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Re: Rildanor

Postby Mr. F49 » Sun Sep 27, 2020 10:54 pm

10 July 4822
Yes wins in a landslide victory
One of the ballot boxes used in Port Retagne.

ARLOUX - From the morning until afternoon of today, the inhabitants of various Royal Provinces and Cities went out to vote on the decision to rename the Royal Provinces and Cities.

The Yes won with an overwhelming victory over the No, the inhabitants made the decision to rename the regions and cities with positivism. The referendum took place with total normality, the polls opened at 6:00 a.m. and closed at 7:50 p.m. The results were made known around 10:30 p.m. where the victory of the Yes in this referendum was announced, here are the results.


Question: Do you agree to rename the Royal Province of Niraldonne to Boudigaux? (Acceptez-vous de rebaptiser la Province Royale de Niraldonne en Boudigaux?)
    Yes (Oui) - 7,001,871 votes (66.58%)
    No (Non) - 3,515,300 votes (33.43%)
Question: Do you agree to rename the Royal Province of Meroix and Saint-Antoine to Montpellier? (Acceptez-vous de rebaptiser la Province Royale de Meroix et Saint-Antoine en Montpellier?)
    Yes (Oui) - 9,257,118 votes (72.56%)
    No (Non) - 3,500,897 votes (27.44%)

Question: Do you agree to rename the City of Malini to Chevalier? (Acceptez-vous de rebaptiser la Cité de Malini en Chevalier?)
    Yes (Oui) - 3,748,446 votes (78.27%)
    No (Non) - 1,040,676 votes (21.73%)
Question: Do you agree to rename the City of Saclay to Pré-des-Mers? (Acceptez-vous de rebaptiser la Cité de Saclay en Pré-des-Mers?)
    Yes (Oui) - 1,189,258 votes (72.56%)
    No (Non) - 1,156,419 votes (49.3%)
Question: Do you agree to rename the City of Cenlati to Antoroux? (Acceptez-vous de rebaptiser la Cité de Cenlati en Antoroux?)
    Yes (Oui) - 4,491,884,12 votes (72.56%)
    No (Non) - 1,698,694 votes (27.44%)
Question: Do you agree to rename the City of Port Retagne to Jean-Noël-sur-Mer? (Acceptez-vous de rebaptiser la Cité de Port Retagne en Jean-Noël-sur-Mer?)
    Yes (Oui) - 1,994,073 votes (51.25%)
    No (Non) - 1,896,802 votes (48.75%)
Question: Do you agree to rename the City of Segre-Sabie to Dinoît? (Acceptez-vous de rebaptiser la Cité de Segre-Sabie en Dinoît?)
    Yes (Oui) - 3,242,698 votes (57,1%)
    No (Non) - 2,436,282 votes (42,9%)
Question: Do you agree to rename the City of Tenay-les-Cents to Port Tenay? (Acceptez-vous de rebaptiser la Cité de Malini en Port Tenay?)
    Yes (Oui) - 2,994,073 votes (51.25%)
    No (Non) - 2,896,802 votes (48.75%)
Question: Do you agree to rename the City of Dimitri-en-Thallori to Talorie? (Acceptez-vous de rebaptiser la Cité de Dimitri-en-Thallori en Talorie?)
    Yes (Oui) - 1,081,705 votes (54.10%)
    No (Non) - 917,750 votes (45.90%)
Question: Do you agree to rename the City of Linusia to Marciennes? (Acceptez-vous de rebaptiser la Cité de Linusia en Marciennes?)
    Yes (Oui) - 4,207,073 votes (60,10%)
    No (Non) - 2,793,049 votes (39.90%)
Question: Do you agree to rename the City of Françoys-L'Hôpital to Saint-François? (Acceptez-vous de rebaptiser la Cité de Françoys-L'Hôpital en Saint-François?)
    Yes (Oui) - 5,936,751 votes (60,10%)
    No (Non) - 3,941,370 votes (39.90%)
With these results, the Royal Provinces and cities where the referendum was held will be officially renamed by the proposed names.
Vague Rildanorienne is an independent, non-profit News Network with offices in Arloux and Trudeau.
Jafnaðarmannalisti in Telamon (4823 - present)
Nouveau Parti Populaire in Rildanor (4731 - 4917)
Mr. F49
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Joined: Thu May 21, 2020 8:47 pm

Re: Rildanor

Postby Mr. F49 » Tue Sep 29, 2020 11:33 pm

4 July 4823
Macron announces the merger of the Parti Populaire with the Parti Libéral.
Macron talks to supporters of both parties as the merger becomes official.

ARLOUX - Today, the merger of the PP with the PL was made official, since the two parties shared the same ideas, the leaders of the two parties (Macron and Pépiteaux) had talked to concretize the merger.

What were once the Parti Populaire and the Parti Libéral will now be the Nouveau Parti Populaire and it is hoped that the merger will take the party to new frontiers. Today the leadership elections of the NPP were officially held, by consensus it was decided that Justin Macron would continue as Leader, this time as Leader of the Nouveau Parti Populaire.

The other elections were normally held, the first to be discussed was that of the President of the NPP, this time Kévin Figuier Noir would retire from his position, leaving three candidates to be chosen, they were Pierre Pépiteaux, Wilfrid Émeric Bangalter and Josep Lluis Noir. Pierre Pépiteaux was the winner in this election, with Josep Lluis Noir coming in second place and Bangalter in third. Here are the results.
    1st.– Pierre Pépiteaux with 14,269,070 votes (66.58% of the votes)
    2nd.– Josep Lluis Noir with 7,155,966 votes (33.39% of the votes)
    3rd.– Wilfrid Émeric Bangalter with 8,572.59 votes (0.04% of the votes)
    Eligible voters: 21,431,467
Noir congratulated Pépiteaux on his victory and hopes that his time as Chairman of the NPP will be successful.

The elections for the Secretary General of the NPP were also held. The candidates were Quentin Jacquinot and Nicholas Raymond, the winner of this election was Quentin Jacquinot.
    1st.– Quentin Jacquinot with 10,784,314 votes (50.32% of the votes)
    2nd.– Nicholas Raymond with 10,647,152 votes (49.68% of the votes)
    Eligible voters: 21,431,467
Both Jacquinot and Raymond said they would support the one elected as General Secretary, and Raymond wished Jacquinot all the best as General Secretary.

With these leadership elections the NPP is established, a new party that will bring opportunities to Rildanor according to both Macron and Pépiteaux.
Vague Rildanorienne is an independent, non-profit News Network with offices in Arloux and Trudeau.
Jafnaðarmannalisti in Telamon (4823 - present)
Nouveau Parti Populaire in Rildanor (4731 - 4917)
Mr. F49
Posts: 172
Joined: Thu May 21, 2020 8:47 pm

Re: Rildanor

Postby Mr. F49 » Tue Oct 06, 2020 11:49 pm

17 January 4827
Jacquinot sees the FGU-NPP formula as a change agent for Rildanor.
Jacquinot at the 3rd Congress of the Nouveau Parti Populaire

ANTOROUX - The 3rd Congress of the Noveau Parti Populaire took place between the 14th and 16th of this month in Antoroux, it is the first congress to be opened by Quentin Jacquinot, the current leader of the NPP. During the final day of the event, Jaquinot gave a speech about the future of Rildanor and how he sees the current government as an agent of change.

In his opinion, Jacquinot believes that the FGU-NPP formula will bring more change than previous governments. Jacquinot mentioned that during his leadership of the NPP things will change a bit, with this he also mentioned that although they were governments with a majority of acceptance by the population, some of the proposals taken by the previous governments are obsolete and need to be changed. Jacquinot stated that the NPP (formerly the PP) had its boom during the Tymoshenko, Deschamps, Charpentier and Macron governments and that it went through a very dark time during 4802 and 4806 when the PP had to deal with the terrorist attacks of the former President of the Government, Jean-Noël Bellegarde and his group.

Jacquinot also commemorated the 25th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on Montpellier Square and clarified that with the Macron government it was possible to capture the terrorists and prevent further attacks, he promised that the new FGU-NPP government will keep the promise to prevent further terrorist attacks. In the closing words of the event, Jacquinot took the opportunity to thank the current President of the Government, Felix-Antoine Descartes, for giving the NPP the opportunity to be part of the current government.
The NPP and the FGU may have their ideological differences, I mean the NPP is a social democratic and social liberal party of the center-left, and the FGU covers the whole spectrum from the center-left to the far left, but our goals are very similar, the goal of making Rildanor a better place for all Rildanorians, as much as in aspects of health, freedom of expression, democracy, free education among others. I will take this closing to thank President Descartes for giving us the opportunity to be part of his cabinet. The NPP will do everything possible to help in the path of the Rildanor of the future, which is the Rildanor we all want. Let's keep moving forward!

The 3rd Congress of the NPP closed with Jacquinot's encouraging words to all the party's supporters for Rildanor's tomorrow and how each of them can contribute to Rildanor with their positive actions.
Vague Rildanorienne is an independent, non-profit News Network with offices in Arloux and Trudeau.
Jafnaðarmannalisti in Telamon (4823 - present)
Nouveau Parti Populaire in Rildanor (4731 - 4917)
Mr. F49
Posts: 172
Joined: Thu May 21, 2020 8:47 pm

Re: Rildanor

Postby Mr. F49 » Fri Oct 09, 2020 10:35 pm

15 June 4828
Mickaël VII ascends to the Throne of the Martyrs.
Photo of Mickaël VII in his enthronement. Photo by Royal Bureau of Rildanor.

ARLOUX - In October last year, King Emeritus Jean-Noël IV announced that he was abdicating in favor of his eldest son Mickaël VII. The reason according to the King Emeritus, was that the time had come for a new King for Rildanor.

After months of preparation, today the Enthronement of Mickaël VII took place at the Palace of the Martyrs, attended by the President of the Government, Felix-Antoine Descartes, the former President of the Government, Justin Macron, Quentin Jacquinot, Bartomeu Delacroix and the Empress Consort of Istalia Eugenié, sister of King Mickaël VII. Among those present were also the King's younger brother, Prince Quentin, who was one of those in charge of the Enthronement of King Mickaël VII. The national and international press were invited to attend the event, which took place with all tranquility, normality and according to the schedule.

Halfway through the Enthronement, Mickaël VII gave his inaugural speech as King, in which he mentioned that Rildanor would continue to progress and remain a superpower under his reign, the Istalia-Rildanor relationship and the reform of the Royal Bureau. Vague Rildanorienne compiled the most important parts of the speech.

In the first part of the speech the King focused on Rildanor as a superpower and progressive country.
Our Rildanor has been on the right track. The success of Rildanor as a country is due to its people, while a superpower depends on many factors, Rildanor depends on everyone, doctors, workers, educators, scientists, entrepreneurs, developers, among others. If I were asked what I could change about Rildanor, I would say that nothing, rather I would keep things as they are, on the path of excellence and success. That is the Rildanor that we must take care of and maintain among all of us, it is our duty as Rildanorians. We have to Keep Moving Forward and discover new things that may benefit all of us, as we are a country that welcomes progress. We must also welcome those who emigrate or come as refugees, as they come to have a better life, if we do not receive them, how can we be a progressive country? We must welcome them with open arms and include them in our country.

With regards to the Istalia-Rildanor relationship, the King said the following.
I would like to thank our Istalian friends, also I would like to wish good luck to my brother-in-law, Emperor Tomasso II in his reign. Now, Rildanor and Istalia have achieved together incredible things, it was thanks to them that Bellegarde was captured, that the joint mission to Luna was successful. Not only that, but Istalia is a brave nation that fights for peace in all of Terra. Istalia is an example of an allied and friendly nation, we Rildanorians know that this friendship between Istalia and Rildanor is very strong and that in difficult moments, Istalia can count on Rildanor and vice versa. We will continue to move forward as friendly nations and hope that the Rildanor-Istalia friendship will continue as strong as it is now.

The King ended his speech by giving an important reform to the Royal Bureau, in which he appointed his brother, Prince Quentin as Chancellor of the Royal Bureau.
To finish, I will approve a reform effective from today, on the Royal Bureau, today is created the position of Chancellor of the Royal Bureau, which will be occupied by Prince Quentin, there will still be the Head of the Royal Bureau, but the Chancellor will be the second in command of the Royal Bureau.

The event concluded with the ascension of Mickaël IV to the Throne of the Martyrs where from today he will reign as King of the United Kingdom of Rildanor.
Vague Rildanorienne is an independent, non-profit News Network with offices in Arloux and Trudeau.
Jafnaðarmannalisti in Telamon (4823 - present)
Nouveau Parti Populaire in Rildanor (4731 - 4917)
Mr. F49
Posts: 172
Joined: Thu May 21, 2020 8:47 pm

Re: Rildanor

Postby Mr. F49 » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:56 pm

December 4829
Justin Macron appointed as Coordinator of the Royal Bureau
Former President of the Government, now Coordinator of the Royal Bureau Justin Macron

The following is a communiqué from His Most Excellent Royal Majesty, King Mickaël VII, brought to you by the Chancellery of the Royal Bureau:

Dear countrymen, allies and friends.

I am writing to you today to inform you of the resignation of Prof. François Katzenbach Kohl as Coordinator of the Royal Bureau. The reason for Prof. Katzenbach Kohl's resignation is the assumption of a reshuffle within the diplomatic missions, in which Katzenbach Kohl is a candidate for ambassador to Yingdala. Within the Royal Bureau we have looked for a replacement for Katzenbach Kohl, after long days of searching and after the resignation of Katzenbach Kohl as Coordinator was made official, we have decided to appoint The Most Honorable Justin Macron as Coordinator of the Royal Bureau.

We at the Royal Bureau believe that Macron is fully qualified for the position, the specific reason being his excellent career in national politics. His extensive career led Rildanor to prosperous times that led to the creation of new alternatives for democracy. With this we want to make official the appointment of Justin Macron as the Coordinator of the Royal Bureau.

And with this, I conclude the honors of the year 4815, cordially, I bid you farewell

Keep moving forward!

Signed by
His Most Excellent Royal Majesty, King Mickaël VII
Royal Bureau of Rildanor, Palace of the Martyrs, Arloux, United Kingdom of Rildanor

End of the communiqué
Chancellery of the Royal Bureau, Palace des Martyrs, Arloux, United Kingdom of Rildanor.
Jafnaðarmannalisti in Telamon (4823 - present)
Nouveau Parti Populaire in Rildanor (4731 - 4917)
Mr. F49
Posts: 172
Joined: Thu May 21, 2020 8:47 pm

Re: Rildanor

Postby Mr. F49 » Thu Oct 22, 2020 9:40 pm

4 April 4834
The United Kingdom of Rildanor celebrates its 100th anniversary
The streets of Trudeau, Morbanaque during the celebrations. Photo by Joyeux Anniversaire Rildanor!

ARLOUX - Today is the 100th anniversary of the United Kingdom of Rildanor, nationally, the streets were filled with thousands of people to celebrate this magnificent event organized by the Royal Bureau.

The Royal Bureau created the anniversary committee earlier this year, which they named Joyeux Anniversaire Rildanor! (Happy Anniversary Rildanor!), the Royal Bureau announced that the celebrations will extend into April next year. Public figures expressed themselves to this event with happiness. Many Rildanorians took to the streets to celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime event. King Mickaël VII celebrated the establishment of the constitutional monarchy which held its first parliamentary elections 100 years ago. Many figures took part in this historic event a century ago, among them Didier Trudeau, Volodymyr Tymoshenko and André Charpentier. It is very important to celebrate Rildanor's democratic history, especially celebrating 100 years of progress achieved nationally.

In addition to the street celebrations, there was a celebration ceremony outside the Palace of the Martyrs in Arloux conducted by King Mickaël VII. Among the attendees were Queen Consort Noëlle and King Emeritus Jean-Noël IV. The ceremony took place with tranquility and extended until 11:30 at night where there was a live presentation of TechnoPunk, the famous electronic music band of Rildanor and Hill with the words of King Mickaël IV.

From Vague Rildanorienne we wish Rildanor a happy anniversary! #JoyeuxAnniversaireRildanor!
Vague Rildanorienne is an independent, non-profit News Network with offices in Arloux and Trudeau.
Jafnaðarmannalisti in Telamon (4823 - present)
Nouveau Parti Populaire in Rildanor (4731 - 4917)
Mr. F49
Posts: 172
Joined: Thu May 21, 2020 8:47 pm

Re: Rildanor

Postby Mr. F49 » Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:26 pm

2 February 4841
Power vacuum in Rildanor leads to snap election
One of the General Election advertisements made by the Royal Electoral Institute.

ARLOUX – After the short vacuum of power that the Government of Rildanor had, King Mickaël VII dissolved the parliament for a new snap election that elected the new government.

The 13 years of the Félix-Antoine Descartes government were very beneficial for Rildanor, what most marked the FGU leader's government was the alliance he had with the NPP and the reforms for civil and human rights that both NPP and FGU shared. However, on January 25 of this year, a mysterious power vacuum occurred that left both the Royal Senators and the Rildanorian population very confused, all were wondering what had happened to the current government. The news did not take long to reach the Royal Bureau where it was discussed what would happen with the government, fortunately the Royal Constitution of the United Kingdom of Rildanor states that if there is a vacuum of power or if a government fails to form, the Sovereign of the United Kingdom of Rildanor must dissolve the Royal Senate within a maximum of 5 days and call new elections.

The next day Mickaël VII gave the order to dissolve the Royal Senate and called for elections on February 1st. Several political analysts have hypothesized why the power vacuum occurred, among them Vague Rildanorienne political analyst Keir Castex Mas, who explains that there may have been friction in the FGU that could have caused Descartes' fall, also intuits that, although he was one of the main political parties in Rildanor, it had already begun to fracture. However, Castex Mas clarifies that these are only hypotheses and there is no clear cause for the vacuum of power, yet.

The NPP also had an snap leadership election, as Quentin Jacquinot, a leading figure in Rildanorian aerospace science and politics, announced that he was retiring from politics to devote himself to his family. With this, he retired from his position as Royal Senator and Leader of the NPP. Because the NPP leadership election is by popular vote among party members, many NPP voters went to the polls at their local NPP branches, the favorite candidate being Nicolas Vermaelen, son of social activist and former Royal Senator Tim Vermaelen. In the snap General Election, Vermaelen and the NPP were winners, with Vermaelen soon to take office as President of the Government on the 11th of this month.
Vague Rildanorienne is an independent, non-profit News Network with offices in Arloux and Trudeau.
Jafnaðarmannalisti in Telamon (4823 - present)
Nouveau Parti Populaire in Rildanor (4731 - 4917)
Mr. F49
Posts: 172
Joined: Thu May 21, 2020 8:47 pm

Re: Rildanor

Postby Mr. F49 » Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:27 pm

14 December 4843
Mickaël VII and his family prepare to move to Istalia
The Palace of the Martyrs, previously used by the Rildanorian Monarchy, will now be used as the official residence and office of the President of the Trudeauist Republic of Rildanor.

ARLOUX – After the election of the National Constituent Convention earlier this year, the Lafayette Royal Family contacted the Appiano de Borromei Royal Family to be able to move to Istalia this month. Yesterday, December 13, the Lafayettes left for Majatra where they landed in Romula this afternoon.

The Lafayette's decision to leave Rildanor is not because they are no longer the Royal family of Rildanor, it is because Empress Consort Eugenié, sister of the former King of Rildanor, recently contacted Mickaël VII to offer residence to his brothers (Mickaël and Quentin respectively) and their family. Regarding the constituent process, Mickaël has absolute confidence that it will bring the best to Rildanor and that it will be a process that will re-firm Rildanor's democracy. Officially the reign of Mickaël VII will be extended until the new constitution is approved, which is already in its final stages of drafting, but Mickaël already considers his reign as finished, but nevertheless will respect the established by the National Constituent Convention. Only the 4th generation of the Lafayette family and their descendants will move to Istalia, since both King Emeritus Jean-Noël IV and Queen Consort Gaelle died at the end of last year from natural causes. Princess Bijoux, Jean-Noël IV's sister, died in January 4827 from pneumonia.


According to Josep Lluis Noir, President of the National Constituent Convention, the new Constitution of Rildanor is already in its final phase of drafting, and decided the new name of the nation, officially Rildanor will be called Trudeauist Republic of Rildanor, in honor of Didier Trudeau a high profile figure in Rildanor's politics. The name was decided between both parties (NPP and RRR) and was officially added to the constitution this month. After the new Constitution is approved, Presidential elections will be held, the new President will be the first Head of State elected in Rildanor in 109 years.

The presidential term will last 4 years. National Conventionists will also be elected every four years in conjunction with the Presidential election. There is still no clear date for the Presidential elections, however, as soon as the constitution is approved, the campaign will begin and new elections will be held.
Vague Rildanorienne is an independent, non-profit News Network with offices in Arloux and Trudeau.
Jafnaðarmannalisti in Telamon (4823 - present)
Nouveau Parti Populaire in Rildanor (4731 - 4917)
Mr. F49
Posts: 172
Joined: Thu May 21, 2020 8:47 pm

Re: Rildanor

Postby Mr. F49 » Mon Nov 09, 2020 9:37 pm

16 December 4843
Rildanor participates in the Gene and Seed Vault
The Saint-Antoine beach, one of the places where the mission of collecting species in Rildanor takes place.

ARLOUX – The Praetor of Oleria invited Rildanor to join the project of the Gene and Seed Vault.

The Constituent Commission on the Environment, Rildanor's temporary supragovernmental commission, sent out a mission on December 1 to collect animal and plant species nationally. The collection began in Montpellier and ended in Boudigaux, where it was reported that the mission collected more than 15 national species of plants and animals in total. The President of the Commission, Jean Marko, stated that the mission was a success. Vague Rildanorienne compiled the specimens collected.

    • Royal Eagle, originating from Sirdour
    • Rildanorian Hawk, originating from Morbanaque
    • Meroix Dolphin, originating from the coasts of the City of Meroix in Montpellier
    • Labonne Moose, originating from the Deschamps Mountaing Range in Tiralouse
    • Dinoît Wolf, originating from the Dinoît Mountain Range in Boudigaux

Plants, all from Morbanaque
    • Castex pine
    • Villalba mint plant
    • Villalba oak
    • Noir oak
    • Bennett pine
    • Bijoux fern
    • Deschamps acacia
    • Deschamps birch
    • Deschamps pine
    • Bennett violet
    • Arloux spruce

The collected material has already been sent to Oleria, where they will be included in the Vault together with the species from more than 10 countries.
Vague Rildanorienne is an independent, non-profit News Network with offices in Arloux and Trudeau.[/quote]
Jafnaðarmannalisti in Telamon (4823 - present)
Nouveau Parti Populaire in Rildanor (4731 - 4917)
Mr. F49
Posts: 172
Joined: Thu May 21, 2020 8:47 pm


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