53rd General Assembly Session

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53rd General Assembly Session

Postby jamescfm » Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:34 am

Below are the archived discussions of the 53rd General Assembly Session.

Image Ms. Madeleine Fowler, General-Secretary of the World Congress:
Following the 4899 Security Council elections, the World Congress welcomes governments, political parties and other organisations to the 52nd General Assembly Session.
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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby Aquinas » Wed Mar 17, 2021 3:20 am

Vishnu Satavelekar, Malivian Foreign Minister:

Fellow members,

I must express my government's grave concern and outrage at the illegal detention of approximately 500 peaceful satyagrahis by the authorities of the illegally occupied Hobrazian region of the Greater Malivian Empire. I hope the international community will join me in putting pressure on the illegitimate Hobrazian statelet to immediately release these innocent citizens.

We also note the draconian National Security Act being introduced in Hobrazia, which imposes intolerable restraints on civil liberties.

In view of the completely unacceptable way in which the Hobrazian statelet is treating its Hobaist citizens, who constitute the majority of its population, I propose the World Congress should grant the Greater Malivian Empire a special mandate to assume responsibility for the governance of its Hobrazian province and put its affairs in order.

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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 4:52 am

Image Helena Lohmus Dolgavian Representative to the World Congress

Greetings Members of this Esteemed Chamber,

Malivia's statement that Hobrazia is "a region of the Greater Malivian Empire", is not only strange but also very worrisome, however I believe that Malivia biting off more than it can chew. As long as Dolgavan troops are in Hobrazia I can assure you that we will take threats of this kind very seriously. However I think Malivia is just trying to make noise, nothing more nothing less.
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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby Aethan » Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:19 am

Image Coruncania Cenaeus, Representative of the Senatus Populusque Selucianus to the World Congress

Malivia teases the dog and then complains when it bites. The Malivia representative's claims about the Malivian Empire are not recognized by any State, as they should be in relation to baseless and absurd claims. The arrest of these people, who have illegally crossed an international border, and who belong to a group that actively promotes the union of these two States, seems to be in accordance with the law. We can discuss whether the accusations about these "pseudo-activists" are morally correct or not, based on the opinions that each of us have about the laws approved by Hobrazia on religious matters, but of course, any attempt to seek support from Malivia that passes for mentioning the Malivian Empire, will automatically cease to have Selucia's support.
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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby ChengherRares1 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:46 am

Image Most Serene Representative of Lodamun, Rua Rata:
While Lodamun is a staunch paganic nation and we have sympathy for Hobaists alike, we do think that the actions of Malivia are more often than not worrisome as other delegates have put it clearly. We hope that peaceful, legal means are employed, as we too hope that the tensions are solved and best for these religious communities comes out.
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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby jellybean » Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:04 pm

Image Representative of Hobrazia, Beresbiy Hashpakovy:

Esteemed colleagues,

Hobrazia denounces any and all efforts to undermine our national sovereignty and to sabotage our so recently-won freedom. To the question of the satyagrahis: Our National Police have now captured a total of 770 satyagrahis. We believe that the rest have fled back to Malivia, but we remain on high alert as we believe they may have intended to commit some act of violence. We realize this is a serious allegation to make in these chambers, but Hobrazia cannot ignore that Malivia is actively sending operatives into our country. Nevertheless, we remain committed to peace: none of the captured satyagrahis have been harmed, nor will they be. We will gladly release them as soon as Malivia recognizes Hobrazian sovereignty and commits to non-interference in internal Hobrazian affairs.

Hobrazia is and, God-willing, always will be a nation that values freedom and peace. We have not done anything to harm any religious community, but have only recognized the particular importance of the Hobrazian Church.
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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby Reddy » Sat Mar 20, 2021 11:47 am

Salma al-Jibril
Coburan Ambassador to the World Congress

ur country has decided to prioritise the imposition of sanctions on the fascistic Pontesian regime and urge all other nations to follow A copy of the treaty is to be found here We thank our Selucian friends for helping us see the light on this matter.

The actions of the Malivian Emperor are unacceptable and I would ask that the Office of the General Secretary to investigate the issue and for this body to take strong measures to discourage such brazen imperialism and restore peace to southern Artania. The Malivians should watch with care at the type of isolation and damage that human rights oriented Terran nations can do. Just look at your southern neighbour Pontesi.
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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby jrandle8 » Sat Mar 20, 2021 5:00 pm

Image Ms. Yaling Mai Yun, Yingdalan Ambassador to the World Congress

Distinguished members of the World Congress, the World Congress here on Whale Island has been my home for over 30 years. I have worked with many of you over the years, some very closely. After serving here and representing the Grand Union of Yindala Da Tong, I must now pass the torch to the next generation of young people who will guide international affairs for years to come. Therefore, I announce that I am resigning from my post effective upon the swearing-in of my successor. It has been an honor to serve this body for 34 long years. The work that is done here is extraordinary and I wish the best for the future of this world. Thank you all.
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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby Rogue » Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:23 pm

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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Sat Mar 20, 2021 10:15 pm

Image Ms. Horváth Brigitta
Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon

There are a lot of things happened on our Planet, and as a member of the World Congress Security Council, the Directorial Republic is ready to offer her opinion through me in this Augustine Chamber. Of course as I speak, I can promise that Endralon will put these matters before the Security Council, proposing executive actions on them, because unfortunately and sadly, some are requires executive actions in our humble opinion. Terra is once again on the edge of war, injustice and tyranny, and as we all probably realized, some countries are suffering in deadly diseases; diseases that force them to provoke war, injustice and tyranny. Well, lets try to offer them medicine once again, even if we know its affects will be only temporary unfortunately.

1. The "Greater Malivia" case

First and foremost, hearing reports on Malivia firing on Narikaton and Darnussia's territorial waters and poisoned Hobrazian citizens to death, furthermore Aloria sent ships to the Artanian Sea because of this, we most importantly have to remind everyone down there in South Artania about the World Congress Security Council Resolution 110, which forbids armed conflicts between World Congress member-states. This Security Council will surely not approve an armed conflict, because Endralon will object against it by any means; either against or in the side of Malivia, bloodsheed is never acceptable.

We would also break the line with announcing, that we don't think Malivia is the sole aggressor or faulty here, even if what they did was, in the language of proletarians, "stupid". The truth is, that the "Greater Malivia" thought is not a completely new evil plan that would justify such worries from the affected countries. The "Greater Malivia" claims were first introduced in 4770, more than a century ago. During this time, Malivia invaded nobody militarily and violated nobody's national sovereignty. As we said, the claim is almost laughable, but as the example above shows, Malivia never committed international law violation because of it; ergo, the affected countries were also faulty in the escalation for not simply ignoring this mostly ceremonial announcement of Malivia, but instead actively reacting to it, and proving that they're not better than Malivia, like Narikaton and Darnussia did.

Regardless, we would invite all affected countries to our beautiful and rich capital city, Hugamest, to solve this problem before more people would die because of this insane misunderstanding. We are already contacted the governments of Hobrazia and Malivia about this initiative, we hope they're still agree with the idea and we also hope that other affected countries will visit the Fellegvár, to end all conflicts and work on a mutually beneficial compromise that will satisfy every parties. I do not believe that countries actually want to go to war over this, so I think we have really good odds to make peace in our capital, if you are down to the idea.

2. Deltarian intervening in Hutorian elections

This is a really serious accusation towards Deltaria, but if true, that is really-really worrying, since Hutori is a recognized nuclear power. If their elections could be influenced seriously, then why should we believe the persons owning the nuclear codes, couldn't be? We are worried because of this, especially because our nearness to the Kingdom of Hutori and that we are a nation communist propaganda like to label with the term "hypercapitalist" and so on. Simply, we would be an ideal target and that doesn't make us feel good. But at this point, these are only accusations.

To make everything clear, I would like to invite the parties of the Opposition in Hutori to the World Congress, following the precedent created by Ms. Fodor Blanka, and ask them what they think about the situation. If they confirm they've proofs that would prove that the Deltarian intervention in the elections happened, then the Security Council should seriously deal with the matter, and announcing strict sanctions on Deltaria, because they violated the national sovereignty of the Kingdom of Hutori and restarted to practice their beloved imperialism. Everyone, just remember the Rapa Pile War and that we want it again or not.

This is all I wanted to say. Thank you!
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