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Re: Istalia

Postby Polites » Wed Aug 05, 2020 12:05 pm

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Re: Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:38 pm

Istalian economy again in expansion
The measures adopted by the previous Governments to shield Istalia from the Deltarian crisis wave and the shock liberalizations of recent years showed to be effective

6 November 4799

The Statistics Office and the Ministry of Industry and Trade released the latest data on the trend of the Istalian economy this morning, which resolved once again in growth and expansion after the crisis that hit a large part of the Majatran continent following past economic problems by part of Deltaria.

Investments, both domestic and from abroad, have started to grow again and several Istalian companies are taking advantage of the treaties recently established by the Government with different nations and are expanding in the south of Seleya but also in Artania. Precisely with regard to the Artanian continent, the Govenrment is negotiating a treaty with Endralon, the artanian economy which is experiencing the best performances, and which will allow a substantial increase in economic and commercial relations between the two countries.

In the light of such negotiations, the endralonese airline Eight Continents Airlines announced its intention to establish an important hub on the Majatran continent in Istalia, with investments aimed at the expansion of the airport which will be chosen as a hub, while several other Endralonese companies are already forecasting a lot of export opportunities for their products in Istalia.

With regard to the Istalian companies, on the other hand, Istelecom and Videon are the ones that are already planning some of the largest investments in Endralon, ready to offer the quality of their products and their advanced technology to the new customers, including the services offered by Skynet, in whose consortium Istelecom plays a major role.

Summer holidays of the Istalians: recent events in Selucia have seen a collapse in bookings by Istalians intending to stay in the tropical Selucian islands and above all to visit the holy places and beauties of Auroria

With the announcement of the exile of the Arch-Patriarch of the Aurorian Church from Auroria, expelled from Selucia following the ultimatum by the current pro-pagan government of Selucia, many Istalians of the Aurorian faith resented a similar treatment reserved for their spiritual leader and their fellow faithfuls and de facto, on the eve of the start of the summer season, most of the travel agencies in the country are experiencing a veritable drop in bookings and thousands of cancellations for travel to Selucia.

The biggest collapse was recorded for bookings to the artistic city and holy city of Auroria, until a few days ago the seat of the Holy Father, whose presence alone contributed to the arrival in the city of millions of pilgrims and visitors every year. But in general a large part of the Selucian tourist destinations are being deserted by many Istalian vacationers.

The recent events in Selucia, however, have not only seen vacationers desert the country, but also many travel and tourist companies are already announcing a reduction in investments if not their abandonment of the Selucian market, companies which for decades, if not centuries, have coordinated with partners in Selucia and have invested in Selucia and above all in Auroria in the light of the many pilgrims and faithful who left from Istalia for Auroria and Selucia, millions of pilgrims a year since Istalia is the country with the largest population of Aurorian faithful in the world. NSC Crociere, the largest cruise line company in Istalia, as well as IstalAir, the Istalian flag airline, have already announced the beginning of negotiations with the Rildanorian government and with various partners of the South Seleyan country, in light of the establishment in Ville des Saints of the Holy Father.

But not only among the Aurorians there have been similar reactions, but also many Ahmadi Istalians are following in the footsteps of their fellow Aurorians citizens and in this regard the Corriere d'Istalia interviewed Marwan Salameh, the Imam of the Great Queranzarian Mosque of Verunia for explanations:

Marwan Salameh, Imam of the Great Queranzarian Mosque of Verunia

We Ahmadis cannot remain indifferent to the sufferings of the Hosians. First of all I would like to mention that the Book of Blyss says that "Verily, those who believe, be they Yeudis, Hosians or Yazdists, all those who believe in Akim and the Last Day and do good will receive their reward from their Lord. They will have nothing to fear and will not be afflicted ".

But beyond the theological issues, we cannot deny that the selucian citizens of the Ahmadi faith are also facing the same difficulties as our Aurorian brothers. It is abominable that our brothers in Selucia are forced to participate in sacrificial rituals of a different faith, which even involve porks, and in general in situations to be considered as "Haram", forbidden. I can only share the closeness of my Ahmadi brothers to our Aurorians fellow citizens and I am sure that many Ahmadi Istalians will think very well about before spending their well-deserved holidays in Selucia and indeed, I am getting in touch with Ahamdi mosques and organizations all over the world to denounce similar acts and to support the Selucian Ahmadis who, although few, as mentioned, are suffering as many injustices because of their faith.

In this regard, I can annunce you, as president of the Istalian Ahmadi Community, that we are ready to coordinate our efforts with the Ahmadi Selucians in order to join the class actions with our Aurorian brother and, in fact, I'm about to receive a manager of the McKennan & Associate Legal Firm in order that also Ahmadi Selucians will be represented and protected by the legal firm in this struggle against the fanatical and disrespectful Selucian Government. Our Ahmadi community, being in Istalia, has a lot of resources and thus it is our duty to help and support our brothers in need.
Last edited by XanderOne on Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Istalia

Postby jamescfm » Sat Aug 15, 2020 5:53 pm

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Re: Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:02 pm

Istalia and Rildanor increase cooperation: naval exercises in both the countries
Foreign Minister envisages further sharing of technology and assistance for the lourennese refugees crisis

7 December 4802

The friendly relations between Istalia and Rildanor are increasing year after year and now, after a substantial growth in trade and investment between the two countries, following the ratification of a treaty between them, it's on the defensive field that cooperation is increasing.

A few days ago, in fact, joint naval exercises took place both in Istalian and Rildanorian territorial waters and involved several naval units as well as amphibious ones and troops. Along the southern coasts of Rildanor were carried out amphibious exercises involving men and landing craft, including two Istalian LHAs and later joined by an istalian submarines coming from a six-month long cruise in the Anantonese Ocean.
In Istalia, instead, the exercises involved deep sea units such as cruisers, destroyers and frigates. One of the Istalian carriers allowed Rildanorian pilots to get familiar with operations on such units, expecially STOL/VTOL ones.

The staffs of the two countries are working side by side to develop common defensive protocols for greater interoperability and both countries are also meeting to achieve goals of national interest: on the one hand, the improvement of defensive capabilities through an enhancement of the technology of their Armed Forces, while on the other the possibility of establishing contracts for the supply of vehicles, weapons and various other military devices.

In the context of the istalian-rildanorian bilateral relations, therefore, there is the invitation the Istalian Imperial House has addressed to King Jean-Noël of Rildanor to visit Romula, so as to seal the friendship Istalia is cultivating with the canrillaise country.

Foreign Minister Marco Autieri, finally, announced that Istalia is ready to support Rildanor also to face the lourennese refugees crisis which is interesting most of the canrillaise countries and which sees hundred of thousands of Lourenneses trying to escape the regime established by the self-proclaimed "Grand General" Capélot after the fall of the United Kingdom of Lourenne. Most of the Lourenneses are obviously trying to reach the other canrillaise nations, especially after the fall of the Kingdom of Dolgava which was welcoming thousands and thousands of refugees before the establishment of an unstable socialist regime.

The Istalian Government, in fact, some years ago adopted a resolution condemning the ignoble acts by part of General Capélot, adopting sanctions against the regime but also introducing special long-term visas for Lourenneses refugees. A cooperation with Rildanor will assure a better management of the crisis and, as underlined by the Foreign Minister, a new beginning and a better future for the many refugees.
Last edited by XanderOne on Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Tue Aug 18, 2020 8:56 pm

Istalia at FOMAT V represented by the El&ila
After the resounding sales success of their first album, ERIS changes the rules and chooses them for the international competition instead than the winner of the Istalian Song Festival Emiliano Vacchi
Eleanor Basile and Ilaria Rand are the "El&ila"

21 June 4802

With great surprise of the public and all music lovers, ERIS (the state TV) today announced that the electropop duo El&ila (with accent on the &) will represent Istalia at the forthcoming FOMAT V, fresh from the sales success of their first album "Oltre Confine" ("Beyond Border"), whose first released single, "Costs too much be with you", has been at the top of the hit chart for three weeks. The band will partecipate to the FOMAT with this song.

This year, as said by Riccardo Muretti, ERIS manager for international events, the choice did not fall on the latest winner of the Istalian Song Festival Emiliano Vacchi, awarded by critics but not by the public, and instead it was decided to reward those who has conquered the music market, but this is not the only reason. In fact, as Muretti pointed out, El&ila have been awarded for their projection towards a more international market.
"Oltre Confine", in fact, is a record made of tracks each sung in a different language which reflects the multinational heritage of the two members of the group, Eleanor Basile and Ilaria Rand, the first with aldurian mother and the second with the father of baltusian origin.

"Costs too much be with you", sung in Luthorian, is an electro pop song that reflects a foreigner trend, electronic sounds which meet pop melodies with sensual sounds and an ambitious rhythm, and it is described by the singers themselves as below:

This song is a magnetic and magical piece. It's a song about love, a love that wants to be easy, without the superstructures that make relationships difficult. This "I would like but I don't know", told by two girls who are the girls of the world, becomes an anthem for us, a status symbol: "Boy, loving you it's so hard price too high for me you should be for free", so: "cost too much be with you"!

The song "Cost too much be with you"
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Re: Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Thu Aug 20, 2020 10:57 am

New Fiscal and Budgetary Laws: less taxes and resources for reasearch, training, education, growth and turism
De Martino's government cut the income tax to all the brackets and diverges resources on strategic sectors after the privatization of Healthcare services

24 February 4803

ROMULA - Yesterday in the night, after months of work and studies by part of the Government, the National Assembly approved definitively both the budgetary and fiscal laws presented by the De Martino's government.
After the Healthcare reform which privatized the services provision to private actor while maintaing a single-payer system for all the citizens, the Government was able to diverge a large ammount of money to what have been defined as strategic sectors and to allow a cut of the income tax for each tax bracket.

The Prime Minister Alex De Martino, who called a press conference this moorning, first of all wished to thanks the Ministers of Finance Nazira Al-Mallah, sitting next to him, for her efforts and expressed great satisfaction to the journalists:

Prime Minister Alex De Martino (in the middle) with Minister Nazira Al-Mallah (on the right) during the press conference

It was a reform the nation needed for years, which our citizens needed for years. Today every istalian pay less and has more money in his pocket and the State is now able to channel a lot of resources to veritable strategic sectors and to promote growth and employement.

This government strongly believe in the entrepreneurial skills of our nation and for this reason we wanted focus on meausers designed to encourage investments, innovation and growth, to promote a more business friendly economic environment. This government believe in the skills and talents of our citizens as well as in the scientific, technical and technological know how of the country and we will invest now a lot also in training and formation.

I'm sure this measures will promote further growth for Istalia and that we'll quickly forget the issues we faced at the end of the last century.

In details, the new Budgetary law, as said, promoted the stretigic sectors identified by the Government which channeled financial resources first of all on scientific and technological research, on the funding of new scientific programs adn studies, on the promotion of scientific high education programs as well as on the funding of independent laboratories and research institute too.

Financial resources have been put in place to stimulate the economy promoting private investments and growth. The resources accorded to the Ministry of Finance for the next years will allow for important tax reliefs on labour cost, technological conversions, modernizations, training and formation, schoolarship programs, and so on, as well as huge tax exemptions for new business and start up. The Prime Minister assured that this will be beneficial not only for the business but also for the employement saying that "hiring new workers will be easier and cheaper and investing in their training will be more convenient and our business will see such efforts as a good and right way to invest the money, beneficial for the economy and beneficial for the whole society!"

With the Budgetary Law the Government announced that resources from the Deposits and Consignments Fund will be employed to finance a special guarantee fund aimed to guarantee loans from banks to little and medium businesses aimed to invest in turism and culture in order to attract more turism from abroad. The Government want thus encourage bancks to recognize credits to business and make easier for the latter to access to loans.
"Turism and culture", said the Prime Minister during the press conference, "are strategic sectors of the country which for too much time they have been quite negleted by previous governments and which need a veritable boast".

Minister Al-Mallah, quite proudly, instead, said before the National Assembly:

Istalia is one of the craddle of civilizations, it has one of the largest historical, cultural and artistic heritage of Terra, thus we must invest in it. And turism is not only of museums and archeological sites, but hotels, b&b, turistic boutiques, turistic agencies, restaurants, bars, farmhouses, bathing establishments and so on. Most of these activities are little and medium business and for this reason we must promote them.

Finally, with the growing involvement of Istalia on international stage and with the development of new networks of friendships and alliances, as specified by the Minister Al-Mallah, further resources have been provided for the Defence to promote more operational capabilities and to began new studies for the new century's Defensive Modernization and Enhancement Plans.

Closing the press conference the Prime Minister speficied that further resources will be directly diverged by the budgetary surplus and that the Government is workign on a new budgetary law to be presented before the end of the term.
Last edited by XanderOne on Thu Aug 20, 2020 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Thu Aug 20, 2020 2:11 pm

Prime Minister on the terrorist attack in Rildanorian: "Ready to offer assistance to our friends"
De Martino responded also to several questions about the country's foreign policy and the opinion of the Government on the events occurend recently in Deltaria, Selucia and into the World Congress
Prime Minister Alex De Martino

December 4802 (OOC: postponed)

ROMULA - In the aftermath of the deadly terrorist attack that struck Rildanor, the Prime Minister De Martino met with the press to express Istalia's heartfelt condolences to the families of the victimes and its closeness to those wounded and the whole people of the south seleyan country.
The Prime Minister expressed the strongly condemnation of the attack and said that Istalia is ready to offer all the possible assistance to Rildanor and to its government if requested.

Questioned by the Press on the suspicion by part of the Rildanorian Intelligence about the National Idealist Front and on its leaders, the former President of the Government Jean-Noël Bellegarde and his vice Jean Bittencourt, the Prime Minister said:

If confirmed, the actions by Bellagarde and his zealots should be considered as a vile crimes against the whole People of Rildanor and as unacceptable attacks to the stability, the security and the Democracy of the entire country and its citizens.

The Press, then, asked to the Prime Minister to express the Istalian opinion about several foreign affairs events, like the recent coup in Deltaria led by Vladislav Koleno, the conflict between the Selucian Government and the Aurorian Patriarchal Church, the current situation of the World Congress and also to respond to the rumors about talks with Dorvik.
Involvement and attention of Istalia on the international stage have been actully undermined and diverged by the domestic issues experienced in the previous years but the Government currently is showing a new interest and commitment.

The Prime Minister responded point by point to the questions:

The coup in Deltaria generates great concerns in Istalia and we are following closely the developement of the situation. However, such a violent and undemocratic putsch are against all Democratic principles and any government formed in such way cannot actually be recognized. Although elections have been called and for the Deltarian Parliament we didn't recognize rigging, the Presidential elections were seen as altered and misrepresented through concerning irregularities.
Although the current largest party into the parliament, the Party of Dissuwan Community, clearly benefited by the new strongly federal Constitution, we hope its members will recognize how with Vladislav Koleno and his government at the helm of the country the international relations of Deltaria will remain quite compromised and that such anti-democratic way to take the power cannot but be detrimental for the whole people of Deltaria as well as for the Dissuwan community.

About the issues the Aurorian Patriarchal Church faced in Selucia, I can say that, although the Istalian Government understood the earlier concerns by part of the Duodecemvires and their Government about the influence of the Church on the country, an issue which also Istalia faced few years ago, now we cannot fail to recognize that their measures excedeed the goal of a fully separation between State and Church. We cannot fail to recognize that a religion has been rewarded and favored to the detriment of another one.
Actually we have the opinion that a Government should work for the good of its entire country and its entire population, promoting unity and harmony within its society and among its several components.
The people of Selucia recently expressed its will at the recent elections, demonstrating probably our opinions and concerns were shared by most of the Selucians, and we hope Selucia could be now led by a Government aimed to recompose the social divisions and tensions generated in past years, working for new unity and harmony within the Selucian society.

Responding to your question about the possible resume of Dorvik-Istalian talks, Haldor's Government actually get in touch with us aimed to try to put an end to a long lasting freezing of our bilateral relations. I think that the beginning of a new dialogue can be only positive for both countries and in general even for the whole international stage.
In fact, and thus I'll respond also to your questions about the World Congress, both the Istalian and Dorvish governments are quite concerned about the state of the highest international organization of the world and of its most important body, the Security Council. Istalia is quite concerned by the lack of response if not sign of life by part of several WC's offices and then about recent debates within the Security Council which we considered as greatly inappropriate, which could have fomented further tensions and a deterioration in the situation adressed.
However, Istalia is now more interested on a different issue which our Ambassador already expressed before the General Assembly of the World Congress: the danger posed by anti-satellite weapons like the recently unveiled Yingdalan missile system. The Istalian Government launches an appeal to the nations of Terra to begin a debate on this topic about which Istalia would opt for a ban on such weapons and for an international efforts to preserve the orbit and in general the space from militarization, banning actually all kind of weapons from the orbit.
My Government considers such a choice as benefical for the whole international community and whole humankind and I hope the other governments of Terra will do the same.

Thank you
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Re: Istalia

Postby Masionette9 » Fri Aug 21, 2020 3:37 pm

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Re: Istalia

Postby Masionette9 » Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:21 am

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