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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 28, 2020 11:00 am

OOC Source: Russian Defense

Cahtice: The Deltarian Imperial Strike Group, better known as the Nemec-carrier Strike Group, consisting of the DNS Mrazek supercarrier and a variety of support ships, has been send on its first deployment since its refit today. This first deployment will last a total of one year and is focussed on, "Showing Deltaria is there to respond to anyy threat to its allies, partners or otherwise violent actions by any group or power against another." The deployment is mostly seen as a show of force, letting terra know Deltaria now has extended power projection capabilities. Besides a show of force the deployment is also meant as the first real test for the strike group since the refit of the DNS Mrazek. The year long deployment will feature a tour throughout most of Terra with a tight schedule. In the first week the strike group hopes to arrive at the Czar Dusan base in Malivia after which it will start its travel to Vascania where it will hopefully meet up with Vascanian naval ships and perform small scale exercises near its coast. Once completed it will turn back and arrive in Narikaton and Darnussia, where it will ressuply and refuel in Narikaton. The daring part of the journey comes after that as the strike group will travel north, going through international waters and just around Dorvik before turning back south and heading for Lodamun where it will once again fully ressupply and refuel. It will continue its remaining schedule after that, visiting Kalistan and, if Kalistan decided to join, once again hold a Ananto Strait exercise before moving further down and slowly return back home through the Aldegar Canal.

It is one of the longest and possibly most provocative deployments of the Strike Group since its inception some 50 years ago. Since its refit the carrier has received upgrades and other new features as well as the first few R-33C multirole fighters in its hangars. All these additions including the new Premysl-class destroyers in its composition all need to be further tested and used in real situations, partially explaining the long deployment. According to Admiral Roland Horák, highest ranking admiral in the Deltarian Navy, the deployment, "marks a new chapter for the Deltarian navy. With a slowly recovering economy and new plans on the drawing board Deltaria is ready to assume its global responsibility. We want to show our allies that we are there and this deployment is the excellent way to do so."

The Imperial Strike Group has already set course for Malivia and is expected to arrive there within one to two weeks. Deltaria has reportedly already notified its TASN allies of the deployment, ensuring that it is not seen as a unprovoked show of force.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 28, 2020 2:14 pm

OOC Source: Battlefield 4

Cahtice: Deltarian game developer Echo Games has released their new game named 'Global War' on the Gamesphere today after much anticipation. The new game, developed on a completely new engine, focusses on a fictional war between Yingdala and Kazulia fighting over control in the Anantonese Ocean. Yingdala, in this fictive scenario, has turned to communism with Kazulia just reemerging as a regional player. When a dirty bomb detonates in Skalm and the new Yingdalan regime is blamed for it Kazulia invades, resulting in a series of large conflicts from iconic Yingdalan and Kazulian cities to remote islands deep within the ocean. Echo Games says that, just like their previous title, they tried to focus on the multirplayer aspect of the game during its development, making sure that multiplayer stays the core of the gameplay. Global War does have a singleplayer campaign which details the conflict from start to finish. During the Great Deltarian Recession the company Echo Games got into financial trouble with the parent company of the Gamesphere coming to its aid under the condition that for 15 years all games of Echo Games would exclusively be published on the Gamesphere. Echo Games is now 15% Hutorian owned with the remainder still in the hands of its original Deltarian founders. The company had, with Hutorian financial aid, developed a completely new engine they called the "FireWorks" engine. A special feature of the engine is its destructable environments, allowing players to, "feel the carnage of war in ways never experienced before." A heavily marketed feature is its "Total Destruction" feature which allows players to trigger a large destruction somewhere in every map which changes the landscape of the maps completely. Early reviews are positive despite some reported issues with the game servers.

Its been 15 years since Echo Games released a major title, then still a indie titel named Battleground Zero. 5 years ago, after a lifespan of 10 years full of continual updates, the company pulled the plug on Battleground Zero which now doesnt receive updates anymore with only a handfull of private servers still running. According to the company all focus is now on Global War with them expecting the games lifespan to be similar to that of Battleground Zero with continued updates already planned for the game.

The reveal trailer of 'Global War' its multiplayer component
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:12 pm

OOC Source: Zoa 3D

Cahtice: The city councils of Cahtice and Branovice have both approved plans for the expansion, modernization and restructuring of their public transport systems. In Cahtice the Mayor, Řehoř Dvořáček, had worked together with several council members to create a complete plan for the city's public transport system which is, for current standards, innefficient and decaying. The new plan for Cahtice includes over 3 billion in investments from the city alone, with a request send to the regional government for a additional 2 billion. Amounting to a total of 5 billion for the entire plan. With this 5 billion the city wants to purchase new busses, revamp and modernize its bus, metro and train stations as well as expand the current metro system to include the newly build section of the city, which has been completed since two years. On top of modernizing and expanding public transport the city will also move, remove or add some busstops, modernize computer systems and restructure parts of the organization. All this is necessary according to Mayor Dvořáček to, "Prepare our public transport system for the next century and ensure that travel in our city is quick, efficient and comfortable. The Cahtice City Council voted in favour of the plan 35 for and 5 against. The regional government is deliberating on the request for the projects funding but is expected to approve the request later this month. According to the plan construction on the new metro and other construction projects in it will last a total of 5 years, with the possibility for 7 years with delays.

In the city of Branovice a similar development has occured. Here residents had complained for over a decade, saying that Branovice its public transport system was, "Decades behind", and that the rapidly growing city, also at times flooded with tourists, needs a capable and efficient transport system. The current system is stated to be old and only covers around 60% of the city, with the rest of the city being new and not reachable with the current system. Due to these complaints the City Council, with approval of the Mayor, unanimously voted in favor of a 4 billion plan to restructure, expand and modernize public transport in the city. In contrast to Cahtice the city of Branovice will pay for the plan all by itself, using the large reserves of the city, mostly created by tourist taxation, to finance the plan. In the Branovician plan the first thing to be improved will be the bus network. The current busses are old and have at times even broken down in the middle of their shifts. Busstops are also deemed unsafe and only cover around 48% of the city, leaving the rest unreachable for busses. In the new plan all existing busstops will be modernized and made safer with special buslanes created to minimize the risk for traffic. Some existing stops will be removed while a additional 60 stops are to be created which should, according to the plan, cover around 87% of the city. Besides the stops themselves the HQ of the busoperator will also be revampled and expanded by 40%, this to fascilitate the arrival of modern, new and slightly larger busses which will replace the existing busses of the city. While Branovice does not have a Metrosystem it does have a Tramsystem, stemming back over 300 years. This system is old, outdated and over 30% has been closed down due to difficulties in maintenance. The new plan will pump 2 billion into the tram network, replacing all current trams with new and modern ones, expanding the tramrails network by a additional 40 Kilometers and replacing or repairing all current tramtracks to make sure they are safe and more easily repairable in the future. A new service will also be created, the "Tram Track Maintenance Department" or TTMD which will be responsible for maintaining the tramtrack network in the city and shall receive over 100 million annually to do so. The Branovice central train station will also receive a modernization and a additional 2 tracks, one of which could be capable of supporting high speed rail in the future.

As these two large cities are moving to modernize their public transport systems before the end of the century the Federal Government, in cooperation with the regions, is preparing for the creation of a new rail network which, according to a early description, would "interconnect major Deltarian hubs and improve cooperation, economic development and efficient travel." This plan is still in its infancy but, as Deltarian industries, cities and regions start to work together more intensively will likely be slightly excellerated. Deltaria had a high speed rail network before but, due to a lack in funding, that project broke down leaving half constructed tracks and billions of DTE wasted. The new plans from Branovice and Cahtice are likely to help these cities manage their continued growth and prepare them for the new century.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:08 pm

OOC Source: Russian Defense

Kaliburg: For 8 and a half months the Imperial Strike Group, Deltaria's most powerfull naval formation, has been on deployment around the globe. First the ISG travelled to Malivia where it was greeted with a extensive ceremony and trained with ships stationed there. After a few days and a ressuply the fleet set sail for Vascania, where it was greeted by the Vascanian navy. No exercises were held but it was clear the two nations were on friendly terms as Vascania's navy was relaxed. The fleet returned to Artania to visit the Deltarian ally of Narikaton and Darnussia. Here, per agreement, the fleet refuelled and ressuplied once more, setting sail north and moving around the tip of Artania. This understandably angered, and to a certain degree startled, the Dorvish, who have been the sole naval power in the region for centuries. Deltaria send its fleet north deliberately, likely as a way to show Dorvik that it can, moving through international waters the ships had difficulty in the cold weather but, after several days of maneuvering, they departed for the south once more.

Now the fleet arrived near Kalistan several days ago, once again passing through the Ananto strait. Similar to the ASDE exercise around 1.5 decade ago the Deltarian carrier fleet and the Kalistani navy conducted exercises in the strait. Beforehand, when the Imperial Strike Group was still near Endralon, Deltarian high command and its Kalistani counterpart had organized the plans for the exercises, which would once again center itself around the Ananto Strait and Kalistani capabilities to defend it. In contrast to the ASDE exercises the Kalistani's now used submarines, a change of strategy compared to previous defensive exercises. These submarines proved effective, fictionally sinking a Deltarian frigate at first in the middle of the strait. While the Kalistani's had improved so had the Deltarians as their newly modernized carrier and the new composition of the strike group proved efficient. Air attacks from several long ranged airplanes were stopped by AA systems onboard the Deltarian frigates and Destroyers. Missiles launched from shore were stopped in a similar fashion, with only one scoring a direct hit on a Deltarian destroyer which damaged it, but not to a severe degree according to the simulation. But Kalistani submarines proved deadly once more when they sunk a Slava-cruiser while it was shielding the carrier. During the simulated battle the Deltarian scored some victories too, with R-33C and MiG-29 jets from the DNS Mrazek sinking two Kalistani vessels and a Slava-class cruiser launching a anti ship missile which severely damaged a Kalistani frigate. At the end of the battle the Kalistani subs were also succesfully kept at a distance thanks to anti-sub warfare systems onboard several Deltarian ships.

While Kalistan, in comparison, lost more sailors and ships in the simulation as a whole their high command still sees this as a succesfull exercise, proving that the focus on submarine warfare is paying off. Deltaria lost one frigate and one cruiser as well as suffering one damaged destroyer in the simulation. It is the largest simulated loss of the Deltarian navy since its creation. Despite this Admiral Roland Horák is, like his Kalistani counterpart, satisfied stating that, "While the damages and loss in the simulation are significant we still managed to protect our valuable ship, the Mrazek, which was the end goal of the operation. Besides that i can be proud of our sailors as during the exercise they adapted, seeing the effectiveness of the enemy subs they changed tactics and succesfully held the enemy submarines at bay for the duration of the exercise. Other than that we can also learn a lot from this exercise, giving us valuable insides into further increasing the protection of our fleets and adapt defensive, as well as offensive, battle plans on these experiences."

Kalistan and Deltaria have both once more learned lessons from this exercise. The Imperial Strike Group, after participating for a week, has refueled and ressuplied in Ananto and has set course for the Aldegar Canal as it slowly moves home. For 9 months the fleet has been sailing around Terra with 3 more months to go before returning home in Stefanisti, where the Czarina and a large crowd is expected to welcome it back in port.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:52 pm

OOC Source: Enzalenyeg

Ȝeomorceaster: Doron Akigan Duke Vadir of Swaefheard has died at the age of 95. The late Duke of the often independent thinking Doron Akigo was one of the more controversial aristocrats within Deltaria, often standing in direct oppossition to the government of Cahtice and the other royals. Vadir was seen as a true, "Doron Akigan Nationalist", fighting for Doron Akigan identity and self-rule. While in the beginning of his rule he tried to achieve this actively, even going as far as controlling Doron Akigan politics, he later tried a passive approach as his more proactive stance almost cost him his Duchy. Now, at the age of 95, he leaves behind a Duchy that is more wealthy then before his reign but where pro independence and pro deltarian people in society stand more divided then ever. The Doron Akigan Independence Party, once the dominant force in Doron Akigan politics, is still prevelant but currently not in power. Instead the pro autonomy, anti independence, socialist party named the Doron Akigan Socialist League is currently in power. This party, although in favour of more extensive autonomy, wants to remain part of the Grand Empire seeing the benefit of being in it and has been in power for the last 12 years. Last election they narrowly remained in power as the DAIP almost took back control over the region's executive, showing the intense divide between the two sides.

With the death of Vadir his 50 year old son, Sigor of Swaefheard, has assumed the title of Duke of Doron Akigo and has already met with Doron Akigan Prime Minister Elgar Blenerhayset to discuss certain matters of importance for the transition. While the title of Duke of Doron Akigo is largely symbolic it does have meaning as he or she gets a vote in the Imperial Council, the council of royals that picks the Czar or Czarina, and can, under certain conditions, disband regional parliament. The duke is also informed by the regions leader every week of important matters but is usually not allowed to comment on or request any actions, something Vadir however did frequently. Sigor has already assumed his new office with his son of 23 now in the line of succession for the Duchy if his father dies or abdicates. Sigor is seen as more moderate then his father, however, the court of the Doron Akigan Palace is largely conservative and nationalist, likely to influence the new Duke unless he personally decides to reshuffle the court in his palace. Something that is not expected to happen according to insiders.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Aug 01, 2020 8:01 am

OOC Source: Reddit

Cahtice: The SX-1, otherwise known as project-214, has officialy entered production phase. The light amphibious tank destroyer specifically developed for supporting specialized units and army groups has been in development for over 7 years. Its first prototype was finalized three years ago and has undergone testing ever since. The SX-1 is designed to fully focus on its cannon and firing systems such as its targeting systems. This approach in its design does come with some consequences. While its firing systems are on par with most modern tanks and tank destroyers its armour is extremely light. This ensures a lighter tank capable of being more mobile and moving into more difficult terrain but it also means that at most angles one shot from a modern tank could potentially destroy or disable the SX-1. This is, according to the DDS, not a issue however as the tank isnt meant to last long in combat. Instead it is meant as early on fire support during military actions by mostly specialized forces. Its modern gun makes it capable of destroying modern tanks if it lands its shots and its mobile nature makes it capable of following troops into harsh terrain. Its low weight also makes it capable of being dropped from cargo planes more easily and in large numbers, making it clear that this tank is designed with a specific purpose in mind.

During testing the SX-1 prototype performed well, its modern weapon systems were a combination of systems on both Deltarian T-90 and T-84 Zeca tanks. They performed well, so well that no changes were needed. For the armour predictions proved true as well, with the armour performing poorly. So poorly that it was decided by the Grand Imperial Army and DDS to change the angle on several parts of the armour, to give it at least some better protection against certain projectiles. The testing of the prototype also included the dropping from cargo planes and the traversing over mountain passes, something the tank also performed well in.

The MoW has, on the request of the Grand Imperial Army, ordered 300 tanks of the final SX-1 design, the modified design that came about after the prototype testing phase. The DDS has stated that it expects to deliver the full 300 order within 5 to 6 years to be delivered in batches over that period. Additional orders have not been ruled out by the MoW but it stated that, "The initial order of 300 SX-1 tanks will give the army a sizeable amount of this new and valuable tank, allowing it to operate more efficiently as a result, as the new tank fills a need for a specialized vehicle in early to mid combat stages."
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Aug 01, 2020 8:57 am

OOC Source: Oh Wonder

Cahtice: Last FOMAT edition was a humiliation for Deltaria. Despite sending its most profound DJ to the contest held in Kalistan Deltaria ended up in the bottom of the charts, losing to nations like Jakania and others. Now, with FOMAT IV on the horizon, the National Broadcasting Agency has selected a different type of music to represent the nation at FOMAT. They designated "The Twins" to represent the nation during the next edition of the contest. The Twins are known in Deltaria for their "small" songs. Small in the sense that they strike a sentimental tone and always talk about certain questions in life. Its a more calming form of music that has appealed to a diverse crowd of people in Deltaria from young to old. The Twins had been working on a song before they were approached according to their manager Leonard Capri, of Istalian origin, he states that, "Yeah the Twins have been working hard on a new song that was close to themselves. They intended on releasing it in their new upcoming album. But with their FOMAT participation they decided it would be the perfect song to share with the world and use for their performance."

The song, named "Lonely Hearts", is a song about being alone in a ever complicated world. Fighting for yourself and your dreams while trying to connect with others. Its a song about being there for yourself but also others and the struggles that such a conflict brings. According to The Twins their performance will be about trying to, "connect" with eachother. It will be simple, them standing or sitting on oppossite sides and looking at eachother while they sing, trying to connect through the words and music of the song while also playing their instruments.

Early reactions to the song and The Twins has been positive with some on social media calling them "The Golden Couple" and stating that the song makes them emotional and think about life, exactly what their intend was. It remains to be seen whether such a slow and emotional song will win Deltaria FOMAT for the first time.

The video released with their song "Lonely Hearts" consisting of home videos from several random Deltarians
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Aug 01, 2020 1:57 pm

OOC Source: The National Interest

Cahtice: The Imperial Navy has announced its new submarine program to the press earlier today. The new program, named the Aquisition of Submersible Assets Program or ASAP, is a attempt by the navy to expand and possibly modernize its submarine fleet. Currently the navy operates 10 capable but aging Darali class nuclear attack submarines. These submarines are extremely capable but, in this day and age, rather loud underwater making them easily detectable to enemy weaponry. The new program will refit 5 of the current 10 submarines in service making them ready to continue service, the other 5 were constructed at a later date and are not in need of a refit. In addition to this however the navy is also looking to aquire additional submarines, not of the Darali class, but a different class used by the Deltarian navy before. The Yasen class, originating from Trigunia, had been in Deltarian service for several years during socialist and absolutist rule. Deltaria aquired blueprints to construct the Yasen on its own after which it did just that. Now, as the navy is looking to expand the submarine fleet, it is looking at the Yasen design to do so. The Imperial Navy refused to comment on the details of the plan but sources within the Ministry of War have suggested that Balgrad Naval Development is taking a look at the Yasen design and is currently on the drawing board to prepare a modernized design of the Yasen, the name of the class will thus also be changed to reflect the improvements. Once done the new submarines will be constructed by the Ushalande Engineering Group and its construction companies.

The Imperial Navy is reportedly ordering 10 new submarines on top of the already existing 10 Darali-class subs. Making the total number of submarines in the fleet 20 with 10 Darali class and 10 to be determined class submarines. The standard Yasen design is a imporvement over the Akula and is, theoratically, more silent, better armed and more capable overall then the Darali-class. The new submarines will be able to house the Pancar-1 anti ship missile, land attack cruise missiles, anti submarine missiles, the Silent Devil torpedos and more. It will have improved radar systems and, if other improvements are implemented, is expected to be a significant step forward from the Darali class, allowing the navy to further project power if need be. BND is expected to finalize the modernized design of the Yasen sometime next year with a construction timeline on the new subs yet to be announced. The 5 Darali-class submarines to be refitted have already been docked as can be seen on sattelite imagery and are likely to enter their refit somewhere this year.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:20 pm

OOC Source: Russia Beyond

Majatran Sea: In a move that many diplomatic comentators call, "a response to the Zoo", the two largest and strongest Deltarian naval formations, the Imperial Strike Group and Kirov Battle Group participated in a series of wargames organized by the Imperial Command Staff. The two largest naval formations within the Imperial Navy both have significantly different roles. The Imperial Strike Group is the power projection side of the navy, capable of projecting power far overseas. The Kirov Battle Group is the oppossite, while capable of travelling far distances due to its large amount of nuclear powered ships it has until now always remained in or in the near vicinity of the Majatran Sea. This has been done for a specific purpose as the Kirov battlecruiser, the main ship of the KBG, was specifically designed as a "carrier killer" housing a immense amount of different weaponry to overwhelm carrier groups and their defences while being escorted by other ships in its battle group for anti air and anti submarine warfare mainly. These two groups and their different roles have never collided before until this wargame codenamed "Operation Majatran Guardian".

Many on the international stage see this wargame as a clear response to a recently conducted exercise by the Zoo Alliance in Vascania. This exercise was closely observed by Deltarian intelligence and leadership and is seen as a dangerous development in a series of developments on the international stage. As Deltaria is affirming itself so is Yingdala with its allies. Over recent years Yingdala has been working closely together mainly with the Jelbic Khaganate, consisting of Jelbe and Vanuku. This partnership has significantly strengthened the Khaganate, which means that a direct rival is gaining power. A rival that holds a land border with Deltaria itself. While for now peace has reigned on the majatran continent, a lon peace for Majatran standards, Deltaria sees itself getting increasingly surrounded with its more recent allies like Kalistan, Malivia and Lodamun finding themselves outside the continent. In a memo leaked to the public Koleno made his concerns clear stating that, "They (Yingdala) have been smart. While we focus ourselves on outward influence and global relations they have put all their effort into the Zoo Alliance and the Khaganate. We are getting theoratically surrounded. And i dont like it a single bit." The Deltarian leadership has according to inside sources been developing different approaches to this new problem, approaches it hopes to test out in the near future.

As a show that Deltaria will not sit still as Yingdalan influence increases the Imperial Navy thus conducted these wargames, centered around the two naval formations. These wargames were held in international waters within the Majatran Sea but were notably closer to Khaganate naval borders then that of Deltaria or others. The first three days of the wargames, which lasted a total of 7 days, were centered around the Kirov Battle Group being tasked with sinking the Imperial Strike Group or repelling it. As the wargame unfolded it became clear that the Kirov did what it needed to do, launching a large amount of missiles, torpedo's and other measures at the DNS Mrazek and several of its escorts while Presmyl destroyers managed to "shoot down" MiG-29 jets that were targetting the Kirov. After a rather long battle where even Akula class submarines got involved in submarine to submarine combat the DNS Mrazek was forced to tactically withdraw. With simulated damage to the hull, runway and command tower of the ship due to Pancar-1 anti ship missiles fired from both the Kirov and several Slava-class cruisers. While this first round was won by the Kirov a second one ensued where the ISG changed strategy. This time around the carrier launched a frontal assault, not just a assault, but a slow one. By moving with some of the fog on the Sea and dispatching several decoys such as its planes dropping tin foil to confuse radar and other deceiving methods the carrier strike group tried to reach the Kirov before it could launch its missiles. When it got close enough its planes roared from its deck, launching Pancar missiles itself and using its submarine escorts to torpedo the Kirov Battle Group. While initially succesfull, sinking two destroyers and damaging the Kirov, the Kirov eventually managed to launch its Silent Devil Torpedos and caused a direct hit at the DNS Mrazek, causing it to be severely damaged in the simulation and retreating while several missiles managed to sink one of its escorts. This wargame proved that despite the largest carrier in the world put up against it the Kirov shows its worth as a "carrier killer" with both Naval High Command seeminlgy sattisfied with the performance of the Kirov. This wargame showed that the Kirov was a good investment. Less costly then another Nemec carrier and just as deadly for the task it was designed to perform.

Despite this it also showed that the Kirov and its battle group is vulnerable especially if enemy forces are close to it. This has prompted a internal investgation by the Battle Group commander of the KBG to better prepare for real confrontations. With the investigation focussing on plans to keep distance from enemy forces and improve radar coordination to not lose sight of enemy forces when in difficult weather.
This wargame has also proven a point. That Deltaria is not planning on sitting on the sidelines as other geopolitical powers assert themselves. With the Zoo Alliance and Deltaria increasing their pressence both regionally and globally, what will the situation bring to Terra? Conditions are changing. And a new order is seemingly rising from the old.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:05 pm

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