
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Alduria

Postby LesRouges » Wed Mar 31, 2021 7:56 am

June 4914, Fourth Edition

Principal Ministre d'État d'Arcogne announces purges

With cooperation between the various factions of the Committee of Public Safety collapsing, His Majesty's Principial Minister of State d'Arcogne has announced he will implement political purges on all levels. Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Maxime Flandin alongside many lower-ranked allies were immediately expelled from the government and any administrative posts, and while many have praised the Duc d'Arcogne in the past for his well-managed and even-tempered government it seems there are rumblings amongst the lower classes and talks of discontent about the government "silencing their voices".

Mr. Flandin, for his part, announced he will never give up the fight for the common man, and has openly called for demonstrations and strikes in support of those who were dismissed from the Committee.

As this is a developing story, we will, of course, keep you updated.
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Re: Alduria

Postby LesRouges » Wed Mar 31, 2021 10:12 am

July 4914, Fifth Edition

Maxime Flandin publishes "L'Union fait la Force"

Former Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, and leader of the now-purged left-wing faction of the Committee for Public Safety has published a book called "L'Union fait la Force" (The Union/Unity makes Strength). In this book he outlines his thoughts on how best to organize a government to serve the common man. An instant best-seller, the book states that only a government run by trade unions (or representatives thereof) can adequately protect the common man from the avarice of the rich.

Flandin-thought, or Flandinism as it's being called, argues for the establishment of a parliamentary democracy where the people elect representatives through the trade union they are a (obligatory) member of. Private property, while maintained, is heavily regulated and businesses would be legally required to set up democratic workers' councils to run things.

The remaining members of the Committee for Public Safety have already begun suggesting banning the book, which only seems to inflame tensions more and more

Amidst all this chaos, it has been reported that there have been several high-ranking desertations from the armed forces - though no link has been made between this and the recent political upheaval.
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Re: Alduria

Postby LesRouges » Wed Mar 31, 2021 3:02 pm

August 4914, Sixth Edition


What began as a demonstration organized by Maxime Flandin and the united left-wing forces of the nation has resulted in the dismissal of the Duc d'Arcogne by the King. By midday thousands marched towards the building of the General Estates, demanding the resignation of the Principal Minister. When the duke announced on the radio he would never resign in the face of such unlawful gatherings, the King intervened and dismissed him, simultaneously inviting Mr. Flandin to form a government.

Mr. Flandin was quoted as saying "This is but the beginning, our movement can no longer be ignored and together we will build a new Alduria, an Alduria that stands ready to support its weakest members, an Alduria where all are equal and free."

It seems the very soul of our nation is in the balance during these tumultuous weeks.
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Re: Alduria

Postby LesRouges » Thu Apr 01, 2021 6:36 am

December 4914, Seventh Edition


Many hoped that the King had placated the left-wing agitators by appointing Maxime Flandin as Principal Minister. This, however, has proven to be untrue in the most spectacular of fashions.

In a late-night emergency meeting of the Comité de Salut Public, former Principal Minister and still-leader of the organization, the Duc d'Arcogne, was expelled from the group by an overwhelming margin. This was followed by a vote to officially welcome back the once-purged left-wing faction and, upon passage of which, Maxime Flandin immediately moved to expell those who would "oppose the new order" which was rapidly approaching.

The CSP, thus trimmed of its right-wing elements in an impressive counter-purge, moved to redraft its charter and policy guidelines to fully embrace Syndicalism and Flandinist thought.

Several hours later, upon learning of this development, the King abandoned all loyalty to the people and democracy by calling for the resignation of Mr. Flandin as Principal Minister. When the demonstrators outside of the Royal Palace, who had been present there for months now, heard of this development they began throwing stones and other debris, knocking out several windows and harming some palace guards. When it became obvious that the new CSP stood behind the protestors and called for the King to "bow to the will of the people", King Alexandre I, who had only been monarch for 6 years at this point, bent to the increased pressure and announced he would abdicate upon passage of a new constitution.
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Re: Alduria

Postby LesRouges » Fri Apr 02, 2021 7:08 am

May 4915, 1st Edition

King abdicates, new constitution issued

It was an event many months in the making, and millions of Aldurians were holding their breath as they turned on their television sets and watched King Alexandre I de La Couronne walk up to the dais where he would, after 7 years, abdicate the throne. As he signed the document, Maxime Flandin, who up to that point was still legally His Majesty's Principal Minister, signed the new constitution into power - a constitution which immediately stripped all nobility of both titles and power and transformed the nation into a syndicalist republic.

Now a citizen, equal to the rest of Alduria's people, Alexandre de La Couronne slowly walked out of the former Estates General, now the General Labor Council, and into a new life of obscurity.

The new constitution is a masterpiece of political thought, and the culmination of syndicalist and Flandinist thought. While the constitution has already legally been applied to the nation by virtue of the now-defunct Estates General passing it with overwhelming margin, it will also be put up for popular vote alongside the first syndical elections - which are to be organized in two months time - and is expected to be approved by the population with overwhelming support.

The Comité de Salut Public has completed its transition from political organization to governing body of the new Union Communale d'Aldurie and has become detached from the political organization it sprang from, which has promptly rebranded itself as the Confédération des Travailleurs, a cooperation between those elected to the Bourse Générale du Travail who seek to preserve the syndicalist economy and political system that has been many years in the making.

Maxime Flandin, now holding the highest executive position in the land as Président du Comité de Salut Public, ended the ceremony with a speech commorating those who had lost their lives in the pursuit of equality and liberty, and vowed to defend the revolution until his dying breath.

Prolétaires de tous les pays, unissez-vous!

Flag of the Union Communale d'Aldurie

Flag of the Confédération des Travailleurs
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Re: Alduria

Postby LesRouges » Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:40 am

June 4917, 2nd Edition

Calm at last?

It has been just over two years since the abdication of the last king, now known as "Citizen Alexandre", and the dissolution of the Kingdom of Alduria. What arose in its place was a new nation, an experimental nation built on ideas that have never been tried in the history of mankind.

Now it seems, however, that a calm has settled across the nation after many years, even decades, of instability and economic malaise. The Comité de Salut Public has, with the help of the Bourse Générale du Travail, created the conditions for economic growth under the new syndicalist system and a government that is truly of the people, by the people and for the people.

The first syndical elections were a resounding success, with the 1st session of the BGT being comprised of union-members, economists and labor activists all aligned to the orthodox syndicalist views of Maxime Flandin who, in a recent interview, was quoted as saying: "The revolution is over, but the Revolution has only just begun."

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Re: Alduria

Postby LesRouges » Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:31 pm

January 4918, 3rd Edition

Last traces of monarchism to be washed away

President Flandin announced today he would personally sponsor the recently-announced initiative by the Workers' Confederation to rename overtly royalist cities to something more appropriate for today's political climate.

According to Marceau Pivert, member of the Workers' Confederation and current Minister of the Interior, the move is meant to remember the glorious revolution our nation underwent, to remember those who lost their lives, and to remember those who inspired all Aldurians to fight.

Notable cities that are to be renamed are the capital, La Couronne, which will soon be called La Révolution, and Débarquement-de-la-Reine which will be renamed to Flandinbourg in honor of the founder of the Union.

The former Palais Royal, now the residences of both President Flandin and President Pelloutier, in the soon-to-be-renamed capital of La Couronne
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Re: Alduria

Postby Primevera » Fri Apr 01, 2022 1:19 pm

July, 5097 Edition


In a declaration presented to the National Assembly earlier today, Président de la République Léon Blanc has announced both the formation of a new cabinet, as well as the removal of both Premiere Ministre Raphaël Beauchêne and Defense Minister Sévère Plamondon from the Phalange Canrillaise d'Aldurie (PCA). Beauchêne and Plamondon were both ordered to step down and resign their position.

This move comes after years of conflict between the PCA and the Front Populaire Populaire (FPP). Beauchêne and Plamondon, among the co-founders of the PCA with Blanc, were both seen as leaders of the more extremist factions of the party. Beauchêne has especially been criticized by those within the PCA of being unable to compromise, and by those in the FPP as being a borderline dictator eroding civil liberties. Contacts within the PCA have said that before making this announcement, Blanc not only met with moderate leaders of the PCA, but with leaders of the FPP as well, before going forward. The FPP is expected to fully endorse this move, and the new cabinet.

While they did resign, both Beauchêne and Plamondon have protested Blanc's action. Plamondon has said that the party will come to regret this move, come the 5100 elections. Beauchêne has called the move unconstitutional, and has accused Blanc of wanting to turn the PCA into just another form of the FPP. He has also accused Blanc of filling the party with his cronies and "for hire" politicians and regressing party policy.

The new cabinet will be led by Lancelot Coste, former Minister of Trade and Industry. He is seen by many as one of the leading voices among the moderates within the PCA, especially among those not directly tied with Blanc. The new Interior Affairs Minister will also be the first female PCA government official, Paulette Chauveau. Nicodème Hébert, one of the founders of the PCA and former Interior Affairs Minister, will be the new Defense Minister.
Last edited by Primevera on Mon Apr 04, 2022 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alduria

Postby Primevera » Mon Apr 04, 2022 7:42 pm

March, 5099 Edition


Horace Gardinier, Minister of Foreign Affairs, presented before the National Assembly the Alduria - Kanjor Free Trade Agreement, a treaty to be signed between the respective countries. Among the many details of the treaty include the ability for the two countries to:

  • Open up free trade between Alduria and Kanjor by lowering tariffs, custom duties, and other taxes.
  • Permit easier travel between the two nations for commercial air traffic, services generally and construction services.
  • Provide regulations and methods for withdrawing from the treaty.

The treaty had been discussed privately, and agreed upon, by the foreign affairs bodies of the two respective nations. Gardinier announced that it was the government pursued this route "in the hopes of promoting brotherhood and culture between the Canrillaise people." The Front Populaire Populaire has already voted in favor of ratifying this treaty.

This comes after the Economic Reform Bill (5097), the first major legislation pushed by newly appointed Premiere Ministre Lancelot Coste. This granted greater room for growth in the private sectors of energy and industry, as well as modifying pollution laws. Coste stated that the hope was to decentralize the government in ways that had gone too far during the previous Communist regime. This was also the first bill, since the Phalange Canrillaise d'Aldurie obtained their super majority, in which debate in the National Assembly was allowed before going to vote. This was one of the major criticisms of Coste's predecessor, Raphaël Beauchêne, and one of the reasons Coste replaced him.
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Re: Alduria

Postby Sans-Culottes » Thu Jun 23, 2022 2:03 pm

December 5138


FORT DU PEUPLE, BENDERIE - In its first contested elections, the left-wing Rassemblement Ouvriere swept into first place, gaining 45 percent of available seats in the National Assembly. This is remarkable not only because this is the RO's first contested election, but also because it is the first time in a century that a workers' party has been represented in the National Assembly at all. Instead, for much of that period, political power has rested either exclusively in the hands of the center-right Front Populaire Populaire or parties to its right, such as the reactionary Phalange Canrillaise d'Aldurie.

RO's Party Chair, Jean-Noël Lozé de Saint-Just, hailed the election results, promising a return to local governance on matters or morality and social policy and greater federal support for workers' rights. However, he warned that despite the RO's promising election results, it has fallen short of a majority; without other left-wing parties in parliament, it may not be able to secure the sweeping reforms upon which it campaigned. Nonetheless, Saint-Just promised, the RO would do its best.
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