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Re: Kanjor

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:10 am


Jean-Joël Gaudreau Runs for President of Kanjor! Finally a True Alternative!!!

Jean-Joël Gaudreau Running for the Socialist-Liberal Party En Avant Ensemble

Atyr, Kanjor
September 10th 4780

Kanjor is getting fresh elections and the party called En Avant Ensemble is looking to win big! The leader of En Avant Ensemble is Jean-Joël Gaudreau an outspoken homosexual, a supporter of Socialism and a supporter of a world wide revolution for all workers across Terra. In his latest speech Mr. Gaudreau spoke at length about the current international situation, about the failure of the "reactionary" governments in the past and the betrayal from Lourenne and the travesty which was the Canrillean Empire.

"Hello Dear Comrades and Friends,

For too long now Kanjor has suffered. Suffered under radical regimes, monarchs and the great might of Lourenne... We were oppressed, taken advantage of and held against our will, the monarchs didn't even bat an eye. This ends when you elect me. This tyranny ends with me. I will end the strain of the monarchy, of the Canrillean Empire. I will also defend our ways of life abroad. If I have to invade I will! I will promote an international revolution, where all of Terra sees the beacon of socialist policies, yes Friends I will stand for Socialism, I will stand with the steel worker, I will stand with the teacher, with the fire fighter. I stand with the LGBT community, for I apart of it. Yes dear workers it is time we unite. It is time we fight back against the tyranny. The powers that oppose the imperialists want to do nothing. I know, you know we cannot do nothing. We must stand together against the great villain of our time, Big Business. Kanjor is the hotbed for Lourennais Big Business... No more! No more will we be taken advantage of. We must unite with our brothers in Lodamun! We must unite with our friends abroad and fight the great evil of our time. However we must take action. I applaud Jakania, but we must do more! We cannot let the imperialists run rampant. No we must stand against this oppression. Kanjor will change, times may get tough but comrades, it will be worth it. So please, please vote En Avant Ensemble and lets get Kanjor back on track!

Thank You"

Mr. Gaudreau left the stage with a thunderous round of applause. The opponent to his party is a "so called" Progressive Union but we at the People's Voice think they are not doing enough to support the workers and laborers of this country. If you call yourself a Leftist in Kanjor then vote for Mr. Gaudreau! He will fight for you! This is exciting for any Socialist or anyone who believes in the working class and freedom and democracy!!!

The People's Voice is a non-profit, highly credible newsp aper based in Atyr. The official news source of the Kanjorian Left
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Re: Kanjor

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Jul 11, 2020 8:25 pm


Protesters March on Capital Demanding Elections!!!

Protesters Descending on the Capital

Atyr, Kanjor
June 4783

Protesters took to the streets of Atyr today demanding a change in government following continued absence of any government following the disbandment of the Progressive Union. Socialists have taken to the streets as the government cannot form and chaos and anarchy rule the streets. The current De facto leader is the Leader of En Avant Ensemble, Jean-Joël Gaudreau. In his latest speech he demanded that the capital be opened up to him and his supporters saying

"This is outrageous, we must have democracy!!! This absence of a government is terrible. People are dying, lawlessness is ruling supreme. This must end. We will tear down these walls and doors and start a new government... Kanjor needs a government and we will make sure that happens, NOW!"

As civil unrest and lawlessness is spreading across the country and no PM or cabinet. The country is being lead by the Parliament which is fractured, elections seem far off and the country is running on a thread of government. What will the future hold???

The People's Voice is a non-profit, highly credible newspaper based in Atyr. The official news source of the Kanjorian Left
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Re: Kanjor

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Jul 15, 2020 6:02 am


Government Ends Kanjorian Fashion Industry, Requires Women to wear, State Approved Outfits Only!

The Government has Banned all Indecent Clothing including High Heels and Skimpy Dresses

Atyr, Kanjor
February 15th 4785

The Kanjorian Government has issued new "Worker Guidelines" aimed at creating a Socialist Society. Included in these guidelines is the seizure and an abrupt end to the Kanjorian Fashion Industry. It is no secret that the Canrillese People love their fashion. The Canrillese nations of Terra have become fasions superpowers lead by the huge fashion industry in Lourenne. Interim Prime Minister Jean-Joël Gaudreau announced new guidelines for Kanjorian Women. They will be required to wear a gray uniform during working hours and during free time may wear sensible simple styles of clothing. Kanjorian Police have already seized and raided all clothing stores that are non in compliance with the order and foreign fashion companies are expected to ship all offending clothing out of Kanjor. The ban includes all mini-skirts, skimpy dresses, high heels and any religious clothing. Women may wear simple styles of clothing and bright vibrant colors are also banned.

The approved outfits that will be issued by the state.
Women in possession of clothing that are prohibited will have to turn them into the government or face steep fines. Jean-Joël Gaudreau said that these reforms are necessary and that to ensure a true Socialist State that unnecessary clothing needs to be stopped and banned. Fashion companies may stay in business but only provide legal attire outlined by the declaration.

You may be questioning this decision, you may call this decision "totalitarian" and "restrictive" but may I say that this will help Kanjor achieve true Socialism! We must not wear clothing that is indecent. We must not wear things that inhibit our will to the state and to each other. This clothing is unnecessary and a threat to what we are trying to do. Women of Kanjor, the state will provide you with clothing which will provide you with liberation, liberation from Lourennais Corporations. This is a small sacrifice you will pay for the betterment of all of Kanjor. Vive Kanjor, Vive Vive le Communisme.

The Prime Minister announcing the new changes

This new decree is conversational and will lead to expected female backlash. Is the Kanjorian Government really doing the right thing?

The People's Voice is a non-profit, highly credible newspaper based in Atyr. The official news source of the Kanjorian Left
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Re: Kanjor

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:44 pm


Supreme Leader Speaks to the People of Lourenne, Asks the Lourennian People to Accept Socialism

Mr. Gaudreau Speaking to our Socialist Brothers in Lourenne

Aytr, Kanjor
December 15th 4787

The Premier of Kanjor Jean-Joël Gaudreau went to the airwaves today to address the people of Lourenne struggling against the grip of Right Wing Populism. He asked the Lourennian people to try something new and to join their brothers in Kanjor in making Socialism a reality he said in his speech,

"Dear People of Lourenne,

For months I have heard your cries. I have heard your pleas and I can tell you truthfully that I understand you, all of you. Capitalism in Lourenne is failing. The crooked system that we have freed ourselves sucked everything it could from Lourenne, now there is nothing left except resentment and hatred! The people of Lourenne need a new direction a new course and I can provide that to you, Kanjor is a supporter of worldwide revolution, and Lourenne is in a perfect situation to make the leap into a better future. However I cannot force you to make the right decision, you must make it yourselves. This is why I come to the people of Lourenne with hope. Kanjor was in your shoes. Our government was in deadlock, we couldn't move forward but with a few changes to the executive and our political structure, we are a stable prosperous nation. Now, Lourenne can do this too, however the people must rise. Workers of Kanjor I speak to You! Rebel against your government, stop this injustice from happening. Abolish the military! Take control into your hands. Kanjor will do anything in our power to help you. We will be giving out supplies at the Kanjorian Embassy like food and water. We will not be a safe house but a place where you can go to have a safe meal in peace and quiet. Workers of Kanjor Unite! Stand against the regime you now face! You can achieve greatness as well! So please listen to me, please join your Canrillese brothers! Long live Lourenne and Long Live World Socialism,

Thank You"

The announcement comes as Right Wing Monarchists are looting and rioting across Lourenne. We plead that Kanjorians do not go to Lourenne to fight but to support them using peaceful means!

The People's Voice is a non-profit, highly credible newspaper based in Atyr. The official news source of the Kanjorian Left
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Re: Kanjor

Postby jamescfm » Wed Aug 05, 2020 3:51 pm

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Re: Kanjor

Postby robmark0000 » Fri Aug 14, 2020 5:30 pm

Journal du Parti Urbain
Dieu Sauve Le PDG!
1st of May, 4800

In this glorious day, the Representatives of the Urban Party proposed the New Administration bill in the Legislative Assembly, and with it the great procedure to found The Kanjor Conglomerate begun. Dominique DuPont, the President of the Federal Republic often spoke about that the corporate way is the best for the people of Kanjor; as she said this is the exact state capitalism, the key for the wealthy well-being. As she stated, just the bigots of the rural farms, poisoned by the curse of nationalism could oppose this action. The socialists could agree with it because it is state capitalism, the state owning the means of productions as a big corporation; and the capitalists also, because they big day arrived.

Madam DuPont, who based on the rumors will became the first Président Directeur Général, the first CEO of The Kanjor Conglomerate, said that the Conglomerate won't be transnational, just focusing on domestic production and growth, but of course doing trade with other nations and other corporations. The Office of the President of the Federal Republic stated that we will get new information when the bill passed, mostly about the subsidiaries and administration of the new nation-corporation. Until then, be happy, and live during the last years of this disgusting statist Federal Republic of Kanjor and waiting for the coming of The Kanjor Conglomerate.
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Re: Kanjor

Postby ChengherRares1 » Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:06 pm

Poing du Peuple
Most important socialist newspaper from Kanjor
Massive protests break out as the Conglomerate is declared
New party gets the light, promises new perspectives

June 4800

Protests ensue as the liberals try to push authoritarian and feudalist bill surrounding the nation

With the coming to power of Parti Urbain, Kanjor had saw changes for the worst. The new political party had presented itself as the enemy of the people with their authoritarian bills, such as cancelling upcoming elections, expanding the legislative terms and now, the Urbanists had accused everyone else of nationalism if they disagreed with the last horrific bill on transforming the nation into a giant corporation. This bill is purposely aimed at destroying the integrity of the nation and transforming it the toy of the capitalists. Furthermore in the bill, they cut out taxes on corporations and misrepresent socialists as in for state capitalism.

People all over across nation decried these bills, many protesting alongside socialist and Kaminskist movements on the streets. For now, the protests are peaceful, numbering in the thousands, mostly made up of teenagers, students mostly, far left-wingers, some workers and small business owners. The demands are simple: The stoppage of the bill "New administration" and promise from the government they wont try this again. The movement against this has gained support even from fellow right wingers.

Meanwhile, the new far left party, Mouvement Socialiste Kaminskyste, seized the opportunity to push for a center-left run-off for incoming elections. Fabien Cerf, the presidential candidate had stated that for these elections will run on moderate platform, aimed at attracting all people alike against the fascistic nature of Parti Urbain and their agenda revolving around selling the nation to the corporations.
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Re: Kanjor

Postby ChengherRares1 » Sat Aug 15, 2020 9:53 am

Kanjor to send a band to FOMAT V
Kanjor's new band Kaulia to showcase Kanjorian entry
September 4800

Band Kaulia to participate in FOMAT V in Liore with song "But still you"

Kanjor's undiscovered musical tastes are to be revealed with FOMAT. Not long ago, very few things were heard of Kanjorian broad culture, including music. Though with the incoming competition which will be held in Liore, many Kanjorians are eyes and ears on the musical contest, especially since Kanjorian government will send a band to this competition. The Kanjorian entry was decided with a local race in a nice music festival. Many young thriving Kanjorian bands had rushed to the scenes to present their possible entry. Decisions were tough and hard to make, as all the songs presented were well made and promising entry. The decision resulted in Kaulia, a brand new pop band to win the local contest, with the piece of song called "But still you".

The band is formed of Patrick Geiger, Dominique Berlioz, Lambert Bissonnette and Justin Baudet. They began as a small band in Atyr, in a local bar as an experimental project launched by students. Patrick Geiger said that "We did not expected to become something so important overnight!" He reiterated further "Our band started as a mere challenge, a fun project, never intended to become something bigger. Though with us surprisingly winning the contests in our nation for the new FOMAT in Liore, we realized that we are not anymore a small local band messing around, but important representatives of Kanjor to this international festival. I am happy to represent Kanjor entry and hope that our homies will do a good show".

The song "But still you" is a love song illustrating commitment and bound between a couple, despite their struggles and imperfections. The singer presents the commitment offered by his bride, which despite his wrongdoings its still next to him in all the struggles of life. Song can be found on the band's page:

Click above to watch the song "But still you" by Kaulia
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Postby Luis1p » Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:12 pm

Author: Christine Baudelaire
Angelique Bouiyer, who has led the Canrillaise National Front for years in Kanjor finally achieved victory this morning
after the FNC swept all 200 seats in the National Assembly. Bouiyer who ran on a message of diversity and resurgence
was able to appeal to the common Kanjorien, who for years, have been under unstable socialist and extreme capitalist
governments. Bouyier also persuaded the people of Kanjor, who have long waited for a symbol of national identity, to
restore the Kanjorien monarchy after several hundred years of being a federal republic. However, what is more
interesting about Bouyier's proposals is her idea of promoting national diversity and cultures. Bouiyer, who has studied
Human Geography for her entire life, has begun to create proposals to drag more national attention and aid to
minorities in the nation who haven't been able to stabilize a normal life. Bouiyer and the rest of the FNC are ready to
make Kanjor a diverse, successful nation with a great sense of identity and culture in the next few months.
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Postby Luis1p » Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:01 pm

Author: Severine Bouchard
During the Lourennais revolution which resulted in a refugee crisis and the destruction of the modern Lourennais state,
the royal family of the House of Orléans-Vasser-DeChambeau was nearly made extinct after the execution of King
Herbert II. A few days before his execution, he sent his three children, Louis, Philippe, and Aurore to Dolgava for safety
however they were then transferred to the nation of Rildanor after Dolgava went through its own internal crisis. Now
that Kanjor is set to become a kingdom in the midst of a great political realignment, Louis VI, 32, has been officially
crowned as the King of Kanjor. While some in the nation question why Louis VI has been crowned king, historians back
the claim through the ancestral house which has ruled over all of Canrille, which is the one Louis belongs to. The
House of Orléans-Vasser-DeChambeau was unique to Lourenne however, its true parent house has for centuries ruled
over all of the Canrillaise nations. Louis VI, like his ancestors, has retained all of his titles that belong to monarchs of
Canrille which appear in his official state title which is:

    Emperor of Canrille, King of Kanjor, King of Alduria, King of the Rildanorians, Monarch of Lourenne, Prince
    of Hutori, Prince of Alvium, Grand Duke of Silliers, Duke of Weignad, Duke of Meriath, Duke of Audierne,
    Protector of Kalistan, Count of Valois, Baron of the Villayns,Commander of the Royal Armed Forces,
    Defender of the Constitution and the Realm
Louis VI has taken up residency with his wife Queen Regent Severine at the Chateau du Fin du Nord, a caste which has
for centuries belonged to the family. Kanjor for years has been looking for a symbol of Canrillaise tradition and honor.
For most this hope and dream has become a reality. Long live the King.
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