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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Wed Jan 20, 2021 2:26 pm

OOC Source: Pique Newsmagazine

Kalibaka: In a debate within the Federal Assembly yesterday the governing New Labour Party, represented by Secretary of Trade and Industry Gereh Diouf, announced its intention on launching a new project aimed at increasing the efficiency of oil extraction and management within Istapali. Secretary Diouf stated that, "As one of the nations priviliged with a large quantity of oil resources in our soil we should consider better management of this resource and ensure that we extract it in a responsible and efficient way." The current exploiter of oil in Istapali, the Central Oil company, is a privately owned entity which has for years been struggling to maintain a proper method of extracting oil resources from the large oil fields present in Istapali. Another subject of much criticism is the COC its many corruption and efficiency scandals, which involve high ranking COC officials selling oil in the black market as well as purposefully delaying the repairs of existing and construction of new oil installations. All this combined has made it so that Istapali, despite having one of the largest known oil reserves in the world, ranks 21st in oil production. The government and NLP are thus now looking for ways to improve these statistics and make Istapali a, "Responsible and efficient producer of oil." In the new plan, which is coordinated by Secretary Diouf and his department, the NLP controlled parliament will pass a series of reforms which will give the Department of Trade and Industry the authority to take away oil drilling rights and grant them more easily. Secretary Diouf already stated in a debate within the Federal Assembly that his Department, "intends on taking away the COC its right for oil extraction." One of the proposed bills creates a semi-private oil company named "Istapali Petrolium" or IP with 60% of its shares controlled by the government. With the creation of this new company a estimated 15 billion will be allocated to it in order to operate with the expectation that all revoked drilling rights from the Central Oil Company will be handed over to the new IP. The Central Oil Company has, upon hearing the news, petitioned the state courts of Ost Hamaka, Feleyes, Nord Samaru and Sud Samaru in an effort to stop their drilling rights from being taken away here, the area with most oil reserves.

These court cases will likely not hold and experts agree that Istapali Petrolium will likely be the dominant and possibly only oil producer in Istapali once all the procedures have been followed. The Department of Trade and Industry has put certain limits on the new Istapali Petrolium, obligating it to,"invest its funds into improving work conditions for its workers, expand its operations when able to and ensure innovation in extraction technology." The new company is also required to pay attention to the environment, with a emphasize on preserving the animals currently living on both existing and possibly new oil fields.

Once the project is fully underway Secretary Diouf expects that, "Istapali's oil extraction operations will be much more efficient, responsible and larger in scale. Ensuring that we benefit from the gains of this resource while keeping in mind the impact it might have on the environment and living conditions in surrounding areas."
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:36 pm

OOC Source: France 24

Liore: Istapali's Secretary of Foreign Relations, Kajwang Atieno, today concluded a three day trip to our neighbour Liore. The trip, proposed by the Department of Foreign Relations, was meant to introduce the new government to Liore and, "start of on a good note." Secretary Atieno flew to the capital of Yamabiro and was welcomed by the President of Liore Annan Balewa. Together they stepped into a car within a Liore motorcade and proceeded to the presidential palace, with curious citizens standing alongside the roads to greet them. Inside they talked for several hours, reportedly discussing regional security as well as prefered relations between the two states. A day later Atieno returned to the palace together with his entire delegation. The entire day both delegations met for what would later be revealed, trade talks. Upon the conclusion of the day both Secretary Atieno and President Balewa met a small army of press in the presidential garden, holding a joint press conference. Pleasentries were exchanged before Atieno layed out the details of the presumed trade deal that was being discussed. In the deal Istapali would, upon the proper functioning of its oil extraction operation, start exporting over 12 billion worth of oil annually to Liore. Furthermore Istapali would also export a variety of consumer goods to Liore coming from its average sized production sector. Liore would in turn export a small amount of vital raw materials to Istapali, mostly materials that can be used in electronics and jewelry. The entire deal is likely to amount to around 20 billion in bilateral trade, with over 18 billion of the traded goods being exported from Istapali to Liore.

This trade deal will open the door for future relations between our two great nations as well as providing Liore with a stable supply of oil once the operation has been set in place. We are very happy with the outcome of negotiations and thank the government and people of Liore for their immense hospitality.

Said secretary Atieno. The deal, officially named the "Liore-Istapali Resource Exchange" , will have to be approved by the Federal Assembly, which is expected to do so within the next two months. It is the first major trade deal signed by the Absimil administration and marks another milestone. The Democratic Republicans, normally critical of the administrations actions, have praised the deal stating that, "Bilateral deals like this preserve our sovereignty while expanding markets and providing Istapali goods with a destination."
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:10 am

OOC Source: Traces of War

Kalibaka: In a speech given in front of the Grand Tower memorial erected after the civil war President Absimil announced his intend on creating a additional department for the government. The new department, named the Department of Culture, will gain the responsibility of managing federal cultural property, federal museums and create or manage initiatives that, "Emphasize our diverse and rich culture." The plan, reportedly formalized by President Absimil himself, aims at better managing the "cultural treasures" of Istapali and as a sign that culture plays a large role in society and thus now in government. While in the first draft of the plan obtained by INN the department would be named the Department of Culture and Religion several left leaning members of Absimil his cabinet and party objected, stating that the government should not touch the subject of religion in any way. Thus the final draft will create a new Department of Culture with a annual budget of 8 billion and initally tasked with protecting, preserving and managing cultural sights on the federal level. State cultural sites will remain under the jurisdiction of the state's. Senate Minority Leader Ediresa Ndiaye has criticized the plan and has called on his party to vote against the creation of the department saying that, "The moment the government involves itself in the management of federal cultural sites is the moment that they will be desecrated and humiliated." Under the former Democratic Republican administration federal cultural sites were managed by private non profit foundations with little oversight.

Despite the likely no vote from the opposition the proposal is set to pass both the Assembly and the Senate with relative ease. Once passed the new Department will be housed next to the current Department of Justice in the government quarter in Kalibaka. The first thing on the agenda for the new department will be the construction of a new national museum, for which plans have been in the works for the last 8 years. The new department will likely have to make the call on whether to proceed with its planned construction or not.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:21 pm

OOC Source: Council of Foreign Relations

Timaro: Teleola, as he is called, has been the first of the Orun people to be elected to the position of governor. Teleola, age 72, has been clan leader of his local clan in the desserts of Timaro and ran for governor as a independent candidate. He defeated the favoured candidate Adebayo from the Democratic Republicans, winning with 51% of the vote against Adebayo his 46% and the NLP candidate taking the remnant. It marks the first time a independent candidate has been elected governor but also marks a historic day for his people, the Orun people, who will see the first ever Orun governor take office next year. Teleola ran on a platform of traditionalism mixed with a emphasize on eliminating crime in his state. Crime is a big problem in the largely rural and dessertlike Timaro with crime rated of up to 27%. Teleola intends on increasing funds for the state police and enact stricter sentencing guidelines to put criminals behind bars and encourage them not to commit a crime. Furthermore he intends on eliminating the state employer tax, which should encourage employers to hire more people according to his campaign platform. Teleola will take office at the start of the new year and will have to work with a DRP controlled state legislature, something that should be no problem with his mostly conservative and small government views.

Teleola has alligned himself with the Independent Rally, giving the political alliance its first state wide representative.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Fri Jan 22, 2021 3:06 pm

OOC Source: Pinterest

Kalibaka: The Department of National Development has proposed a plan to the combined parliament that would invest over 100 billion into a major water management project aimed at providing water security to a majority of Istapali. Istapali is a mostly arid and dessert nation with frequent droughts and only a handfull of water sources to rely on. In the past this extreme heat has caused severe shortages of water for both agricultural activity and drinking expecially in the east and west of the country, the two areas with most of the dessert land. The new project, named the "Strategic Water Security Plan" or SWSP is meant to eliminate the dangers of the water situation in Istapali by investing into the creation of dams as well as other water projects such as clever irrigation and more. By doing this the government hopes to both create new sources of electricity generation to fill the need for the growing urban centers in the south as well as securing the water supply for farming and drinking in the areas of the country that are deemed "high risk for drought."

The majority of the funds in the plan, over 50 billion, will be invested into the creation of over 100 dams in the major rivers flowing through the country. Both used to generate electricity and secure the water supply provided by those dams. 40 billion will be invested into a irrigation project, for which the Absimil Administration hopes to hire a number of foreign experts. This project is meant to provide a steady source of irrigation to farms in the south and west of Istapali, making sure that they do not suffer under extreme drought and are instead maintained by a advanced irrigation system. These two projects combined will likely have a major impact on a country terrorized by drought and seasonal havoc in the past and could put Istapali on the course of water independence, as it is now reliant on imported water specially for drinking from a number of its neighbours. The remaining 10 billion will be invested in the construction of a water treatment network, as to filter the water that will be secured through the dams and by doing so make it suitable for drinking.

There have been critiques on the plan, namely from the oppossition but for the first time also from some NLP members. Some experts have warned that the construction of a large number of dams could tamper with the waterflow of the rivers, possibly lowering the amount of water flowing to its tributaries in Liore and Suyu Llaqta. This could in turn hurt their source of water which could hurt relations with the two nations. Another critique is the cost, with primarily the Democratic Republicans stating that, "The Absimil administration is seemingly spending money they create out of thin air. They have spend more already then the previous 2 administrations combined and if we allow them to continue Istapali will be bancrupt by the end of the year!"

Despite the critique it is expected that the SWSP will pass both chambers of parliament, involving Istapali in its first true water management project since over a century.
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Re: Istapali

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Jan 22, 2021 4:29 pm

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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Fri Jan 22, 2021 6:30 pm

OOC Source: National Museum of the USAF

Kalibaka: Taal Turay, United Dynamics and Canbar. Three names many likely havent heard as of yet and with good reason. It are the three defense companies that are competing for the first major government defense contract in decades. The Istapali military, though reformed into new branches with the adoption of the new constitution, has been using outdated equipment, with almost 60% of the Armed Forces not having enough munition or not being equipped at all. The government, seeing the military as low priority, has until now not allocated major funds or focus. Though it still isnt a focus for the Absimil Administration the Secretary of Defense has convinced the president and his party that in order to safeguard the future stability of Istapali something had to be done. A bill passed the Assembly and Senate early this year that allocated a lump sum payment to the military to stockpile on munitions and other necessary equipment to operate. While this was not a major project that the military had hoped for it was something at least. Now, half a year later, the Department of Defense finally gained permission to put out a contract for the development of a new multirole fighter jet.

This new jet, replacing the old MiG-23, would have to be "a highly adaptable plane" that can perform multirole missions but is still versatile enough to put up a fight in the air. The current MiG-23, of which the airforce has 70, is the main fighter jet of the Istapali airforce and extremely outdated. The lack of funds for the military has even caused some of these older jets to be deemed, "not suitable for operations." due to poor maintenance. The hope of Defense Secretary Sooyaan Bakad is that with the development of this new jet the airforce could use it as a "framework for future development and a great versatile platform to serve as the backbone of our airforce." Upon the offering of the contract three companies put themselves forward. Taal Turay, United Dynamics and Canbar. All three companies are rather new to the industry and were created after the military reforms in the constitution, which allowed private defense companies to be created. All three will now be tasked with presenting a detailed plan that includes a design, a prototype version and a detailed cost plan. The Department of Defense has allocated over 20 billion for the development of the jet.

While Secretary Sooyaan certainly hoped for more he is not getting more. President Absimil, while enthusiastic, wants to use the "Raven Project" as the development is called as a testing ground before approving any further projects. If the project is deemed a succes it could very well mean future defense projects will be approved more easily. Sooyaan and military officials hope that they will be taken more seriously, even if the need for a strong defense is not there, "We can build, develop, improve and move forward as a nation all we want. But the stakes are highest when we get attacked. Without a well organized and proper military all progress we make today can be lost tommorow. Im glad with Project Raven and expect the government and president to see the benefit in having a proper functioning military."

The Department of Defense has dated November 4882 as the date that they will determine the winner of the contract, who will then go on to fully enter the development project for the jet.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:26 pm

OOC Source: BBC

Kalibaka: The New Labour Party of president Absimil has retained control over the Federal Assembly in the first true test of his presidency. The election for the Federal Assembly was held 4 years after the previous election which saw the NLP win a trifecta. Now, 4 years later, the NLP has once again won control over the Assembly, winning 55% of the seats totalling to 291 seats, even winning seats compared to last election. This win for the President his party is seen as a blow to the DRP and a confirmation of the president his high approval rating as well as the popularity of his programs. Absimil enjoys a approval rating of 62%, high for a incumbent president. His party won around 58% of the popular vote in the election against the DRP its 42%. Absimil is seen as a president that comes through on his promises and his major programs of isolationism, Istapali development and strengthening democracy have played well with the populace. This win will keep the NLP in control of the Assembly for another 4 years and ensures the party maintains control of both chambers for at least another 2 till the next senate election.

While the NLP celebrates its victory the DRP is preparing for the presidential election of next year. The party, which hoped to gain back momentum with the Assembly election, is now forced to enter its primary process demoralized which opens up the opportunity for lesser known candidates to use the demoralization for their own gain. As it stands four candidates have announced their candidacy for the nomination of the DRP: Faraba Jawara, a 45 year old former soldier, is running on a platform of intense investments into the armed forces, deregulation of the economy and a strengthening of traditionalist laws. Saikou Sidibeh, a 65 year old former governor, seeks to stay in the middle and pledges to keep the "good things" of the Absimil presidency while advocating for more authority to the states. Ebrahima Coote, a 60 year old former teacher, has pledged to privatize the railways once more, invest in state education and divert more resources to local authorities. And at last Ebrahima Senghore, a 55 year old lifelong politician, who seeks to use his experience to "work on both sides" and pledges to lower taxes and strengthen Istapali borders. Currently Senghore has been polled as the frontrunner, with a estimated 36%, followed by Jawara with a mere 20%. As the first primaries are nearing on the calendar many wonder what the DRP its new direction will be. Will they try to stay on the middle ground? Or do their losses suggest a shift to the right?
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:18 pm

OOC Source: France 24

Kalibaka: The Democratic Republican and New Labour parties have concluded their series of tense primary contests, both presenting their candidates for president during their congress. The NLP had a hard decision to make. With the fairly popular President Absimil announcing he would not seek a third 5 year term the party had to quickly organize primaries. In the primaries the former Secretary of Defense Sooyaan Bakad managed to win the nomination after winning 48% of delegates in the initial contest and winning 58% of the vote in the popular vote election against the 2nd candidate Samba Marong. The NLP holds state primaries in every state, allocating delegates based on population and the share of the vote a candidate receives in that state. After the initial contest the two candidates with the highest number of delegates compete in a nationwide popular vote election amongst NLP members, which has resulted in Bakad winning the nomination. Within the DRP the young and charismatic Alieu Suso, former Assemblymen from the state of Fayes, narrowly won the party primary becoming the youngest candidate for president in history, with a age of just 38. Suso went head to head with party veteran and former party chairman Bunama Jawara, winning just 20 delegates more then Jawara during the final counting phase at the party congress. This meant that under party rules the party leadership had to approve of the winning candidate. If they did not the second candidate would be put forth for approval. With immense public pressure the party leadership, despite their ties to Jawara, confirmed Suso his victory, making him the party nominee for the election.

A initial poll, conducted by the State Census Bureau, puts Suso ahead with 51% of the popular vote against 49% for Bakad. Furthermore key states, previously in the NLP column, are showing a shift towards the DRP. Despite Absimil his popularity many believe that Suso his platform, revolving around a stronger military, larger focus on middle class and rural families and maintaining government programs while cutting taxes, is appealing to a majority of Istapalians. Bakad, who was a fairly popular Secretary during his 4 year tenure, is a strong candidate for the party but is seen by some as to old to be president (he is currently 75 years old). Bakad is also known for his focus on policy and is much less charismatic then his DRP opponent.

While the race can still go in a variety of directions the election of next year is likely to be one of the closest elections since the adoption of the new constitution. The senate election, held on the same day as the presidential election, will also determine if the new to be elected president will have a mandate to govern with at least one chamber at his side. The election is scheduled to take place next year.
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