45th General Assembly Session

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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 2:50 pm

Ms. Boros Regina
Corporate Representative to the Security Council of the World Congress

Ms. General-Secretary, we have to say thank you to the Malivian delegation. From them, we heard the voice of reason. Thank you, Ms. General-Secretary.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby Pragma » Wed Jul 08, 2020 3:26 pm

Image Aritey Ushant, Representative of the Vascanian Empire to the World Congress

The Vascanian government congratulates Minister Mahalanabis on a talented speech that did make us think about our position and reflect on our views. We understand that attracting development to developing countries is a difficult and vital task.

However, after careful consideration, we remain unmoved from our position. In fact, our position has been made firmer. Ultimately, 3M - though it markets itself as a benevolent institution - is ultimately a profit-driven international company and is responsible for the risks that it takes. Upon full inspection, we have come to the conclusion as a government that 3M is an exceptionally worrying force globally that should be regarded with a degree of suspicion. A pattern of behaviour has clearly emerged in which 3M is making underdeveloped and developing nations reliant on them and then using that as leverage to push their policies in a particular direction.

We have received, from the Malivia Foreign Minister, just one account of a developing nation that 3M has entered promising to revolutionise in terms of healthcare, but is now clearly using to propagate its own shareholder interests on the international stage. This is a company that has engaged itself willingly in the healthcare systems of unstable areas and even a few authoritarian regimes, only to run to the World Council demanding retribution when their venture goes awry. This is a for-profit institution demanding that the international community extort payment from a developing nation and calling in favours with other developing nations to get itself support internationally. This is a worrying pattern of behaviour and we view it with much contempt.

We ourselves are massively concerned that 3M has seemingly developed a worrying position in one of our states, which is creating a situation in which Rapa Pile's economy is grotesquely undiverse. 32% of Rapa Pile's GDP is apparently based off of 3M, which is financially terrifying and has caused my government a ferocious headache. 3M is simply a ticking time bomb waiting to go off, and the federal government of Vascania is now deeply worried that 3M's behaviour in the next few years has the ability to destroy the economy of one of our states and cause the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. An economic calamity of this scale could sink our entire nation's economy and so we are unable to sit idly by and allow 3M to get itself into risky situations and then slip out of the consequences.

This is a company that has clearly grown far too big and risks tearing a hole in the economies of dozens of nations through its reckless behaviour. This has become a clear example of a company that is 'too big to fail'. Vascania has always viewed with great suspicion the idea that healthcare should be a business and we were always sceptical of admitting a state into our nation that refused to accept nationalised healthcare. Under normal Vascanian law, no company is permitted to have over 30% of market share. Under normal Vascanian law, all healthcare services are nationalised. The exceptions we have given to 3M are beyond any we have ever given to any other company; our generosity has been exceptional.

The Vascanian government is considering its future steps carefully and we make no secret that the behaviour exhibited recently by 3M has made us deeply weary of their motivations and their methods. The State of Rapa Pile will have to accept a program to diversify its economy in the near future for the sake of all Vascanians. We will reiterate that no bargain can be struck with us to make us change our position, nor can threats be made to make us change our position.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby moderates » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:49 pm

I agree with the Malivian Foreign Minister. The theft of 3M's assets without compensation was terrible. 3M is a good company, that provides many things people need, like healthcare. In Kimlien, many people work for 3M, creating jobs and investment. It also supplies people with life-saving drugs. Because of the selfish actions of one Government, many others lose out because of 3M having to make up losses, which they might do by, for example, putting up prices, effecting many other countries. I think 3M deserves compensation for this, if not for them, then for the millions who will be in a bad position due to 3M losing out.

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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby IsleofSalkuo » Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:06 pm

Mr. Bonifác Doležal
Corporate Representative of the Deltarian Private Investment Company of The Libertarian

We agree with the Malivian delegate. As a fellow corporation, we see that this witch hunt against 3M is terrible. We wish them good luck to defend their rights.

The United Badaran Front

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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby Augustus Germanus » Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:10 pm

Image Mukarram al-Yamin
Ambassador of the Republic of Mina to the World Congress

As speaking for the behalf of the Minan Government and the Minan people, I would like to point out the disappointment of this chamber. Especially the Hutorian and Vascanian representatives.
As you are not a nation, why should the General Assembly intervene here at all?
I must ask what exactly the More Medicament Manufacture is expecting the World Congress to do? Even if we were to accept your premise that you as a corporation have the inalienable right to compensation for seized property, regardless of the law of the land in which you operate, what would we do?
the Hutorian and Vascanian responses respectively. What do you mean by "what should the world congress do?" Isn't the World Congress suppose to be the supreme international organization for all international states, institutions and organizations to be represented at. The fact is the More Medicament Manufacture is an international corporation and not only a Endralonian one. The fact is the Zahiri Republic of Medina has unlawfully stolen equipment and property from the 3M. I don't think Hutori or Vascania or any other nation supporting Medina would stay quiet if their equipment and lets say for example their embassy was "nationalized" and taken by the nation in which it is placed simply because that nation had a "change of policy". I don't think a nation would not complain in the World Congress if their embassy was stolen in the name of "national sovereignty". What is the point of the World Congress if they won't handle international affairs and disputes? Not only between nations, but between international corporations, and between one international corporation and a nation. What is the point of the World Congress if they won't even care about disputes between international parties when such parties - whether they are nations or corporations - are invited to participate in the World Congress. They aren't invited to participate just so they can sit on the observing bench simply to observe what the nations does. I think many here don't realize what the World Congress really is. It's not an organization only for nations, it's an organization for world affairs, and a conflict between an INTERNATIONAL corporation and a nation has occurred, one of the parties then goes to the World Congress to tell them what's going on. And what does the World Congress do? They turn away and says "What should the world congress do?". Hypocritical. The matter of the fact is that it doesn't matter if 3M and/or Medina was exploiting one another, what matters is the world congress' way of handling the affair.

What is even more shocking is Telamon's proposal to BAN for-profit organizations from the World Congress! I want to believe that the World Congress truly stands for freedom. If this resolution passes, then if a conflict between a nation and an international "for-profit organization" arises, only one of those two can be heard in the World Congress if the affair ends up being discussed here. It truly shows the authoritarianism of Telamon, and now they wish to push that authoritarianism upon the world. We have to stand up for every group and individual. Not only the powerful and so-called "first world". We need to listen to the groups which have been invited here. Thank you.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby Pragma » Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:35 pm

Image Aritey Ushant, Representative of the Vascanian Empire to the World Congress

My question meant exactly what it meant. What are we supposed to do if the Medinese refuse to pay? Sanction them? Invade?

There is no international law on corporate property. There is only national corporate law and it is at the discretion of the Medinese how the corporate property in their state is used. 3M was not on a charitable or diplomatic mission, it was on a corporate one. There is no international law protecting their misadventures. This is just a whining corporation demanding to be made the equal of a nation. It's a sad reflection on the world today that they would have such entitlement.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:47 pm

Ms. Boros Regina
Corporate Representative of the More Medicament Manufacture to the General Assembly of the World Congress

Ms. General Secretary, I also have to say thank you, for the Representatives from Kimlien, from The Libertarian and from Mina, after I said thank you to the Malivian delegation. There is some happenings in the past few times, please, watch them and make a better, more clear decision dear Representatives of General Assembly.

After the statement of the Vascanian Representatives, 100 000 3M-workers was demonstrating in the streets of City of Rapa in November, 4781, demanding to keep their job what 3M ensuring for them. But of course we won't incites them, we will find the possibilities of solution with the Vascanain federal government, the Vascanian delegation can trust me. About your last comment, this was corporate mission in its name. We wasn't make profit during our time in Medina, as I said earlier. We modernized their healthcare, while we losses money, in the hope that we would make profit in that modernized healthcare. I think de facto it was very charitable and humanitarian. Your permanent referring to aggressiveness and your nightmare about a corporate invasion is false. I am totally sure that the Supranational Trade Court would totally can agree with Medina peacefully, but first to see, we have to create the Supranational Trade Court.

And I want to introduce Telamon's new anti-democratic and anti-justice proposal in the Security Council, it wants to take away the voting right from two, legitimately elected Security Council Members. Next time when you speaking about "corporate dictatorship", you should remember to this proposal. This is your democracy? This is your law? This is your protecting of principles? Taken away one of the affected party from a debate, taken away nations from vote?

Thank you, Ms. General-Secretary.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby jamescfm » Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:51 pm

Image Mr. Georgios Gabropoulos, Jakanian Permanent Representative to the World Congress:
The Jakanian delegation wishes to offer their total support to the proposal from Telamon. Endralon and Likatonia could not possibly provide an impartial assessment of the matter at hand and those two nations should do the honourable thing and recuse themselves.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby Augustus Germanus » Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:51 pm

Image Mukarram al-Yamin
Ambassador of the Republic of Mina to the World Congress

They are not trying to be made equal to a nation as far as we are concerned. But they are exercising their right to be heard in this chamber, and we ask the question again. What is the point of inviting organizations such as 3M to the World Congress to speak of their matters, if the World Congress won't care to handle them because they are not a nation. And what would Vascania do if a Vascanian company sent by the Vascanian government gets bamboozled by another nation? Is Vascania going to say, "well our Vascanian company is not equal to a nation therefore its equipment etc is rightfully in the hands of this other nation because it's the other nation's national sovereignty which is at stake"? I don't think that an investment sanctioned by Vascania which ends of getting stolen by the other nation is going to make Vascania go about their business as if it wasn't anything. The bias for nations is pretty clear in this chamber, so how is an international organization such as 3M going to solve this when a nation has tricked them, can they go and ask the World Congress who seems to only care about affairs involving nations? Well apparently not, because the superiority of nations is high that the World Congress only cares about affairs between one nation and another. My question is why even invite corporations to the World Congress if that World Congress is not even going to care about the affairs between a corporation and a nation. As I've stated many times, the World Congress seems to only care about nations, so change the name of this organization to the "World Congress of Nations" and at the start of every session state that only nations are allowed to partake and only affairs concerning nations on both parties is allowed to be discussed. Thank you.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:07 pm

Her Excellency, Márton Panna
Endralonian Representative to World Congress

Ms. General-Secretary, with it, Jakania and Telamon thinks that Endralon and Likatonia is led by a corporation. It is a very large and baseless charge, and in behalf of the democratically elected Endralonian Government and in the behalf of the Endralonian People what elect democratically I demanding apologize!

I think the Likatonian delegation will also do this. My argument in the Security Council was "Telamon is a known well socialist state, then we should not let it to vote on labor and social affairs because it is near to labour movement and socialism", what was of course ironical. This outrageous supposition that we are led by a company is the largest offense in our national pride and liberty.

Let's make complete the conclusion of Ms. Boros Regina: your democracy, law and defending of principle IS taken away the right of a company to defend itself and taken away the voting right of two, legitimately elected nations based on outrageous supposition.

Thank you, Ms. General-Secretary.

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