
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Hutori

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Jun 25, 2020 5:41 pm

Nationell Samling in Davostag Image
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Re: Hutori

Postby Lucipher » Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:15 pm

Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:04 pm


Hutorian Forces Continue Offensive in Spite of Order 0216; Capture War Criminals

When news reached General Hiawatha and General Berrigan that Kivonian divisions were taking hostages in major cities and would execute them if the Hutorian forces advanced any further, there was allegedly only a small pause. That pause was long enough for the two commanding Generals of Hutori’s Army Groups to confer with Chief of the Defence Staff General Paul Warwick and Defence Minister O’Reilly on how to proceed. The Ministry of Defence is refusing to comment on how the conversations went, but however it went it didn’t slow the Hutorian down. After a brief pause, Hutorian Army forces continued their ruthless advance into the Davostan with every intention of ending the war.

Army Group North continued their advance, unabated, though in many cases, hugging the northern coastline, Hutorian forces bypassed cities with their armoured spearheads, cutting off the Kivonian forces remaining behind to stop of stall them. Specifically, General Kiawatha urged Third Army’s III Armoured Corps, to ignore all other resistance and continue its thrust towards the western city of Fladborg. Fort Reinhardt, named after the famous hero of Kivonia was surrounded on all sides by the Hutorian Eighth Army, and shelled. While the defending 8th Corps indeed executed the hostages as ordered, the moment the first shots rang out, Hutorian infantry had begun pouring into the city on four sides while VIII Armoured Corps has remained on the outskirts of the city, daring any to try and break out. Three days of brutal fighting settled Fort Reinhardt, with the Hutorian flag flying over the name sake city of the Kivonian warhero being published widely on social media to show the downfall of one of the most important cities in the north. The other northern city, Langstad, was weakly held, and captured by the Hutorian Sixth Army, after a short but sharp battle.

Army Group South meanwhile dealt with the hostages a bit differently. General Berrigan, advancing into Ostraland from two sides had long decided to deal with the issues head on, and with help from the I Airborne Corps would be able to head off the death squads. As First and Fourth Army approached Knivby and Soderborg respectively, the death squads executed their hostages and attempted to pull back to Stormfall and Vermillion. However their retreat was blocked by waiting paratroopers of the 6th and 9th Airborne Divisions. Retreating Kivonian forces were held by the Paratroopers long enough for Hutorian armoured formations to catch up and take the retreating Kivonians in the rear, wiping out four Corps of valuable troops the Kivonians didn’t have left to resist the ever advancing Royal Army.

General Berrigan entered the city and found the bodies of the hostages in the streets and in hastily dug shallow mass graves. He paraded civillians in front of the graves, pointing out the evil of the regime, and making sure the images of the mass graves were seen back in Hutori, Telamon and indeed to the wider world to prove exactly how depraved and desperate the Kivonian regime was, and shoot down any possible argument against the Hutorian invasion.

Hutorian Forces capture Kivonia proper as Royal Army closes in on Flagborg salient

The images of the executed hostages in the eastern stretches of Davostan have seemingly broken most resistance throughout the nation, as the Hutorian Royal Army’s advanced as continued without cease or issue. Images of the executed civillians were circulated far and wide throughout Davostan and the wider world, with mass civilian uprising in eastern Davostan, making the advance of General Berrigan’s Army Group South, proceed even faster then even optimistic projections had placed it at. The remaining cities of Ostraland fell within weeks with the province as a whole coming under Hutorian occupation. This coincided with the arrival of allied Telamonic forces, the 1st and 4th Armies, and the rising of the newly formed Hutorian Ninth Army, injecting an additional 200,000 troops into the Davostani mainland theatre of the war even as desertions and defections have further whittled down what little was left of the Kivonian Army. The biggest coup thus far was the surrendering of the Capital Defence Corps of Kivonia to the advancing Hutorian First Army. Kivonian Lieutenant General Oskar Posse surrendered his command and the city to First Army’s commander, General Kaitlin Everdeen. The surrender of the capital came as Lieutenant General Posse refused to execute Order 0216 and as he saw the images of the executed civillians in eastern Davostan. The capture of Kivonia proper, and it’s widely publication that the capital had been captured without a shot fired, has destroyed what little morale and organized resistance had been left in Kovmark, with arriving Hutorian forces, moving to occupy other major cities.

Meanwhile General Hiawatha’s Army Group North continued its advanced into Sonderhavn, slowed, but never stopped, by stiffening Kivonian resistance as the Hutorians approached the Fladborg salient, known as the last major point of resistance for the Third Kivonian Republic. Tarnbaek and Ballenus were captured by advancing Hutorian combat forces, and General Hiawatha slowed his force to allow the full might of the Royal Hutorian Army to come to bare on the twilight of the Third Kivonian Republic’s final redoubt on the mainland.

Hutorian Commonwealth Launches Final Assault against Fladborg in Operation Reaper

The climax of the war on the main land approached as the Hutorian Army prepared it’s final and ultimate offensive at breaking the final resistance against their might. After a reshuffling of forces, Army Group South, consisting of the Hutorian First and Fourth Armies, occupied Kovmark and Ostraland respectively while Army Centre, consisting now of the Hutorian Fifth and Ninth Armies and the Telamonic 1st and 4th Armies joined Army Group in the final push.

Fladborg, defended by the Kivonian 3rd Army, had a little over 64,000 combat effectives left to it’s name, spread amongst three distinct Corps. Meanwhile the massive Hutorian assault force made up some 740,000 troops, that were all well prepared for the final hammerblow. Coming under the overall command of General Hiawatha, Operation Reaper was launched on the 1st of September, 4776. The most powerful armoured spearheads in this massive Army Group, II, III VI and VII Armoured Corps began their blistering assault, as the Hutorian forces pushed forward by sheer weight of numbers, steels and firepower, eroding the defensive lines around Fladborg into dust before a brutal street by street melee began, brought out by the Hutorian Infantry that showed as little mercy as had been offered to their homeland years prior. STASA formations Kivonian forces motivated, whether by fear or other means, and were well prepared in the rubble of Fladborg, which had been decimated by constant straffing by Hutorian Air forces, and the overwhelming artillery barrage brought down upon it by the advancing Hutorian Army.

The true highlight of the battle was the race between Telmonic forces and the Hutorian 5th Infantry Division, over who could capture the Central Government HQ in the city first. The 5th Infantry Division is widely seen as the formation that stopped the advance of Davostan into Hutori on the St. John River four years ago, and were the unit that have fought for the legacy of the fallen Crown Prince Charles on the land as the Hutorian Marines have done elsewhere. 5th Infantry ultimately won the race, battling a brutal room by room assault in the Government HQ building that ended with the Hutorian Commonwealth’s flag flying high above the city, showing the absolute end of resistance. Casualty numbers haven’t been released by the Hutorian Ministry of Defence, but it’s expected that Hutorian losses were moderate, while Kivonian losses were exceptionally high, with Hutorian combat forces having shown little in the way or mercy or restraint in the heat of avenging the assault on their homeland.

With Fladborg fallen, resistance on the Davostani mainland has come to it’s chilling conclusion with the only question being left, what of the Shadow Council, which nominally controls the nation, that chose to flee to the island of Dovmark as Hutorian forces were closing in, and leaving their final city to Hutorian mercy and occupation.
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Re: Hutori

Postby RileyHP » Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:14 pm

Conservatives Name O'Reilly New Leader

Newly appointed Conservative Leader Eric O'Reilly speaks to supporters at a convention in Acton.

In a shocking twist in the week heading up to the recent elections, Eric O'Reilly, the Minister of National Defense of the last four years took over the leadership of the Conservative Party. After many Conservatives took to social media to voice their support for O'Reilly's job well done over the course of the war with Kivonia, leader Denise Lewis announced just a week before election day that O'Reilly would be replacing her as leader of the party.

That last second switch may be what prevented an NPP majority government, with the National Progressives falling 30 seats short of a majority. The result all but confirmed that O'Reilly, who was the government's public face throughout the war, will be the next Prime Minister. Upon their return to parliament, the Conservatives proposed a coalition with their traditional allies in the Liberal Party that would see O'Reilly become Prime Minister, while the rest of the cabinet is evenly split between the parties.
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Re: Hutori

Postby Augustus Germanus » Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:54 pm

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Re: Hutori

Postby Conser » Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:12 am

Kashayla Norman Resign After Election Defeat

The election of june 4777 saw the defeat of the National Progress Party. Altough the party gained many new seats, it was quite obvious that the NPP wouldn't be capable of forming a new governement. In july, the participation fo the NPP in cabinet governement was officialy put to an end, ending the mandate of Kashayla Norman as Prime Minister. Following the formation of the new cabinet, the former Prime Minister made an annoucement in front of the press that she would be leaving her position of leader of the party. This annoucement didn't really took anyone by suprise as rumors about her departure of political life were already circulating. It was quite obvious that leading the country troughout at least to major war had exausted her and many in the party were already trying to find a replacement.

Few days after the announce of her retirement, the former leader formalize her departure from her party when she went to the headcarter of the party in Carter City to give her official resignation. There, she made a short speech in front of a little grown of supporter.

''It was an honor for me to lead this beautifull country for nearly 8 years. During my time as Prime Minister, Hutori knew one of it's worst crisis in century; a war with our direct neighbors. As per the time I am saying these line, we know that this war is nearly over as our enemies are only moments away form surrender. I am extremely pround of the hutorian people during this crisis. We have face these extremely trying time with dignity, strenght and bravery. We have lost many people but in the end, we prevail. I did all I could to defend the interest and the security of the hutorian naiton. Today, I leave the political life with the assurance of having done my duty for my country.
Thank you all!''
-Kashayla Norman, former Prime Minsiter of Hutori

Norman giving her final speech in the National Progress Party's headcarter

Following the resignation, the NPP's council of leadership once again nominated Christopher Stark as the interim leader of the party. The former minister of Foreign Affairs had already occupied this position after the resignation fo the former Prime Minister Sarah Vence. The party now will, as it is the tradition, organise a election to deceide who the new leader will be. Many names are already circulating. These names include but are not limited to:

-Theo MacGeraghty, 53 years old, former minister of Environement and Tourism and MP for Sutton Polaris.
-Tom Vence Roberts, 32 years old, MP in Kenai and son of former Prime Minister Sarah Vence.
-Jeff Oldman, 37 years old, famous actor in Hutori.
-Sophia Bates, 45 years old, current chairman of the NPP's council of leadership and long descendant of former hutorian President Alex Bates.
-Parti de dieu (Alduri) inactive
-National Progress Party (Hutori) active
-Græna Demókratar (Telamon) inactive
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Re: Hutori

Postby RileyHP » Fri Jul 03, 2020 3:29 am

Prime Minister Announces Post-War Military Promotions, Honouring of Prince Charles

Prime Minister Eric O'Reilly during a press conference to announce the promotions.

Prime Minister Eric O'Reilly held a press conference in Bekenial today to announce the posthumous awarding of the Commonwealth Cross to Prince Charles in recognition of his ultimate sacrifice and extraordinary bravery during the war. The Prime Minister also announced the promotion of four high ranking military officers to war time ranks. The promotions are listed below.

- General Malcom Hiawatha is promoted to Field Marshal. Field Marshal Hiawatha is also being appointed the new Chief of the Defense Staff.

- General Mason Berrigan is promoted to Field Marshal. The government is also tabling legislation to appoint Field Marshal Berrigan as the first Governor General of Davostan.

- Admiral Patrick Grant is promoted to Fleet Admiral. Fleet Admiral Grant is also being appointed Chief of the Naval Staff.

- General Lance Thompson is promoted to Air Marshal. Air Marshal Thompson is also being promoted from Chief of the Air Staff to Vice-Chief of the Defense Staff.
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