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Re: Voronan National News Network

Postby Masionette9 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 7:26 pm


GATHFORD - The Conservative Party of Vorona (CPV) has started to push itself into the domestic political scene. Founded by a young businessman and investor from Gatford, Martin Pulmann and a group of his acquaintances, the Conservative, economic and liberal party, and according to some monarchists, the party has immediately attracted a crowd of supporters and is striking with impetus at the political monolith into which the country's political scene has turned in recent years.

Pullman makes no secret of the fact that his party will focus on the economic development of the country, which has been struggling for many decades with stagnation, a lack of foreign direct investment, a crippling fiscal and tax system or high unemployment, and it is on the country's economy that the first document that clarifies the agenda of the new party focuses. The Economic Deregulation Act (EDA) of December 4766, which, according to Pullman, is to become a kind of constitution for the country's economy in the coming decades, assumes revolutionary changes such as the reform of the tax system, or in fact its liquidation - yes, you read well, the complete liquidation of income tax, VAT and corporate tax. Other assumptions of the EDA focus mainly on the withdrawal of the state and far-reaching deregulation aimed, according to Pullman, at a real liberalization of the economy for both domestic and foreign investors, which the Vorona very much needs.

Domestic and foreign investors - it is they who, according to Pullman, is to be the driving force behind the country's economy, and it is for this reason that the assumptions of the act assume the elimination of barriers for foreign investors wishing to invest and expand their activities in the Vorona. Similarly, in the case of foreign workers - the Vorona has 13 million inhabitants, of which nearly 6 million are well-educated and skilled workers, but according to analysts associated with CPV in order to develop economically over the next two decades, the Vorona will need about 500 thousand new hands to work and freeing up the labor market for foreign workers is a natural solution. In his speeches, Pulmann also talks about the need for further cooperation with governments of other countries, but many indicate that CVP will focus on developing cooperation with countries such as Indrala, which currently remains the largest trading partner of the Vorona. However, Pullman may focus its plans on increased cooperation with Lourenne, which may go beyond the economic dimension and also focus on military cooperation.

The CPV is in the decisive years ahead. The next federal parliamentary elections in the Vorona will take place in January 4771, which gives Pulmann three years to prepare his party and consolidate its position on the political scene of the Vorona, as well as to create a strong electoral camp that will identify itself with the ideas and program of the party, which will be oriented towards the economic development of the country, which will translate into a higher standard of living and higher income for the Voronian households.
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Re: Vorona

Postby Jacksimms66 » Sun Dec 06, 2020 4:07 pm

Regnal Order of the Sea emerge to forfornt politics
The State of Vorona Politics Daily
Written by Betty Reynolds (Chief Political Correspondent)

I write today following an extraordinary turn of events in recent days where a new political party has emerged, the Regnal Order of the Sea a private Chivalric order focusing on political issues, a well-known lobbying group who have campaigned for the true Glory of the State of Vorona to be restored.

we had a chance to speak to the current Leader of the Order Duke Jasper Montgomery MP PC LL.D DPm, we had a chance to discuss the order which has been alive for 3000 years in various versions, Jasper explained that he has followed in the steps of his father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather and Great-Great-Grandfather as the Leader of the order. All leaders are democratically elected for their lifetime unless opposed during their tenure, Jasper took over from his father James 'Jack' Montgomery in 4845 in an election following the death of his father, he was not the favorite, his paternal cousin, Henry Montgomery. The Orders membership sits at 821,347 and after adamant campaigning on matters close to Jaspers's heart he won 517,448 votes to Henry's 303,899, with a landslide victory under his belt he restructured the order to further the cause of bringing Glory to Vorona.

Jasper went on to explain how the party plans to unseat the current Emperor, he went on to explain he is an emperor in name only with Vorona having no Empire, their own Duke Eddard Waters IV PC GCHsC would replace him as Lord High Steward of the nation, he explained that the Waters family have served the order as Arch-Vceroy since its inception. The Order hope this to be the beginning of its long reformation of Vorona
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Postby Jacksimms66 » Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:37 pm

New Company taking the Nation by storm
Vorona Business Insider
Written by Henry Chaff

A Small Bakery started in Valaria has in the last 4 months taken the nation by storm, they started life around 90 years ago but it wasn't until early August that they started to get noticed on social media. it has been targetted by Influencers for its dainty pastries and magnificent cake. the Bakery has been owned by the Hodgeson family since its inception, Madge Hodgeson has been at the head of the bakery for 64 years however today they have announced that the Bakery known as Hodge's Bakery has been taken over by Madge's youngest son Jamie Hodgeson MCA.

We spoke to Jamie about his recent succession:
I plan to bring the bakery into the real world, and I do mean to the world, we have rebranded ourselves to the Vorona Cake Company Ltd and are opening 300 stores around Vorona with private backing, we are also looking to expand internationally and we are pleased to announce that the Lievenian Trade Group have purchased 33% shares in Vorona Cake Company Ltd to assist us in international vetures

We expect to hear more from the Vorona Cake Company in coming months.
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Re: Vorona

Postby robmark0000 » Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:23 pm

LTG Invests In Vorona Cake Company
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Re: Vorona

Postby Rogue » Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:39 pm

February 5027

Gatford: Army General Lucas Kombara has, in a speech televised across the nation, announced the abolishment of the Democratic People's Republic and the Worker's Party associated with it. In recent days, despite heavy government censorship of the media, there had been several reports coming out of the country that army units loyal to Kombara had positioned themselves across the capital and had evacuated the parliament and all Workers Party members. But today the televized broadcast confirmed suspicions with former Party-Secretary Alex Ingram nowhere to be seen and the military present on every street corner of the nations biggest cities. Kombara, who commands the first people's army, seemed to only have limited support at the beginning of the coup but soon other generals joined him and secured most of the country. It seems to be a bloodless coup for now, with a few thousand soldiers defecting to join the Worker's Party remnants now fleeing the pursuing military. In the same speech Kombara announced the suspension of the country its constitution and installment of a "National Reconciliation Council" tasked with leading the country until a democratic contitution can be drafted. The new NRC has taken over all important state posts, with the ministries already filled with military appointees as of now. The court system will for now be replaced with the military court system until a "civilian court can be established".

It marks the end of decades of communist rule, that had plunged Vorona into near full isolation. The country its new leader, Kombara, is rumoured to go into a right wing course. He was a former communist who was about to be discharged from duties for alledgedly criticizing the regime, just before he got discharged he thus organized the coup. The new NRC has already proposed some reforms to open up the nations economy to the outside world but many wonder what the former Worker's Party might do, as thousands of soldiers have joined them in the deep forests of Vorona. Furthermore speculation around the organization of the coup is already ongoing, with some journalists uncovering evidence that the Deltarian State Directorate for Intelligence might have had a hand in supporting the coup. There is so far no response from Deltaria but its historical connection with Vorona might make a intervention of the sort more likely.
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Re: Vorona

Postby Rogue » Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:01 pm

February 5029

Gatford: After two years of trying to consolidate their power after a succesfull coup the military government, led by President Kombara, now finds itself embroiled in a civil war as the former Worker's Party, joined by defecting segments of the Voronan military, has launched a guerilla style campaign against the NRC. The campaign started a year ago as communist guerilla's attacked military units set up in the dense forests of middle Vorona. The military was trying to round up the remnants of the Worker's Party, but found themselves trapped instead. Within just 2 months 300 soldiers died and president Kombara ordered the military to retreat from the area. Hoping to contain the rebels in the rural parts of the country and build up the armed forces in the meantime. This failed, and members of the so called "Voronan People's Militia" started to attack military outposts and, after a few months, have now actively organized armed ressistance, attacking military convoys and already organizing several bomb attacks against Voronan cities. An estimated 2.000 people have already died as the military loses more ground every day. President Kombara has announced he will be spending a additional 1% of the GDP on defense to "bolster the National Army" but observers think that the well trained and motivated militia might continue their advance if nothing is done. The people of Vorona are trapped in between, with several thousand already displaced due to the fighting.

In Deltaria the government coalition collapsed due to the scandal involving their intelligence agency helping in the coup, resulting in new election and a now "All-Deltarian coalition" taking shape. Soon to be Premier Bořek Malík has not clearly spoken on the issue in public, but has been recorded saying that "the best approach is to preserve the status quo to prevent a escalation of violence and deaths", possibly meaning he would like to see the militia's advance halted. As the fighting continues, Vorona is also on the brink of famine as supplies arent reaching the island nation and local farms have been destroyed or confiscated by either side, threatening starvation for the local population.
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Re: Vorona

Postby Auditorii » Tue Nov 16, 2021 2:16 am

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Re: Vorona

Postby Rogue » Tue Nov 16, 2021 8:20 pm

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Re: Vorona

Postby Rogue » Tue Nov 16, 2021 9:54 pm

September 5029

Gatford: The Voronan National Army, backed by newly arrived air support and advice from Deltaria, has launched a operation codenamed "White Hour" that reportedly seeks to eliminate Communist presence in major urban centers. The operation, launched with more then 50.000 soldiers supported by artillery, tanks and air support, is reporting some early success as the 1st infantry division of the National Army retook the major city Culfretun from communist forces after a week of intense fighting. Other towns surrounding the dense Voronan forests have also been reported as "liberated" by the military with a estimated 2.419 fighters from both sides reportedly killed in the operation so far. Human rights groups have described the scenes on the ground to be horrific, with some villages burned to the ground for communist sympathies and surrendered soldiers being executed without trial. The inner circle of president Kombara has reported that the president gave his forces the order to "annihalate any and all symptoms of communism", now resulting in brutal acts being committed.

While, thanks to new Deltarian support, the military is seeing a string of victories and retaking population centers, a new force has risen in the north of the country calling itself the "Voronan Front for Freedom and Democracy" or VFFD. This new group, led by a man named Alex Alfron, has taken some small villages in the north of the country and proclaimed the "Republic of Vorona", seeking to establish a democratic state on the island. The military has so far given low priority in fighting this new group, instead opting to fight the communists. But observers note that the VFFD is seeing much support in the areas they enter, possibly creating a new strong bloc at the already weakened military regime in Gatford.

Deltaria has meanwhile stated it seeks to pledge additional support to the military regime, which Deltaria's Foreign Minister has now called the "official and only legitimate Voronan government". As other countries are seemingly eager to involve themselves in the escalating conflict, it is only getting worse, and both famine and displacement are now real threats for the Voronan populace.

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