Formula One Racing - International World Championship

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Re: Formula One Racing - International World Championship

Postby Zanz » Sun Jul 26, 2020 8:02 pm

Doggett victorious, Hzar, Curtis, and Baofluzek wreck early in exciting Istalian Grand Prix
Nine cars retire in maiden race


The Istalian Grand Prix saw sparks fly from beginning to end, with pole-sitter Lawrence Doggett of Vanuku's JJP Petrovan winning a race by attrition as nine cars were retired over the course of 53 laps in Romula. Doggett's fellow qualifying front runners struggled to keep pace, with Vahini Vati (Asadhautatya, started P2) finishing P9, Wang Hua (Xiandai, P3) finishing P11, and Istalian favorite Pagano (Piscatore, P4) finishing a dismal 12th out of the 19 cars to finish the Grand Prix.

Pagono told Istalian news outlet Forza that he was happy to finish at all after teammate Danilo Neri's retired with transmission issues after completing only two laps.

Team principles across the field saw disaster strike, as Neri's Piscatore was only the first of six cars to retire due to engine or transmission issues, three before lap seven.

The seventh lap saw particular drama when Elliott Curtis' #4 Klarz and the #25 TBTK car of Intrsmor Baofluzek forced Doggett's teammate Jusuv Hzar three wide at speed into the Variante Ascari. Hzar's right front tyre locked up, and the Wrnukek made contact with the Jelbek Baofluzek. Baofluzek's nose hit the rear of Curtis with force, leaving debris across the chicane. As the safety car was deployed, Hzar was forced to retire due to suspension issues caused by the crash. Baofluzek and Curtis attempted to continue, but were forced to retire due to damage on the 11th and 12th laps, respectively.

Perhaps most disappointingly, Mirza Hoshaba's car succumbed to engine troubles on the 47th lap. The Brmek had engine troubles in Q4 yesterday, and his race engineer was ominously overheard telling Hoshaba to stay off the curb early in the race. Hoshaba responded with copious adult language, and refused to meet with press in the post-race conference.

Ludek Fiser of PRIME benefited from the retirements of Hoshaba, Curtis, and the 37th lap exit of ERAK's Celeste Cecile, and finished his race 6th from a qualifying position of 14th, overtaking his own teammate Alan Palmer (qualified and finished P10) and others to bag 6 points. Thomas Forestier, who finished 7th behind Fiser, had held 6th for much of the race but an error in the pits cost the Kanjorien the position.

Asadhautatya and Vulpe Masina and PRIME largely escaped major incident and were the only teams to have two drivers score points.

Doggett attributed his win to the space he was able to create early between himself and the rest of the field. "After the safety, when Jusuv went out, there wasn't much distance between us, but I was able to break away. The car's very fast... Thanks to the boys in the factory back in Wiel, and to my crew in the pits."

With the conclusion of the race, the teams head overseas for next week's Cildanian Grand Prix.


Constructor standings
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Re: Formula One Racing - International World Championship

Postby Kubrick » Mon Jul 27, 2020 11:49 pm

"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Formula One Racing - International World Championship

Postby Zanz » Thu Jul 30, 2020 9:18 pm

Rainy practice in Qart Qildar sees Hzar atop field
JJP Petrovan looked on form in the wet


Only 18 thousandths of a second separated Jusuv Hzar of JJP Petrovan from teammate and Istalian Grand Prix race winner Lawrence Doggett as Hzar seeks to recover from a difficult first race last weekend in Romula. The JJP drivers, navigating their rides through significant wet in Qart Qildar, set the fastest laps in practice as the Formula One series moved to Cildania for week two of competition.

Rain fell throughout, prompting concerns of washout, but accumulation on the track was never severe enough to warrant the red flag, and so the 28 racers of the Formula One International World Championship took the circuit.

Alongside Petrovan's success, the cars of Asadhautatya looked particularly good, finishing 7th and 8th best, only tenths behind the Petrovan cars. Contrarily, ERAK drivers Cecile and Forestier struggled to find traction, finishing 23rd and 28th, respectively.

As we look toward qualifying tomorrow and the race on Sunday, weather threatens to remain a factor, so teams are preparing strategy for all circumstances.
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Re: Formula One Racing - International World Championship

Postby Zanz » Fri Jul 31, 2020 10:23 pm

Grid set in rainy Cildanian qualifying
Doggett takes pole, Hzar eliminated in ultra-close Q1


Though only .535 seconds from the lead of Klarz' Elliott Curtis, Jusuv Hzar of JJP Petrovan couldn't escape the first round of elimination qualifying at the Cildanian International Circuit despite an excellent showing yesterday in practice. Vahini Vati of Asadhautatya similarly suffered from the continued tightly competitive lap times in the Formula One series, failing to exit Q1 after a points finish last week in Istalia.

Rain, much the story of practice yesterday, continued falling in Qart Qildar today as the teams took their laps. Unlike his teammate, Petrovan's Lawrence Doggett strung together four impressive flying laps, with his Q2 and crucial Q4 laps the fastest of their sessions, and his Q1 and Q4 laps only .009 and .012 seconds off the lead. The newly-Vanukese resident Luthorian is the clear favorite for tomorrow's raceday, particularly if the wet weather continues.

Joining Doggett in the front row is Mírzá Hoshaba of Herzmojad Brmestán, whose struggles with the power unit at Istalia seem to have been sorted and who looked remarkably quick on the straights. Hoshaba's teammate, coming off a third place finish in Romula, was eliminated in Q2, 1.380 off the pace. He will start in P15 and look to climb into points.

Xhevat Kthjellim, second in the drivers' championship after Doggett, set a competitive time in Q1 but struggled to keep pace in Q2. The Kalopian national was overheard complaining of significant issues with grip on the wet track after his Q2 flying lap, and declined to speak to press at day's end.

The surprise place of the day was the P6 finish of Bismarck-Paulus driver Gunther Horn. BP Racing has struggled mightily thus far, and his team will surely be pleased to be in the hunt for points.
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Re: Formula One Racing - International World Championship

Postby DueWizard70 » Tue Jan 12, 2021 11:14 pm

The President of FORIWC giving the announcement.

Today, it was announced by the FOIRWC that a new season of the Formula 1 Championship is in the works. They said that they considered if it was a good idea to restart the competition, after more than 80 years since the last race. They said that they considered that it was now time for the championship to be brought back to life. They said that they had been in touch with several companies interested in having their own teams in the competition. As of today, there is only one constructor, that being Azkar Racing. The team comes from Kundrati, where it recently won the Kundrati Racing Cup. Not only do they enter as a team, but they will also be one of the power unit providers for the competition.

Kundrati has also offered to open its doors to host the opening Grand Prix of the year. The circuit in which the first GP will happen is the Vespacius International Circuit, in Jildrati City. The circuit was the host for the final of the Kundrati Racing Cup, and it is widely regarded as the most challenging in the competition. With its tight turns, changes in elevation and how narrow the circuit is, the track will prove the skills of the drivers.

We hope to see more teams join in on the competition.

Track layout of the Kundrati GP

OOC NOTE: If you wish to join the tournament DM me in-game or in the forum to DueWizard70, or in Discord to DueWizard70#5395.
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Re: Formula One Racing - International World Championship

Postby DueWizard70 » Mon Jan 18, 2021 7:52 pm

Ino Ross oertaking Rimshi Zam
FORIWC season kicks off in Kundrati!
December 4878

After years of negotiating with teams, testing cars, and adjusting tracks, yesterday we witnessed the first FORIWC race in over 80 years. For this season, we have 8 teams. TFC Azkar (Vitalinus and Gordan), Ross Motors (Carson and Martin), Nzurizuri (Balewa and Sekibo), Taelmörkcast (Yrkilsson and Lútersson), Arrows (Ross and Bugelli), Yumyung (Yu and Tingbai), CCDD (Penjor and Zam) and TFC Celer (Oñaindia and Gala). Of them, three have developed power units; Azkar, Arrows and Ross Motors. The season started yesterday at Jildrati City, and from qualifying, we could start to see how the teams balanced out.

Qualifying began on Saturday, and from the beginning, we saw Ross Motors dominate. They had the two fastest cars, followed by Yumyung, who uses the Ross power unit. They set incredibly fast laps, with incredible ease. We must also congratulate the drivers, who were able to handle the car perfectly, especially since at the end of qualifying it started raining. This rain caused Sekibor from Nzurizuri and Penjor from CCDD to crash out. At the end of the qualifying session, the grid looked like this:


Following qualifying, we had the race on Sunday. The race was intense from turn 1, as Bugelli and Oñaindia collided with each other. Bugelli was able to stay in the race after a quick stop in the pits for repairs, but Oñaindia was forced to retire. The incident brought out the safety car. The race resumed at lap 6, with Martin overtaking his teammate and gaining the lead of the race. As the race continued, there were several incidents, with Tingbai crashing at turn 12 during lap 38, and Lútersson crashing at turn 10 with Gordan during lap 68, ending the race for both of them. The race went to the final lap, as both drivers from Ross Motors battled for the lead. Eventually, a slight bump of the wheel with a barrier for Carson meant that Martin could get ahead, as Carson now had to deal with a puncture. This same puncture let Balewa come through and steal second place from him. The race's final results were as follows:


Ross Racing has taken a clear lead in the championship, with all other teams a way back in the constructor's championship. As for the driver's championship, Martin leads.

We will see you in the next race at Hutori!
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Re: Formula One Racing - International World Championship

Postby DueWizard70 » Wed Jan 20, 2021 12:48 am

Zam's horrific crash
New Team on the grid!|Hutorian GP
July 4879

As the date of the Hutorian GP approached, we received some exciting news. A new team would be joining us on the grid for the race. The team is called Canbar Aerospace Racing and they come from Istapali. Their drivers are Cassey Evans and Buraale. We were very excited to see Canbar's white livery and their brand new power unit on the grid, and they did not disappoint.

The circuit in Hutori where the Grand Prix took place.

Before the race, we all had a small scare when Yrkilsson crashed the Taelmorkast coming out of the hairpin at turn 10 during free practice 2. However, mere seconds after the crash we saw the Telamonic driver climb out of the wreck. The session was cancelled for the rest of the day as the marshalls waved red flags and rushed to clear the wreck. He was able to return for qualifying the following day.

The day after Yrkilsson's crash, qualifying was held. We saw the battle for pole between Yu and Martin go to the last lap of qualifying, with Yu getting pole positions only 14 milliseconds ahead of Martin. The rest of the qualifying had some other exciting battles, such as the battle for P13, where Buraale beat Bugelli by only 2 thousandths of a second.
At the end of qualifying, the grid looked like this:


The race began the next day. Balewa got off to a magnificent start and overtook both Martin and Yu on turn 1, taking the lead of the race. The race was stopped before the end of lap 1, as Zam lost control of his car on turn 10 and was thrown into a barrel roll, to finally crash into the barriers. Although Zam only broke his leg, he was forced to retire. At the restart, Buraale was very successful and lucky, as some trouble for his opponents meant that he got up from P13 to P10 in only 3 turns. As the race continued, Oñaindia charged from P15 to P10 and got driver of the day. As the end of the race neared, Lútersson's suspension failed, making him retire for the second race in a row. The last lap of the race saw many last-minute battles. Carson attempting to overtake Balewa but failing for under a second; Oñaindia overtaking Ross; Vitalinus besting Yingbai. The final results of the race were as follows:


We will see you in Liore!
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Re: Formula One Racing - International World Championship

Postby DueWizard70 » Thu Jan 21, 2021 12:16 am

Yu, Vitalinus, Lútersson and Aslani fighing in the midfield

For the second race in a row, a new team will join the grid. This time, it is Zamani Racing, the F1 team of businesswoman Mitra Zamani, owner of Zamani Hour. The car will be using a Ross power unit. They will be bringing a pink livery. Their two drivers are Benyamin Beheshti and Nader Aslani. With them entering the championship, there are now 20 drivers and 10 teams. This now means that the FORIWC has decided that from now on the first 10 drivers will get points, with the winner receiving 25. The announcement of Zamani joining came in six before the Liore GP, just in time to adapt the pit lane.

The track for the Liore GP

The new team arrived at qualifying and quicky showed that even with no experience, they have built a car that is better than some other teams with more experience, with Aslani and Beheshti achieving P9 and P 13 respectively. The rest of the qualification session was rather unremarkable, excepting Penjor's run, which almost went over 107% of Carson's (P1) time. The 107% rule says that if a driver is unable to drive a lap of under 107% of the leader's lap, they will not be allowed to run. Penjor almost did this, achieving a run of 106.3%. At the end of qualifying, Carson and Tingbai were on the front row (P1 and P2 respectively). The rest of the grid looked like this:


The next day, the race saw Yumyung take its first win, with Tingbai achieving P1. The podium was completed by Ross Motor's Carson and Nzurizuri's Balewa achieving P2 and P3 respectively. The battle for these 2 positions came down to the wire, with the 3 drivers in contention finished within a second of each other. Zamani also had a fantastic first race, achieving P9 with Aslani, giving them their first points in their first race. The midfield battle was also rather intense, with most drivers finishing in groups of 3, mere milliseconds off each other. This was the first race to have no DNFs. The final race results were as follows:


As the third race of the calendar is over, we take a look at the championship. Balewa convincedly leads the drivers with 67 points, a 20 point advantage over Carson, in P2. Balewa's teammate, Sekibo, clearly is not delivering, as he only has 9. In the constructors, Ross Motors leads with 84 points. Nzurizuri and Yumyung complete the top 3.


See you in Cildania!
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Re: Formula One Racing - International World Championship

Postby DueWizard70 » Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:07 pm

Martin in his car after the turn1 crash
This post is backdated. Consider it when responding to it.
Shocking win for Buraale|Cildanian GP
April 4880

This round, the FOR World Championship travelled to the beautiful land of Cildania to race. The track is 4.26 kilometres long and has 13 corners. Turns 3 and 13 are particularly special. 13 is taken mostly flat out and had an 18° degree banking. Turn 3 has even more banking, with 19°degrees. It is a technically difficult track, with only one big straight and most of the track consisting of medium to low-speed corners. The track map can be seen here:


Qualifying was rather uneventful, with the only surprises being Yrkilsson achieving P2 and neither of the Ross Motors cars being on the top 3. Azkar continued to show the massive gap of skill between Vitalinus and Gordian, with the former achieving P7, and the latter barely scraping out of Qualifying 3 and ending in P13. The full qualifying is here:


After an unexciting qualifying, expectations were placed on the race for it to deliver excitement. And it did. A turn 1 crash for Martin saw him out of the race and forced Tingbai to pit for repairs. The crash red-flagged the race so the marshalls could retrieve the car. Vitalinus, Buraale and Gala all had great races, with over 5 positions gained each by the end of the race. In contrast, Tingbai was unable to recuperate from his early crash and ended in P13 after starting from pole position. Buraale's great race and some strategy failures by Yrkilsson and Sekibo granted him the win, with Vitalinus coming second and Balewa third.
Full race results can be found here:
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Re: Formula One Racing - International World Championship

Postby Rogue » Sun Aug 01, 2021 1:54 pm

Formula One: Dunburg Ring
January 4976

Dunburg Ring

In the first race in decades the new "Dunburg Ring" in Dundorf is being tested by the drivers. The ring, build on the outskirts of Dunburg, is a small but technical track whihc drivers will have a hard time with especially on the "Kleine Chicane" where crashes are prone to happen. While some old teams seem to once more be in the mix, namely Ross Motors and PRIME Racing, some new ones are also attempting to make a name in the renewed F1 championship. Two new teams have so far announced themselves and are participating. One of them is Arnault, the famous company from Lourenne, with their powerfull engines and reliability likely making them top contendors. Another team is the Cildanian L-aħjar, a new player in the sport, is trying its hand at winning races. Their speciality largely lays with their excellent training program, which is known to make their drivers know the ins and outs of the car.

During the qualifying series, Ross Motors once again came on top, with their number one drivers Arthur Balzac winning the number one spot in Q1, 2 and 3, giving him Poll Position tommorow. Behind him, at P2, the Deltarian Teofil Gromik from the Canbar Aerospace Racing team. Gromik already showed his promise at the free practicing the days before and the car from Canbar seems to have the best grip and aerodynamics on the field, giving him a second position tommorow. David Foucard from the new Arnault team dissapointed, sliding out of the track during the heavy rainfall and landing on the 11th position, not making Q3. The worst result came from Wiktor Laton, ending at 20th thanks to a engine failure. His team is allowed to replace the engine by officials, but under the guidance of FIA inspectors. Were going into the racing weekend with Ross Motors on top, their car performed admirably and showed great promise. With their tires and powersupply still among the best on the track.

The Race
The race started promising, in the first turn at the famous "Earste" the car from Ross Motors its second driver, Philipp Oberlander, suddenly found itself with increased power and grip on track, managing to move past Nikola Barbieri and Viktor Böhmer and capturing 4th place. Balzac and Gromik managed to hold onto their positions in the first round and pick up some seconds of buffer. Further down the track Wiktor Laton, after several laps, managed to regain some positions as one of his biggest rivals Jayden Thomas crashed in the Kleine Chicane, ramming into the wall and causing a yellow flag and safety car to be deployed. Balzac, in his powerfull Ross Motors car, managed to pick up additional seconds and keep most oppossition behind him. When he pitted in lap 20 only Gromik managed to get passed him, having pitted himself 2 laps earlier and replacing his wet tires with intermediates. He lost 4 places himself, but used his agressive driving style to get back his 2nd place and almost rammed Philipp Oberlander into the grass who himself had climbed up to 3rd place. Oberlander stepped on his breaks preventing a crash. In the last few laps it was a neck on neck race between Gromik and Balzac, with Balzac trying to use the better power of his engine and power supply to take over Gromik who himself used his knowledge of his inferior Canbar car to keep his rival behind him. In the last three laps however, Gromik suffered from a brakelock, causing him to briefly lose control. Balzac used this moment to go past Gromik from the inner track, leaving him behind for the remainder of the race and handing Ross Motors and Balzac their first win.

Gromik became second with his Canbar Aerospace Racing car, doing significantly better then his teammate Laton who finished 11th. The new teams, namely Arnault and L-aħjar also gained points, with the L-aħjar drivers finishing 4th and 6th respectfully. The promising David Foucard from Arnault finished 5th, a significant increase from 11th place at the start of the race and handing Foucard significant points. His teammate finished not far behind at place 8. The older and more experienced PRIME Racing team finished low, showing signs of poor downforce performance and problems with the car its power supply, causing its drivers to end up at a meager 9th and 10th place, barely winning some points. This result puts Ross Motors and their team on the top of the charts, giving them the clear win on the Dumburg Ring.

The results of the Dunburg Ring race. The first race of the newly revived F1

Next month we will race on the Beaumont Circuit in Lourenne, promising to be a tight and exciting race.
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