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Postby jamescfm » Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:24 pm

In recent weeks there seems to have been a focus on role-play concerning space. I think it might be worth agreeing some of the details of what we believe to be out there. Personally I don't think we should feel constrained to perfectly replicate the real world (for example, I remember reading somewhere on the wiki that Terra was supposed to have two moons, although this may have been nonsense).

While I am not an astrophysicist, I do understand there are some constraints on what would be realistic for a planet of a similar size and climate to Earth so this would need to be considered too. With all that in mind: two questions for players. What has been done to your knowledge in terms of role-play related to space? Do you think anything should be changed or agreed as canon?
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Re: Space

Postby robmark0000 » Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:49 pm

Its an interesting topic and I would like to participate in it, this is why I proposed the World Congress Department for Outer Space Matters, based on the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs in real-life. Also I'd like to keep the exploration of the Space realistic, and I would also propose an enforced rule that nations shouldn't really use space technology in military role-play, because in my opinion, it will eventually lead us to unrealistic science-fiction wars.

I think the Space RP should be a common "community" fun, where we will RP as the human species of Terra, not as specific nations, this is why would I propose a leading role of the WCDOSM (if passes) in this RP, possibly with the World Congress Coordinator in charge, who would have to approve the main things in the Space RP, to keep it realistic and fun, instead of an another way of boosting our rankings, our prestige or you know.

On technical matters, I am in favor of the total copy of our star system and planets. Which means one moon, the same planets (preferably named after the equivalents of the Roman gods) and the same conditions. Again: if we RP our galaxy or science different to what we have in real-life, since we are not degreed scientists, it will eventually lead us to science-fiction wars which I would really want to avoid.
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Re: Space

Postby Aethan » Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:05 pm

Agree with keeping it as a "copy" of RL. From what I know, if there were to be two moons, for example, tides would be much more notable, and the volcanic eruptions more common. In addition, two moons would force us to rethink the way we measure time (day / night).

Of course, I am in favor of using Religio Seluciana to name the rest of the planets 8-): Negotius (Mercury), Futua (Venus), Mamors (Mars), I'd identify Aetus as Saturn, Neflons (Neptune) although there is no equivalent for Jupiter (King of Gods) nor Uranus (Primordial god of the Sky) in Religio Seluciana. Also I'd personally kick Pluto out of the equation
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Re: Space

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:12 pm

All I know is that on one of the two moons there is a Istalian and Dolgavan Flag planted next to each other and a plaque commemorating our friendship. Thats all I got for the discussion. And yes Terra has two moons, I forgot their names though
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Re: Space

Postby jamescfm » Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:15 pm

I would be fine with keeping only a single moon, it is a fair point about the impacts on tide and such. Does anyone know if the names of these planets are established anywhere in role-play? If they are then we could submit them to the Real Life Equivalents Index and if not, it wouldn't take much work to incorporate them into some posts between us.
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Re: Space

Postby Aethan » Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:27 pm

Axxell was very invested in space RP but all I have found about his posts is him referring to the planets with their RL equivalents
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Re: Space

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Apr 07, 2021 10:58 am

We could name Jupiter either "Terra Mater" or the Anluanist version "Amater" which is easier to say. About Futua, someone was in a funny mood when inventing that name, because "Futuo" in Latin means "to fuck"; not to be prudish, but maybe not the best way to name a planet. We could use the Anluanist version here instead as well, "Lukrezia". I still have no clue about an Uranus or a Pluto equivalent in any in-game religions.
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Re: Space

Postby Reddy » Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:08 am

I seem to recall someone (possibly Zanz) telling me that the moon was called Eupator. It might actually have been a planet.
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Re: Space

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:18 am

Reddy wrote:I seem to recall someone (possibly Zanz) telling me that the moon was called Eupator. It might actually have been a planet.

Eupator sounds nice, but do you have any source for it? I personally prefer the moon to be named The Moon, however Eupator is a good name for either Uranus or Pluto. If there is no source for Eupator you could give, thats not a problem necessarily, we could create a god or a thing named like that in either Anluanism or Religio Seluciana, I am sure.
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Re: Space

Postby jamescfm » Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:22 pm

Though I don't necessarily have a problem with adopting the Selucian-based names, it would be worth noting that it is far from clear how these terms would have come to predominate in the game compared with real-life. In comparison to the real world, the in-game history is far more multicentric (for want of a better term). Assuming here that we are talking about the Luthorian equivalents, it isn't obvious why Luthorians would have used the Selucian terms given they were never under the rule of the Selucian Empire or in close contact with them.

An alternative might be to derive similar names from the Germanic or Celtic pagan religions that would presumably have been common throughout Artania around the time the planets (at least the visible ones) were named. Selucian-derived names would obviously still exist in the Romance-speaking countries in the game, just not necessarily in English. Perhaps this is overthinking things a little but it seems like an interesting idea.

Based on a search of the forum, Zanz seems to have referred to a character whose surname was "Eupator" as "Mr. Planet Name". I would guess this is where you got that idea from Reddy. From what Zanz told me on Discord, the implication was not that "Eupator" was an actual planet but just that it sounded like Jupiter.
Last edited by jamescfm on Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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