A Battle Unseen

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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Feb 03, 2021 3:15 am

ImageImageooc: a collection of short stories focusing on the everyday citizens and happenings on the soil of the directorial republic of endralon

A little football pitch, Svetigrad, near to Maloselo, Canton of Zergon, Directorial Republic of Endralon

"Dodaj loptu, pass the ball, pass me!" he said to his teammate, who ran right towards the penalty area. The opponent team did a great mistake, and let only one defender for the two of them. The others just tried to run back from the halfway, but it was obvious that they can't help nor their goalkeeper, or the one defender left, if the attackers finishing their job well. And this "well" in this situation would mean a good pass from the runner to Him, who just followed the action in line with the runner and the only defender. The goalkeeper decided to stay in his goal. One good pass, and He just have to roll the ball elegantly into the goal, under the goalkeeper's legs.

"Izaći! Come out!" other, opponent players shouted from the halfway to their goalkeeper, encouraging him to come out from his goal, and try to aggressively attack the ball before the runner could have a shooting moment. And it was logical, because, however He wanted to score, but it was obvious that the runner wanted all glory for himself. And it put him into a weaker position, since both the only defender and the goalkeeper (who by encouragement, decided to aggressively attack) was on his neck. Everybody thought the action was over. But, the runner decided well in the last moment.

Between the goalkeeper and the only defender, he passed the ball to Him, and He does not thinked a lot, just rolled the ball into the empty goal, with an elegant and tender ankle movement. And made it 1 - 0. He quickly ran to the corner of the pitch to celebrate the goal, together with the runner, and the other teammates running from behind to took a part in the celebration. He did his favorite celebration movement, especially to the girls, sitting next to the football pitch and watching the match, filming the bois or just simply talking. Since it wasn't an official match, just a little friendly play in the afternoon, of course they just did this for fun.

"Bilo je lijepo, majku ti! It was nice, motherfucker!" the runner said, when they hugged each other. But then, they suddenly saw, one guy from the opponent team just got the ball from the goal, and kicked it to the arable lands, right next to the football pitch. He knew, the arable lands belonged to one of the great corpos, and He also knew that it was already deployed with corn seeds, but it was in a really early stage though. The guy who kicked the ball deeply to the arable fields, were really angry and mad, and there were even some tears in his eyes.

"You are fucking cheaters! Why can't you play by the rules?" he shouted.

"Why would we cheat?" asked him the runner.

"Even blind men can see that it was offside..." the angry guy answered.

"There is no offside in such a little pitch" reacted to him somebody from His team.

"I don't care what you say, asshole" he answered and left the pitch and grabbed his coat, and he was followed by many of the opponent team. "We are leaving, bye girls and bye loosers."

Some girls were chatted about him, some laughed at him, and some were literally scared of this activity. His team just stood quietly on the pitch, except one of them, who desperately grabbed his hands and made a terrified face.

"That was a ball from fucking Hugamest! Prljavi kurac!" he said.

"Then go for it, it is not so deep in..." said the runner.

"Are you stupid? Last time they catched a fella on the fields, they beated him really well. The workers, ya know" said a third.

"My father only go back with his truck to Mest, in two weeks. What the fuck we will do without a ball for two weeks?" stayed desperate the guy who lost his ball.

"I mean somebody among the workers shall find it" said an another.

"And what do you think, will they give back the ball peacefully and don't punish us for kicking it to their land?" made a point the same guy who told the others about the beating earlier.

The guys spoke with each other, but He does not really cared. I mean, sometimes He liked to play football, but it wasn't His life, like it was others'. Everybody around him always told him that He is not a Zergonese, He shall move among the Hugalonese or the Syldavians, because He does not like stuff like a true Zergonese would. Fish soup, strong body, blonde woman - He said meh to all of these things. Of course He knew He is a Zergonese, and always will be proudly, and that these conditions only existing in Svetigrad, the little town he lived in, near to the metropolis Maloselo, where, based on the legends, people are far more better.

The truth is, based on the internet, He believed He is living in a hellhole, a last piece of shit of the monarchist Vajk (even if everybody around Him were large patriots and sing songs about the glory of the Directorial Republic all night). He would not even dare to list the activities of the Hugamester influencers, vloggers and gamers, but even in Maloselo people can have weaker body without notice, can hate fish soup and can have whatever women or men they like. This was his main plan, leave this 1000 people hellhole alone and literally travelling into the future, leaving this many rural assholes here to kill themselves with their expectations.

"If you are so coward pricks, I will get that ball, bitches" a thin, female voice put Him back to the reality. He does not know the speaking girl well, He only knew that she is one of the new residents in the Hrvojić Street. And hell god, she was damn hot. She had a long, dark brown hair, and only a bra and some thin jeans on her body. He can't denied it, liked what He saw. And especially the bravery of the girl, that was, to be honest, a little bit insane. The Svetigradian workers do not care about gender, they just terrorize everybody who would stand between them and their worshipped €30 000 salary. But actually, they would might care about gender, but not in the positive way... Can He let that? He was totally sure during these 5 minutes or so, that He had a crush on the girl. So, it would be responsible to let her go alone? No.

"I will go with ya" He just said and He knew, there is no retreat. The most of the guys, boys and girls, already started to laugh or talking about them two behind their back, even their fellow teammates. The girl just looked on Him with a serious face, maybe thinked on the offer.

"Do you think girls need protection? What are you, a barbarian?" she said.

"Only the blind men can't see this: the Barbarians don't good for business" the others like a chorus, made a common joke, singing a popular rhyme, that was sing for almost every babies in the Directorial Republic since the 3M-Medina dispute, and especially after the AEFNS strikes. They laughed a lot.

"I want to play with that ball once we regained it, right? Then why would a girl need to retake it while we are resting here? I want to get it back, and I need your protection. Would you give it?" he asked the girl once again, with a good poetic move. Others already shouted some incomprehensible sounds, and they expressed their recognition with those.

"He is clever, he has brain, fellas" said the runner and started to laugh once again.

"Then what are you waiting for?" said the girl and He was just extremely happy and started to run towards her. But she does not really waited for Him, she was already on her way.

"I have a condom from yeste..." the runner approached Him.

"Fuck off" He said and he pushed him away friendly and just followed the girl. Of course the runner does not really wanted to really give Him a condom, he just wanted to follow the joke just started, and he said it enough loudly to everybody hear it, and laugh it.

Once He and the girl left the aura of the others, they were in line with each other and there was only a 2 metres high wall between them and the arable lands. And they were ready to do an adventure, get back the ball and avoid the workers during that. And He was ready to conquer her heart as well.

Last edited by robmark0000 on Tue Feb 16, 2021 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:08 am

9:00 November 21st, 4885 Thetanist Regional Headquarters, Aikums Dolgava

Maria Opik had spent more than a year inside the Church of Thetanism. With a man whose emotions ranged from murderous to charming depending on his mood. He is moody and dangerous if he was in a bad mood, also very charismatic and addicted to women. Maria had been invited many, many times to his personal quarters and he repeatedly asked her for questionable favors, however she had repeatedly lied and said she was married. The man kept several ladies in a large walk in closet and she had a mountain of voice recordings to prove that he was responsible for beating many women and girls. He was a pig of a man who lead a major religion, that was of course questionable but still a very bad things. Maria sat across from him on a stool today. He was on the phone talking to a top elder. Maria on his request was wearing a skimpy dress that fit better with the Dolgavan nightlife instead of in a fancy custom apartment for a multimillionaire. Maria was a women that you did not mess with and she was very thankful this mission would soon be over and that soon she prayed this man would be in custody. She needed picture proof of the ladies that he kept imprisoned and she wanted that information. Today was the day she would get it.

Montgomery finished his call and sat up staring into Maria's eyes he said "You are gorgeous, you know that".

Maria was used to this, he said this at least a dozen times every time they would meet (which was around once or twice a month). She nodded and then in the most innocent voice said "Thank You".

Montgomery responded with "Of course, that is high praise coming from the supreme leader of Thetanism you know". He was loony and Maria could tell. He then paced across the room and said "What do you want to do my love?"

This was a common phrase he said to any woman whom he spent more than a month together Maria took this as her chance "Could you take me around the whole facility, you have promised this to me several times but I would love to take a tour of the facility and you can tell me all about everything!"

"All right" Montgomery said taking Maria by the hand and walking down the hall out of his office. Maria grabbed her handbag in the confusion knowing that her ticket to safety lay concealed inside of it. In tow of the charismatic leader she tied to keep up with his wide footsteps. He walked along talking and talking and talking...

A half an hour later, Maria got in here sports car and drove off home... She had a long day again but she got the info she needed. He showed her photos of "The Room". She had convinced him that next time they would see each other, they would Really see each other". She of course had no intention of this she would be taking him down and his entire religion...

6:00 March, 1st 4886 Thetanism Headquarters Aikums, Dolgava

Maria, aka Westwind had botched her normal plaster face covering that she normally did perfect. She still looked like Maria but she didn't need to look like her for long this time. She carried in her purse a small gift that she would be gifting the Thetanists. Walking down the street her pace hurried, she grabbed her ID that was a personal ID given out by Montgomery. The desk clerk only looked up a second before Westwind walked by, she had become a normal part of life here between meetings with Montgomery and auditing lessons. She looked at here watch it was 6:15 AM. She knew that in 30 minutes a group of men in suits would pull up in a large van. Something not uncommon in Aikums, but the tinted windows and the black colored van kept them from being seen and thus reported. Long ago Westwind had scouted the whole building and she knew a location that would not only paralyze the whole building and one that would create the most confusion but one that would give her an easier escape route as well here and Mr. Montgomery and whoever else she found to save.

Going up the elevator she made her way to the fourth floor and walked over to an old desk, that was not used except for conventions. This was near the balcony which overlooked the convention hall. In a closet which she had access to there next to a main support beam on the entire building. She pulled out a small cardboard box and flipped a tiny switch. This set off a 30 minute timer. Westwind then went up the elevator to the 6th floor, where the now normal home of Ronald Montgomery was. He had spent so much time in Dolgava that most people would think that this was his normal home... Walking down the hallway Westwind turned the corner to the hallway which had a large golden door at it's end. She knocked twice, quietly and softly. The door immediately flew open and a man with no shirt on, the leader of Thetanism, greeted her enthusiastically.

"I have been waiting months for this moment", he grabbed Westwind and started kissing her even more enthusiastically, he then pointed to his private bathroom and said "Get ready I will be waiting..." Westwind thanked him silently and went into the bathroom. She closed the door and sat on the toilet, making noise to make it seem as if she was moving. She pulled out of her purse several vials of blood and dumped them in the shower stall. She had found out that Montgomery's blood type was a O negative and since his DNA was not on record she knew that this would fool them. She sat on the latrine and waited, thinking, waiting for the explosion that she hoped and prayed would activate. The explosive was a set charge loaded with thermite and TNT, the explosion was meant to be fiery and thremite burning could melt steel. She admired her work in the shower and she pulled out her next weapon. It was a .38 pistol with a silencer, her favorite weapon and she loved it. Her mission was to if the explosion was to take place to escort the leader of Thetanism out to a waiting batch of marines dressed in street clothing, if the charge was not to go off, she was to kill him on the spot and escape some way out of the building. The bathroom was hot and humid. Westwind considered taking off here high heels so she could run better but that would leave suspicion in a future investigation, she knew how to run in them better than most women and since she pretty much lived in these shoes she knew she would do more than fine in them. She waited the minutes counting down. Sweat dripping down her back...

From outside a impatient rude voice said "Come on now, don't be shy come on we have something to do here!", and the sound of stomping.

Westwind rolled her eyes and said in the sweetest voice she could muster "I will only be a minute", she was half true, in fact the explosion was set to take place in 5 minutes "I just have to do something first". This was the best excuse she could come up with. She looked through her purse and pulled out several vials of gasoline. She would be setting these off soon. Her watch counted down, 3 more minutes now. Westwind started walking around the bathroom, pistol in hand making the illusion that she was moving. This worked as Montgomery walked back over to his personal quarters once again. Her timer counted down, 1 minute, she waited. 45 seconds, 30 seconds. She continued to count down in her head and took off her outer coat to reveal a pretty little red dress. 20 seconds. She then said "Ok I am coming out now", as loud as she could, she put her pistol in a pocket in her dress and walked towards the door 10 seconds. She knelt down staying away from anything breakable. 5 seconds she opened the door and then...

KABOOM!!!! The building shook, the high explosive charge worked to perfection and Westwind knew it. The charge itself was small but packed a punch. Its location in the building meant that it would be hard to extinguish and it would start a fire that could burn a substantial portion of the building. The building in fact had failed several fire codes at times and so was not ready for a fire at all. The rescue crews would be hampered as well as traffic was really bad at this time of day and trying to get anywhere fast was not an option. This had all been planned, they wanted maximum damage. The larger the damage the longer the investigation. It was all part of the plan. Amazingly nothing fell but the bathroom shook she threw 3 vials of gasoline on the floor and lit a match setting it ablaze. She walked out into the hall and a man in his underpants greeted her his face in shock. "Wa Wa What Happened".

Westwind wasn't going to play games she pulled out her .38 and pointed at the explosion with it she said "I don't know but my job is to protect you and I will do that, come on we gotta get out of her, Smoke was starting to come from the bathroom and she grabbed the shocked mans hand and walked out into the main hall. Then Westwind used her heel and kicked in the closet door knowing there were people that needed to be saved. The door broke and Westwind opened it revealing several women sitting in this walk in closet, they looked dreadful. Some of them had ghostly hollowed out eyes and Westwind was just struck by the horror of their conditions. Thankfully they were not chained and each got up wearing skimpy dresses that were tattered and dirty. Westwind's anger grew but she kept calm and collected. Westwind and Montgomery escorted them out and Westwind told them to run the toward the fire escape where a agents would pick them up and take them to safety.

Westwind and Montgomery made their way to the hall and ran as fast as they could after the malnourished women. They were to be picked up by more marines who would take care of them and feed them and put get their personal accounts, Montgomery asked "How did you know they were in there".

Westwind still running and pointing keeping her pistol at her side said "I know more than you think I do Mr. Montgomery. I am your personal bodyguard and my job is to protect you at all costs". This of course was a lie but Montgomery's brain was in shock and he wasn't thinking clearly so he accepted it as fact. They walked down the outside stairs of the fire escape and saw the van waiting for them below. Police and Fire Engines were starting to come inside of the building and at the sight of this Westwind quickened her pace. They ran blindly with precision to the van and Westwind said "Here, come in here these people will get you to safety". She shoved Montgomery in the back where several suited men with machine guns waited for him and she climbed in the passenger seat. The van drove off slowly and Westwind ripped off her plaster disguise and wig revealing locks of blonde hair and her youthful face. From inside came the muffled sounds of someone being restrained and the occasional kicks and punches of a frightened man being pinned down. Westwind listened enjoying what she was hearing. The muffled screams was like music to her ears. She looked between her and the driver and saw a little window into the back. After having trouble opening this window she finally got it open and looked inside the back. 5 burly men with in suits held Montgomery down. He was gagged and bound and laying on his belly his dark eyes now frightened and shocked seeing that his Maria was now a blond 20 year old that looked like a super model. Westwind looked at him in disgust utter disgust and gave him a look that would make anyone instantly feel like they were about to die. She then flipped her hair in one last teasing gesture, just to make him suffer more and slammed the window shut as the muffled screams started once again...

The driver of the van was Westwind's mission organizer and he had planned the whole thing out. He simply said "Well done Westwind, you have done a very good job". They said nothing as they drove. They passed Westwind's sports car but she would pick that up at a different time when the crowds were gone. Her mission was over. Ronald Montgomery, wanted for 12 counts of abuse and 5 counts of murder was finally in Dolgavan custody.

Westwind spoke in Luthori to her superior "I hope that is the last I see of that filthy human being the fool was too shocked to even question where I took him, I hope I am the last women I he ever lays eyes on too".

The driver laughed and said "Oh you don't want to see what we will do to him, well I don't blame you someone who is as pretty as yourself wouldn't want to see a man who will be suffering beyond imagination. That is not something that I do not like seeing but in this case I think I will probably enjoy it. This man is despicable and does not deserve a trial. We need to make sure that he is put down and we will not make it a pleasant experience. You put yourself on the line and saved so many people from his clutches. You should be proud of yourself. You have done your country and women all over Terra a great service I assure you. Again Westwind, well done. You have spent the past year and a half on this mission and you did a splendid job. We can finally bring this man to justice and we can make him pay!" he paused and added "Yes he will be seeing no women, you are the last lady he lays eyes on I can assure you of that". Westwind didn't know if she liked that or if it cheeped her out, she was about to ask if someone else could be that person but then she realized that, that would not be the best option.

The van drove off thorough the streets of Aikums, and the exhausted agent Westwind closed her eyes, put her pistol back in her purse swept her long blonde hair to one side of her head as her eyes becoming heavier and heavier The shock and adrenaline of the past hour was caught up to her and even the toughest people in Terra needed to break down at some point. Finally she could get some sound sleep with the knowledge of one of the worst humans on the planet being soon to be gone and firmly in Dolgavan custody. Westwind did not regret tricking the man, a person as cruel as that needed to be tricked and personally she loved exploiting people's weaknesses especially people as bad as he was. She smiled to herself as she started to lose consciousness, "A job well done indeed" she told herself in her head.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 4:06 am

An Undisclosed Location Northern Dolgava March 14th 4886 [Postdated]

Mr. Biscuit walked quietly in the spring air. The snow was still on the ground in Dolgava as it always did and Mr. Biscuit was walking through the trees. He was on a military base, it had long been abandoned however it was still guarded. He had for the past several weeks been in Aikums, welcoming the newest batch of Dolgavan spies, the 2nd class to graduate the Campus in Hutori. He has been proud of their effort and they have worked well. His first batch of recruits had turned out excellent. The Dolgavan Mobster was in Northern Dovani following links to Dolgavan organized crime in that region. Mr. Biscuit wanted organized crime to be fought and expelled from Dolgava however the more he fought against it the more he knew it seemed hopeless. Looking around he saw the tall walls of the facility. He and many others nicknamed this place "The Hole" because it was a hole to hell. The people here were the worst of the worst. Mr. Biscuit stood over the hole in the side of a small bluff, it looked like a ammo dump location and was in the middle of an old ammo dump facility but he knew the right door. The hole was in a location where it wouldn't draw attention. The base was in the middle of the Dolgavan Tiaga, a thick and desolate woods that covered the north of the nation. He came to the right ammo dump and knocked twice, the knocks rang out on the crisp wood door and the door creaked open. Standing inside two armed Dolgavan guards holding assault rifles, they saluted and Mr. Biscuit nodded in approval. He walked through the door and a man in a colonel's outfit met him.

He said in a rushed voice "It is a pleasure to see you again sir".

Biscuit nodded and said "You don't have to salute me, I am not a soldier. Now I have been given permission to speak to one of your prisoners. Could I please do that".

The colonel nodded and walked down the hall. Large jail doors that were iron and had no windows on them lined the halls. This is a super max facility that is self sufficient and cut off from the rest of humanity. Biscuit knew a good deal of the people behind these doors, the worst murderers, rapists and convicted criminals that Dolgava had were behind these doors. Their cells were situated in a way where they would never know where they were and the window to the outside was at a slant and they could not see anything. The cells were clean and some of the best maintained in the country because these men were of course still human. Biscuit was not going to these cells, he took the staircase going downstairs.

The next level was the same as the first, 4 guards with assault rifles protected this area and a large command center was here too. The place looked like any other prison only it was 50 feet under an old ammo dump. No civilian had ever laid eyes on the facility from the top, of course because all prisoners are blindfolded in and out of the facility and the long drives to get here too. To the general public this was an old ammo dump nothing more nothing less.

Biscuit was not satisfied and he continued to the end of the hall to a door marked "Emergency Exit" written in Dolgavan of course, this in fact was half true. Sure it was another way to get out of this facility (it only took you back to the first level), but another unmarked door on the left which was locked was also located here as well. The colonel opened the door with a special key and it was opened. Biscuit saw before him flights of stairs going down in a spiral. He went down them, to the one of the most secret locations in Dolgava. More people had been on the moon then had been down here. 8 guards in Body Armour and assault rifles greeted the Colonel and Biscuit. The hall was red, the doors were red, the floor, red. Everything was red.

This was the "Red Hall", a place that you would never want to find yourself inside. Here you did not get a trial, here the government will keep you until you are killed. The people here in the eyes of the Dolgavan Government deserve no trial, and for most Dolgavans the man currently in Red Hall was already dead. Biscuit looked down the hall. All 24 cells illuminated in eeary red light. The whole room was the same kind of light as a chicken hatchery without the heat. He walked over to stall 7 and a big burly guard opened it. The keys handcuffed to his wrist. Inside was a cramped space, no windows, only one vent for fresh air and a man sitting on a stool, with a red towel over his head. If the World Congress inspectors made their way down here they would be freaked out, but the Dolgavan army does not care. These people are too evil and too corrupt to be kept alive.

Biscuit walked in and sat down on a stool that one of the guards provided him, it was also red. The hood was lifted from the man and the narrow face of Ronald Montgomery, his hair in drag and his eyes sullen and as small as ever. Biscuit cleared his throat and said "Hello Ronald, may I ask how has you day been"...

The prisoner shook out of a trance like state and started blabbering incoherently, "Who are you, have you come to release me, these men are maniacs, I can't understand a word of what they say. Please I need to see a women! It is my god given right to see a women, I NEED to see one".

"I can't promise you anything", Biscuit said trying to build the man's trust. He spoke to him in clear Luthorian.

Montgomery then said "Are you from Luthori, please I hope you are".

Biscuit then said "No I came to share a message and to see what several years of work has done be finished", he chuckled to himself, he was not an evil man, he loved people, his young grandchildren, his agents his family. He loved them but this man was currently tied with Satanial as the most hated man in Biscuit's mind. Then he said in a soft voice "Ms. Maria caught you with several sex slaves in you apartment, you do know that is crimes against humanity right".

"I didn't do it", he said "They were my friends, they choose to be there...

He was cut off when Biscuit yelled at the top of his lungs "Bulšits!!!!!!" he repeated it in English "Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit!!!" He got up and smacked Montgomery on the side of the face as hard as he could. "You enslaved 6 fine young women on Dolgavan soil. I spoke with them personally and they are going through god damn therapy because of you! You are one of the most sick human beings of all time and you used a religion and their fears against them, Shame on you, Shame on you! You have blood on your hands"!

He screamed in pain but this was soon muffled as Biscuit stepped several paces back Biscuit did not believe in torture and of course Montgomery was not tied up all of the time, only for important events such as this was he restrained.

Montgomery lost consciousness for a moment before shuddering awake once again he croaked "Please you have given me no trial, please this will come back to bite you I promise you..."

He was interrupted by Biscuits laughing. Biscuit laughed and laughed filling the whole cell with it. He looked the bruised former "religious" leader in the eye and said "you are never coming out of this place alive, that I can promise you".

"bu bu but..." came the the stuttering response "I am in custody everyone knows that".

Mr. Biscuit pulled out a Luthorian copy of the main Dolgavan paper from 5 months ago and held it up. The crumpled paper read "Leader of Thetanist Movement found dead in his multi million dollar apartment".

Montgomery's face suddenly showed fear that Mr. Biscut had never seen. Deep inside his heart it hurt him seeing someone suffer through fear so much but he remembered the raped children, the murdered young women and he held it closer, closer to the man, who started to whimper uncontrollably. "It can't be, he wailed "It can't be!?!?"

Biscuit sneered at the man and then folded up the paper and put it away in his coat. He motioned to the cell door and the guard opened it he then turned around and stared into the man's beady eyes he gave a look of longing and of utter fear.

He started to speak his lips trembling "Ma- ria" he stammered, "Maria she betrayed me!, she was your assistant!!!!" He pushed against the roped that bound him to the chair wriggling and writhing to break free. "Please let me look at the fair body of you assistant the one that betrayed me one last time. Please??". He looked pleadingly at Biscuit.

Biscuit turned to the officer and said "Make sure he never sees another female for the rest of his life, you hear!" before giving the man one last glance and storming out of the cell. The colonel waited for him outside

The Colonel started speaking "We haven't given him access to any females at all".

Biscuit then said "Good to hear and as he walked out of the abysmal hallway he said "Remember, get it over with and shoot the man, no one deserves to have a slow death, no one you hear"!

The Colonel nodded and just like that, Biscuit was gone...
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Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning - Erwin Rommel
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:24 am

Prime Minister's Residence 1221 Konig Street Aikums, Dolgava February 14th 4890 6:30

Jaanus Kapp the Prime Minister of Dolgava sat at his dining room table eating breakfast. His breakfast consisted of soft boiled eggs in egg cups and biscuits with golden thick honey butter. He also had a large mug of piping tea. In the chair next to him a black and white cat lay sleeping, his head resting against his front paw which he had sprawled out in front of him. For Jaanus this marked a time for relaxation and peace before a day filled with meetings, stress and paperwork. His duties started at 8:00 and so the next hour and a half he would relax, pet his wonderful cat and read the paper. His phone dinged with a notification telling him the weather, he picked it up and it said, snow... This was not a surprise and so Kapp put the phone back down. He bit into a delicious biscuit the fusion of honey butter and biscuit tasted so, good.

Some honey got in his chin and so Jaanus grabbed a towel and rubbed his face. As he was doing this he heard two sharp knocks on the front door. Whoever it was he was allowed to knock on said door and so Jaanus speed walked to the big brown door and opened it.

Outside stood a tall man in the brown coat, his breath making small clouds as they rose into the sky. Jaanus exclaimed "Rasmus!, come in my friend". In walked Rasmus, he was tall and skinny had a broad chin, a narrow face and salt and pepper hair. Jaanus had known this man for some time and every so often he would pop in to meet with the Prime Minister. Jaanus went over to the stove and opened the box of tea, extracted a teabag and put it in the mug. He grabbed the teapot and poured it over the teabag. The scent of pine tea now filled his nostrils. He walked over to the guest and handed the tea to him.

Rasmus nodded his head and said "Thank You my friend" before taking a sip of the hot tea. He leaned back in his chair stretched and said "Well I finally found time to meet with you, can't believe how much stress I have been under".

Jaanus nodded in agreement "I can believe it, trust me I had to negotiate with the Endralonians".

At this they both laughed and Rasmus asked "How is talking with them, are they difficult to deal with?"

Jaanus chuckled and said "Well they still think that a free trade agreement would be beneficial to both of our nations and I was offered to join NACTO once again, however other than that we had a great talk. I have to say that their president is wicked smart and a good negotiator".

Rasmus said "Oh really!, I expected that to be frank, them Endralonians are some of the best in the business in that department". Rasmus then looked out at the snow and asked "So how is the situation in Hobrazia?"

Jaanus sighed and said "Not good to sum things up those guys still have those Dorvish diplomats and the situation is not getting any better. We are close to a war and it will not be good I am afraid".

Rasmus, sipped his tea and then said "That is a shame, what a rotten shame... Is there anything I can do, you know my power and I could easily give Dolgava and the Northern Council valuable information, and besides one of my latest recruits can speak fluent Hobrazian". He sipped his tea again his stare was enough to make anyone start to sweat.

Jaanus looked around him at the walls the ceiling and then back to Rasmus and then he said "You know what is best, I will leave you to that. However if you want to send your people to Hobrazia", he took another sip of tea then continued "Then I give you my blessing".

Rasmus sat up straight and said "Well I know the people for this job, it will require a team effort but I have the resources and the personal to make this happen". He looked at his watch and then said "Well I have to go, Thank You for the tea", he put on his brown jacket once again and as he did this Jaanus stood up too.

Both of the men shook hands before Rasmus went to the door, Jaanus said as he was about to go out the door, "Well take care of yourself Biscuit and tell Lilian I and the family I say hello".

Rasmus shook his hand one more time and he walked out the door saying "I will, I send the same regards", he turned sharply pointing at the Prime Minister and said "Also how many times do I have to tell you, don't call me Mr. Biscuit, good grief", he snorted in disgust and and just like that he was gone, walking down the protected street and Jaanus closed his door so as to not make the house freezing cold. Jaanus could not understand the head of Intelligence sometimes, he didn't need an identity but he had one. He always was so secretive, why? Jaanus pondered all of this and then dismissed them, going back to a more pressing matter at hand, which was finishing his breakfast...
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Feb 10, 2021 8:47 pm

Hutorian Security Intelligence Service Safehouse, City of Louth near the Hobrazian border, Holy Luthori Empire

Sam looked out through the window, as the run rapidly faded from view in south eastern Luthori city. Sam shook his head in mild surprise, that he was in Luthori, having not even known that HSIS kept a particular large network in what once one half of the centre of the Imperial Commonwealth. Luthori was, once upon a time, one of the greatest nations in Terra. Centuries is isolationism, and continued collective self belief in their own superiority without every attempting to back it up and left the Luthori Empire nothing more then the name on official document whose borders didn't extend beyond it's Artanian borders, and the belief in some of it's Royal Family that it still ruled the waves. Thoughts of Luthori Exceptionalism were now nothing more then a faded memory in Terra's collective thoughts with none, save for certain aristocratic members of Luthori's ruling class, actually still believing in it. That Luthori has been a critical part of the Imperial Commonwealth had brought Luthori back to the forefront of international politics, but this time securely as the senior partner to Hutori. HSIS hasn't been asleep at the switch in those days, and even still today, thanks to the extremely similar cultures, languages with no differences but slang and accent, and numerous other factors, Hutorian Intelligence boasted that their largest Artanian station, and the centre of one of their largest continental networks, were still centered on Luthori.

Thanks to that Samuel Caldwell, a veteran HSIS Intelligence Officer responsible for central Artania, had been recalled from his assignment in Rutania to focus on a new objective, one he instinctively already knew. The door behind him open without a knock. He turned and had already pulled his H9 sidearm and was aiming it at the newcomer before he saw who it was. A lady in fine and clearly expensive clothing stood before him. Where has Samuel, or Sam as he prefered, was average in every way, from weight to height, even his general appearance, the woman who shared the room with him was shorter, older and his continuance screamed she was used to authority. Thankfully, he knew exactly who she was, without needing prompting. The woman was Rebecca Sloan, officially the Deputy Chief of Mission to the Hutorian Embassy in Fort William, the second highest ranking diplomat right behind the Ambassador. However, despite her very real diplomatic job and credentials, she was also the Chief of Station for HSIS, and not just for the Holy Luthori Empire, but was in fact the Intelligence Chief for the entire continent. HSIS has believed setting up their top spy for the continent inside, not only the arguably most central nation in Artania, one of the friendliest nations to Hutori was a very easy way to hide her plain site. Considering she was entering her tenth year as the Chief of Station for Artania, that was likely to be extremely correct. "Ma'am." He said, bowing his head slightly.

The woman nodded. "Caldwell good to see you again."

She sat down at a table and pulled out a folder and laid it down. "Your cover, for the indefinite future."

Caldwell sat down and pulled out the documentation, detailing his entire legend, the credit cards he would need, the cash, and most importantly the Luthori Passport that proclaimed him Harold Marhouse. He nodded, his voice having changed to a southern Luthori accent, the moment he had read his legend and seen his passport. "Based on my credentials ma'am, I am to assume that Hobrazia is my target?" Harold's accent was one of an aggressively middle class family, someone to whom was just rich enough to not struggle, but still poor enough to hate the aristocracy above him for presuming he their betters, an accent that Harold amusingly noted, Sloan had obtained from having spent far too long in Luthori.

"That's correct Mr. Marhouse. The Hobrazian Fascists have rapidly come to strength and we believe that this Strong Identification Act is only the first step. As the National Movement is trying to ahieve the same thing here in the Empire, it seems only proper that you, as a proud Luthori national, but also one who believes in that message of a pure white, pure Hosian nation, the Hobrazian Fascists will gladly teach you how to truly seize power and hold it."

Harold nodded, understanding. "Of course ma'am, I am also to presume that I don't have an end date."

"Correct again Mr. Marhouse, though I'm sure you'll know when you should make yourself scarce and not be within the nation anymore. I'll leave that up to you to figure out, just make sure you don't leave too early, am I understood?"

"Perfectly ma'am."
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Feb 15, 2021 11:37 am

Villiage of Lipni Dolgava Local Beer HallSeptember 1st 4892 18:00

The noise of locals and drunk patrons filled the beer hall. Most people here were wearing clothing that many would consider "shabby" or humble attire. Beer, vodka and a plethora or spirits were being consumed. After all it was after the work day and many people were just trying to relax after a long day or work. Groups of men and women sat around the circular tables talking about local events and such, like any small pub in Dolgava.

Sitting in a table in the corner sat a women, she wore a blue coat. She was not tall had a long face and shoulder length wavy blonde hair. She went by many names however the name that she would be going by today was, her real name, Veronika sat in a table drinking a beer, something she did often. During her time in Dolgava she had done many things. She had worked out a international network or crime syndicates, mobs, mafia's and other groups. However she had done it all without blowing her cover. She had a large house in Southern Dolgava and lived a comparably lavish lifestyle. However her main job was being an intelligence agent and when her country needed her, she was there. As Veronika sat drinking a beer she watched the door, a man was supposed to meet her, she knew more than likely who this man would be however she was not positive. The drone of the others at the bar chatting kept the atmosphere in an almost cheery mood.

Veronika waited minutes going by, she picked up her smartphone and looked at the current news. No surprise, more news about the Tsunami recovery efforts underway and another nation speaking out against Yingdala. This did not concern Veronika, however as the door swung open and a tall man entered, this did concern her. She knew this man, he was young, probably in his early 30's, he was clean shaven, had jet black hair and a smile with the mischievous look of a used car salesman and the honest smile of a good friend both blended together. His eyes scanned the room until they fell upon Veronika and he walked over to the table and sat down. A waiter went to the table and soon thereafter and the man ordered a whiskey.

The two people remained silent, as Veronika continued to sip her beer when the man spoke.

"We have a new assignment for you", his voice sounded like sandpaper, it had a edgy sound that you could actually feel.

Veronika gave a look of interest and said "Well what is it?"

"It is in a foreign land, you see we need an expert set of eyes on the ground and..." the man stopped as Veronika gave him a questioning look and he continued "It would just be better if I handed you the documents is it".

Veronika gave a nod and the man gave her a stack of files. To the average person this looked like any business transaction. They weren't acting strange, they were not trying to hide what they were doing.

Veronika read through the files paging through them and remembering everything they said. After some time of reading she asked "What would a Davostani want to be doing in Hobrazia, how would this make any sense?"

The man replied "You know as well as I do that NACTO businessmen and women are not scared of who they do business with, as long as cash is coming in they turn a blind eye to things such as Fascism".

Veronika nodded drinking her beer as she pondered...

"Well finally Biscuit will be sending me over seas, it took him long enough"...

The man chuckled and then said "Remember though we do not want you to take any risks, you are there to"....

He was interrupted again by Veronika's finger held against his lips, she spoke softly so that he could only hear her when she said "I might have graduated a few years back and I do not have as recent experience as you in school, but let me remind you that unlike your training which ONLY took place in Dolgava, I passed the most rigorous training in all of Terra". Her tone become overly sarcastic and she finished "So Darling, next time you want to tell me what to do, I would say just take a flight over to Hutori, once you get past that training you and I can have a conversation about what I should do and not do. Until then keep your yap shut". She downed the rest of her beer in a big gulp, dug through her purse grabbing several DOLs and placed them beside the mug and was preparing to leave.

The man also got up saying "You know it would be a shame if we didn't get to talk for just a little bit more, how about you stick around and we can see what kind of things there are to do in this city, I have the next few days off you see, we could even get a hotel ro".....

Once again, Veronika's patience was running thin, "Honey, You really though that I would fall for you that easy", she gave him a disgusted eye roll, chuckled and walked out of the beer hall thoroughly amused...
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Rogue » Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:08 pm

Hobrazia, Forests of Zargundia, 4912

Hurry, we dont have all day

Says Prokop Kozák, a agent of the Deltarian State Directorate for Intelligence. Together with another SDI agent he stumbled through the forests in Hobrazia, avoiding the military patrols that have been patrolling these areas for days. After a few hours he and his accomplice arrive at a little shack at the outskirts of the forest, they wait outside, Prokop with his submachine gun in hand. After some time two others appear, pistol in hand, they stand by the shack anxiously. They are young men, barely in their 20's. Prokop signals the other agent and a whistle can be hear, four bags filled with assault rifles, explosives and ammunition are brought to the two man by the shack. Prokop moves out of the shadows, "you took long" he says to the two men, "we were... held up. Thats why we left our rifles.", "Idiots", says the other agent, "Silence Ivo." says prokop. He hands the two man a sack containing a variety of files, "these have been obtained by the hawk. Make good use of them." The two men confirm whats in the sack, grab the bags full of gear and head off into the woods. "Its been a pain supplying and training these guys. Its a wonder this rebellion hasnt been crushed yet." Says Ivo, "I know. I still have some hope though. I think these men are dedicated to their cause. With the right amount of equipment and guidance, we might be able to make this work. But that isnt up to us, thats up to Hawk."

Ivo and Prokop blend into the forests again, hiding in the trees, ready for their next mission inside Hobrazia.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby ChengherRares1 » Thu Apr 01, 2021 6:35 pm

Somewhere in Kregonian mountains

It was 6pm local time, on a nice Saturday. Sun was starting to set, as autumn was coming and the weather was getting more and more cold by the hour, with winds moving leaves around and offering people a hassle. However it was not a problem for Thor Zanmann, a convinced Ezcicist and practicing occultist. It was a nice day, as the sun was setting, he was heading toward his home, deep in the forest along a small path through dense fauna and flora. He goes down from time to time for food, water and candles, as well occasionally talk with fellow humans or put hands on new books on philosophy or magick. While pursuing this road, he takes longer breaks as he is 71 years old now, with a big white beard and his clothes slowly degrading.

Despite all of this, our man walks with enthusiasm to his house, which from outside, and sincerely within inside too it is more of a shrine, a temple of some sort, with Yingdalese models on the facade and with occultist vibes inside. Reaching his house, surrounded by trees bows to the ground three times shouting Beyetnese words that to an outsider would look gibberish. Entering the temple offers an unclear dark image, as with the sunset and few windows, the rooms are poorly lightened. Many objects can be seen laying around, from candles, to sigils on the walls, to various paintings and bookshelves with lots and lots of books, from philosophy, be it Lodamese or international, to books on Hosianism, Jienism or Daenism, as well books on the Occult and Lodamese paganism.

On the ceiling there is much to no details, while the floor is covered in black and yellow floor tiles, checkered like. Walking into the principal room, he takes the philosophical books and his paperwork, revealing that the table is the altar, bringing in candles that are then lightened. Upon this, two pillars can be seen, on each side of the altar, one black with white models and inscriptions, the other is white and features black writing, seemingly representing two opposites. Paintings with triangles, pentagrams and other occultist spiritual symbols and faces glitter the walls, with each part of the room featuring all kind of things: draws with daggers, candles, papers, chalk, bells, wands or other magickal objects. The altar also features cups and pentacles laying around.

Then Zanmann takes a piece of chalk and with a deep breath lays on the floor, tracing lines. First a circle.. then a second circle, bigger than first one, then he starts writing in Beyetnese on the floor, between the space left by the two circles. Finishing after five minutes and a small mistake, the trembling hand draws the pentagram in the middle, starting from Soul and ending back toward Soul, while also adding additional Beyetnese symbols and letters. Finally, he gears toward the outer circle and draws around it multiple smaller pentagrams, over which he then puts candles for each star around the circle, resulting in 12 of such pentagrams each with own candle in the middle of the star.

Finalizing this step, then it burns some rods for nice smell and smoke in the room, while starting to vibrate Beyetnese words and begin the ceremonial ritual. He then goes into the middle of the giant pentagram and closes eyes. Following moments of silence and contemplation, it starts to move around frenetically, invoking ancient Gods, angels and using his mind to induce a special state for the ritual to work.

Bshm hikum, ni mzmin eskh, rukh Gdulh!
[In the name of Universe, I invoke you, the Grand Spirit!]

Upon this shout, the room went complete silent, the candles went down and wind entered the room as one of the window opened up. The man could feel the unsettling breeze and stepping sounds around the room. Tied to eyes, to prevent any attempt at peeking at the spirit, he starts then moving in circles, along the drawn pentacle with chalk on the floor, shouting various names:

Ni kurs lkh!
[I invoke you]
Hits the ground with his wand

Makes a full circle while hearing the spirit, hitting this time the southern most part of the pentacle
Khmu shhikum kur lkh!
[As the Universe is calling you]

Circles around, before heading West and hitting the ground with his wand
Khi zh hzmn!
[For this is the time]

Goes one more time around the drawn pentacle, hitting with all of his strength the wand headed toward North
Ni tsrikh s hur shlkh ynkhh esi!
[I need your Light guide me!]

Silence drops in as these words are said, then the man sitting again at the center hears noises and voices, as well tries to fend off the agitated spirit, while attempting to understand the meanings and the secret message

At last, the man comes out of the temple following another 10 agonizing minutes.. He looks at the sky, feels weakened as he puts his staff away and meditates. He knows what he has to do now.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Apr 13, 2021 8:31 am

23:00 December 2nd 4920 SMS Mamuts An Undisclosed Location In Northern Terra

For a week the SMS Mamuts had been busy. The brand new Attack submarine had been sent on assignment, Its mission was to search the coastline for ships and track and follow any suspicious targets. Captain of the vessel Captain Raimonds had been in a submariner for 40 years now. He was one of the most experienced captains in the entire Dolgavan fleet and was known as "The Boss" in submariner circles. However 40 years had put a strain in his life and this patrol would be Raimonds last for the service. In fact 60 year old captains were very unusual in the service.

His wife after many years of asking and pleading had finally gotten Raimond to retire. In fact she had been insisting on it even more now especially with Raimonds brother passing away only 4 months ago. However Raimonds loved his time working on board the vessel. He had achieved the rank of Rear Admiral and despite this high title still choose to be the captain of a submarine. In theory he was the commander of the whole squadron of submarines now patrolling the coast but the major work had already been done. The plan was in place it was only execution of the plan which lay ahead. Sitting at a depth of 100 meters the submarine continued its silent patrol. The sonar man wrote down ship signatures on a computer and clipboard simultaneously. In another room two crew mates spoke at a hushed whisper however to the trained ears of Raimonds, this could easily be heard. Everything was going to plan, only 1 more month and his career was over. His second in command the young feisty and very brilliant Astrid Vitsut would take command after him. The 30 year old had been one of the best crew members that Raimonds had ever seen and she contained the leadership skills, grit, determination and intelligence needed to become a captain. She did not know it but soon she would be taking the helm more and more. Then once they get back to port, Raimonds would hand the ship over and say goodbye, goodbye to a service that he had spent his life serving in. However he knew that a peaceful life on the coast was waiting for him. He would be able to spend time with his ever patient wife and he would be able to enjoy life. This is what Raimonds looked forward to, however he had a mission for now and he was not going to let this get the best of him. He had come this far and he wasn't going to fail!
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:25 pm

September 14th 4922 Dolgavan Department of Intellegence Aikums, Dolgava

The Head of the Dolgavan Intelligence sat at here desk. The East winds pounding against her East facing window. The women was tall middle aged and still beautiful after all of these years. She had gone by many names throughout here 20 year career, Westwind, Victoria, Ms. Blue, however now she is simply called Marmalade. She had a narrow face, thin lips and small eyes. Her long blond hair was dyed periodically as Marmalade had some stray grey hairs starting to persist. In a pocket of her designer dress she had a 9mm handgun neatly tucked neatly away. She was the best in the buisness at her time and there was no doubt she was going to get this position.

Her office was tidy but almost void of things, it was not cluttered and had simple landscape paintings. She was spending so much time at the new Dolgavan training facility that was her brain child that she rarely used this office, but today her labors were about to bare fruit. Her door opened and in stepped 3 college aged students, these had been the best of the best and had past as the first class of agents for the Dolgavan Intelligence service. For months these recruits had worked and worked and sweated almost day and night. They endured trials that many would consider torture or close to it, however this was to train them to become the best spies and intelligence gatherers and prepare them for everything and anything.

The 3 sat down in the room and Veronika spoke

"Well, you have done it, you have passed everything we threw at you and you succeeded. Nice work!"

She looked at the three recruits, the first one was a man probably in his late teens and early 20's he was tall and skinny and in very good shape. The middle was a women, she was medium height with long brown chestnut colored hair. The third was a short stocky man. His muscles bulged from underneath his shirt and had a smile that was cunning. He had blond hair cut short.

The three recruits all nodded and made sounds of agreement. Veronika continued "You will all need materials to get your jobs done". She handed the first man with a letter "Now do not open this letter until you are in a secure area, you will get directions in it. She handed the lady in the middle a credit card and a letter saying "Go down to the high class shops, buy all the clothing you will need and then bring it to the place that the letter says, they will help you!, Now go have some fun". The women who thanked Veronika with a shocked expression. To the third recruit she gave him a letter and repeated her phrase that she used for the first recruit.

When the three recruits had their orders in hand she said "Now, go out and do your country good, You are all some of the best agents in all of Terra and you have proven your worth. Now go and serve your country with honor".

The three shook Veronika's hand and they left silently from the office. Veronika sat down and scratched her head. Her blond hair concealed a large red scar that ran from her forehead to where her neck met her head. She remembered her time as an agent and the situation in where this scar nearly killed her. She shuttered and covered the scar back up with her hair once again. Her time in the service had been worth it. She had left her life in Endralon behind and had become a living legend in Dolgava. Her time as an agent and as a language teacher was over, she was now the top dog in the entire system.
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