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Re: República Federal de Egelion Daily

Postby Aethan » Tue Apr 23, 2019 11:24 am

La izquierda se fragmenta en Egelion
La propuesta de una coalición con los partidos de izquierda corre el riesgo de fracasar ante la negativa de Avanza Egelion

Teresa Robles, General Secretary of Avanza Egelion, in one of her party speeches

La coalición de izquierdas Ahora en Común - Construyendo la Izquierda, creada por la Plataforma de Acción Ciudadana con la finalidad de agrupar a todos los partidos de izquierda de Egelion (Partido Comunista Progresivo, Plataforma de Acción Ciudadana, Izquierda Unida, Liberales Independientes, Liga Nord y Avanza Egelion) y arrebatar el poder a la derecha, corre el riesgo de no poder completarse ante la negativa de Avanza Egelion de entrar a formar parte de ella. Entre las razones esgrimidas por su secretaria general, Teresa Robles, para no adherirse a la coalición "por el momento", se encuentran la exclusión de su partido de los órganos de dirección y sobre todo, como ha remarcado Mrs. Robles, "la inclusión de partidos políticos que de izquierda tienen poco o nada".

"En Avanza Egelion siempre hemos defendido y siempre defenderemos el diálogo entre partidos y la necesidad de colaborar entre las diferentes fuerzas de izquierda para garantizar a todos los ciudadanos de Egelion una calidad de vida digna. Sin embargo, esta plataforma que propone el PAC no cumple, a nuestro juicio, los requisitos necesarios para que nos unamos a ella. En primer lugar, porque se excluye a nuestro partido de los órganos de dirección, dejándonos en la práctica sin voz en la toma de decisiones de la coalición y por tanto, invisibilizándonos como partido. Y en segundo lugar, porque en esta coalición se pretende incluir a partidos que de izquierda no tienen nada, como son la Liga Nord o los Liberales Independientes. En el caso de la Liga Nord, se ha opuesto o abstenido sistemáticamente a todas las propuestas de izquierdas que se han venido proponiendo a la Asamblea en los últimos años. Y en el caso de los Liberales Independientes, aparte de oponerse a esas leyes progresistas, cuya máxima coincidencia en votaciones es un 53% de coincidencia de votos con el Partido Comunista, mientras que con el resto de partidos el porcentaje es aún menor, y además de todo esto, porque votaron en contra de la formación de un gobierno de coalición entre Izquierda Unida, el Partido Comunista Progresivo y ellos mismos, con lo cual, queda bien claro su identidad política. En estas circunstancias, nuestro partido no puede adherirse a esa candidatura porque entendemos que estaríamos engañando a nuestros votantes, y no vamos a hacer eso. Así se lo hemos comunicado al resto de partidos políticos de la coalición y nos encontramos en espera de respuesta"

Así de tajante se ha mostrado Mrs. Robles, que no obstante ha dejado la puerta abierta al diálogo para unirse a la coalición si se modifican los estatutos.


The left is fragmented in Egelion
The proposal of a coalition with the left parties runs the risk of failing due to the refusal of Avanza Egelion

The left coalition Ahora en Común - Construyendo la Izquierda, created by the Plataforma de Acción Ciudadana with the aim of grouping all the leftist parties of Egelion (Partido Comunista Progresivo, Plataforma de Acción Ciudadana, Izquierda Unida, Liberales Independientes, Liga Nord and Avanza Egelion) and snatching power to the right, runs the risk of not being able to be completed before the refusal of Avanza Egelion to become part of it. Among the reasons given by its secretary general, Teresa Robles, not to join the coalition "for the time being," are the exclusion of her party from the governing bodies and above all, as Mrs. Robles has remarked, "the inclusion of political parties that have little or nothing of left-winged. "

"In Avanza Egelion we have always defended and will always defend the dialogue between parties and the need to collaborate between the different forces of the left to guarantee all citizens of Egelion a decent quality of life. However, this platform proposed by the PAC does not meet, in our opinion, the necessary requirements for us to join it. In the first place, because our party is excluded from the governing bodies, leaving us in practice without a voice in the decision making of the coalition and therefore, making us invisible as a party. And secondly, because in this coalition it is intended to include parties that have nothing of left-winged, such as the Liga Nord or the Liberales Independientes. In the case of the Liga Nord, it has systematically opposed or abstained all the proposals of the left that have been proposed to the Assembly in recent years. And in the case of the Liberales Independientes, apart from opposing those progressive laws, whose maximum coincidence in votes is 53% of coincidence of votes with the Partido Comunista, while with the rest of the parties the percentage is even lower, and in addition of all this, because they voted against the formation of a coalition government between Izquierda Unida, Partido Comunista Progresivo and themselves, with which their political identity is very clear. In these circumstances, our party can not adhere to that candidacy because we understand that we would be cheating our voters, and we are not going to do that. This is what we have communicated to the other political parties of the coalition and we are waiting for an answer "

Mrs. Robles, who has nevertheless left the door open to dialogue to join the coalition if the statutes are modified, has been so clear-cut.
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Re: República Federal de Egelion Daily

Postby Artrod » Fri Sep 13, 2019 2:00 am

Liberal Democratic Party leader says "for too long the people of Egelion wanted change"

After being out of the politics since 4473, the LDP was recreated by students and economists in the year of 4625, just before the election that took place March of that year. The first party chairman was nominated in a highly competitive election between Hugo Miranda, a famous macroeconomics teacher that worked at the University of Libertaria, and Guillermo Rodriguez a young journalist that works in the newspaper "La Voz de Libertaria".

The elected chairman Hugo Miranda decided with the party members that for the election of March 4625 and March 4629 the party would run for the Parliament and for the regional governments, that strategy was decided to strengthen the party to be more competitive in a future presidential election. That strategy changed in the recent March 4633 election when the party decided to run for the role of president with Hugo Miranda being the candidate, the party received 49.02% of the votes.

In a recent statement Hugo Miranda said:

"This results only confirms that we are doing the right thing, for too long the people of Egelion wanted change and now they will have that".

Hugo Miranda at the "Asamblea Nacional de Egelion"
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Re: Egelion

Postby Artrod » Thu Jun 18, 2020 6:18 pm

La Voz de Libertaria - 4771

Prime Minister Ricardo Ferrant announces his intention to retire before the next election

The prime minister announced today his intentions to retire, and he wont participate in the next election.
In the speech he also presented all the new bills that his government proposed in the last days he also said:

"With these new bills Egelion will finally arrive at the future, some of the old laws are inconceivable nowadays, and our people deserves respect".

Ricardo Ferrant talking to the press

Finance Minister Felipe Montenegro talks about his economics reforms and the upcoming tax breaks

Felipe Montenegro had an interview with the newspaper "La Voz de Libertaria" today to talk about the economic situation of Egelion.

Reporter: "Why your new Economic reform is so important to Egelion?"

Felipe:"The last government of PCU destroyed our work productivity and our ability to compete with foreign companies, we have a goal to improve that with our new bill that have proposals like more freedom to our bank system, privatization of energy companies and the independence of the Central Bank"

Reporter: "What about the tax breaks?"

Felipe:"It is inconceivable the amount of tax that our people pays nowadays, our state big and inefficient, and the people are paying for this, we have a plan to put a tax reduction to improve the financial health of our people and companies"

Reporter: "Some say that you want to be the next prime minister, what can you say about that?"

Felipe:"That`s a conversation we will have in the next year, to decide the new party leader."

Felipe Montenegro in his office at the Ministry of Finance Building
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Re: Egelion

Postby Artrod » Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:32 am

La Voz de Libertaria - 4772

Prime Minister rejoices at the approval of the government proposals

Ricardo Ferrant talked to the press early today about the approval of many proposals that the Egelion Government sponsored, In the press conference he was visibly happy and congratulated all the ministers of the cabinet. On his right was the Finance Minister Felipe Montenegro who was scheduled to give another announcement later today and on his left was the Education Minister Alejandra Vera. That gesture of him putting his two most popular and best evaluated ministers side by side was received with joy in the members of the party, leaders of the two factions of the party the Liberal Faction(Montenegro) and Social Liberal Faction(Vera), both of them are seen as the contestants to the Party leadership and therefore the new candidate to Prime Minister.

Ricardo Ferrant talking to the press

Alejandra Vera presents her plan for the next years: Improving education quality and Classes to owners of small business

Alejandra said in front of the Minister of Education building just after Ricardo Ferrant press conference, that her Education Reform made together with other ministers is only the beginning of an education revolution in Egelion. She also said that she is having talks with students and teachers from around the country, to learn about what they think is needed to improve the quality of the education in the country. In the end she presented a new government project aimed to help the owners of local business to learn about management.

Alejandra Vera talking in the Assembly early this year

Felipe Montenegro presents a new taxation and spending bill and talks about the Independent Central Bank

Felipe Montenegro started his press conference talking about the importance of having an independent central bank, in his words he said that "we can`t let the central bank be a target to governments to enforce their ideology, our coin deserves respect and can`t be weaponized to manipulate government accounts".

He also presented his new taxation bill that will reduce the tax rate to all of the brackets and the new spending bill that will be put to vote right after the approval of the tax reform, to finish his conference he talked about the increase of investment in the country as a result of the lower company tax, that went from 31% to 25%

Felipe Montenegro at the press conference
Last edited by Artrod on Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Egelion

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Jun 20, 2020 7:51 pm

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Re: Egelion

Postby Artrod » Tue Jun 23, 2020 12:35 am

La Voz de Libertaria - 4773

Felipe Montenegro talks about the growth of consumption the approval of the Government tax proposal

Felipe Montenegro made some comments early today after meeting with some businessman in the Minister of finance building, talking with the press, he presented the results talking about how the increase of consumption and the reduction of government spending will improve the life of the population, he assured that we can expect more of the future of the country.

Felipe Montenegro talking to the press

The Prime Minister Ricardo Ferrant talks about his retirement

In a press conference the prime minister Ricardo Ferrant said that he would retire with a feeling of work completed, and that he isn't worried because he feels that the next government will follow the principles that he build last years.

Asked about what he will do after retirement of the politics, Ferrant said that he will be an advisor for the LDP(Egelian: PLD) and that he will write some books about law and his years as prime minister.

Liberal Democratic Party Convention

Just before the election and following the wish of Ricardo Ferrant, the LDP held a convention to decide the new leader of the party and the next candidates for President and Prime minister. The results were as following:

Party Leadership and Candidate for Prime Minister:
1º Round:
Felipe Montenegro: 45%
Alejandra Vera: 38%
Felipe Muñoz: 17%
2º Round:
Felipe Montenegro: 61%
Alejandra Vera: 39%

Candidate for President of Egelion:
Lilian Collazo: 68%
Gabriela Abellán: 32%

With the results counted Felipe Montenegro assured that If he is elected, He plans to keep the Ferrant Cabinet, if the ministers accept, with the only exception being Lilian Collazo, that will be the candidate for president, Felipe said that the former president of Egelion and engineer Juan Costa will be the new Minister for Infrastructure and Transport.

Felipe also invited Alejandra Vera to be the Vice leader of the party and she accepted.
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Re: Egelion

Postby Artrod » Fri Jun 26, 2020 1:25 am

La Voz de Libertaria - 4774

Felipe Montenegro sworn as Prime Minister

The PLD(Egelian: LPD) presented a cabinet proposal in the beginning of the year following the retirement of Ricardo Ferrant, the proposal was approved unanimously, and Felipe kept his promise, maintaining almost the entire team of the previous government, with the exception being Juan Costa, the new minister of infrastructure and Manuel Sanchez, the new finance minister.

The inauguration ceremony took place in the National Assembly, with the presence of members of the legislative and members of the judiciary, after the sworn of Felipe, all the new cabinet members talked about it's proposals for this new term.

Alejandra Vera holds a summit to improve education

Alejandra Vera held a summit in the Minister of Education building with members of the educational system, students, parents, at the end of the summit, she talked with the press and said that the summit was a success, that her program to help small business owners was having an amazing feedback, and the summit brought many insights to improve the education of the children and teens of Egelion.

The "Partido Liberal Democrático" presented his new logo

The Press Officer of the party announced today the new logo, that is already being implemented in all party directories, swapped the arrow pointing up for a bird and now the orange color is more evident, being the background of the logo.

New logo
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Re: Egelion

Postby Artrod » Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:41 am

La Voz de Libertaria

Felipe Montenegro talks about the Treaty with Istalia

Felipe Montenegro(Prime Minister) appeared in a press conferency to talk about the increase of diplomatic engagement of Egelion, he especially dedicated his speech to say that the Economy of Egelion has a lot to win with these treaties and he praised the foreing affairs minister, saying that:

César Fernán is one of a kind, he always thinks about the life of our people and is a good negotiator, with him we can accomplish great things. And Istalia is a great and developed country, that can benefit our population with many great goods, and vice-versa

César Fernan early today in the Foreing Affais Building.
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Re: Egelion

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Jul 18, 2020 6:09 pm

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Re: Egelion

Postby Yuuh » Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:32 am

El reporte conservador

The rise of rightwing populism in Egelion leads to the FCI winning plurality in parliament
Septiembre, 4789

Few times have Egelians been so surprised and baffled by an electoral result than how they where last night, after seeing the near landslide victory the FCI had in the legislative elections, winning around 45% of the popular vote and going from 0 seats to more than 150. This morning the rightwing’s presidential hopeful, Arturo Montealva, admitted his own defeat but celebrated his party’s “overwhelming victory”:
Today is a very good day for Egelion, for it is the day after hard working, law abiding Egelian citizens took to the polls to defend their traditions, their values and their freedoms, and that manifested in this beautiful FCI victory

Mr Montealva, a distant relative of the FCI’s founder and ex-president Javier Montealva, stated that he intends to “play nice” with the current parties and to compromise if necessary to fulfill their campaign goals, though he remarked that the FCI’s tone would only remain this docile as long as there’s unity and cooperation to be found.
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