Terran Democracy Index (TDI)

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Terran Democracy Index (TDI)

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 14, 2020 8:30 pm

TDI updated in 4784


Full Democracy: A full democracy on the Terran Democracy Index is a state where freedom of expression, religion, press and assembly are guarenteed through either law or the constitution. A state where a full democratic system has been in place for most of its history and elections are held freely and fairly. A full democracy holds itself accountable and is a pillar of freedom and democracy within Terra. It is often represented by a multitude of parties in their respective parliament and protects the fundamental democratic rights of its citizens. It is a resilient and capable democratic power.

Flawed Democracy: A flawed democracy is a state where basic freedoms like the freedom of expression, religion, press and assembly are guarenteed by law but (possibly) sometimes questioned by the executive power or another authority of the state. A nation can also be classified as a flawed democracy if only one party has, over the course of decades, dominated the political scene of the country and little to no opossition has formed itself. In flawed democracies generally free elections take place but are in some cases influenced by pressure from societal groups or government institutions.

Hybrid Regime: A hybrid regime is a government that actively opposses basic freedoms like freedom of expression, religion, press and assembly either oppossing all of these rights or a few of them. Hybrid regime's often influence elections directly to benefit the ruling class or party. Democracy is present, but in a limited form and the democratic system is often rigged and corrupt. A regime where a specific non elected individual is granted extensive powers is also deemed a hybrid regime if the government below him or her is deemed partially democratic. A hybrid regime is often recognizable by a rigged electoral system, the supression of basic freedoms and either one or a handfull of individuals controlling large layers of the government.

Dictatorial Regime: A dictatorial regime is a regime that supresses its people in every sense of the word. Freedom of religion, expression, press and assembly is practically non-existent and a large state apparatus ensures that minorities and any form of oppossition is supressed. In dicatorial regimes there is no instance of democracy present in the system, with most if not all power consolidated within the ruling party, the ruler or a group of influential individuals. A dictatorial regime disregards human rights and the basic freedoms of its citizens and rules with an iron fist.

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Re: Terran Democracy Index (TDI)

Postby Rogue » Wed Jul 15, 2020 11:39 am


Full Democracy: A full democracy on the Terran Democracy Index is a state where freedom of expression, religion, press and assembly are guarenteed through either law or the constitution. A state where a full democratic system has been in place for most of its history and elections are held freely and fairly. A full democracy holds itself accountable and is a pillar of freedom and democracy within Terra. It is often represented by a multitude of parties in their respective parliament and protects the fundamental democratic rights of its citizens. It is a resilient and capable democratic power.

Reason for Classification: The Istalian Empire has over the last century and before that as the Istalian Republic been a beacon of freedom in all forms. On the political scene Istalia has for most of its history, continuing to this day, allowed a vast variety of parties to form in its political system. No significant limitations have ever been put in place to disrupt this free movement of party creation and participation besides a minor period in its history. In terms of human rights the Istalian state has embodied diversity and resilience and allowed freedom of expression, religion, press and assembly without authoritarian restrictions or disruptions for a large part of its history. Today Istalia is one of the most transparant and functioning democracies on Terra, allowing free multiparty elections and a vast variety of personal freedoms with even politicians from oppossite sides of the political spectrum respecting and protecting the status of excellent human rights and personal freedoms in Istalia. The Istalian Empire is thus classified as a full democracy on the Terran Democracy Index.
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Re: Terran Democracy Index (TDI)

Postby Rogue » Wed Jul 15, 2020 11:52 am


Hybrid Regime: A hybrid regime is a government that actively opposses basic freedoms like freedom of expression, religion, press and assembly either oppossing all of these rights or a few of them. Hybrid regime's often influence elections directly to benefit the ruling class or party. Democracy is present, but in a limited form and the democratic system is often rigged and corrupt. A regime where a specific non elected individual is granted extensive powers is also deemed a hybrid regime if the government below him or her is deemed partially democratic. A hybrid regime is often recognizable by a rigged electoral system, the supression of basic freedoms and either one or a handfull of individuals controlling large layers of the government.

Reason for classification: In the past Dorvik was amongst one of the more resilient democracies of Terra. Allowing a multitude of political parties to form themselves and having a variety of laws guarenteeing the basic rights of its citizens. In recent decades and arguably the last century however the Dorvish State has begun to show signs of increased athoritarianism and a consolidation of power by the country's elite. This can mostly be attributed by the reemergence of the Social Nationalist Party and the creation of the renewed Kingdom of Dorvik. The SNP reemerged at a time where Dorvik's democracy was in a poor state and battered after years of uncertainty. The SNP took advantage of this fact and proceeded to win several consecutive elections. In their period as the ruling party power slowly drifted more to the executive until several decades into their rule a arguably small group of elites had consolidated most power within the nations executive. The State Defense Law further cemented this authoritarianism within the state, allowing the ruling government to supress the creation of parties that did not adhere to a specific ideology. Over recent years the Dorvish government under the SNP has slowly relaxed its grip on power but as it stands today the nation is still in a state of limbo. With limited democratic institutions in place and the SNP arguably still in a unfair advantageous position of power in contrast to oppossition groups Dorvik can still be called a Hybrid Regime in our Terran Democracy Index.
Last edited by Rogue on Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terran Democracy Index (TDI)

Postby Rogue » Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:18 pm


Hybrid Regime: A hybrid regime is a government that actively opposses basic freedoms like freedom of expression, religion, press and assembly either oppossing all of these rights or a few of them. Hybrid regime's often influence elections directly to benefit the ruling class or party. Democracy is present, but in a limited form and the democratic system is often rigged and corrupt. A regime where a specific non elected individual is granted extensive powers is also deemed a hybrid regime if the government below him or her is deemed partially democratic. A hybrid regime is often recognizable by a rigged electoral system, the supression of basic freedoms and either one or a handfull of individuals controlling large layers of the government.

Reason for classification: Yingdala has over its extensive history assumed many forms. Its current form of monarchy has likely been the most prevelant of these forms. Tradition, culture and mindset all play a part in the classification of the Dovani nation. For a period Yingdala, sometimes known as Indrala, had a good record on human rights, democracy and other fundamental basic rights of its citizens. Its democratic system was strong and a variety of parties competed in elections. The nation could thus be classified as a constitutional monarchy. Overtime parties dismantled themselves until, around a century ago, only a few real political powers were vying for leadership over the country. This eventually resulted in the rise of the Jien Party, which has been in control of the Yingdalan government for the past decades. While at first glance its reforms were democratic in nature when looking deeper into the Yingdalan system one will start to realize that the Jien Party has over the past few decades adopted government overhauls and far reaching reforms, some to encourage democracy, others that lead to the supression of free religion in the country and the consolidation of power within the elite. The monarch has, despite being classified as a symbolic figurehead, significant influence in the Yingdalan political system and the Jien Party has actively pursued a policy of exhalting the monarch and the Jienist religion/way of life. While its political system is partially democratic and its government promotes human rights globally the extensive influence of its monarch on the state and the Jien Party policy of supressing other religions in favour of Jeinism make it that not every fundamental right of Yingdala citizens can be guarenteed. The consolidation of most state power into the Jien Party also creates the conditions for the Yingdalan State to be officially classified as a Hybrid Regime in the Terran Democracy Index.
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Re: Terran Democracy Index (TDI)

Postby Rogue » Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:35 pm


Full Democracy: A full democracy on the Terran Democracy Index is a state where freedom of expression, religion, press and assembly are guarenteed through either law or the constitution. A state where a full democratic system has been in place for most of its history and elections are held freely and fairly. A full democracy holds itself accountable and is a pillar of freedom and democracy within Terra. It is often represented by a multitude of parties in their respective parliament and protects the fundamental democratic rights of its citizens. It is a resilient and capable democratic power.

Reason for classification: The Commonwealth of Hutori has for a significant part of its history been the pillar of Terran democracy. Withstanding attempts to dismantle its democracy or stopping foreign powers from threatening it the Hutorian political system stands as an example for all of Terra. Its record on human rights is good, fighting for increase transparancy accross the globe and promoting cooperation above all else. In times where Hutori's allies often intervened in the national politics of nations Hutori trusted in her own strength and record to be an example to all. Its constitution and national laws protect the fundamental rights of assembly, freedom of expression, movement and press. For the past few centuries almost all Hutorian politicans, no matter what side they were on, respected the rights of their citizens and have for the most part worked to strengthen the democratic state. When the state was threatened the Hutorians resorted to dialogue and discussion to achieve a compromise but never a compromise that infringed on the rights of its citizens or the democratic state. Today Hutori stands as one of the if not the most democratic and transparant nations globally and is an example for many to follow. Their history and current status as a democratic and human rights respecting nation have earned them the classification of Full Democracy on the Terran Democracy Index.
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Re: Terran Democracy Index (TDI)

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:37 pm

Yingdalan Ministry of Rites and Education Releases Statement on Terran Democracy Index
The Government of the Grand Union of Yingdala thanks the Terran Democracy Index (TDI) for their essential reporting. We believe that information found in their reports is in the public interest. However, we question their sources for their Yingdala report and overall analysis in Yingdala’s context.

First, we do not question TDI’s methodology, although it would be good to learn the weight given to specific variables. Second, we would request TDI to look at the laws Yingdala has on religious freedom and their implementation. They will find that the Grand Union has some of the most freedom of religion legislation in Terra, quite frankly more so than Hutori and arguably Istalia. Although Yingdala does have a state religion, no person is required to be a member or partake in the ceremonial functions carried out by the Son of Heaven, our constitutional monarch. All other laws are extremely lax. Third, we cannot force the creation of new political parties. It is the democratic choice of the people to form political parties of their own free will. That would be a sham democracy for the state to mandate the activity of more than one party. Finally, every head of state has influence on the state. That is the nature of the position. In Yingdala, the Son of Heaven is the example for all. His virtuous conduct should be emulated, as He is like a father to all of his citizens. Is not moral action something to replicate?

That said, we would welcome TDI’s advice and observance of Yingdala’s future elections.
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Re: Terran Democracy Index (TDI)

Postby Lucipher » Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:13 pm

Medinian Secretariat for International Relations and Standing Releases Official Statement on Terran Democracy Index
The Government of Medina commends the Index for providing a baseline of information to the world on the practices and freedoms of the nations of Terra. Although we disagree with our ranking (for the reasons listed further) we hope that these listings can continue for the betterment of the world. Our reasoning for our disagreement is thus: we are not a dictatorship, and despise anyone or any group who dares call us such. We fought a war to overthrow a dictator, and it was not so that we could be called the same evil we defeated. For our rational, complete argument, we lay out the following.

Firstly, the Index reads that a dictatorship "supresses its people in every sense of the word", which includes "freedom of religion, expression, press and assembly". We have free religion, although we are quite homogeneous. We in fact have reserved seats for religious minorities in our Parliament. We allow people to speak, to gather, and to print what they wish. We even allow the opposition to decry the government in official newspapers. What dictatorship would allow that? The Index also states that in dictatorships, "a large state apparatus ensures that minorities and any form of oppossition is supressed", which as we have shown, is untrue in Medina. We encourage opposition, as it keeps us honest.

Most grievously, the Index is quoted as saying that "in dicatorial regimes there is no instance of democracy present in the system, with most if not all power consolidated within the ruling party, the ruler or a group of influential individuals". In Medina, we hold elections. We have a parliament, with multiple parties. We share power. Our leading group is diverse and decentralized as to combat dictatorial influences. We may have a powerful leader, but we give the power to the Vicereine, who we trust, to keep it from those who are ambitious and wish to overthrow our republic.

In summation, we spit on anyone who decries our nation a dictatorship without knowing that although our system in non-conventional, we hold democracy in a sacred place, and worked too hard to stop a dictator to be called that by a two-bit western group with no sense for what other cultures do.
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Re: Terran Democracy Index (TDI)

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:18 pm

TDI Directive Board

We welcome the comments by both Yingdala and Medina. Our board will take all this into consideration for the index. We shall take Yingdala up on its offer and come to the country in an effort to see its electoral process. In terms of Medina we are glad to announce we have hired additional personel, specifically specialized in Dovani affairs. We will take all the feedback into consideration and make a more complete Index once its due for an update
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Re: Terran Democracy Index (TDI)

Postby Rogue » Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:15 am

TDI updated in 4790


Full Democracy: A full democracy on the Terran Democracy Index is a state where freedom of expression, religion, press and assembly are guarenteed through either law or the constitution. A state where a full democratic system has been in place for most of its history and elections are held freely and fairly. A full democracy holds itself accountable and is a pillar of freedom and democracy within Terra. It is often represented by a multitude of parties in their respective parliament and protects the fundamental democratic rights of its citizens. It is a resilient and capable democratic power.

Flawed Democracy: A flawed democracy is a state where basic freedoms like the freedom of expression, religion, press and assembly are guarenteed by law but (possibly) sometimes questioned by the executive power or another authority of the state. A nation can also be classified as a flawed democracy if only one party has, over the course of decades, dominated the political scene of the country and little to no opossition has formed itself. In flawed democracies generally free elections take place but are in some cases influenced by pressure from societal groups or government institutions.

Hybrid Regime: A hybrid regime is a government that actively opposses basic freedoms like freedom of expression, religion, press and assembly either oppossing all of these rights or a few of them. Hybrid regime's often influence elections directly to benefit the ruling class or party. Democracy is present, but in a limited form and the democratic system is often rigged and corrupt. A regime where a specific non elected individual is granted extensive powers is also deemed a hybrid regime if the government below him or her is deemed partially democratic. A hybrid regime is often recognizable by a rigged electoral system, the supression of basic freedoms and either one or a handfull of individuals controlling large layers of the government.

Dictatorial Regime: A dictatorial regime is a regime that supresses its people in every sense of the word. Freedom of religion, expression, press and assembly is practically non-existent and a large state apparatus ensures that minorities and any form of oppossition is supressed. In dicatorial regimes there is no instance of democracy present in the system, with most if not all power consolidated within the ruling party, the ruler or a group of influential individuals. A dictatorial regime disregards human rights and the basic freedoms of its citizens and rules with an iron fist.

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Re: Terran Democracy Index (TDI)

Postby Rogue » Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:33 am



Hybrid Regime: A hybrid regime is a government that actively opposses basic freedoms like freedom of expression, religion, press and assembly either oppossing all of these rights or a few of them. Hybrid regime's often influence elections directly to benefit the ruling class or party. Democracy is present, but in a limited form and the democratic system is often rigged and corrupt. A regime where a specific non elected individual is granted extensive powers is also deemed a hybrid regime if the government below him or her is deemed partially democratic. A hybrid regime is often recognizable by a rigged electoral system, the supression of basic freedoms and either one or a handfull of individuals controlling large layers of the government.

Reason for classification: Deltaria has, over the course of its history, seen many different forms of government. The multiple different ethnicities within the Deltarian state make it one of the most diverse and complex nations on terra. During its history several authoritarian regimes, notably that of the Thaller family, had established themselves and ruled the country with an iron fist, supressing its minorities and involving Deltaria in a multitude of regional conflicts. The current form of government, a federal constitutional monarchy, has brought stability and a sense of democracy to the nation. The federal nature of the current state allows the many minorities in the country to mostly govern themselves apart from matters of defense, foreign policy and certain economic factors. The monarch, which has in Deltaria's history been authoritarian on multiple occasions, is elected by fellow aristocrats and holds not real power within the state apparatus. While in the first few decades of the Grand Empire it was classified as a flawed democracy due to its democratic institutions, leaders and laws in place it has slowly once again moved to authoritarianism. A transition of power from its former leader Novakova to its current leader Koleno did not go as the previous transition. Upon taking power Koleno has conslidated his grip over his own party, challenged judicial and media institutions and cracked down on political opponents. Low turnout in the last election and a overwhelming majority for Koleno and his party show that there is a underlying sense of opression within the Deltarian populace. Koleno and his government are consolidating power at a rate not seen since the authoritarian ways of the former absolute monarchy and despite efforts by the Deltarian monarch and forces from within it seems Koleno his grip on the state is currently so strong that we deem Deltaria a Hybrid Regime. Despite some resemblance of democracy and relatively free expression and media laws Koleno his grip on power means that Deltaria does not constitute what we call a democracy.
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