorvish aerial forces in Keymon is in large part due to their involvement in NORDIC, a program began several centuries ago and continued till this day. Dorvish Air Force units, largely unmanned aerial reconnaissance vehicles have conducted near round the clock reconnaissance on the progress of the Keymonese Civil War and have given size and scope to the Dorvish capabilities on the modern battlefield. While the information that comes from the Ministry of Defense, the Supreme General Staff and the Air Force Staff is largely public knowledge, it provides the scope and scale that Dorvish is able to conduct war in the information age of the battlefield.

Historically the Dorvish have struggled with information warfare, the Dorvish intelligence agencies during the Collapse of the Dundorfian Reich period were noted for their focus on internal security and intelligence versus the foreign intelligence of the their enemies. This could be seen as a "Dundorfian" problem versus a "Dorvish" problem during that era, the Dorvish have made strides to improve their intelligence capabilities, largely foreign. A portion of the Dorvish defense budget has gone significantly to enhancing cyberwarfare and cyber security for the Dorvish Armed Forces, Abteilung IV of the Supreme General Staff, the Military Communications Department as it is called, has had an increased number of funds over the past several years focused on UAVs, including the introduction of a soldier-launched UAV for local recon. A number of Dorvish companies, including Ebner AG have provided the Dorvish Armed Forces will local "over the hill" recon UAVs that have vastly improved their abilities to strike enemies with precision. In addition to this, in a cooperative agreement with Hutori, the Dorvish developed the ADG produced "Unionhawk" though it is not for sale across the former Artanian Union but was originally designed and conceptualized as an Artanian-wide UAV.

The Dorvish have continued to prove themselves as valuable intelligence gatherers and the increased Dorvish presence around the world has continued to benefit them and others directly.
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