Announcement: Discord server image

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Announcement: Discord server image

Postby jamescfm » Wed Aug 26, 2020 9:43 pm

Despite having existed for a little while now, the official Particracy Classic Discord server (which you can find here: does not currently have a server image. Given that we have some quite talented amateur graphic designers in the game, Moderation thought it might a good idea to open this up to the community to see what you guys could come up with. The server image should be representative of the game in some way although we are open to how this might be interpreted.

Submissions should be:
  • a sensible image format (.png, .jpg etc.)
  • square
  • at least 512x512
Once you have finished your image you can send it to me through whatever method is most convenient to you, though I would recommend messaging me directly through Discord (you can find me @jamescfm on the server) or attaching an image link in a forum message. At the moment we have not set a hard deadline and we are willing to be flexible if you let us know that you need some extra time but we will start taking a look at the submissions next weekend (5/6 September).

Good luck and let us know if you have any questions!
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