2020 US Presidential election

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Who should be the next President of the United States?

Poll ended at Thu Aug 27, 2020 11:43 pm

Joe Biden
Donald Trump
Total votes : 27

2020 US Presidential election

Postby jamescfm » Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:43 pm

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Re: 2020 US Presidential election

Postby Zanz » Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:45 pm

Pass on this thread tyvm
Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: 2020 US Presidential election

Postby John Cracker » Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:15 pm

We herd that in 2016 to, Biden will get slaughtered on election day, the DNC has celebs and crony establishment dems speaking, the RNC has had everyday Americans, and politicians, the dems pitch was vote for us because we arn't Trump, the GOP talked about abortian, and talked about Trumps accomplishments in the economy, criminal justice reform, and constantly warned about the Bidens promised tax raise.

Not only that but his VP pick, Harris, has a crap record, from withholding evidence that would take a man off death row until the courts made her, to keeping people past their sentences for cheep labour for California, she will get killed during the VP debate, Biden will get killed by Trump during the debates, they were actually excited that he got through a 20 minute speech coherently, that should tell you enough, the progressives have used the term "settle for Biden" multiple times. And the faluire to deal with riots is another knife they have trust into their own campaign, they will loose.

EDIT: The question should be who will be the next pres, not who should be, also the fact that Biden has an 8 point lead means almost nothing, the popular vote doesn't matter, the electoral college does, and I have herd a CNN poll with a 4 point margin of error has Trump within one point of Biden in 15 battleground states.
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Re: 2020 US Presidential election

Postby John Cracker » Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:28 pm

Of course that could change because according to Biden 150 mill. Americans have died from COVID, and 100. mill have died from guns, so the electorate is much smaller than 2016, lol.
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Re: 2020 US Presidential election

Postby Luis1p » Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:41 pm

John Cracker wrote:We herd that in 2016 to, Biden will get slaughtered on election day, the DNC has celebs and crony establishment dems speaking, the RHC has had everyday Americans, and politicians, the dems pitch was vote for us because we arn't Trump, the GOP talked about abortian, and talked about Trumps accomplishments in the economy, criminal justice reform, and constantly warned about the Bidens promised tax raise.

Not only that but his VP pick, Harris, has a crap record, from withholding evidence that would take a man off death row until the courts made her, to keeping people past their sentences for cheep labour for California, she will get killed during the VP debate, Biden will get killed by Trump during the debates, they were actually excited that he got through a 20 minute speech coherently, that should tell you enough, the progressives have used the term "settle for Biden" multiple times. And the faluire to deal with riots is another knife they have trust into their own campaign, they will loose.

EDIT: The question should be who will be the next pres, not who should be, also the fact that Biden has an 8 point lead means almost nothing, the popular vote doesn't matter, the electoral college does, and I have herd a CNN poll with a 4 point margin of error has Trump within one point of Biden in 15 battleground states.

Alright, based on what I read here, it's obvious you didn't watch the DNC, considering you said it only had celebs and cronies speaking. Which, sure they had celebs and establishment Dems, but most of it was full of just regular people. Again, if you pay attention to US politics, you'd know that the Dems' platform isn't just "We aren't Trump", it's a platform that's more than just one person. It's about policy and healing political/social divides plaguing the nation. What is the RNC doing? They are no longer a party of values. It's the party of Trump now. And the party of conspiracy, and might I say it... fake news. The RNC would be thriving if it focused on the issues at hand rather than say the economy is booming (it's not). Rather than saying the democrats are Marxists (they're not). And rather than acknowledging false, dangerous conspiracy cults.

About the riots, well, let's see. You have to look at the true reasons of why they are happening. Of course, close minded people will say they were forged by the Dems and the "Marxists" to make Trump look bad, when it reality, it's a huge racial movement that is impacting people of color, mainly African Americans. The riots and protests, I'd say, are making people more aware about the unfair systems in the government and in politics. The only thing the Trump Admin has done in accordance to social unrest is just make it worse. The fact that he has done nothing to appeal to this group of people is hurting him more, not the dems. The dems are actually trying to improve racial issues in the nation. I mean, their VP candidate is a woman of color. What has Trump done for POC? And I mean, the ABORTION thing, as well as accomplishments in the economy... look at the state of the economy lol. We're in a recession. Just because the stock market is doing ok, doesn't mean the entire economy and people are. Not everybody in this nation looks up to a christian nun for political advise. It's simply an odd way to appeal to hurting Americans.

I haven't HEARD of any CNN poll that says that. I'd like to see a link if you have one. But, if you look at polls now compared to 2016, Joe Biden is a much more liked candidate than Clinton was AND he has better poll numbers currently. The way I see it, based on Trump's failure to successfully tackle COVID-19, unemployment, racial issues, and other social issues, as well as failing to appeal to independents and moderates, (false scare tactics, Marxism, "You won't be safe in Biden's America"), he is set to be a one term president.

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Re: 2020 US Presidential election

Postby John Cracker » Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:56 pm

Alright, based on what I read here, it's obvious you didn't watch the DNC, considering you said it only had celebs and cronies speaking. Which, sure they had celebs and establishment Dems, but most of it was full of just regular people. Again, if you pay attention to US politics, you'd know that the Dems' platform isn't just "We aren't Trump", it's a platform that's more than just one person. It's about policy and healing political/social divides plaguing the nation. What is the RNC doing? They are no longer a party of values. It's the party of Trump now. And the party of conspiracy, and might I say it... fake news. The RNC would be thriving if it focused on the issues at hand rather than say the economy is booming (it's not). Rather than saying the democrats are Marxists (they're not). And rather than acknowledging false, dangerous conspiracy cults.

About the riots, well, let's see. You have to look at the true reasons of why they are happening. Of course, close minded people will say they were forged by the Dems and the "Marxists" to make Trump look bad, when it reality, it's a huge racial movement that is impacting people of color, mainly African Americans. The riots and protests, I'd say, are making people more aware about the unfair systems in the government and in politics. The only thing the Trump Admin has done in accordance to social unrest is just make it worse. The fact that he has done nothing to appeal to this group of people is hurting him more, not the dems. The dems are actually trying to improve racial issues in the nation. I mean, their VP candidate is a woman of color. What has Trump done for POC? And I mean, the ABORTION thing, as well as accomplishments in the economy... look at the state of the economy lol. We're in a recession. Just because the stock market is doing ok, doesn't mean the entire economy and people are. Not everybody in this nation looks up to a christian nun for political advise. It's simply an odd way to appeal to hurting Americans.

I haven't HEARD of any CNN poll that says that. I'd like to see a link if you have one. But, if you look at polls now compared to 2016, Joe Biden is a much more liked candidate than Clinton was AND he has better poll numbers currently. The way I see it, based on Trump's failure to successfully tackle COVID-19, unemployment, racial issues, and other social issues, as well as failing to appeal to independents and moderates, (false scare tactics, Marxism, "You won't be safe in Biden's America"), he is set to be a one term president.

I will admit I havn't watched it YET, I do plan to, but you don't have to watch to know who spoke, and their were barley any normal people, and I apologies I said their only policy was we arn't Trump without watching it which I shouldn't have. Riots are destroying small businesses (alot of them black owned and run), and many black officers have been shot and killed by the rioters. Before COVID the economy was great, minority and female unemployment was the lowest in a very long time, voters will be looking for someone who can repair the economy, they have seen Trump do that already. As for COVID and unemployment it isn't all Trumps fault according to the tenth amendment he basically had to leave it up to the states to decide what to do. As for the VP choice, the color shouldn't matter, her credentials and record should, and her record is trash.
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Re: 2020 US Presidential election

Postby Luis1p » Thu Aug 27, 2020 7:12 pm

John Cracker wrote:I will admit I havn't watched it YET, I do plan to, but you don't have to watch to know who spoke, and their were barley any normal people, and I apologies I said their only policy was we arn't Trump without watching it which I shouldn't have. Riots are destroying small businesses (alot of them black owned and run), and many black officers have been shot and killed by the rioters. Before COVID the economy was great, minority and female unemployment was the lowest in a very long time, voters will be looking for someone who can repair the economy, they have seen Trump do that already. As for COVID and unemployment it isn't all Trumps fault according to the tenth amendment he basically had to leave it up to the states to decide what to do. As for the VP choice, the color shouldn't matter, her credentials and record should, and her record is trash.

You can't say "I haven't watched it" and also say "There were barely any people".. And yea, riots are destroying businesses and it's generating hate between POC and the police. But the thing is, the goal is to mend those relationships and improve social/racial relations. I haven't seen Trump do anything about it. In fact, I feel like he's done more to be divisive about it. That's the point I'm trying to make I guess. And independents/moderates are really starting to know that and acknowledge that. And we all know, who decides American presidential elections.

The COVID issue was unexpected and to be fair, everyone was caught off guard. However, there should have been a more structured, organized, and professional response from the federal government. Yea, states are allowed to do what they want, but, states were also caught off guard. States were unprepared for the effects of the virus, and the fed govt. almost just shrugged it off. States had a better response to the virus than the actual government who, let's recall, got rid of Obama's pandemic game plan prior to COVID. If we had a good response to this pandemic, we'd be better off with less deaths, better testing, and we'd actually be starting to go to normality. The fact that this reality seems far, is starting to affect everyone, and it is not looking good for Trump and his admin.
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Re: 2020 US Presidential election

Postby John Cracker » Thu Aug 27, 2020 7:52 pm

You can't say "I haven't watched it" and also say "There were barely any people".

I said there were barley any normal people.

And yea, riots are destroying businesses and it's generating hate between POC and the police. But the thing is, the goal is to mend those relationships and improve social/racial relations. I haven't seen Trump do anything about it. In fact, I feel like he's done more to be divisive about it. That's the point I'm trying to make I guess. And independents/moderates are really starting to know that and acknowledge that. And we all know, who decides American presidential elections.

You can't defend riots that have shed innocent blood and destroyed the dreams of many business owners, you cannot mend relations between people of color and cops by rioting, thats not how it works, this isn't black vs white, this is Americans vs marxist and anarchist, one of the founders of BLM siad they were trained marxist, and antifa is clearly a anarchist movement.

Trump has done what he can to put down the riots, just because he doesn't back BLM doesn't mean he is dividing the nation.

The COVID issue was unexpected and to be fair, everyone was caught off guard. However, there should have been a more structured, organized, and professional response from the federal government. Yea, states are allowed to do what they want, but, states were also caught off guard. States were unprepared for the effects of the virus, and the fed govt. almost just shrugged it off. States had a better response to the virus than the actual government who, let's recall, got rid of Obama's pandemic game plan prior to COVID. If we had a good response to this pandemic, we'd be better off with less deaths, better testing, and we'd actually be starting to go to normality. The fact that this reality seems far, is starting to affect everyone, and it is not looking good for Trump and his admin.

Of course there should have been a more organized response, but the tenth amendment limits what the federal government can do, the states arn't just allowed to do what they want, they are obligated to, I think the only the thing the federal gov could have done better and stayed within the Constitution was distribute supplies and testing better to the states which would have been help full, we should have had more supplies, but we didn't.
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Re: 2020 US Presidential election

Postby Zanz » Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:16 pm

John Cracker wrote:Harris, has a crap record, from withholding evidence that would take a man off death row until the courts made her


John Cracker wrote:to keeping people past their sentences for cheep labour for California


John Cracker wrote:the progressives


John Cracker wrote:have used the term "settle for Biden" multiple times.


John Cracker wrote:I have herd a CNN poll with a 4 point margin of error has Trump within one point of Biden in 15 battleground states.

Luis already asked, but, source?

John Cracker wrote:Of course that could change because according to Biden 150 mill. Americans have died from COVID, and 100. mill have died from guns, so the electorate is much smaller than 2016, lol.


John Cracker wrote:Riots are destroying small businesses (alot of them black owned and run)


John Cracker wrote:many black officers have been shot and killed by the rioters.


John Cracker wrote:Before COVID the economy was great


John Cracker wrote:minority and female unemployment was the lowest in a very long time


John Cracker wrote:As for the VP choice, the color shouldn't matter, her credentials and record should, and her record is trash.

Asked above, but, source?

John Cracker wrote:this isn't black vs white, this is Americans vs marxist and anarchist


John Cracker wrote:one of the founders of BLM siad they were trained marxist


John Cracker wrote:and antifa is clearly a anarchist movement.

Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: 2020 US Presidential election

Postby John Cracker » Thu Aug 27, 2020 9:22 pm

John Cracker wrote:Harris, has a crap record, from withholding evidence that would take a man off death row until the courts made her

https://nypost.com/2020/08/12/inside-ka ... rosecutor/
https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election ... -innocent/
https://theappeal.org/kamala-harris-cri ... ntial-run/
This isn't from the a news source, but it was epic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4fjA0K2EeE

John Cracker wrote:to keeping people past their sentences for cheep labour for California

https://www.thedailybeast.com/kamala-ha ... heap-labor
https://americarisingpac.org/kamala-har ... eap-labor/

John Cracker wrote:the progressives

Source for what?

John Cracker wrote:have used the term "settle for Biden" multiple times.

https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news ... trol-biden

John Cracker wrote:I have herd a CNN poll with a 4 point margin of error has Trump within one point of Biden in 15 battleground states.

Heres something along the lines of what I siad
https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news ... ing-states
https://dknation.draftkings.com/2020/8/ ... ing-states

John Cracker wrote:Of course that could change because according to Biden 150 mill. Americans have died from COVID, and 100. mill have died from guns, so the electorate is much smaller than 2016, lol.

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/fac ... 461700002/
I messed up, it was 120 mill from COVID 150 mill from guns

John Cracker wrote:Riots are destroying small businesses (alot of them black owned and run)

https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/06/02/ ... usinesses/
https://www.phillymag.com/news/2020/06/ ... ed-looted/
https://www.westernjournal.com/black-sm ... ifes-work/

John Cracker wrote:many black officers have been shot and killed by the rioters.

https://dailycaller.com/2020/06/10/poli ... rge-floyd/

John Cracker wrote:Before COVID the economy was great

https://www.whitehouse.gov/articles/201 ... s-economy/
https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/04/black-a ... d-low.html
https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2 ... -70-years/

John Cracker wrote:minority and female unemployment was the lowest in a very long time

This was posted in 2019 before covid: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/04/black-a ... d-low.html
This was also before COVID: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2 ... -70-years/

John Cracker wrote:As for the VP choice, the color shouldn't matter, her credentials and record should, and her record is trash.

Asked above, but, source?

John Cracker wrote:this isn't black vs white, this is Americans vs marxist and anarchist

This was a opinion statement I don't have any articles

John Cracker wrote:one of the founders of BLM siad they were trained marxist

https://nypost.com/2020/06/25/blm-co-fo ... d-marxist/
https://disrn.com/news/video-surfaces-o ... -marxists/

John Cracker wrote:and antifa is clearly a anarchist movement.

The fact that they have burned looted and destroyed, that pretty anarchist
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