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Re: Jelbania

Postby Reddy » Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:25 pm

The Jelbék Purple Stripe is the oldest media outlet in Jelbe. It is written to a foreign and Settled (Jeztaghényr) Jelbék audience.

2 May 4891
Under pressure from aging Khan, Kurultai Elects "Royal Heir"

BAOFLUZ, Jelbek Khanate Ending several months of speculation, the Khan announced that the Kurultai had elected his eldest son Merlkai Merlkaisrmko, "royal heir." The octagenarian monarch has of late faced endless speculation about his successor - especially now that his position has considerable power. His three key ministers, the so-called "bloodmouth Beks" took a break from fighting each other to endorse the measure.

The new 51 year old heir was also appointed Mnistr of Environment and Tourism; all steps which many in the Khanate consider a step towards the end of the elective monarchy. There is no constitutional provision allowing such an election of an heir , the title is more or less honorary in theory yet in practice, the future has been decided and popular with many Jelbeks who despair of the arrogance of their longtime aristocratic masters. Many factions in the Kurultai were already organising to support various candidates but Prince Merlkai's emergence appears to have settled the issue and will hopefully lead to the dearth of such factionalism which has plagued the noble-dominated era.
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Re: Jelbania

Postby Reddy » Thu Feb 18, 2021 2:47 pm

The Jelbék Purple Stripe is the oldest media outlet in Jelbe. It is written to a foreign and Settled (Jeztaghényr) Jelbék audience.

4 November 4893
New Khan Enthroned

BAOFLUZ, Jelbek Khanate The Kurultai has speedily elected ‘royal heir’ Prince Merlkai Merlkaisrmko as the new Khan replacing his late father Merlkai Khan who died last week at the age of 87. The 120 members of the Kurultai met on the right bank of the river Drtéréksrne the traditional royal election spot and unanimously choose the 53 year old prince. The new Khan inherited an empowered positions with considerable authority over public affairs. He served as Minister of Environment and Tourism, a deceptively powerful position in the Khanate as the Mnistry is responsible for the nation’s most popwerful industrial sector – mining.

The new Khan is married with two wives – Khatun Hrne, daughter of Bek Shlajkai Nohsrmko Vrn and a lesser wife, Mri, the daughter of Taj Slmun Grakkrt and has nine children – eight of them sons. He kept a low public profile during his ministerial career. The reemergence of royal power continued even as his late father demurred to take an aggressive aggrandization of his personal authority. It remains to be seen if the second Merlkai will take a different approach.

The Fall of the Bloodmouth Beks

The three ruling,so-called ‘bloodmouth’ Beks have fallen in a spectacular public show of strength. At a homage ceremony held in the Purple Palace, the three Beks arrived snide and dismissive of the new monarch. Bek Obme demanded outright confirmation of his and his allies’ cabinet position. The Khan demurred and instead offered second rank ambassadorships and ceremonial provincial governorships to the trio. The three refused, tearing the commission papers offered to them by the Khan.

Their ignorance of custom and tradition was exhibited for the last time – with fatal results. According to Jelbek political custom, refusing a commission from the Khan is treason. The Grand Shaman, Ogd Tenrtamnr stepped forward and denounced the trio’s actions as treasonable. The Khan remained silent and engaged in small talk with his eldest son Prince Shlajkai Merlkaisrmko. Just as the party was dispersing at its end, the Khan suddenly ordered palace guards to arrest the three Beks. Proclaiming loudly to his court, the Khan cried out, that he would not “attend to his supper until the treasonous swine had justice meted to them.” A hasty court of peers was assembled, its twelve members all condemning the Beks and the royal executioner was summoned and in the Hall of Swords, the Beks were strangled to death. Units of the Great Jelbek Horde were sent out to mop up any potential of resistance while the Khan chose his former chief ministerial adviser Husn Ornklarz as his new premier.

In this spectacular act of violence and intrigue, royal power was reasserted publicly and the silken cords which dispatched the Beks to the great beyond might as well have done the same to the ancient noble republic in the very same moment.
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Re: Jelbania

Postby Reddy » Thu Feb 25, 2021 11:08 am

The Jelbék Purple Stripe is the oldest media outlet in Jelbe. It is written to a foreign and Settled (Jeztaghényr) Jelbék audience.

4 November 4897
The New Khanate

BAOFLUZ, Jelbek Khanate The Khanate has joined other nations in condemning the Pontesian genocidal behaviour towards the Jelbic Pntek people. The Khan issued a Royal Yassa ordering mnistries to provide aid to expected Pntek refuguees.

The move is the latest in a flurry of legislative activity in the Khanate since the present ruler's enthronement. The most significant measures include the doubling of the nation's defence and policing budget in response to the threat supposedly posed by communist Deltaria. There has also been nationalisation of key economic sectors such as mining and perhaps most crucially, the so-called "Royal Authority Act" The Act transfers more power to the Khan and the executive branch of government.

The Jelbek media has promoted a royally approved campaign of "New Nationalism" whereby the increasingly all-powerful monarch acts as more than a symbol of state and amasses authority in order to minimise class conflicts and advance the nation's progress in a speedy and efficient manner. The campaign is at best only a recognition of political realities which have little to do with organised ideas. The Jelbek aristocracyappears to have swallowed the case for an expanded state to protect whatever meaning property rights while humbler Jelbeks believe that their "little father" will at least hand the pleasure and spectacle of cutting the great aristocrats down to size.

Dance With The Red Bear

The Khan has continued to resist overtures from communist Deltaria for numerous kinds of aid and association programs. Jelbania's far richer and advanced southern neighbour has repeatedly offered cooperation over the heated rhetoric than the Khanate continues to spew out very communism.

The Khan finds himself somewhat trapped with the Khanate's historic Jelbic allies in flux and somewhat devalued, the Deltarian bear remains one of the few true pillars of central Majatra. A clumsy approach to the imperial court of Zardugal - an ancient enemy received no encouragement from Belgae . Domestically any overt cooperation with Deltaria would spook many in the ruling classes with anticommunism being one if the pillars of the reestablishment of an authoritarian monarchy.

For now a desperation search for friends further and further away from hone is the only option left. The Khan's own advisers have admitted that some kind of a4angement with Deltaria is unavoidable as the two countries' economic ties are too deep and reliant on what the Khan's chief foreign policy advisor described as "correct relations".
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Re: Jelbania

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Feb 25, 2021 6:29 pm

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Re: Jelbania

Postby Zanz » Wed Apr 14, 2021 4:22 pm

The Jelbék Purple Stripe is the oldest media outlet in Jelbe. It is written to a foreign and Settled (Jeztaghényr) Jelbék audience.

8 March 4921

BAOFLUZ, Jelbek Khanate The death of Hatyn Mrjmai II, which set off a furor of activity unseen in decades in the
erstwhile stable Jelbic Khaganate, has meant the formal end of the co-rule of Jelbe and Wrnuke by the Banmek-
Sntazed dynasty. Wrntukai, who succeeded Mrjmai to the throne of Wrnuke and took the regnal name Wrntukai IX, will
not be considered by the Hrltaj as it assembles on the right bank of the river Drtéréksrne to select the next Jelbék H'an,
in accordance with the Isràé Yzguk (Lut: Basic Law). The Hlrtaj has controversially banned consideration of any Banmek-
Sntazed after Wrntukai's unilateral dissolution of the Khaganate, dubbed "Abstjogad" (Lut: Abandonment, abdication)
in the common press, but many note that Wrntukai himself refused the throne of Jelbe in a symbolic act many experts
believe designed to cement his position as a liberal ruler.

As the noble Béks of the Hrltaj descend upon Frtoékrmjko to select Jelbe's next ruler, they do so with the election more
than a ceremonial formality. Few can guess which clan will provide the first Jelbék H'an in centuries, and the Tmha (Lut:
seals, stamps
) of clans both storied and nascent shine brightly in the steppe sun, awaiting the decision.
Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Jelbania

Postby Zanz » Fri Apr 16, 2021 5:02 pm

The Jelbék Purple Stripe is the oldest media outlet in Jelbe. It is written to a foreign and Settled (Jeztaghényr) Jelbék audience.

17 June 4921
Jelbe to embark upon "Jez Lofrkadé Vdaézemojad"

BAOFLUZ, Jelbek Khanate The election of H'an Aldrkai III Juhnsrmko Grnohekam at Frtoékrmjko following the
dissolution of the Khaganate left questions as to the future of Jelbek - Wrnukek relations, as well as to the future of the
Jelbek Khanate itself, with foreign experts predicting that the new H'an would implement policy designed to centralize
power in Baofluz that previously had been reserved to Wiel.

Instead, the new H'an has intimated that his reign will closely mirror that of Wrntukai of Wrnuke, with the immediate
announcement of several liberalizations of Jelbek political society that caught commentators off guard. Most notably,
the H'an has announced that the franchise will be expanded to all landowners from the age of 12 (down from 14), the
Hrltaj shall be elected once every 24 months (down from 60), and the Hrltaj shall be expanded in size to 750 members
(from 120). These changes are designed to allow a greater voice for the young in Jelbe, a necessary change, the H'an
commented, for a state where life expectancy is only 53, one of the lowest in Terra.

Controversially, the experiment seems to indicate that the H'an's dedication to personal freedom is extremely acute,
with the policy also dictating a drastic reduction in regulation across the spectrum in the already severely
underregulated Jelbek economy. Most notably, Baofluz will halt all subsidy of higher education, make education
voluntary altogether, and legalize all forms of pornography for all consumers. Rights groups note that these changes
will likely lead to yet another "lost generation" of Jelbek children if not tempered before implementation, but Aldrkai
H'an seems unlikely to acquiesce.
Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Jelbania

Postby Reddy » Tue Jul 20, 2021 6:55 am

The Jelbék Purple Stripe is the oldest media outlet in Jelbe. It is written to a foreign and Settled (Jeztaghényr) Jelbék audience.

22 November 4969
New Khan Chosen Through Sbtlshjogad After Three Year Election Deadlock

BAOFLUZ, Jelbek Khanate The Jelbeks hailed their new Khan, Seikzsijokai (tr: travelling man) who won the Sbtlshjogad a warrior trial decreed by the Kurultai last month. The contest came after 40 attempts to elect a new Khan had failed with neither of the two leading candidates, chieftains Bek Bek Shlajkai Mrjkairsrmko Grakkrt and Count Byron z Tice failing to garner the necessary majority required to clinch the crown of the steppe. It was at this point that Grand Shaman Jebr Aldrkaisrmko Grnohekam, son of the deceased Khan Aldrkai III suggested the ancient Sbtlshjogad as a way to break the deadlock. The proposal was heartily accepted by the Kurultai although it also chose to allow any man of royal or noble blood to take. The contest chosen was archery on the holy mountain Tanhri with 2,378 contestants taking part.

Seikzsijokai H'an

After several rounds the young and minor nobleman Seikzsijokai Juhnsrmko Grmhiko, the son of a retired Deltarian born mercenary who won his nobility from the late Khan after chastising a disrespectful village thoroughly, won. The new Khan, believed to be in his early twenties was enthroned on the right bank of the River Drtéréksrne with the great chieftains deeply troubled by his low status among the nobility and foreign descent. The Khan however has so far not challenged the old aristocrats who rule the country through their ironclad control of the legislature the Kurultai. He gratefully accepted inheritance of the late Khan's vast harem and other properties over his 44 year reign, focusing most of his energies there.
Last edited by Reddy on Thu Dec 23, 2021 6:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Jelbania

Postby Reddy » Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:58 am

The Jelbék Purple Stripe is the oldest media outlet in Jelbe. It is written to a foreign and Settled (Jeztaghényr) Jelbék audience.

12 September 4970
Deadlock As Khan Defies Kurultai Budget

BAOFLUZ, Jelbek KhanateSix months into his reign, Seikzsijokai H'an has found himself embroiled into an unprecedented constitutional crisis in the Jelbek Khanate. The Khan has vowed to withhold his approval of two budget bills currently before the Kurultai. One bill imposes among other measures, a 80% cut to the defence budget while cutting police spending by nearly two thirds. The other abolishes the 5% income tax imposed on all incomes exceeding 15,000 tenge. The Khan said the measures were "selfish, unprecedented and dangerous for public security." It is not clear if the Khan's approval of a bill is merely formal or has any real legislative authority. Most in the ruling Ancestors faction believe the former while the Khan and others who are increasingly wary of aristocratic domination interpret the controversy in favour of the Khan.

Floods Grip Nemawar

The Khan has ordered the College of Shamans to investigate the cause of the floods which killed 436 people in south eastern Nemawar, some 70km from the capital Baofluz. The College of Shamans will hold divinations at the Shrine of the First Khan in order to "sniff out dark forces which sent wild waters to harm the Khan's subjects" The Khan has visited the worst affected sites numerous, repeatedly calling on the Kurultai to release funds to help those affected. The Kurultai has so far declined, calling it a "local matter for private not public benevolence."

Hatun Dowager Confirms Report of Bewitching

The Khan's mother Hatun Dowager Nrljmai has publicly confirming reports that she is suffering from a "witchcraft related illness" and vowed to name the identified culprits in a week if she does not recover. The septuagenarian said her joints had begun feeling stiff without warning and after consulting with the Grand Shaman, she discovered that certain "high born ladies" whom she had hosted in her palace had repaid her hospitality with the dark arts. Her son, the Khan has vowed to punish all involved in the affair mercilessly promising clemency only if his mother's health improves "within three days."
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Re: Jelbania

Postby Reddy » Fri Jul 23, 2021 9:14 am

The Jelbék Purple Stripe is the oldest media outlet in Jelbe. It is written to a foreign and Settled (Jeztaghényr) Jelbék audience.

3 June 4971
Khan Orders Horde To Storm Kurultai

BAOFLUZ, Jelbek KhanateThe Khan has ordered the Great Jelbek Horde to storm the Kurultai and imprison "the traitors within." The move comes after months of political deadlock over budgetary and constitutional matters which have grounded Jelbek governance to a halt. A week ago the Khan's mother Hatun Dowager Nrjmai revealed that her shamans had attributed her "mystery illness" to "dark acts by the wives of several Kurultai members" whom she had hosted in her place sometime earlier. The Khan ordered the arrest of these ladies but the Kurultai refused to obey and hid them within its complex. Next, the Grand Shaman declared that the Nemawar floods had been caused by evil spirits summoned by several legislators. The Khan ordered the arrest of the named 46 members of the KUrultai and again, defiance was the result. The Kurultai's refusal to offer aid to victims of the flood disgusted the Jelbek public who have carried regular protests outside its complex demanding aid for the flood victims. It remains to be seen how the Great Jelbek Horde will respond to the Khan's orders - its sympathy for the Kurultai is limited given the legislature's repeated attempts to shrink the Horde but it also has no great incentive to act and risk ending up on the wrong side. The Kurultai has threatened to depose the Khan if he does not desist in his "perfidious and constant attempts at restraining legislative freedom."
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Re: Jelbania

Postby Reddy » Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:28 am

The Jelbék Purple Stripe is the oldest media outlet in Jelbe. It is written to a foreign and Settled (Jeztaghényr) Jelbék audience.

11 June 4971
Khan Dissolves Kurultai, Assumes "Personal Government"

BAOFLUZ, Jelbek Khanate The Kurultai's three century iron monopoly on power appears to have ended following the Khan's forcible dissolution of the legislative body. The Khan appeared at the Palace of the Kurultai at the head of 30,000 members of the Great Jelbek Horde. He read a declaration of the dissolution of the Kurultai and ordered the troops to occupy the legislative palace and arrest all legislators found within. Four legislators were killed in the occupation. THe Khan has declared that he will govern the country personally "as the Khans of the old did before the wicked Kurultai stole their powers in 4629." Previously thought of as a degenerate playboy, the Khan stepped up forcefully to take control of the country. Control is however too strong a word to describe the authority of the Jelbek central government. It has a thin revenue stream, very few officials and repeated breakdown of law and order while tribal authorities jealously guard their privileges and often ignore the orders of the central government. The Kurultai, composed of the tribal landed oligarch made little effort to change things, its main aim being the retention of aristocratic privileges.
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